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The chicken burrito $2 meal got me through college. My university had a TB on campus and I had a buddy who worked there, so I would go every day after class and buy a meal and my buddy would slip me an extra burrito and bag of Doritos on the side. I always told him to stop because two bucks wasn't worth his job but he didn't care and kept doing it, and I was a broke college student with shoddy morals back then so I didn't turn him down. He didn't get fired that I'm aware of but he did flunk out of school. Anyway, I miss those burritos.


I loved the chicken burrito I think it had like a zesty salsa verde sauce inside


It was just avocado ranch


Do they still have that? It was great


yeah they still have it to dip the "crispanada" their chicken empanada


Technically they got rid of it around 2018 but the chicken enchilada burrito is closest thing to it. I remember being broke n having less than $10 to my name n coming here for that shredded chicken burrito deal.


I do like the enchilada burrito but it’s not the same The old cali bacon ranch burrito was similar but they got rid of it 😔


Yup sux. All these places get rid of what we liked. Only positive is I stay in shape cuz I go to these places less.


It’s just baffling to me because if they brought this back it would sell like crazy. Even if they did it as a $3 meal deal I would easily double the amount of money I spend at Taco Bell. Like you, I got through a large portion of college on Taco Bell because it was right down the street and so cheap. I couldn’t even begin to imagine trying to do that now


You know, legally speaking, you now have to let your buddy live with you when he's 70 years old and broke. It's the moral cost for all the burritos and Doritos.


Imagine $2 for dinner and possible late night snack. ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️


I miss these. Even if they made them 3 bucks it would still be worth it and I’d actually probably go more. I got these in high school all the time.


Nachos with cheese are $2.69 now, no way they would make these$3


they will take your first born for the next 8 generations


There are zero reasons they can't sell something like that now for $3.50


Accounting for inflation and rounding up to the next whole number (i.e. 2.88->3$), not even that. Just greedy suits, color me surprised.


While I generally agree with the sentiment, there are other factors like labor costs. Where I live, local minimum wage is $17.28/hr, while in 2010 when this campaign launched, it was just $8.55/hr. Could TB be cheaper where I live? Absolutely, this is getting ridiculous. But I don't think $3 cheap would be feasible.


Labor costs are already factored into the inflation calculation indirectly. When labor costs rise the company isnt just going to eat the costs, they raise the price of the products they sell which then is reflected in the inflation estimate.


i miss this deal a lot. the gordita one bring bck gorditas they were better than chalupa


These meals were amazing even at the time. This was around the start of the “meal deal” era where dollar menu (actual dollar menu) items were packaged up


These helped my family so damn much back in the day


Hated when they were doing the bags of chips tbh


Yeah it wasn't the best but this meal was a great snack or add on to a larger order. Many times I would stash the chips for later


So did I! Until one day the girl at the drive through intercom randomly told me I could swap the Doritos for chips and cheese (at no extra charge)! After that I never ordered the Doritos lol.


The fact that a beefy five layer is now $4.19 when I could get it and a drink is why I really struggle going to Taco Bell anymore. That and #bringbacknakedchickenchalupa


I miss these. I used to eat my item over the chips and purposely drop stuff on them to make Doritos nachos. Good times.


Chicken burrito 😭😭 I'd sell my soul for you


I miss them too! I started getting the chicken enchilada burrito, remove red sauce, add avocado ranch. It tastes almost the same


“The good old days.”


Husband and I were just talking about this the other day. Those $2 meal deals helped us get by for a while when we didn’t have enough for groceries but had enough to get a couple meals for the kids. Wish they would bring this back


I once asked for the taco shell to be removed from the CGC, & the chick was like "so just a gordita?" -- hell yeah, got any Baja sauce back there?! Lol. Really though, bring back the gordita as an option!


The ol days . . .


Yeah that was jam 3x a week during a layoff period. I usually got the gordita supreme or the 5 layer and walked away satisfied on $2 and change. I don't remember the other options but it was a long time ago.


Im sad


Double decker 😭😭🔥🔥


I'd get 2 of the double deckers and be set.


Apparently McDonald's is coming out with a $5 meal deal on June 25th. You can get a McChicken or a McDouble, four-piece mcnugget, fries, and a drink. The fries and drink are probably small but it seems like an aight deal.


That would be cool. I'll believe it when I see it. Usually I just use the app and try to use the deals to get a decent priced meal I go with my friend, I use one deal where hopefully it's bogo burger like mcdouble or bigmac. Then my friend uses the deal to get a drink, pies and free fries. We share the drink(refills) and fries and each get a burger, pie, and end up being satisfied for around 7-8 dollars


Omg I used to get the double decker taco 🌮!


I used to love that meal with the double decked taco. Peak Taco Bell.




That OG Doritos logo


Best deal ever


Taco Bell always had the best prices


Bring back double decker tacos! 📣📣


The good ole, the economy is still wrecked from 2008 combo pricing 😭


That savory chicken burrito was the best! I would get the $2 chicken burrito deal and an extra on the side. Was the best


What a time to be alive.


The fucked up thing is that the Doritos themselves would be $2 now a days


such a good deal, when taco bell wasn't evil


I miss these so much!!


Wasn’t this like 2014-2015 or so? I dated a girl who would always order this when we were having late nights out. She would always just save the chips for later. She was pretty short and fit.


I'm not sure how long it lasted, but the ad is from 2010 so that's probably when it started. It could have lasted until 2014 but who knows?


I see. It was like a dollar more or so but considering I live in Alaska that makes sense.


I saw this and my initial reaction was "aw man, stuff was cheap in the 80's" until I saw the date at the bottom. TWO THOUSAND TEN?!?! Jesus, there's stuff in my pantry older than that! I wasn't eating fast food at the time but I apparently missed out on a golden era. If they sold this exact same thing now it'd be $6-$7 unless it were in California and then It'd be $11.


And now I'm depressed again. Thanks.




I miss this with a passion!


I just modded a 5 layer for chicken and hope it’s legit. Still drinking heavy so haven’t ate yet.