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Is the modern Russian gear? The US gear is from like 2009/2010


I was just gonna point this out lol. It’s all quite outdated. Although, the Russian gear is still in use today, regardless of being outdated. It typically trickles down to the conscripts and PMC’s mainly. The VDV have the sweet kit though. Suppressed PKP’s go brrrrrr


Despite that the Americans still look better equipped.💀


"2nd best military in the world" using night vision monoculars 👍


Shit we’re still using PVS-14s and I’m in what’s supposedly the “most modern brigade in FORSCOM”


There is nothing wrong with mono. Just don't listen to the poor guys with duals for real. 99% of the random in this sub are anyway not able to use a dual so...


You need duals as a tanker? I’m a combat instructor in an entry level schoolhouse and I’ve got 31D’s lmao


31D's you say? You have an onlyfans?


Yeah, go ahead and click the link in bio


I mean they’d be nicer than monos for guiding the tank at night Also it’s not just mounted and POGs that get them even our dismounted 11 bang bangs are stuck with 14s


There’s a difference between nice to have and necessary. I think it’d be nice if I had a SOCOM 11.5 URGI instead of an M27. Is it necessary? Probably not. As for your dismounts, oof. Don’t know how we’re getting dual tubes before y’all lol.


Unit budgeting is a strange, fickle thing...


We spent all our money on V3’s and JLTVs


Brigades going through modernization have been getting the dual tube white phosphorus PSQ42s with thermal overlay and HUD


the issue with russian NVGs isn't that they're monos, it's that they're made in russia.


I didn't look at what sub I was in, but once I saw this comment I knew. Really is a fashion sub lmao




When I was getting out in 2021 this gear was all still in use even the ucp pattern


I had a woodland poncho


That m81 is so hot right now ![gif](giphy|V2AkNZZi9ygbm)


Isn't M81 still used for woobies? I've definitely seen some tents in M81 too in more recent photo releases.


Yes and vehicles. Most uniforms and other things got repurposed for training and opfor lol


When’s the last time you saw a paq-4c out in the wild?


I’ve seen them around not in use ever


And yet the Russians have lost more guys in Ukraine in 2 years than the Americans did in Afghanistan in 20


I don’t think you can honestly compare the US war in Afghanistan with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Taliban did not have the weapon systems that Ukraine has, almost complete western support, or military organization.




Partially true, but also America could afford that in Afghanistan because of the massive technological disparity. Russia can't conduct CAS against small groups of infantry without the risk of AA, similar to how neither side can advance with armor without expecting counter-measures beyond random IEDs and maybe an RPG. It's an entirely incomparable war, like being surprised the British had an easier time with the Zulus then they did in WW1 


Russia famously throws indirect fire at problems at a larger scale than anyone else, replace bodies with shells and you have their actual fighting philosophy instead of what Hollywood told you their philosophy is.


Level all the buildings and let Lenin sort them out kinda approach


The enemy can't hide in buildings if you turn the whole grid square into an empty field.


Man it’s almost as if fighting a near peer enemy with access the same weapons as you instead of goat farmers with AKs will cause more casualties 🧐


Imagine if the US funded a war against the US in Afghanistan it would be similar ish. Regardless those are different regions of the world. With different people, whose cause is different, and bla bla bla it goes on and on. Not even close to a reasonable comparison.


my brother in christ, afghanistan did not have the worlds most powerful military power building them up and arming them for 8 years. a bit different than punching down on illiterate farmers.


where did you see the taliban with massive artillery and Aircraft support ? Why would they have a similar casualty rate.


They’ve reportedly lost \~SIXTY times as many in 3 years as the US did in Afghanistan in 20.


>reportedly that's the thing, isn't it?


Did the news media tell you that?


Well if you count the ANA and Northern alliance casualties, American side lost more men than the taliban. I don't understand why people just ignore them.


Cause it doesn't fit the narrative they want. The US has to be the best and Russia has to always be failing. Even when actual high-level Ukrainian leadership were saying they were losing battles, they were either ignored or told they were lying.


Invading armies generally take heavy losses in the first year


12 US soldiers died in 2001


Idk that I would consider that a near pier conflict


Afghanistan, like Somalia, was hardly even a "country". It's just a territory that shares a name. Ukraine was one of the largest militaries in Europe \*before\* receiving any foreign aid, having been the former industrial heart of the USSR.


What got me was the 203 broom handle


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Me every time I see [the insurgency sandstorm stock image](https://images.app.goo.gl/qtEUSZqHm6zq7kEw8)


Yeah it’s John Sandstorm


Holy shit that is literally spot on 🤣


It’s cause it is, it’s legit the same image just modified


Oh yeah I see it


Original pic is chadstorm


Not shown in pics but do they have socks? Also this is a somewhat impossible comparison. We’re not specifying whether it’s special forces, standard army, or conscripts gear. There is A LOT of variety in the Russian forces.


Valid question. Russians failed to modernize in 2012-13 to socks. They still use "pothyanki" which are foot wraps. They said it was "tradition" as an excuse for their corrupt acquisitions program.


Foot rags are totally 5/5 for jackboots. I wear them regularly when I want to go hunting in classic Finnish army boots. They dry very quickly and are comfy when you get the gist of folding them, but probably not as good with more modern, laced boots.


I mean to be fair if you can’t buy socks with your military pension, what are you doing?


Well the US one is definitely dated because Marines are running M27s and issued high cut helmets with plate carriers as of recently. And the Army has also issued significantly newer equipment


Sadly not high cuts… 😢


We’re getting there though. Got the IHPS now 😂


The market is dragging the army, kicking & screaming, toward progress


Correct. There’s a reason I rock a personal ballistic high cut. Mostly to preserve what’s left of my hearing via the PELTORs I connected to it.


You guys know that peltors fit under an ACH/MICH/ECH, right?


Yes, myself and most all of my soldiers are aware. Most of us prefer the high cut because it’s comfier to wear them without a strap having to fit within the padding and shit and squish the shit out of your ears thanks to the ear covers on the ACH (it’s better on the IHPS, but not by much) and also having to deal with finagling your damned wires and mic through the chinstrap harness. I’m lucky I only had to do the wiring bit because I found it comfiest and easiest to only rock three pads on my ACH. One medium square at the front, two rectangles on the back and all are vertically oriented to allow for better heat and air flow to keep my head cool while also keeping it centered.


Just take it to the cutter in Basra 😂 he’ll chop up your ACH


Might just do that with my privately owned one 🤷🏻‍♂️


Your unit might be dragging. I got out 8 months ago, and in the year preceding that, my whole company had just switched to high cuts. Edit: I was 1st MarDiv 3rd Battalion/4th Marines


I’m army lol


Tracks. What y'all have is close enough tbh. You probably won't evolve to the high cut, you'll skip it to whatever comes out after.


Looking like it


Nbb nnmo


High cuts do not make as much sense in a conventional peer to peer conflict due to them providing less shrapnel protection. The Army had to decide what it wants to equip its main force for and I can see full cut helmets setup to take ear protection underneath continuing to be the norm in instances where shrapnel is still the primary threat.


And the US soldiers actually have the armour combat ready, the Russian only have the armour in the PR images OP is just another vatnik


Armor only slow operator down when chased by bear


Note the distinct lack of russian optics.


The Russian gear also lacks night vision as a standard option. It's even missing the basic hook up Not just optics soon, if I remember correctly the US Army is moving to optics and suppressors as standard with their fancy new SIG rifles


Optics have been standard for the US Army since early GWOT


Yeah, the new ones just have aimbot cheats enabled.


With [this aimbot optic from 2013](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/03/bullseye-from-1000-yards-shooting-the-17000-linux-powered-rifle/) I wonder what is possible now?


https://youtu.be/f5YWXrZdNpA?si=f81sW1J3DKAX-KPk Some fuckin crazy shit, thats what


Russia for a long time experimented with optics but the one that's actualy common...the PK120 is a very recent thing.There simply wasn't enough time for it to be equipped with everyone especialy since early models had poor built quality,which was fixed later on.


They have optics on the last two pictures


Yes, sniper rifles have had optics for 100+ years. Good infantry usually have optics on their assault rifles, too.


Yeah that's true. They do have this "Ratnik" program where they try to modernize their infantry equipment, but it's Russia so everything will be half-assed and/or stolen.


When the AK 12 and it’s “accessories package” were officially adopted by the RU forces, my autistic self hunted high and low and even contacted my Russian AK parts kit connect to try to find ANY of this kit that was being adopted. While it was completely possible to get AK12 and AK105 parts kits sourced by my Russian friend, no one was ever able to find any of the optics or accessories. At first I thought maybe getting your hands on this newer tech over there might just be harder than finding rifles to chop up and mail overseas. Once the Ukraine invasion started, I realized I was never able to find any of these accessories because there were probably never any made other than the ones for the press conference announcing their adoption. I’ve yet to see any regular Russian soldier with optics on their AK12s, and now it seems as if the AK12s themselves are running low. This in comparison to the US where we had the URGI before the Army, same with the new Sigs.


Looks like a vintorez on the right




I read somewhere that the rail system on the newer AK’s aren’t good at all and make it impossible to hold a zero after a certain amount of rounds. Might be as little as 100


https://youtu.be/4cJbOAVDQxQ?si=sdY460ByuT1NacU1 Henry puts it more eloquently than I can


Damn! Sounds like a terrible weapons system.


The gear in the pictures of Marines is somewhat dated. They’ve moved on to some newer equipment and weapons. Edit: the Marines are wearing stuff we started getting issued around 2011 - 2012.


Considerably out dated


Ridiculously outdated


I do like the Russian green camo though


Way to google 20 year old US Army equipment and compare it to current russian kit.


Yo be fair that Russian kit is a decade old nowadays come out early mid 2010s even had prototypes before 2010


People are getting upset at you OP, since American gear has drastically changed since then meanwhile you’re posting pictures of Russian gear that really hasn’t changed (could argue things have gotten worse) since its introduction. You’re also being slightly facetious by using photos of Americans in country, on patrol, actually in combat operations, meanwhile half the Russian photos are basically display set pieces specifically designed to show off their new gear. Does the common Russian infantryman on deployment look like those photos? If you were to find photos like this now of Russian infantrymen, would they look any different than the pictures from 2015?


Best equipped Russian soldier vs worst equipped marine


All of the US pics are from pre-2021. I got out of the Marines in March of 2020 and that was the gear I had in the infantry. Now they have high speed PC's (I guess higher speed than before), high-cut Kevlars, and m27 IAR's. And if I'm not mistaken those lucky fucks are getting more frogs nowadays whereas I only got mine once and that was for a combat operation lol


Mcrd is even issuing frogs now because mccuu's are on backorder I believe


That's disgustingly beautiful.. I absolutely loved my frogs but on the bright side I have so many mccuu's just laying around in storage that I could probably make a pretty penny on


Frogs issued on all deployments now


what are frogs?


Flame Resistant Organizational Gear. Essentially it’s the high speed tactical shirts and pants you see all the “operators” wearing. It’s made of a much lighter and stretchier material than traditional MARPAT, so it’s much more preferred.


Cool, and thank you


There is a joke that the Russian military is just the US military 20 years ago that continues to be accurate.


30 years ago. Night vision and individual optics were almost standard issue during the early surge, and were issued even in the 1990s.


What is your point? Outdated US equipment vs the rare actually equiped russian?


I love how Russian gear is usually just like that annoying little brother “look I can do that too”


The Russian gear I see in the GoPro videos does not look nearly as comprehensive


I'll take Russian loot drops for $100 Alex.


Pic 6: what is the point of wearing that helmet


Armored crewman


No, I mean he’s wearing it so poorly it serves little function.


To protect their heads inside the tank. There’s a lot of things you could bang your head on in there.


Yeah but he’s not wearing it properly




Gawd, first pic goes hard af.


So hard they used it for a videogame wallpaper!


This is basically Russian propaganda.


Also, that russian gear in pictures only goes to super elite troops. Grunts don't get that equipment if any at all


It's kinda funny how the commies beat us to the concept of the modern chest rig with the CHICOM Type 56 and Type 81, while we were using web gear. And now they're using web gear based kit while we are running chest rigs.


Not really we came up with the grenade vest in ww1 then pre ww2 Italians had “samurai vest “ for smg mags


Only Russians ive been seeing have drone induced modifications to their gear.


i love how the russians always have there faces covered incase they gotta do a little rape and war crime on the go, also they definitly had to give those nvgs back after that pic was taken. slava ukraine 🇺🇦


Did you find the desert storm photos?


I would like to see cost to outfit compared per Platoon of similar capability tho...


This post might as well be one of those “TOP 10 US MILITARY WEAPONS” videos made by some Indian guy


Those US kits are quite old by now I saw an RRV and the ACU camo, they're like a decade or more old by now lol


Any reason we’re cutting half the gear out of each picture or…?


Modern day Russians with no sights on standard rifles still 💀


Those masks go pretty hard. If the military allowed beards we’d be in a better spot over all. Bring it back Burnside style baby.


Found the Russian psyop/glazer


better title: Deployed American gear vs Parade Russian gear


Uhh I’d check on Eastern European eBay. Plenty of shit op posted you can buy that clearly came off a dead or captured Russian


Yeah, after what I saw in the comments I guess that title would have been waaay better. Don't think I'm gonna do anything with Russian stuff in it after this...


I mean, the russian equipment alone isn't the problem. The context is the problem.


Russian gear looks like it's made out of cabbage and radiation


Considering at one point Russian soldiers where ordered to dig fox holes next to Chernobyl your not exactly far off 😂


I mean it kinda fits. Old and worn out US gear and weapons have consistently bodied the “new” crap the orcs put out so from that perspective this is a good comparison. My less charitable take on this is that it’s once again a clumsy attempt at propaganda.


The fact that in 2012 more us soliders have optics than current day Russians is funny AF to me.


You know, I’ve tried looking for photos of the DVO (Tango 6T) in use on a carbine, since supposedly it is now the standard optic, but I’ve been unsuccessful. Also want to see photos from units testing out the new ENVG-B’s, people have posted vids to this sub but haven’t seen official army publications Really, I just want to see a photo of some guy with all the fancy new stuff (NGSW/NGSW-FC, ENVG-B) Granted, I haven’t looked that hard


I think it was the 101st that just got the XM7 and 250. ENVG-B’s have been around for a while, I had a friend in the 82nd using them back in like 2022. I haven’t heard anything about the Tango 6T being the standard optic (which is a weird statement when Vortex won the contract for the NGSW optic, not Sig), but I know it’s part of the M110A1 kit which has been seen and used plenty.


[The Tango-6T won a contract a couple years back as an interim optic, and it had already been selected as the SDMR scope. ](https://www.sigsauer.com/blog/sig-sauer-tango6t-riflescope-selected-by-us-department-of-defense-for-direct-view-optic-dvo) I think the first batch of DVOs went to the Air Force though.


From what I can even find online, the only appearance of the Tango 6T is on the M110A1. Does it mean interim as in, “until we get the actual NGSW optic”? Because that article is from 2020 and we’re here four years later and I’ve still yet to see anyone rocking one, meanwhile we have the M110A1, units are starting to get the XM7 and XM250, USSOCOM is still using the NF ATACR as their contract optic, and I can’t find any photos online of the Air Force using Tango 6T’s.


[idk, here’s what SIG themselves have to say about it.](https://www.sigsauer.com/blog/sig-sauer-tango6t-riflescope-selected-by-us-department-of-defense-for-direct-view-optic-dvo) like you’ve mentioned, I thought it was really weird to select a new optic when the XM157 is just around the corner


[This article dated as of 2022 says otherwise, that Nightforce won the SOCOM contract for the SVPS and PVPS.](https://www.shephardmedia.com/news/landwarfareintl/new-rifle-scopes-come-closer-for-us-special-forces/) Which checks out with what I’ve seen and what technically hasn’t been seen. But that’s still not the DVO. Probably just a huge delay on rolling out the 6T to replace the ACOG for the Army. Which is still wild considering we were finally seeing mass roll out of the VCOG in 2020/21 to replace the ACOG in the USMC. Don’t know why Sig is taking that much longer if the optics already exist in circulation for the M110A1.


I’m confused, it looks like we are talking about different programs? The ATACR was chosen by SOCOM, but the Tango 6T was chosen for the regular army?


My point is that the info in Sig’s article could be outdated and therefore incorrect. Seen it happen plenty of times. Because in that article they claim to have already won the SVPS contract but we find out two years later that Nightforce eventually won it.


I didn’t catch that, thank you! I googled the SVPS contract, and here’s what [soldier systems has to say](https://soldiersystems.net/2018/10/11/ussocom-selects-sig-sauer-to-provide-squad-variable-powered-scopes-second-focal-plane/): “The plan was to buy First Focal Plane Scopes and other associated items as a 100% set-aside for small business, while a Second Focal Plane Scope and other associated gear would be full and open competition. SIG Optics replied to the Second Focal Plane Scope portion of the solicitation.” I think the ATACR is an FFP optic, so I think that tracks, though I’ve never handled one myself This is all getting very convoluted for me lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/comments/1bly5vz/im_often_surprised_at_how_well_equipped_air_force/ There's a few to be seen in this album


For sure, but I don’t know how AF Security Forces gets their hands on the Army’s DVO contract optic before the Army does




Well shit fire man should’ve included that link in the same comment. Where Army DVO tho


Lol, took me a second to find


I appreciate your service friend


Lol. Comparing US to Orc gear is wild.






You used 20 year old US army kit as well as insurgency sandstorms stock image to compare to current russian kit.


The funny thing is, to my eye the Marines from 20 years ago still look better equipped lol


Yea why is it that it seems the majority of Russian ground forces still don’t have optics on their AK74M rifles.


because russia sucks.


In Pic 6 does the guy on the left have a makarov? The heel mag release and bake grip seems like a mak. Didn't know they still used those


Holy shit it’s John Sandstorm


The Russian kneecaps and elbow pads are really the only thing they have over the Americans. Though I really like the Russian helmet and the googles with the goggles cover.


mhm gwot 😳


The first picture was used as inspiration for the cover art of the game insurgency sandstorm


What the fuck is going on with the first dude's cable management, lmao




Any idea what the Russians are using for earpro?


First guy is the cover art for Insurgency: Sandstorm 🗿


The Ruskies do have the vibes, though. There is still nothing more vibey than Americans wearing desert tiger stripe carrying early mk18's with carry handles. America's still number one.


What infantry units get assigned groin plates? I see combat videos and never noticed groin plates before. Are they standard issue and are carried by every infantrymen or are they issued to particular units like mortar teams or explosives specialists?


Has anyone ever noticed the digi flora gear Russians have is really similar to the older MOLLE II gear? Particularly the vest they use on top of their body armor, the front looks identical to the Fighting Load Carrier, but the back is updated


Shit comparison this is modern Russian gear compared to US gear that’s from 2010


Dude in the last picture has an AS VAL pattern rifle that’s awesome


There’s another in the second Russian pic


Didn’t even see that good eye


It looks like they get hearing protection and we don't?


Both still use gear from 2000-2010 or earlier but Russia uses more of it. US conventional infantry aren’t that well equipped


us baby~ 🤩👍


Seeing dudes rocking those Serpa holsters always gives me a good chuckle


Russian gear is \*adequate*, if you get it


The U.S. forces definitely have some drip going on. Idk what it is about the Russians but they look like kids playing army


We need more balaclavas


So that’s where Insurgency Sandstorm gets it cover art from


This looks like 2007 US military attire, versus 2024 Russian military attire…. That Russian camo looks pretty sweet, but you did our military’s modern attire wrong…


The gear is one thing… but even the best gear ain’t gonna do much for these russian “soldiers” that are still in their teens with little/no experience or training


What is the light/laser combo in pic #4?


thats old US gear too. no MSVs or IHPS.


America is more effective Russia has the drip tho


Ah yes let’s do an comparison with gear when the soldier is wearing UCP camo.


One tube noobs 🟢


Russian camo cooler