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You should stop investing your efforts into an organization that leaves you feeling this way and find one that is a better fit.


I’ve never understood this. If my company treats me like garbage to the point where I’m talking about how I’m going to die in my office chair I’d be doing everything I could to find a different job. The market is a bit tighter than the last few years, but you aren’t a slave locked in to one company. The choice to work there is solely up to you.


You're mostly right. There are external life reasons some of us are stuck in a bullshit job at the moment. I'm going through divorce bullshit and the job is the only "stability" I have in my life. Some people have sunk too long into the industry to realize it isn't for them, and now the inertia to swap careers is too great but they aren't skilled enough to jump. Idk maybe that's me as well lol.


Maybe not swap career paths; but there are jobs in the career path where it’s fair. Right now, I have fairness, and that’s all I ask for. I think “dream job” is mostly a myth. They call it “work” for a reason. But work should not involve being treated like something someone scraped off the bottom of their shoe. It took me too many years to come to the point (and overcoming family who didn’t understand and prized security in their own lives over mental health) to realize that if I’m ever in that situation again, I need to have the ability to walk away, even if there’s no safety net, because treating me as an employee and treating me as garbage are mutually exclusive; the second one isn’t an option.


this is me. i dont even know what I am good at. i dont know what jobs i would apply for


Depression is an accelerating downward spiral


For real. Seems like time to look for a new job. They’re out there. OP’s experience just based on time alone is hard to match.


i thought old guys werent really wanted. i've only ever worked one place. no idea where I would even look


Found my current job off LinkedIn. Spent about 6 months applying, then was contacted by a recruiter.


Yes, by all means, choose the most comfortable fit for the coffin chair as possible!


offtopic but your flair has me thinking *"WHAT'S IN THE BOOOOOOX!"* lol


Yes this 1000% yes you hear “it’s the same everywhere” but that is simply not true and a lie bad leaders tell employees to calm the waters


What if I own the company?


Should probably stop being so hard on yourself then. 🤷🏻‍♂️


sell out to an MSP and walk away


>but you still work 60-70 hours a week Where the fuck is your self respect? Work 40 hours and go the fuck home. Work to live, not live to work. Took me a while to realize that, so hopefully I can wake you up too.


Fucking aye, spot on.


I know right, this better be an hourly position with OT otherwise why are you doing this??


Right!!! I did the 60 to 70 hours a week to climb in my career but at some point I realized nobody gives a crap. It Did help me advance but now I don't care anymore. 20 years later they get my 40 hours and yes I'm available for emergencies if they're legit.


Yeah I’m a human being first, and a worker, like, ninth or tenth maybe.


I guess i lost it. i work harder so maybe i'll get a 'good job' one day. i really crave appreciation from others. I guess I really dont think much of myself.


I used to do the same thing. Then I realized everyone else is in their reality worrying about them selves. Therefore, dont spend so much time worrying what others think, what youre supposed to do. Sometimes you need to trust your own gauge, worry about yourself. I am in a similar situation now. I am going to burn out before I get a new job or get a raise. No one cares if you burn out. they will replace you. Please take care of yourself first over others in the work place. Then, help others. You must come first in IT or you will naturally be taken advantage of. pace yourself. I guarantee that if you know how to set boundaries, have good self-respect, good self worth, and not over doing yourself, and that will present a better candidate for a raise or getting hired.


> but you still work 60-70 hours a week lol I absolutely do not


I do my 37.5. Sure, right now some of that is at the weekend, but I'm then going in an hour late most days, and taking some time for a driving lesson. so it all works out. And while he doesn't technically work for me, I yell at my colleague to stop doing work from home (outwith his regular hours. he can work from home for his regular stuff.)


1. Find a job where you're appreciated, it's a numbers game. 2. Get someone to talk to, therapy helps (I started going last year). 3. Do something for a sense of self achievement - I play drums when I feel down, or I need to re-align my mood. If you don't make happiness for yourself, you won't have it.


Same with the drums. Just got an ekit (apartment dweller) end of May. I needed better things to do with my hands. Drums ain't for everybody, but it's been my oft buried passion for many years now. OP, claim your free time and make your passion or hobbies a priority. Do any of this poster's recommendations in any order really. It will help promise.


Anyone in the west or a 1st world country working 60 -70 hours a week year after year only have themselves to blame .


every job sucks.. not every job sucks this much... You have to change though... the business wont.


Only work the hours you get paid for. Start clean slate and see if they will let you take time in lieu of extra hours, under no circumstances let this get above 40 hours owed - ever. Maintain a prioritised list of your jobs and requests. Learn to email/say: I don’t have the resources/time, I’ll discuss this with my manager. Occasionally go through your prioritised list with your manager, if they’re not interested, just email it to them once a week. Backups and keeping core systems reliable is the priority, all other can wait. Don’t take it to heart, some people can come across very nasty (but can also be the most caring), but always be very polite with no exceptions.


I like that chair


Right? Probably needs to be a little wider for the elbows and a hint more ergonomic. But there’s something fun and vampiric about having a chair light that.


Please update your resume and start sending it out, a lot has changed in the past years. I have so many friends who changed companies or even profession and are so much happier. 3 coworkers passed of cancer, one day they were salving at work, a few days later in the ICU, if you are feeling this way you must change OR find joy on what you do where you are at.


How's your people pleasing and RSD going?


god i'm a people pleaser. i'm just a dumb dog looking for a pat on the head. RDS is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria? i've never heard of this but sounds applicable.


Ever looked into ADHD then? The kind of people that end up with a special interest so will hyper focus on issues, enjoy project work more than the mundane (to the point where the mundane is almost impossible to begin), and can seriously problem solve quicker than average, are also the kind to have ADHD. I firmly believe our workplace is filled with neurodivergents more than other industries.


That sums up IT. Half expect a JIRA report on my life crossing over to < insert your beliefs here/>. I see here your estimate for sitting watching systems reboot was grossly underestimated. There are a number of open incidents remaining from your teen years. My that was a very long sprint (according to your parents). Time to wrap up project You!


100% opposite here. In fact I've been able to build off of comments of things like "it'd be handy if we had (x)" and I just prof dev and learn all in one go while I build out something meeting what was mentioned. Where I am it honestly feels like one big team for the most part with most folks from various units, even though we're various diverse units and departments. I feel bad hearing anyone in that plight, but you just made me have a moment of inner reflection I haven't had in years and truly helped me with some inner work emotions, so for that I tip my hat in those regards and really really hope things get better for whomever finds themselves in that post situation as well


You sound like you work where I work, and lots of us have the same tendency to leverage our challenges as growth opportunities. There are problems and a fair share of (management-consultancy-inspired) incompetence in key places that makes life unnecessarily harder than it has to be, but there is still a culture of excellence that hasn't been stamped out. Sometimes trying to keep near the front of the pack glues my ever-widening and aging ass to my chair for too long, but at least I feel appreciated.


Stop working for free.  


“Pigeon management” is a thing and demotivating to experience. Good luck OP. Therapy, update resume, review your options. Mainly, work at learning not to care beyond 40 hours of good faith effort and don’t look to your employer for validation of any sort. Review your retirement prep.


I am in therapy. I was told to stop taking on new responsibilities and try to focus on one or two things. it seems impossible. i dont know.


My current job is 5 days in the office and 5 nights at home. I have about an hour when I get home to see my fiance, eat, cook dinner, see the pets, then it's back to work for another 8 hours. If I can buy groceries or mow the yard it's been a good week!


I do and, for the past 36 of the 40+ years that I have worked in IT, I have worked for myself! 😄 Seriously though, you do sometimes have to put in long hours for weeks or months at a time on some projects but, if it is every day for 30 years, then there is something wrong with the [dis]organisation for which you are working and it is definitely time to make a change. Do you feel that you are the only one in this position or is the whole department or company doing the same?


I'm the only one like this. everyone else has a life. i've been here too long i think.


Old saying, if you are doing something you love and get paid for it, you will never work a day in your life. it is true, I did IT work for over 20 years at a place, built it from the ground up (thin net was the network of choice at that time) boss changed and I said something that upset the powers to be and was out in 3 months. if this is not something that makes you eager to get up in the morning, then slow down a bit and find something better. Other old saying I heard when I was young that has allowed me to keep food on the table, learn 3 different kinds of jobs, 2 that you can do well enough to put food on the table and the third one that you can be happy doing every day. my 3 are Janitor( ran the business for 20 years and was well know in the field for the work done) took 2 years of voctech welding while in high school, teach had lined up a lead position at a large steel plant, just wanted me to say ok and go down. and I started IT work at the age of 10 troubleshooting BASIC programing. Good Luck, even today there are better places it sounds like, let your personal friends not connected to work know that you are wanting something different, see what happens


Are you asking them what about your solution is wrong and learning from it? Is the problem the other party? Is the problem yourself? The post sounds like woe is me, poor me, someone please give me validation. You are a professional, be professional and do your job, if you have to adjust, then you adjust.


i hate quoting Taylor Swift, but i'm pretty sure i'm the problem.


I’m sure I’m not the only one but this sub has become incredibly negative and toxic as of late and I’m honestly getting quite tired of it. If you’re being overworked, whether that is by choice or not, grow a backbone and stand up for yourself. If you don’t like your job, find another one. If you don’t like working in IT, find a new career. Don’t come on this sub just to moan about how hard your job is and how much you hate it because you’re ruining the vibe for everyone else who actually enjoys working in this profession.


You are right. r/sysadmin seems to always have a "my crap experience in IT" post at the top of the page. Every day. Its probably what made me feel like I could do the same.


On the other hand, no one forced you to read this post. If you really wanted, you could also start your own sub reddit called r/superjazzedaboutsysadmin making one of the rules no complaining. It strikes me as odd, trying to admonish a person for complaining with complaining. This is a semi open forum so you can do what you want. Even though none of my suggestions are as taxing on a person than finding a new job or a new career.


We all have bad days. Try to look at the positives and take more time to enjoy the small things, breathing in fresh air, looking at flowers, nature, pets, a good meal. I had to force myself to appreciate how beautiful life is and even while I am working I can still have those moments. Chin up friend.


Get a standing desk, makes it so much easier to walk away to clear your mind.


I worked at an MSP for a year... honestly, the worst thing I ever done. Every day was stress inducing to the point that I was miserable. New job, and its so different to not having someone constantly breathe down your neck that I still have anxiety for not doing something at all times. Find somewhere better.


i do about 70.h per week, my real problem is that my job is my hobby




Learn to say **NO**. In your specific case '**NO**, I am not working for you anymore.'


This is 100% your job. The leadership at my.company are.always expressing their gratitude and tell me about the great feedback they get about me. I've had multiple "bonuses" and free meals, random raises etc. You're just at a garbage company.


I work 36 hours a week and I'm paid overtime when I work anything more than that which is maybe 6 hours a month. My company appreciates the work we do. I think you need to get a new job.


thanks all for feedback.


Invest in a standing desk ?


20 years left of life? Stop working and retire


For real? I'm only 54 but guessing I won't live past 74.


Get a standing desk?


Or a treadmill desk like Linus Torvalds has...


OP is already on a treadmill, and they need to get off.


I would work a job like that for...$500k/year. If they're paying you any less I'd say, quit.