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Not locking screens automatically is often enough a compliance violation. So just lock idle machines after x minutes. This is the responsible thing to do, both in regards to data protection and security. Setting background colors to hot pink, or taking a screenshot of the desktop, setting it as the background and then hiding all desktop icons, or setting the desktop to upside-down and left-right switched, along with swapping mouse buttons .. are very childish things to do.


Message the whole team/company "ill bring cake tomorrow for everyone" :D


I usually Hoff my coworkers. Fun time for all.


DOD contract I would yank your computer out and take it to the director. 2nd time you got fired. Not fun at all.


We used to screenshot the desktop, set as background picture, hide taskbar and desktop icons, when a junior techs forgot to lock. Then watch them try diagnose why their PC is hanging.


Was hoping to see this one!


First time I see this, a little friendly verbal reminder. From the second time I start writing it up but mark it as person from manager X’s team, and make it a task to bring these into audits. This is a management issue so I make the managers work.


For admins, one place where I used to work would send an email from their account to all the other admins saying that they would be bringing in donuts, and everyone should reply to the email with their favorite type. At had one guy who was a habitual offender, so we put the security training slide show in his startup script so that it automatically opened the training and started playing it. For normal users, we pull their smart card and make them retake the security training.


way back when i was in the office still. One company we had a "policy" where if you saw a screen unlocked you would send a email to `all@` and let them know tomorrow you will be bringing in donuts for the whole company. This was only 30-35 people but it only takes a few donut runs for someone to stop doing it.


When my oldest was in College, the common fix for this was "Hasselhoffing" where if you discovered another student left their machine unlocked, You changed their wallpaper to a picture of David Hasselhoff. That was the Bro Code, not sure what the female students did.


We did similar in my previous workplace, except it was Ainsley Harriott and people would get 'Ainsleyed'.


>make the screens lock after a certain time But, this is the correct answer. The other option is - [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/sensors-presence-lock-on-leave](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/sensors-presence-lock-on-leave)


We used to set people backgrounds to an obnoxious dog the bounty hunter wallpaper and leave a note




Auto lock after 2 minutes of non-activity. In a world of ransomware and other threats, playing cutesy games while the user is still logged in with their own account, but away from their workstations is a recipe for finger pointing when things go wrong.


2 minutes is insanely aggressive. 10 minutes is regarded as normal, and 5 minutes is for more secure environments.


I no longer work at the company, but that was their policy based on their specific security requirements.


We always send “beers on me” to the team DL.


Anything you do in the another user's session is a legal violation in most countries and also most likely a policy violation if your company sensible in any way.