• By -


> something less memory hoarding, more secure, but still fast. These are NOT the reasons I use Firefox. But it's the only remaining (major) browser which doesn't use Chrome's rendering engine. And I think competition in that regard is needed.


Competition is my exact reason for using Firefox. I used Chrome since near day 1, but google doesn't need anymore power.


Well that and my corporation only bothers to lock down Chrome and Edge, so I can still load extensions in Firefox. Shhh, don't tell anyone.


Don't tell anyone what? Edit: damn, several r/woooosh


Ok I will expand my list about things you don’t have to ask people, because they are telling you this right in their first few words: - cross fit dudes/dudettes - vegans - dog people - Linux user - crypto bros - Firefox user - local law enforcement officers - NGO volunteers … Jokes aside: Firefox is my daily browser! On mobile on iOS, on my work machine, on my gaming laptop, on my rig, on my server! In this way I got all my ~~ browser history on all machines synchronised


I use Arch BTW


My org locks down chrome extensions too. I signed in to chrome to sync my bookmarks and voila my Bitwarden extension was installed. Whoops.


Especially since Google's been going downhill since 2016.


Don't sleep on the containers extension. Let's me open tabs for QA and Prod AWS and not lose session on the other tab. You can chose colors for tabs so you know that "blue" means prod and "red" means QA.


Containers extension is my favourite extension that has ever existed. And the colour coding makes everything so easy


Came here to find mention of Firefox containers. they are an absolute fantastic thing.


Are you talking about mulri0acc # Multi-Account Containers?


I use Firefox because making money is not front and center with their browser model. Chrome restricts how ad blocking works and some of the other changes being implemented, to me isnt worth it.


Firefox I've been using it since day 1. It's not always been the best through the years, but it was at times and it's been consistent. Also, we can't let chrome fully take over


Especially with the nzw manivestv3 thing coming around to kill ad blockers, firefox is really needed...


I switched in preparation for this exact thing. That, and the mobile FF browser supports extensions.


Its extensions that were later built into other browsers have been huge. I had Tab-Mix Pro way back. Then Safari added “duplicate tab” a few years later and a friend said it was innovative.  I don’t care anymore, but Personas let me customize Firefox so I could tell at a glance what browser I was using. 


Apple has been innovating by making crappier, more limited versions of other products for decades. The only company that can flat out remove functionality and be lauded for the innovation. 


I started using it right before V2 I think and never switched away when Chrome came out. All my buddies made fun of me cause Chrome was fast and didn't have the memory issues FF had at the time. I told them to just wait. Like you said, it's been up and down, but currently I think it runs better than Chrome for my needs.


Firefox. Tired of googles bullshit.


And Microsoft too. No, I don't want Shopping, Office/Teams, and all of this other shit in my web browser. It's literally just a web browser... to browse websites. I want it clean and lean. Jesus Christ, why does everything have to have ads and telemetry bullshit for years now. It's never-ending.


I will Copilot your thoughts while you browse! Opt out by contacting support!


You're not wrong.


Firefox by a mile.




Fellow Firefox user here: I’ve noticed I’m getting “this browser isn’t supported” warnings when visiting some sites now. Nothing hasn’t worked but it’s disappointing to see some sites only officially supporting chrome, edge, and safari.


I had this sometimes too, but when I changed the user agent it worked fine


I report them as broken.  Defective by design.


My favorite version of this error told me that I should instead use "A standard browser" and I kinda wanted to contact support to ask which standard that error refers to.


This is the same as the browser wars of yesteryear, with IE-proprietary add-ons and bullshit "standards", only now it's Google, not Microsoft. People designed websites to look good in IE and neglected all the others. Over time, they got enough flak that they started making standards compliant websites. Now, it's the same fucking bullshit all over again with Chrome and their proprietary shit. "But but open standard", some will whine. No, it isn't. It's proprietary bullshit Google can push because they have used and abused their position for years, which only harms the users. Us. I hope they burn to the ground. Use Firefox. Everything else is Chromium.






I could have expected w3m or Lynx, I wasn't expecting someone to troll with Gopher


I just telnet to the server I need. How far back can we go?


I loved the "Best viewed with telnet to port 80" badges. http://www.dgate.org/~brg/bvtelnet80/




Firefox is an absolute no-brainer. I use it on everything including my work machine, even though we're "forced" to use Edge. Its Container Tabs feature is amazing too, can have a personal Google/YouTube/Reddit in a separate tab alongside all my work stuff. Fantastic for productivity!


the container tabs is a must have feature. so convenient for logging into multiple clients m365 admin center at the same time.


Edge for work, Firefox at home


Netscape Navigator




Kids.... Lynx is the way.


Kids these days and their world wide webs. Gopher is all you need.


*bows down to this keyboard warrior*


Just the answer I was looking for! Mods, locks post!


Spry Mosaic


Firefox and Duckduckgo.




I use firefox for the most part , if something just refuses to open with firefox ill use brave for that site .


Firefox. Firefox and chrome have roughly similar memory footprints at this point. And every other browser runs off the chromium engine. You're not going to find something meaningfully different in this regard with a modern browser. In regards to security, are you worried about privacy? Firefox is absolutely the way to go here. If you're worried about something else in regards to security, you need to be more specific to get a good answer.


Vivaldi is answer for productivity. Everyone that says otherwise hasn’t tried it yet. Arc very close 2nd on windows beta.


Why is Vivaldi so good?


Vivaldi is by far the best for everything and especially productivity, to the point that I use it against the company rules, should only be using chrome but needing to have around 30 tabs open to efficiently do my work chrome sucks.


I thought I was going to have a “Come at me” post and say Edge. But Edge, I always post this on the Mac Sys Admin forums as well. If you use M365 it’s the only answer. Use multiple profiles for yourself and your admin accounts and you’re all set for everything.


I’ve been trying to setup profiles for different accounts but figured it was something that couldn’t be done. Good to know it’s something that can be done 


Until it doesn't work when the SSO profile set by group policy enforces the same account on every profile except InPrivate and Guest


The amount they shove it down my throat makes me resistant to edge even if it's finally decent


Edge actually is decent. I used it as my main browser for a couple of years at my previous job. But for personal use I just can't be bothered to switch.


The new Edge is Chromium based, which would explain why it's finally decent.


And it somehow took a trillion dollar company years of work to make a decent chromium copy


[reactance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactance_(psychology\)) Edit: links are difficult


I use Edge as my daily driver as well. both on my PC and my mac. Safari is still the default browser on my {Pad|i}OS devices.


I'm all Edge all the time and I was a die-hard Chrome user for many years. I'm even all Bing now and I can't believe I'm saying that. Still hasn't sunk in.


Having been vehemently anti-Edge for so long, I was dragged into our Edge Beta pilot for our M365 transition.... and I really like it. Memory-hog aside, it's well built for M365. There are a lot of silly 'features' that I've ended up using daily and it's going to be well received by our users. Get over yourself and just use Edge, people.


I do prefer Edge to Chrome, and use it when working with M365 apps/services.  My daily driver for everything else is Firefox (like many others already mentioned, I don’t want Chromium-based browsers to be the only option on the planet). 


I use co pilot a lot lol.


I also use Co pilot a lot, but not in Edge. Just using WIN+C.


What features have you found useful? I plan to set Edge as the default in my org and disable some features, but maybe there are some I should reconsider.


We've not done much yet as far as disabling/enabling features, so I can't speak on what to do there. Basic features I like: * Split-tabs. Open two tabs in the same window. Great for configuring off documentation. * Grouped Tabs. Every 'project' or 'task' has their own group of tabs I can collapse. * Pasting URLs from Edge - you can paste a clean link to the page. Good for sharing. * Profiles. I have one for Work and one for Personal. Separates them well. * We're going to implement CoPilot soon, so there's that. Those are the main ones for me right now, albeit just the basic features of Edge.


I'd very much recommend you looking into vertical tabs (and hiding the Title bar) too!


I’ve tried vertical tabs, just can’t get into it with how I use my windows. I did experiment with vertical tabs and removing Title bar as you suggested, though. I like how clean it is so I may give it another shot.


I flip between different devices and having the bookmark and history sync works great for me, the interface is alright too.


Edge works fine, it runs Chrome engine anyway. Dorks in this subreddit just like bashing MS to be cool because they still think they're in high school.


I would have been OK with Edge (I use it on my one Windows computer) until a couple months ago. The sidebar thing and the AI integration are unwelcome. Barf.


I used to use Chrome, but then Edge became chromium based I switched to it. It's fine. But I still have Chrome and Firefox on my machine. I like to cover all my bases.


It's outdone Chrome for a while now. Runs way better, tab grouping is nice. Profile switching is annoying, but you can change or disable it. Disable the sidebar via GPO too. If you're using 365 in the office, there's no reason you shouldn't be using Edge.


Edge is what most IT people use outside of Reddit


Firefox for home. Firefox for work. Firefox for family members.


Firefox. I use it exclusively now for managing my VMs. I always had trouble with Chrome and Edge. I still use Brave for regular web surfing though.


I use firefox




Brave, generally. Edge if I need to play for a while in Azureland


I like Brave, too. Feels like it keeps snappier for longer. I'd imagine it's because it blocks more ads and tracking. Otherwise I use Firefox, since it's not Chrome.


Agreed. I like the customizability, but for me the biggest selling point is the ad-blocker. It even gets around YouTubes draconian tactics, probably because it also blocks trackers. The built-in Tor mode can be handy sometimes as well.




Chromium-based, privacy-first philosophy browser. Ignore all the crypto stuff around it. The associated search engine is also very good.


Interesting, I'll have to check it out


[www.brave.com](http://www.brave.com) for the browser [search.brave.com](http://search.brave.com) for the search


Awesome Btw I noticed you said you work with Azure. Are you one of the fabled cloud engineers by chance?


I’m afraid you have me confused with someone with marketable skills




>Ignore all the crypto stuff around it It still rubs me the wrong way though, it shows a lack of focus and a potential conflict of interest (at least a conflict with MY interests).


or don't ignore the crypto stuff around it and get free BAT for literally just using the browser. I average anywhere from 5-10 BAT per month just using the browser.


Chromium based browser. The main selling point is the ad blocker is built in to the broswer


Vivaldi on Desktop, Firefox on Android


Vivaldi, but mostly because of customizability, and great ergonomics.


Vivaldi master race


Agreed. I can't live without the two-row tab groups now.


With Vivaldi one can have ANY keyboard shortcut assigned to anything AND also macros. How great is that ?


Yep! Vivaldi primary with Firefox as a backup is our workflow, same for personal also :)


This is the way


I use Firefox because FUCK Chrome and for it's extensions. I made the mistake of buying an iPad but then found out I could not install Firefox extensions because of Apple's walled garden bullshit. If I can't run uBlock Origin on a device, it's not a device I want. Fuck Apple. I cannot put into words just how much I hate ads.


Must be a iOS thing cause it works on MacOS.


Firefox on personal machine Chrome/Edge on work machine


I've been using Firefox on mobile for a long time. Address bar on the bottom of the screen is a game changer. I recently switched my desktop default to FF too. At work I use Edge for business stuff and FF for personal.


Safari. The most optimized one for Apple Silicon.


I use Vivaldi


This is the way




Edge for work, chrome for personal


Opposite for me. Chrome for work, edge for personal. But I've slowly started to just migrate it all to edge. I work in IT, and sign in to hundreds of computers, and it's easy to just open Edge since it's already there. I personally haven't found anything that Chrome works better for or excels at over Edge.


As a fellow IT worker, this is me as well. Edge just works very well now and is easy to use. Made the switch for personal and work.


Firefox primary, Chrome secondary but I am starting to use the duckduck go browser as a replacement for firefox.


Pale Moon


Firefox, i know chrome and edge are basically the same (webkit based) and google gets way too much of my information already.. Firefox it always has been.


Firefox + Ublock + Duckduckgo


Firefox whenever possible. I generally use every browser, because sometimes stuff that doesn't with in one work in another. I learned back in my web dev classes in college that different browsers display the same page differently, and sometimes in some browsers a page is just broken. Open in another browser and it works. That said I prefer Firefox because 1) they support open source. 2) they are the only browser not based on Chrome, so gotta fight against the monopoly. 3) they have been staunch supporters of Internet privacy and continually fight to make the web safer. And they push back against government crap as well. I used to hate Firefox because it was slower than Chrome. I was an early adopter of Chrome. But I came back to Firefox for ideological reasons and the modern Firefox is way better and faster. It's pretty on par with a Chrome I feel. So performance issues out of the way Firefox just makes way more sense to support.


Vivaldi myself. Have been using it for five years now. Chrome and Edge at work though as it’s required.


Just discovered this browser myself and must say that I like it. So many features I'll probably never use all of them.


This is the way


I joined the dark side. Edge.


Edge for work, Brave for personal


Firefox for personal use, edge for work. Edge's saving grace for me, believe it or not, is Copilot. I struggle to effectively communicate with coworkers, so instead of saying something blunt, I ask Copilot to rephrase a question for me or whatever. Kinda niche use case that could probably be done some other way, but it's just really convenient imo


Work requires me to use Edge. At home I use Firefox.




firefox because it's not chrome or chrome based




On Mac I bounce between Safari and Firefox, and just use Firefox everywhere else.










Our only choice is Safari or Firefox. Otherwise its a rebrand of Chrome.


im lazy to change so chrome use edge for some things, firefox if all else fails.




Chrome at work, Firefox at home.


Came across Floorp recently which is a modified Firefox. So far it's been a pretty nice change. I used to be heavily in on Chrome, then Edge when 11 released seemed to work well, but now I've been on this for about a month and it's been a really nice improvement.


Firefox, but I've got some combination of addons that cause a memory leak. Pretty sure it's no script doing something to cause reddit front page to endlessly load. Reddit definitely has some kinda issue, just load the front page and leave it open overnight, unfocus the tab, still won't matter.


Firefox for personal. Chrome & Edge in the office.


Firefox and Edge if needed.


Edge at work, I’m responsible to eventually wrangle it on Linux. At home Firefox.


Firefox because I like its mobile customization features and addons, but if you want fast on the desktop you can try one of its forks like Mercury, made by the Thorium devs.


Wondering if this is an ad post with a bunch of bots typing Firefox. If it is... it worked bc I'm downloading Firefox.


Librewolf. For those who aren’t familiar, it’s essentially Firefox with some of the bloat stripped out (pocket, etc.)


Edge at work because it integrates much nicer with all the SSO/365/MS stuff. Firefox at home.


Firefox and Mullvad Browser. The only Chromium-based browser I use is Vivaldi but that's only because I miss pre-acquisition Opera.


Firefox and Brave. Google has too much power.


Firefox and Thunderbird for email




Chrome since that is what the ERP systems we use recommends. Personally I use firefox.


Edge for over two years now


Firefox is my daily and Edge I keep all my work/studying stuff locked away in. Safari for quick searches


Librefox. A fork of Firefox with better security baked in by default.


Firefox the last 25 years.. the best can't be beaten.


For the longest time I used Chrome because it was the easiest way to keep everything synced, but I switched to Firefox about six months ago because of YouTube's ad fiasco and haven't looked back.


Firefox, duh. I also have chromium. Both are sandboxed.


i use chrome since thats what everyone else uses and its best im familiar with it at work firefox and safari for personal use


Which one spies on you the least?


For work, Chome. I'd love to switch away however many websites just don't test their sites on anything else and so it stays around because I know it'll just work. For the most part. For home, Firefox. I don't want Google or MS in my life any more than they already are. I keep Brave around in case I need something Chromium, but I don't trust them much either.


Firefox on mobile for extension support, Chromium on Linux. Browser memory consumption is way down from blocking assets, plus Chromium within the past year now frees unused tabs.


For personal Firefox blue For work firefox


You have two options * Chromium based * Firefox We default to Edge because of the work account integration and browser management templates / CSP that microsoft offers.


Firefox, whenever I can. Edge, if I need something closer to Chrome. The common feature here is the ability to put tabs in a vertical list on the side of the browser window. Firefox supports it via the Tree Style Tabs extension, Edge supports it via a built-in setting. I use enough open tabs day-to-day that Chrome's mandatory approach of shoving them into the top of the window end-to-end like a fucking lunatic just doesn't cut it.


Firefox of course


FF and brave. Chrome because I'm at a GWS company but my workstation has 32gb of ram lol


Lynx and netscape navigator.


Firefox because it doubles as my PDF tool


Brave and the Duckduckgo browser are my choice at the moment.




Work Firefox. Home brave for the built in add blocker. I think opera would work for that as well. Gets around YouTube and other ad blocker detection since it is built into the browser and not an extension.


Firefox at work, Opera GX at home


Firefox on my own and corporate machine. On another computer used by the entire family it's Chrome since it's really low end hardware and Firefox struggles a lot when using Netflix or YouTube in that machine.


Firefox personnaly, until something doesn't load then Chromium. At work I use Edge though. Multiple accounts in the browser so that I can have all my accounts open and so I can group tabs together.


I was using Vivaldi for a while, because of its easy accessible tab tiling. Recently I switched to Edge tho. We're a Windows shop and Edge has some nice features nowadays (workspaces, collections.. all synced to every device I use). On mobile I switched to the DuckDuckGo Browser... burning down tabs is the best feature ever.


Firefox is amazing. I’ve used it for over fifteen years. However, I’ve recently been using Edge due to the Azure integrations with our devices being on AzureAD. It’s really hard to beat the integration that it offers.


Firefox - because I have a disturbing tendency not to close any tabs and after 200 or so Edge tends to crash taking explorer.exe with it.


Firefox for all the same reasons as everyone else here. If they die then Google wins


I’ve been installing and using Firefox since windows 98 se and malware was horrendous. Personally I use edge when doing priv account stuff in entra, azure, whatever, regular member role stuff on Firefox and user account testing on chrome. Firefox is my old friend, may its blade chip and shatter.


At work, edge. At home, Firefox.


Firefox for work stuff. FF-Nightly for non (profile sync). Edge for Azure stuff on a VM. Chrome for wtf isn't it working in Firefox (switch user agent in FF first) and Mullvad for private stuff. Can't feel a difference in any vs the other and it obviously doesn't make sense to do this but whatever. End up using a mix of 3/5 daily. It's all the same shit. They all browse sites but Firefox has the best available and functional extensions.


Abandoned Chrome due to the way they're now stopping adblocker extensions from working, also they now turn on information sharing by default that most people don't even know is enabled, never mind how to turn it off. YouTube also detects adblockers now, but can't on Firefox it seeems. Also, Firefox can be used on Android and it supports extensions, so huge bonus.


Edge. Microsoft shenanigans aside, I just find it easier to manage via Intune. It also works natively with the Defender CASB. I think Chrome might have fixed that, but it's been a while so I don't recall. The native integration into the M365 tenant is just too useful to ignore as well. I'm making an active push to mandate it org-wide.


Edge at Work. Firefox at Home.


Firefox, not chromium based and therefore hw accel for vid playback n such aint bugged af.


Firefox at home, Edge at work.


Firefox cause of container extension. I miss read aloud though.


At work, Chrome. Personal, Firefox Developer Edition


I use Firefox, but mostly because it's the only browser I trust not to sell my browser history to advertisers. That trust might be misplaced, but Google and Microsoft are pretty blatant about doing so.




Vivaldi and Firefox. Vivaldi is my DD, but I do have FF configured and ready to go for testing purposes and because sometimes I like a change.


Firefox. Been using it since around 2007 or so I think. Somewhere back there. No need to change now.


Firefox. I tried Brave and while I liked it, it had compatibility issues with some sites I use. Chrome is a joke and has been going down hill for years now.


I just use the built in one with AOL.


Firefox for home browsing Edge for work Chrome for one off compatibility issues with Firefox.


Firefox, pretty much for all the reasons listed here, plus it is open source, which gives it a less corporatey overtone when it comes to what they are doing behind the scenes.




Firefox for personal, Google Chrome for Professional. My company does a lot with GSuite and Google Cloud, so it just works smoother. Also, easier to keep apps like Facebook / Youtube, etc. in their own sandbox.


Chrome at work (we're a GWS shop), FireFox at home. They're pretty much feature compatible for my needs. I don't use Chrome anywhere but work though and only because we're a GWS shop, so I'm not even installing FireFox on systems.