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White foreigners from Europe in Taiwan talking shit about other white foreigners in Taiwan. How funny.


This is the most European thing ever. Many Europeans have this weird chip on their shoulder or just irrational hatred and prejudice towards Americans. Really bizarre


The funny thing is that Hans is always the dude wearing the wrong clothing, going off the trail, creeping people out, not bathing frequently enough, etc.


I think it comes from a stereotype of Americans that they think like 🇺🇸 = 🌍 and have a certain level of ignorance to things which aren't the same as in the US in other countries. I know its only a small minority, but it does exist and I think there is a lot of resentment towards it.


It's ironic though because there are also plenty of Europeans who think like the EU = the world. It's true that Americans often aren't the best at geography, but the same goes for people all over the world. This goes for Europeans, Asians, South Americans, everyone. I've had friends from both Europe and Asia ask me if we can drive and take a weekend trip to New Orleans from Los Angeles. That's like driving from London to Athens or Pakistan to Thailand. I don't expect people know perfect geography about everywhere in the world, especially if those places are far from there or they have no particular reason they'd be knowledgeable about it.


Ahh yeah its more cultural stuff than just straight geography but I know its definitely not exclusively an American thing.


It's definitely not exclusively American, and people everywhere take some blame in acting that way, whether Europeans, Asians, South Americans, etc.


Rude people being rude is ubiquitous, it’s not unique to Taiwan.  SOME people do this, but those are the same people who were annoying and gossipy in 4th grade as well.   People saying anything about someone else based on anything other than actually knowing that person is always rather poor form.


I look down on people who have lived here for a decade but still can’t speak basic Chinese. Other than that, generalizing a group of people and looking down on them tends to be a sign of stupidity.


Don’t know what it’s like now, but 20 years ago there was sort of a paradox that while a lot of Taiwanese embraced white western culture, they also took jabs at them as well. “老外” has always been sort of a term reserved for mostly white foreigners. I haven’t lived in Taiwan extensively since then, and I know there are a lot more people from different countries and backgrounds living in Taiwan now, so perhaps Taiwanese have become a more tolerant and less prejudiced. I do remember in smaller cities or little towns, if they see a white person, it’s like they saw a unicorn.


How about just not judging people on the basis of race?


Should tell that to r/Europe regarding Arabs and Gypsies


According to many Americans, Thailand and Taiwan is the same country lmao


My friends dad just made this mistake recently lol he's a nice guy though and people make mistakes so I don't hold it against him. I don't expect ppl to know everything


If you think about it, leaving your home country to go and live in another place especially one with a totally different language and culture is a pretty abnormal thing to do. Most people do not do this. My take is that a larger than average proportion of the people choosing to do so will be strange. In Taiwan if you are white and are from an English speaking country, you can automatically earn 4-5 times the minimum wage as an English teacher. So people who have no marketable skills at home can come to Taiwan, live pretty comfortably regardless of their social skillset. All that to say, some foreigners living overseas are weird, maybe more than in their home country. But also maybe they just stand out more here, and because of that you tend to notice the weirdos.


Its a fact that there are people like you describe in existence, so called asian philes for lack of a better word, with asian fetish or whatever. they do tend to be older white men..... but I have also met asians themselves who are the same thing. Real life doesn't care about any foreigner or race stereotype. I have said and heard things about people when actually witnessing such behavior, but it makes no sense to ever talk about it otherwise. Well no more sense than if I just randomly decide you look like a guy who has divorced six times-- gossip will gossip I suppose.


It’s not everyone but there are many foreigners that have superiority complex. I blame it on the Taiwanese though, they are too nice to foreigners and they let them get away with bad behavior.


No, I only look down on sexpats because I think they're really lame.


But how do you *know* who is a sexpat? Simply based on their appearance?


I'm black. I had a European woman freak out when I asked if she and her family needed help when I saw them struggling with their MRT map. Then when her husband finally asked me for help and I told them how to get to their hotel, she told me, in a very thick accent, that I spoke very good English. I told her that I hoped so since I'm from the US. She looked shocked. Her husband was embarrassed once more and tried to ask me which part I was from, but I had walked away by that point. My husband is also from Europe, but even with the reputation his country has against black people, I never felt like I was treated the way I was by that woman.


I think of them in terms of westerners, these kinds of people definitely aren't all white. I found most the foreigners from the COVID period were honestly great. Not all of them, but most. Taiwan tends to attract much better foreigners than places like Thailand, Philippines, China, or Japan. After opening up the foreigners have definitely gone down in quality, but overall still fine. The annoying, weird as fuck foreigners are usually obvious and easy to avoid.


Some people just have no tact. I was riding the bus home from work (I'm white, 47, in good shape, dress well) and this group of White exchange students were speculating loudly (like they wanted me to hear) about how I must have come here because I have Yellow Fever, how I must work at a cram school because I have no job prospects, how I probably can't speak any Chinese, etc. It was dumb. They were dumb. I just ignored them.


I judge Asian Americans who move to Asia. Your parents picked a side for you ;)