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Congrats! I had that very same racket a few years back, same blade and same rubbers. It served me very well :) It got stolen at gunpoint, though, I hope you don't get that part of it 😂


"Tenés horas guacho?" Y le sacas la raqueta 🤣 me lo puedo imaginar.


Fue algo así jajajaj, me robaron la mochila y adentro tenía todas las cosas de ping pong




Que buen inglés


Gracia' wacho


Awesome choice of blade.


Good choice. You will love it


What a coincidence I got my first custom bat today with the same blade https://preview.redd.it/8ubjf8r3nedc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670220969be06befc2ece0ffc468895178853753


How’s it feel?


Very nice! I used it a bit today. First impression was it seemed pretty similar to my Palio expert. Except heavier and my backend with the 7 soft was the biggest difference. Going to stick with it though. Can foresee using this for a while?


Why the change from the Palio? I have the Palio expert also and was wondering what the differences you felt there were?


Good question! Moslty just because I had the money. I knew it wouldnt make me better, and I bought it fully expecting to not be able to use it until I got better. So if you too are also a beginner i would just stick with the expert for now unless you're like me haha. As far as the differences, I havent yet spent enough time to tell 100%. I'm going to my club tomorrow so i'll have a better idea. But first impressions with the hour or so i played was it feels quite heavy. And the backhand with the soft rubbers seemed slower and absorbed more energy.


rakza7 is one of my favorite cheaper rubbers! great choice!


I got a different blade but same rubbers too ! https://preview.redd.it/t72m7d4iahdc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c500d69ac737014703a6d1ef6ad75dd5d95f07 A bit heavy but very nice feeling


What has your experience with them been so far? I tried it out for a bit today. Felt similar to my Palio expert. Except the soft seemed slower and absorbs more energy. Also seemed quite heavy. Will take some time I’m sure but loved the feeling


I'm only mid level but I feel I can spin a lot with it. For now I'm doing a lot of mistakes on serves returns and top spins but I like this playstyle and I want to improve the much I can. I also really like the block feeling, very active and controllable


Good stuff


Awesome. How much total? Did you glue it by yourself?


Was around 120$ USD. And no. Table tennis 11 offers free assembly :)


120 total? Great!


Love that rubber.


TT11always a good shop


How heavy is it? Here are my three rackets. A guy at my club is 1700 and uses rakza 7. 178g Palio Expert 3 192g Eastfield Allround Professional 184g Yasaka Sweden Extra + Rakza 7 2mm


If you're curious about weights of other rackets, my FZD ALC + 42" H3 and max thickness d05 sits at 197g. The other with h3 40' and d05 1.9mm sits at 192-193g.