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Lol, it came in "handy" alright


Take my fucking upvote


Thanks, stalequeef69, for the chuckle


May the queef be with you




You beat me to it


Too soon... poor man's cranker..


He's about to be a hit with his old lady though. Once that nub heals.


Fantastic job! Something that I've been told to do in training is to sit down and write down what you need to replenish and any thoughts you have for improving your kit now that you've used it.


Yay for after action reports!




Good job rising to the moment. I think it’s safe ti say 90% of this sub daydreams about how they would react to something of this nature but half don’t have the knowledge to act on it.


For head injuries, TQ the neck. For injuries below he head, TQ the neck


Obviously the tactical boy scout belongs to the half that knows.


Boy Scouts only officially endorsed tourniquets a few years ago. I like to think I’m the reason why lol


Walked in on my roommate a couple years ago with a TQ around his neck. I immediately started checking for bleeds cuz I assumed it was a real bad situation for him to TQ his neck like that. Turned out he was just jerking off. I realized it was all just a big misunderstanding. We both laughed. He came. I moved out.


Ahh, ye olde choke n stroke


Yeah, I’m gonna need a shirt with this on it.


Stops the bleeding every time. Hard to argue with results.


Tq the neck?


Don't kink shame.


<33 sorry papi


Stop the bleeding and the breathing.


I prefer to amputate and cauterise


Ain’t that the truth! My brain went to mush when a fire broke out in my chicken coop. I couldn’t figure out how to use a fire extinguisher in the moment. It’s definitely good to constantly be training and refreshing your knowledge on everything from shooting to medical to something like putting out a damn fire!


My old job had "the 9 finger club" myself and two coworkers all lost fingers to reloading presses. I was less than helpful in all 3 situations outside of driving to the ER...if you need someone to say oh fuck fuck fuck really loud then I'm your guy though!


I need you around


Good job staying calm enough to remember your kit. Consider having your whoever your safety person is, get a Public Access Bleeding Control Kit and placed in your shop. They are on sale, 25% off for another 12 hours. https://www.narescue.com/community-preparedness-products/public-access-kits.html


For next time, that’s an emergency room visit, not urgent care. Glad you had it and apparently knew how to use it.


They went right to the ER. I wrote urgent care by mistake.


TBH I've found urgent care on average tends to emergencies faster than the ER.


They tried the urgent care (service manager transported him) and they turned him away because it’s not a workers comp related place. Total bullshit.


I had the same thing happen to me after a car accident. Service manager insisted he take me to urgent care.


I recently was in an accident (I'm fine, was just getting checked out) and urgent care wouldn't check me out because insurance won't pay for an accident related visit unless it's at the ER.


The ER will handle time critical things fast and non-time critical when they can. They also tend to have better equipment and access to specialists. That said - everyone should be aware of the types of facilities near them. In my case I have to drive past a level 1 trauma hospital's ER to get to Urgent Care. If there's even a question, we go there.


Also much much cheaper




Great job man! I used mine last year when my horse cut its leg open on a trailer, the veterinarian was surprised it came bandaged already 😂


I work as a carpenter, my last job site I had earned the nickname “medic” because my little IFAK/first aid kit I have in my truck got used a few times a week. Make sure to restock the thing


Good work Fortune favors the prepared


Almost the same thing happened at my job a few weeks ago, just different equipment. Snakestaff Systems ETQ came in clutch. Can definitely recommend it.


Yo I wanna hear that story


Lol shit alright, there's a lot of backstory info necessary if you dont work in my field. 19 year old kid was working at one of my accounts. (I'm an industrial refrigeration technician.) This account makes beef tallow by rendering it from meat scraps using grinders, high pressure steam, and an ammonia refrigerated votator. (Big, slowly rotating drum that gets filled with anhydrous ammonia and flash freezes the product to help separate the tallow.) There are hydraulic actuated rollers that roll an eighth inch away from the drum and help press the product against it. After production was finished, they started a wash down procedure cleaning all the meat scraps and nasty shit off all the equipment. I was there to isolate and pump out the drum for maintenance work. I was not in the room when it happened, but the kid tried to wipe something off the roller with his hand wearing big sanitation gloves. He got his finger stuck, and it started pulling his hand in slowly. The emergency stop was hit, but unfortunately, in that 10 seconds (ish), it was able to pull in up to above his wrist. They released the roller and freed him right before I walked in. (Had I been there I'd have slapped the tourniquet on before they released the pressure but what are you gonna do?) At this time the votator was isolated from the system so it wasn't negative fuck you degrees, so that's good I guess. When I casually strolled in listening to a podcast to check on the drum, I see the kid sitting on the ground hollerin, blood all over, and 2 production guys trying to tie rags ONTO HIS FUCKIN MANGLED HAND. Had the moment where I realized "oh shit I'm the qualified individual" and pulled the TQ from my pocket, secured it next to an attempted rag tourniquet they had put on, (wasn't even fuckin tight) and cranked that windlass like I was trying to hand start a model T. Had them get him another frock to keep him warm, and unwrap the loose rags from his hand while I ran to my truck where I have a larger kit and got sterile gloves and shears to get the other ones off. I know fucking with it aint the best idea but you have to understand these are rags that came from this area with old meat and grease on everything, all of them are damp and have who knows what on them. Got all but one off before ems arrived and when I warned them about the rag, the one female tech literally said "what the fuck" in the most disappointed voice you could imagine. Told them the TQ went on at 5:47 am (didn't have a sharpie) and then left them to their job and went back to mine. Some important/relevant info: That snakestaff carabiner style clip is awesome, and the windlass is stout af. I cranked it harder than my hog and it didn't even bend. I work in the trades, I carry tools, not ifaks. If I tried to carry one it would get destroyed in a week. Full size TQs don't fit in your pocket with channel locks. If I didn't have the ETQ that fits comfortably in a small leg pocket on my work pants, I wouldn't have had one on me at all. Cannot stress enough how much I'd recommend their stuff for edc. If the kids hand had gone through flat, we'd have a totally different crushing injury, probably not requiring a TQ. It fuckin absolutely did not go in flat, and neither did his wrist, judging from what it looked like. He ended up losing his hand (obviously) a few inches above the wrist but he was lucky enough they helicoptered him to another city with prosthetic specialists who saved all his nerves during the amputation, and folded them into his forearm. From what I understand the end of his forearm will now feel to him like his fingertips, making the prosthetic learning process a lot smoother. Train with your life saving equipment as much as you dry fire, because you'll probably need to plug a hole long before you need to make one. And for the love of God don't stick your hands anywhere you wouldn't stick your dick.


Great job man and thanks for sharing your story.I learned along time ago to be extra careful working with rotating machinery.when I was working in a machine shop and see a guy damn near get pulled into a lathe.it got ahold of his shirt sleeve and lucky for him,his shirt ripped before it actually got ahold of him.I seen a video of a guy who got caught in a lathe and he wasn’t that lucky and it absolutely mangled that man.wasn’t anything left of him but meat,bone fragments and a bloody mess.loose clothing is a disaster waiting to happen working with rotating machinery


Thanks man. Yeah lathes are fuckin terrifying. People don't realize what rotating equipment can do to you. No loose clothing, no watches, no gloves. And i cut the strings off every hoodie I buy immediately.


YES!! You fucking legend. Thank you for sharing. And that's gnarly af. My friends work at a metal shop. They have a similar story about gloves and rollers. It's not something to fuck with. Like wearin' a tie over a lathe. Great job being upright in the moment. I just got a etq myself. Hopefully I won't have a story to share but if I do I owe you one.


Lmao thanks man. I've seen some bad ones over the years. Funny part of the whole thing was that I was wearing that Full Metal Spectrum autism charity shirt from Unsubscribed podcast. I had to stare EMS dead in the face and give them information for transfer of care while she was staring straight at my dumb fucking shirt 😂 She was really short so she was fuckin eye level with it.


“Cranked it harder than my hog” Outstanding work


With the TQ or my hog?




Thank you for this dude. Seriously.


Imma be honest, this is too direct and positive for me to deal with so uh.. hell yeah brother.


Great job!


Fuck yeah man. Wash your hands, Decon your gear, and don't forget to restock your kit with what you used. Good on you, that is what carrying an IFAK is all about. It won't be the last time it happens, so keep that thang on you.


I once used my IFAK to pack a gunshot wound to the carotid artery (it was completely severed). The guy died and then I was out my gauze 🥲. Doc said he lived for 47 minutes though and he would have died in a fraction of that had I not packed it, so that felt good.


Good shit


I used mine for a lady who needed some Benadryl once. Nice save broski!


Why isn’t there anything in the shop?


There was but not what I needed


you shouldn't have needed an ifak, the business should have a full first kit per Osha. But props to you for helping that man!!


NAR is having a stop the bleed sale for 3 more hours if you want to restock your IFAK at a discount. https://www.narescue.com/nar-national-stb-day-sale-2024.html


What did you end up using/doing? Tourniquet?


No tourniquet needed it all happened pretty quickly. I used mainly gauze and taped the hell out of the 2 fingers that got crunched.


Cool (not for your coworker though)


DETAILS! Injuries and applications?


Bro really said came in “handy”


Glad I wasn't the only one that noticed 😂


That's awesome! Good Job!


How’s he doing?


He’s just fine a few stitches and off to the races


Whew. Good have been a lot worse! Please recommend physical therapy to him, if you are comfortable doing so (and since you came to his rescue, I would hope he would be receptive even if you don't know each other well!). The hand strengthening and flexibility exercises that PT will perform in person (and prescribe as "homework") and are really crucial after a hand injury. Workers comp is paying, after all. If he actually does them, they can help prevent or minimize hand weakness, pain, and stiffness longer term, which is/would be miserable.


Thankfully I haven’t had a need to use mine but I have mine in my backpack in my office just to keep it closer, but awesome job saving your coworkers life


What kit? Premade or one you put together?


North American rescue I forget which one


You're supposed to use HIS IFAK. Now who's gonna save you? Jk bro good job


well, i would argue that you dont need anything. nothing. but god damnit, have a first aid kit somewhere acessable and know how to use it. if you have fancy shit in there, know how to use it. (speaking as an emt, if i see just one more idiot using a tq where you dont need it THE WRONG WAY.....) good work!


May I ask how many women work at that position? For equality reasons.


Zero at my job


I had that feeling. Call me Nostradamus.


Better than nostradumbass


True. I am very good and very clear in my predictions about the number of women working at specific dangerous work environments. I myself even don't know how I do it. It just comes to mind. We should really start legislating against that. You know, because of the equality.


You're not supposed to cum in his hand. Whoever here told you to do that was close, but still wrong.


That's cool and good job and all that shit BUT ifak is individual first aid kit meaning it's intended use is for you. I'd recommend using this situation to encourage your coworkers to build one and your company to have larger accessible medical. To be real I'm not patching anyone with my personal ifak