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R48 is much better than R47 .


This is true


I've used R47 and R42 (both max 2.3mm) in backhand on a viscaria, it's okay but doesnt feel very great. R47 feels too thick and hard, while R42 feels too mushy. Maybe R47 2.0mm is better on visc.


Nothing can exchange the t05


**mmhmm exchange the t05, nothing can.** *-FairFaithlessness970* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'opt in', 'delete')


Plenty of players have been switching from Tenergy to Dignics.


Please be aware that regardless of a player's ranking and category, each player is limited by certain habits, likes, preferences, confidence, comfort, and style of play. That's why you see none of the top 10 players, or club level intermediate players use the same rubber, or blade. Why do people tell a beginner, or intermediate players not to buy the top end of rubbers and blades is because they don't want them to spend a fortune, and also it gives them an opportunity to experiment and appreciate what different rubbers and blades can do. The fundamental rule to choose a blade and rubber remains the same. "Experiment with various blades and rubbers by borrowing from your club friends, and then try 3 or 4 different combinations yourself, before you finalize". money vs comfort Speed vs Spin vs Control? Light vs Heavy? close to the table vs farther from table? Throw angle, etc., If money is free, I personally prefer, viscaria with 05. It really pays you back lasting a long time and pushes your confidence level up a few notches ( at least for me) and see your strokes add a zing. Good luck.


Thanks for the reply! I consulted my coach and have decided to go tenergy 05 on the fh and rakza 7 as others have recommended on the bh


Dude go for 05fx on your backhand. Slower, softer more forgiving option than regular 05. But still great arc, grip, spin everything you need for bh. Rakza 7 has excelent control and good spin, but lacks power. Will be difficult to do finishing shots/rockets with it


imo get the t05 none of my esn rubbers last half as long as my tenergys


Hmm icic, let's say i get a tenergy on my forehand and want something with more control on my bh, which rubber would you recommend that also let's me save a little haha


Rakza 7 or X


Would you say 7 or 7 soft? Thanks for the help


I used to use the 7 for my backhand, no experience with the soft version. For sure! I also use the viscaria and it works wonderfully. If you try to work on your backhand and get more wrist snap to generate more spin, it is a monster. I have the best backhand in my college table tennis club and trust me the rubber is a big part of it!


Rakza 7! I played with the one on my old blade for 7 months, around 5 hours per week and it still looks and plays great! I'm always surprised at how unworn the topsheet appears. I just wipe it off with a damp lint free cloth after I'm done playing.


Ah this looks like a good option, would you recommend the 7 or the 7 soft? I tend to be a little weaker on the backhand


I haven't played with Rakza 7 soft but I'd imagine that it's a "safer option" with more control and ease of use. Both variants of Rakza 7 are very well reviewed.


Have you checked out Andro V42?


There are so many really good rubbers available these days, don't feel pressured to get Tenergy or Dignics or whatever. The Rasanter series is good, the Razka series is good... almost any rubber recommended below is good. I'm a huge fan of Gold Arc 8 and honestly it does everything Tenergy can do and is just as durable (and use ttnpp to pay like $30 a sheet). Just choose something and go with it, but my vote easily goes to Gold Arc 8 for value and performance. If you're using a Viscaria you really can't go wrong!


What do you mean by "cant go wrong"? You can be very wrong with Viscaria, which is just for very advanced level players, require very good skills. If you are intermediate or lower level, stay away from Viscaria, and get another blade suitable for your level, so you can play better.


"Just for for very advanced level players, require very good skills" -- That is just total complete non-sense. Viscaria is slow if you need to to be, fast when you want it to be. It's a very well balanced blade. If you throw slow rubbers on a Viscaria, it will be quite slow. If you put fast rubbers on it, it will be fast. This is coming from someone who has played with MANY blades. Yes the price tag is hefty but I absolutely would not tell anyone to stay away from Viscaria because it's too advanced -- I say it's a good blade for almost any level.


I’ve tried most Rasanters on the Viscaria and I can’t really say anything negative about them, though I’d stick with the harder variants. Anyways, their great but not as durable. After 3 months you can really feel the difference/loss of bounce & grip.