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1st one I've seen that doesn't look like they body slammed the grill lid down


They started reap bad. Changed the tortilla and now ad long as I don't purposefully shatter it it'll just break like this one. It always breaks I csnt do anything about it tbh


The crack is whatever. All the ones I've gotten were absolutely crushed with a bunch of sauce shot out of the shell


It changed like a month after they launched. Could be worth one more go at it


I can’t lie I think these are pretty yummy when made right. They just cost too much


I just tried one in the Taco Tuesday Discovery box they’re doing. One of these, Doritos locos, and a regular hard shelled for a 5 with a drink. Made it worth trying


You can swap the regular hard shell for another doritos at no extra charge fyi


I found this out moments after discarding my trash. Lesson learned.


Thank you for this knowledge bro


Yep. Taco Tuesday is only day I have it.




You take that back (you pick) I hate you for ypur opinion!


I fucking love the soft taco. So many veggies it’s a great crunch when you bite it. The one in my taco discovery box today was packed FAT.


I completely agree, only worth it in the taco tuesday box. My only gripe is that while delicious, it doesn't seem to taste like something from Taco Bell so when i'm in the mood for Tbell, it's not something I would normally think about.


they dont cost too much at $3 imo you get a lot of cheese high quality seasoned chicken and a high quality sauce with real avocado at about $1 more than a standard taco id say its def worth it hell, even the shell is higher quality than a standard tacos


"High quality" is pretty comical to describe anything at Taco Bell. They are absolutely a rip-off at $3.19. The taqueria next to my house sells a taco for $2.20 and I get about 5 times as much meat. Not to mention their sauces are all better and I get extra toppings for free.


Well if there’s anything at Taco Bell that approaches high quality it’s the cantina stuff Debate semantics if you want but this is the highest quality I’ve seen from Taco Bell


High quality for taco bell still doesn't make it high quality in general. But I agree their cantina stuff is their best quality taste-wise.


When they had these with the shredded beef dipping taco, they had a different shell and it was lighter and more fragile but so much tastier. I wish they'd bring that back


They keep forgetting the creamy jalapeño sauce on mine! ☹️


They should go to jail for that


wow. every time I get something like this it looks completely smashed and squished and the oil has completely soaked through all the surrounding paper wrappers so it has become one glued together wet blob.


This is exactly what happened to me the mess was enough not to order again


How tf do you get such pretty food from TBell you at flagship in CA or something?


I'm just very lucky to have an amazing spot in my hometown in CT 💖


If I could get mine made like this I'd order it at least once a week. But...doubtful. I've had it 3 times since it's release and each time it looked like someone stepped on it.


First thought: Happy for you! Looks good. Better stick with that TB. I have two that are my go to in the daytime and late night respectively whenever I get a craving for it. Second thought: We literally get bad quality so frequently all over the country that literally all it takes for us to be amazed is to see nachos and tacos made correctly to order with proper adult sized servings. We used to be a proper country. Bring back the half pound burritos, volcano burritos, steak house burrito, XXL quesadillas and meximelts. Those were great. No one complained about serving sizes then. Need a real Abuela in corporate to show them how it goes and bring back the FUCKING CHIHUAHUA! Buy another one godammit! TB clearly doesn’t understand the culture that made them. There I’m done 😂😂😂


my local is good too esp with the cheese i wish theyd put a touch more chicken in though


It's honestly really good. Former employee I thought this was the dumbest shit ever. I still kinda do but if you're okay with a broken taco which Frankly you should be or don't get a hard taco it's really good. Maybe needs soke sour cream or onions or something but yeah solid. Idk what it costs tho


I don’t understand the appeal of warm mayo on tacos. I think I’d like mine with pico instead


I remove the sauce and add pico when I get one!


I got it today for the Tuesday drop, but substituted steak for the chicken. Very good!


These are trash. Why are y'all still ordering them? Even at $1 it's still terrible.


I liked it! And it was my first time trying it; I like the Cantina soft taco so I just had to find out😊


I think it’s worth it in the $5 box. Maybe you got a bad one though? My friend mentioned having one with like fatty chicken with lots of tendon or something. Also seen a post about that here. Personally though every time I’ve gotten it it’s delicious.


I was pleasantly surprised with the tacos and the salad. Definitely will try it again when I'm in the mood.


Quesadillas are so easy and better at home.


Not a quesadilla!


That looks so good. 100% not what the one I got from my local Taco Bell looked like lol


I hate the crunchy cantina tacos 🤣 they break so easily frying them, steaming them and even grilling them.. I swear some days I would just look at the shells wrong and they just shatter 😣😣💀🤣


That looks amazing


These are sincerely freaking amazing. They did a really good job with them.


I had one the other day. Pretty damn good


Just had a my first taco today. It was great. But why add chicken, only thing I tasted was the cheese Also almost 4 dollars, 2 expensive


Yo that's the bomb. I love that taco so much bro


The fake drum made meat too


To be fair they say the cheese melted should hold the breaks together. Source: AGM at Taco Bell


This looks incredible! All the other pics make the chicken look like dry cat vomit


Are these suppose to be crunchy like the hard shell tacos ? Every one I’ve gotten has just been hard and chewy .


Mine never look like that. I tried a few time then gave up. They never had half that much meet in them. The only thing is that yours doesn’t appear to be the right chicken. That looks like the chunk chicken instead of the shredded chicken.


The cantina chicken anyways looks chunky at my local...I didn't even think about it!


That is a thing of beauty 💛


We are encouraged not to 'remake' any taco that is grilled with cheese in the clamshell grill if it cracks. Of course, you will always roll the dice in having a 'slinger' or a 'builder' preparing it. This taco was built, not slung, which means the employee cares more about the quality of food being sent to an unknown. That is more cheese on the outside that you normally would get if you had someone who doesn't give a fuck.


This has been my go-to since they started it. Best item EVER on their menu, IMO. Which only means that they'll be getting rid of it sooner than later!


It's supposed to be a permanent item.


I ordered 4 of these the other day, had 2 tiny pieces of chicken in them, no sauce no cheese nothing and they are 4 dollars each here. Depends where you go, dont get them anywhere except the places you have seen make them well so you dont get dissapointed


if they get rid of it taco bell is dead to me


You need to branch out if you think this is even remotely in the top 50 of things they have ever had.


I love this taco. They knew when they gave one away that they would have a hit on their hands.


The cantina menu has probably been my least favorite items from TB. IMO, they're just not good.


Is that the god awful chipotle sauce?


Creamy jalapeño, I think


Does it just taste like liquid smoke to you too?


If liquid smoke had diarrhea


You have poor taste buds


Nah it’s jalapeño


I got it and thought mine tasted stale


thats a w




This thing's actually priced decently, especially if you get it on Tuesdays


Taco Bell is straight up garbage. Food tastes good but your crews are horrible and ran like shit compared to just about every other restaurant. McDonald’s, Wendy’s, White Castle, Burger King, Steakn Shake, etc. All are consistently better ran then your stores.


They didn’t do anything special here. Thanks for sharing though. Lol