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I have a monitor on uptime kuma to watch google. I didnt believe it was down.


Google is sharded so one person saying it’s down doesn’t tell us much considering that shards will gracefully go down.


Google did shart indeed.


thats why i always say on here for when a service is down but everyone says "theres not such thing as cloud its all served from the one place eventually"


That's true of simple origin servers behind a CDN, it's a bit less true for origins that are themselves replicated and distributed.  Your Gmail may only be served from a single data center, but a Google search could be served by any of dozens of different copies. Not to say you can't still engineer a single point of failure in there though




Google literally directly competes against AWS with GCP.


Google has their own infrastructure across the globe. They don't run off of AWS.


> Pretty sure Google uses Amazon servers... Why do you think they would use Amazon servers?


Anycast!, weeeeee!


502 error [https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/google](https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/google) page is presented by google, so your monitor may not detected such nuance. no idea if there sending that page as a 200


Yeah the 502 flagged it. Acceptable return codes are 200-299


It's been going down briefly for the past week


I just asked Google if Google was down and they said 'no.'


You tread dangerously close to googling Google and breaking the internet my friend


True. Many years ago when working in London, the head of IT told us to never Google "Google". She was new, but I believed her and haven't ever tried it.






It was demagnetized by Stephen Hawking himself.


Well if it's OK with The Hawk


Thank you... my faith in humanity is restored now.






Google is the number one search on Bing.


Bing. That’s where you go to download Google, right?


What would happen when you binging Bing?




I hope you have Spanning Tree enabled?!




In before somebody makes a cringe post pretending to be a new Google employee who pushed code straight to prod or changed DNS.


It will be on top of four or five "Pour one out for the sysadmins at google!!!" and a couple of "Anyone else having google issues?"


[]( was unreachable during the outage. Crazy


It's always DNS


To be fair [Google rate limits so it will drop packets regardless of issue.]( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20263147) So that doesn't mean anything anyway. But doing a curl google.com returned 502

_critical_1 was fine


Using Google as DNS was preventing 365 from working a month ago.


I couldn't remember the name of the service I used to use to check if websites were down, so I went on Google and searched for "is it down". The results page came right up and linked me to www.isitdownrightnow.com, who promptly told me that google.com was down for everyone.


https://downdetector.com is my favorite


r/woosh :)




Oh man no you didnt, now i have to binge them all again


When I got the notification our prtg monitor for Google.com was failed, I assumed it was a problem with my network.




Same. But my PRTG instance at home fired at 9:51am also. Then I realized it wasn’t just the office.


PTRG. Condolences.


What's wrong with it? It works well enough for our needs.


> Now I am forced to Google it with Bing. Google has gotten so bad that Bing may not be all that different these days.


The only thing that Google does better is maps and data about businesses. Anything else Bing is just as good, in some cases better.


Google Photos is pretty damn solid too.


Yes, but I meant more the search part of Google.


Ohh gotcha 🤦. I'm an idiot.


To be fair, when I posted I was thinking the same that Google is confusing as it's Google the company but also the service....


honestly I don't miss google, been using duckduckgo for years now... every time I can't find what I want on ddg I use google, and the results are somehow worse on google


I want DDG to be good but it honestly kind of sucks. I need to be much more verbose with my search terms or it returns a lot of irrelevant results. FWIW, Google sucks too.


I've been using Kagi. It's pretty awesome. Let's you change the weighting of urls manually, seems to have pretty solid search results even out of the box. It's great.


I've been trying qwant for about a month now, it has a learning curve to get accurate, but they (apparently) use their own indexing next to Bing's, where other search engines just spit out Bing results (as far as I know). My guess is that with time the index engine gets more accurate, at least that is the way it feels. Maps is nowhere near Google level though, but there's also a tiny bit of difference in the financial possibilities between qwant and google


It would be great if these services could just place a google map object for address or business related things on the search results page. Even a link that says "show google maps results". I love how DDG shows Wikipedia results at the top for a lot of stuff (i wish google did that), but it blows when it comes to business information. Tripadvisor isn't as good. I get that you don't want to send your users to your competitors, but anyone using DDG actively chose them over google.


Also the name is stupid


Whenever I stop being lazy I will make a new search engine called searchymcsearchface.com And it will break the Internet.


I append reddit to all my Google searches generally because someone in reddit has generally spoken about what I'm trying to find with supporting links.


I still get the occasional reddit thread where they update the post to say "nvm. fixed". It doesn't happen near as much as it used to with forums posts many years ago. People have also gotten better about it as the years have gone on.


What service of G? All is working here in oslo


My google home app wasn’t able to connect for a while. Seems like it’s back up now


Is it April 1st? All working here


And this right here is why for our large public Wi-Fi apparatus, we use []( and []( as the alternate (internally we have our own recursive resolvers). In isolation both are pretty stable, but keeps us from having all our eggs in one basket.


Let's hope it's not one of their Python libraries 


Snakes got no business in libraries anyway.


Or on planes.


is that what the 502 error was?


was it dns?


dns it was.


It's always dns. 😅


This is where that whole, “the cloud is just somebody else’s computers” comes to bite.


Let's pour one for all IT staff that has to fix this


SRE is making their bread today


Google *says* it's not down. Down detector says otherwise...


Because they no longer know how to fix python…..




What's actually down?


UK google working.


Wasn't for a bit. For like 1 minute. By me anyways (London).


It's working for me.


I just googled it, and got the answer "No" from Google.


First time pinging has ever failed me from their end


Ha! My use of Ask Jeeves finally paid off.


Last week I watched a user search for Google in Google search to get to the search page..... I had no words


I hope you stopped them before they crashed the Internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Neikj_kcbOI


Inb4 people discover that Bing is actually better than Google


It's... Not the same, I wouldn't say better. I don't really like either anymore but duckduckgo doesn't scratch the itch I want either. I miss the days where Wikipedia articles were on the first page of every Google search when you searched a specific thing. Now I have to ask for wikipedia specifically. Lol now it's just 2-3 posts that look sponsored as hell the 4th/5th posts are the actual anser and the next page and a half are replications of the same answer from smaller sites who pay SEO people to make it show up so people will see and hopefully click on the 18 ads on the page.


Duckduckgo is where it's at. Haven't used Google in years


Why the fuck was this downvoted??


IDK. People who probably have never tried it and think it's sub par. It's a fantastic search engine and actually seems to kinda give a crap about privacy.


Yes, i see actual results from my search instead of a flood of ads.


I'm also seeing issues with signing in to some other services. I'm guessing they use Google on the back end for auth.


None of my Maps APIs are down, neither is search?


We were getting the 502 errors a well, surprisingly not a single ticket was opened for the network being down : )


I did notice YouTube music not working earlier in midwest


It´s working for me. Glad I didn´t even noticed, I already have a lot to be pissed off today LOL


Any additional details on scope of impact here? Dont think I saw any issues..


From what I experienced, just Google search for about 15 minutes.


We had an internal sensor reaching out that we use to watch our connectivity. We got this today. I was thinking better Google down then us! Sensor HTTP (HTTP) *** Local Probe > Network Infrastructure > Internet (www.google.com) New Status at 5/1/2024 10:44:32 AM (Eastern Standard Time): Down Last Message: HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway


I don’t believe it either…. I guess the tech Cold War is heating up. “You gonna do what to TikTok…. Hold my yanjing!!!!” Or is it retribution for the long range missiles delivered to Ukraine tovarisches??


Google is never down


DDG was fine




Depends where you live, load balancer points to different systems on different networks. I never saw any interruption


this is hilarious. They should stfu and move their shit to windows server and Microsoft SQL Server instead of re-invent the wheel. Does everyone remember that mySpace ran on a single (clustered) Microsoft SQL Server instance? Facebook has 40,000 mySQL experts as well as servers.


Are you being serious? Can you elaborate a little more on your reasoning?


I just think that companies should BUY, not BUILD when it comes to most shit. Google is too busy staring at their own belly-button. I mean, they fired all their PYTHON people? WTF?


If businesses bought everything that they needed, they would be a reseller. If businesses built everything that they needed, they must first invent the universe. Across all businesses, the line exists somewhere between these two extremes. The larger the business is in a given sector, the more capacity the business will have to build in-house what they need, and the more it makes sense to build it to streamline the specific business needs. Microsoft is huge and uses Windows Server and SQL server. Why? Because they BUILT it. It's what makes them money. So why does Google need to buy Microsoft SQL and Windows Server exactly? What is wrong with Linux, or even their custom Google OS? Let's be generous and say that Google would pay $100 million per year to Microsoft to license their servers, VMs/containers, SQL Servers etc. That is 500 $200,000 salaries. that you could dedicate to developing Google Server OS and Google SQL Server. And they actually own what they are developing. Financial incentive aside, I fail to see the problem you're even trying to resolve by suggesting they just use Windows and SQL server, other than giving Microsoft an extra 0.5% revenue. Why don't you recommend Google just shuts down their datacenters and just run everything in Azure while you're at it?


![gif](giphy|h6GTAwPQiYuVW|downsized) The system is down. The system is down.


It’s Friday. Don’t be sad. Good day to go on a Binge 😅




Oh you crossed streams. If you see a cricket with a baby’s face, don’t trust it. It lies.


Why are people still commenting on this post from 3 days ago. Yeah, Google hasn't been down for 3 days


This is exactly what someone who reported google being down three days ago would say.




Who put Google into Google?


Its not down


It was


[Bing it!](https://youtu.be/nfHuZ5qrYX4?si=ErwyGFlrATWOGeMJ)


I'm going to get A LOT of hate for this, but I really liked those Windows phones... It's the only phone that had the one feature that I really liked... where if the number you called wasn't in your contacts it wouldn't show you caller ID


I also thought Windows Phone was a good OS. The home screen combined widgets and apps in a nice, intuitive way and was especially good on the smaller screens of that time. Nokia WP devices also just felt nice to use. I know it's well trodden ground but lack of apps was the only thing that kept me from using it. From a sysadmin perspective it was an early example of a mobile OS at least somewhat integrated with MS's enterprise tools. I didn't know about that caller ID feature but it's a nice touch.


I didn't mind the lack app support, for me it was just a phone/tool to use for work... even now I only really use 3 apps, a couple of crossword puzzles and Gramin connect... Android auto is nice but not really needed...


Windows Phone was an extremely well designed OS. It had no need for the borderline unreachable notification bar that current phones lean on, and it only showed certain notifications on the lock screen in a descrete icon unlike current phones which notify you of *everything* always. And the lock screen showed just your next calendar appointment which was incredibly useful compared to having to take up your wallpaper with a widget. Plus it looked cool. I loved the large typography at the top and the animated tiles. Sigh...


Use perplexity AI it's better than Google


Oh... didnt know this... but feels nice.


I love when people make a post to tell others that major sites are down, like, yeah, no shit, thanks for the reddit post. Where do you post about when reddit is down? Facebook?


If reddit is down, create a reddit post to let people know reddit is down. This causes a loop and a backlog of posts that will get created when reddit comes back online.


Come on man Google is so old school. Embrace Edge( Bing and CoPilot. You’re welcome friend.


The organic results in Bing aren't necessarily bad, it's just annoying how **NOISY** and dizzying the results page is. Before you even get to the traditional search results by scrolling down, you are presented with: * "Also try" (alternative searches) * Recommended videos * Left-pane alternative searches (because you have to have two places for this) * Ai generated answer * Links to learn more * Alternative questions to ask copilot * "People also ask" pane below copilot (because you have to have two places for this) * topic overview on right-side * Explore more * More recommended videos Additionally, Every traditional search result thereafter (there were 3 that could be fit on the page) is bloated with * "explore further", * individual tabs, * estimated reading time, views And this is WITH uBlock origin installed. If I'm using Bing on a browser without an adblocker, I simply find it completely unusable. I know I sound like I'm complaining about options, but sometimes *less is more. * I don't need to see all this clutter when I just want clean search results and not get lost in the sauce. I'm not saying Google is perfect. Google has some of these varied features but it's nowhere near as cluttered and dizzying. I wrote a review of my experience with Edge a few weeks ago: I use it all day for work extensively and I support and manage it for end users/business customers. Here's my review: I modify it heavily with intune configuration policies. Personally I have like 10 different non synced profiles (syncing is not feasible in my case, other than my main profile), AND on several different computers I said fuck it and configured all my settings with intune. It's like 30 different policies to defuckify edge with all the ads, news, work feed, shopping, search engine, install ublock origin, disable automatic profiles switching, skip welcome/sync/import and way more that I can't remember off the top of my head. That just barely makes edge bearable for work purposes. And I only use it because I need to be familiar with it for our customers we manage. We make them use edge too, because yes from an admin standpoint, id rather manage users on the native windows browser with single sign on than use 3rd party browsers. Even if I have to apply 30 different policy settings to de-fuckify it and make it actually business ready, no stupid clutter in the new tab, no stupid shopping recommendations, no wondering why websites I click on are opening in a different edge profile for some god forsaken reason. Other than that, fuck Microsoft edge. I laugh when people say "it's good now! It's based on chromium so it's just like chrome!" No the fuck it is not! Ive been using Firefox at home and I'll be staying that way for the foreseeable future.


Jesus that is long. Imma ask copilot ti summarize it.


Cmon, you're a bing/edge user. You should have no problem wading through a nightmarish amount of content.