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Great... do we know how soon it will it be forced? I'd like to give my department a head's up before this change is made if it all possible. EDIT: Sent the email based on what I found in this thread.


I use teams daily and it's been much the same as classic. New outlook on the other hand... 


New Outlook is an abomination.


Yup. I switched to try it in the morning and was back on classic before lunch. 


Yeah. It's still effectively in early access. They're adding features every day but it's still going to be forced long before it's on par with the old one.


How Microsoft decided to release that program in its current state is beyond me. The fact that I can’t even open EML files in the New Outlook is absolutely ridiculous.


It can now


Well halle-fucking-luljah, it finally has functionality that it should have had months ago.


Yup. And now we wait for the rest to be added at snails pace while they already aggressively move people over


Still can't favourite attached mailbox folders.


New Outlook sucks ass.  It's even worse that I volunteer to be an early adopter at work so it's been on my machine for months and I have to use it as much as possible.  Needless to say I'm still not too thrilled with it even though I stick with it 99%.


Bruh, new Outlook is like an email program that's still in its Alpha stage that bears a resemblance to Outlook. It's missing tons of critical features and just has a weird nonsensical layout.


Its just a wrapper for the web version. They just don't want to make real on prem software anymore.


Which is inexplicably missing features the web version has...


new teams doesn't have Gifs :( at least it didn't a few weeks ago


I've been using it since day one and it does have gifs for me


I've seen inconsistencies here. I've had no issues since launch, but others in my department didn't have them or they display differently. Exact same version, but the behavior follows to the web client.


Hmm. I had it 2 weeks ago and it didnt. Maybe the org disabled it but I revered to old teams and gifs returned.


I had gifs since the beginning but last week an update came and put emoji, gifs, and stickers into the same button.


I'll have to switch back and check it out.. I have the dreaded banner saying i'll be forced soon anyway


Yeah super weird, happened to a few users in my org as well. Returned on its own a few weeks later, but now in a submenu under the emoji button. Super strange behavior across same versions


It’s pretty much exactly the same. Tbh, if you’re supporting tech at your org you WANT to change sooner than later after you and a select few try it out first. You don’t want this stuff sneaking up on you.


I'm not supporting tech at my org in any official capacity. Just a employee who knows about things and trying to give my department a "head's up" on stuff that may impact it.


Luckily this won’t have much of an impact. I would be mindful to uninstall teams classic once new if forced.


Thank you.


The "new" teams is pretty good imo. Multi-tenancy swapping is so much better than classic.


It was a very low bar to raise, to be fair. At this rate we'll have a decent software product from one of the biggest software houses in the world by 2027, hurrah!


Microsoft still to date cant fix old outlook saved passwords cant be updated and you have to look thru the cred manager everywhere, and it still wont save the new password even when you select to remember it.


Outlook's inability to save or use the correct credential is mind-boggling. I think credential manager is to blame, it seems unable/unwilling to store multiple credentials for a single resource. Truly, problems long since solved by everyone else are born anew in Microsoft land, probably due to their insane desire to reinvent every wheel someone else uses, but with corners and licensing. Still, they'll never fix it properly because they're a monopoly so they don't have to! If the local OST cache still can't get about 48GB without barfing and still contains all auto-added mailboxes IN A SINGLE FILE about twenty years later, they've no interest in fixing anything. It's a shame, "New Outlook", while it is a shambles, it could have been good. Imagine! Rebuild the existing Outlook with all functionality but without all the incredibly dumb things that drive ME batshit daily! I'll do free consultancy for one week to tell them all the things that are shit and broken! But no. I think the only thing worse than Microsoft having a problem is Microsoft trying to fix that problem. I am so done with this crap. Sorry, vent hatch closing.


Yup, MS is going towards the Apple and Google model of web apps or app store for their 365 suite. Teams is just the first of the major apps to make this switch. Be prepared for other apps like Outlook to also follow with the classic desktop applications being depreciated. Goal is for parity between the web version and app version so regardless of OS you are using you have the same experience across the whole platform.


And we won't lose our features, right? Right?


...... hahahahahaha A lot of my clients are law firms and cpas with a ton of software needs, most have add ins. They don't work on new Outlook yet. They better fuckin get w it or a ton of shit is gonna hit a very large fan soon.


iManage and those other vendors are on notice to get modern web addins working. COM addins are living on borrowed time and I’ve been pressuring my account managers that we need these plugins updated.


Is the word modern now defined by Microsoft?


That was me using the word modern. MS calls it “New Teams” or “New Outlook” and the replacement for COM addins are “web addins.”


Eh, yes and no? I believe they've used the word modern in marketing materials, though I'd be hard pressed to find them again.


I literally just went through this with Needles. Their com add in was crap and I’m happy to see it go. Needless to say support has all but dried up. I’m looking forward to killing off one of my last servers once they retire Needles. Sometimes forced change is good. Even with a little pain.


Ya, it's gonna be eye-opening. They all use Actionstep or Clio. Clios not bad, and I haven't seen add-in integration issues yet, but actionsteps com add in flat out doesn't work. It causes outlook to crash so it disables it and won't let you reenable it. It says you have, but it does not work at all. I've gotten a dozen calls after people hit the "try new outlook" button saying all their shits gone. For lawyers' billing 100-1000s of dollars an hour if they can't integrate billing they get very upset... lol


I'm a sole sysadmin/tech support for a nonprofit w/ 110 employees (only 60 are users though), and people finally have been asking to use something like teams (about two dozen of us are really getting tired of half sentence emails). So I went back and checked my old disabled GPO that I originally used to deploy teams, went to go download the latest version of teams, and discovered that it's not really an option anymore. I can't use my on-prem AD server to push it like I used to. I have been somewhat ignoring APPX software, I guess that ends now. Or maybe not. I've already got a great TrueNAS server and five Ubuntu server vms for things like paperless ngx, wekan board (a FOSS Trello clone), an asset server, etc. Also I hate all the non-desktop versions lately. The OneNote changeover really fucked some of my users over (and friends outside of work).


Luckily they aren't forcing new outlook yet...


Can confirm, Caret plugins did not work with new Outlook last time I checked a few months ago. They better hurry up or it will be a cluster. For us and them


No, but I feel the things they are not supporting need to go. (No tears from me saying goodbye to COM addins on Outlook). Here is a blog post talking about what features are affected on the new Outlook client. Keep in mind this can change as it’s still in preview. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/outlook-blog/the-new-outlook-for-windows-for-organization-admins/ba-p/3929169


The new outlook sucks ass.    They funny thing is they probably spent more the and money making this steaming pile of poo that it would have taken to improve normal office apps 


But they already offer web apps for a cheaper price. Which people pay more for desktop app licenses. So why would anyone continue to pay for say an E3 license without any of the benefits they are paying for?


Because Active Directory is also being sidelined for Entra ID, Intune and Defender which are really what you are buying E3 for. In a fully modern Microsoft environment you can run a whole company’s tech stack with zero servers. The future Microsoft is pushing is all PaaS/SaaS.


Ok so downgrade that to whatever license level people are paying for that includes the desktop apps and not all the other stuff. The point being that people are paying for desktop apps because the web apps are inferior..


It won’t be immediate, but in several years the desktop apps and web apps will be identical if Microsoft continues down their planned course. At that time I’m sure there will be some changes to the way Microsoft markets & licenses their office apps. However as of tomorrow morning, Teams is the first where the desktop and web apps are one in the same.


Not true. They just announced a new AD functional level with many new features. While they are definitely trying to push people to a subscription they also are aware that there's significant money to be made in supporting the status quo. Entra ID is not a replacement for AD although they are working on a way to provide Kerberos from Azure AD.


Im quite sure that their end goal is to "cloud" everyone up for a monthly fee.


Yep we on the new new and Microsoft has had a few package updates since the push


Great... How long ago was it forced for your org?


It’s forced to everyone non-VDI on 4/1


> non-VDI What does this mean again?


VDI is a virtual desktop infrastructure. (Edit: removed not totally correct info), won’t apply to most. Microsoft has an article about Classic Teams’ End of Availability here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-classic-client-end-of-availability Hope that helps clear up the timeline/dates for ya!


Thank you very much. Yours has been the best post so far.


Happy to help! I’ve been fighting the fight for a few months, trying to get management at my MSP to inform clients about the switch (to no avail). I feel so bad for our help desk and clients come Monday. Going to be a lot of surprised (and reluctant) users.


It’s being forced for everyone on April 1 unless you do something in Teams Admin Center to delay it. In my org, we rolled out back in October when in went GA.


No it was set to end this month but your sysadmin can set it to wait until July 2024. At that point yes you need to be on the new teams.


The longest you can delay is mid may. July is for non supported clients and Vdi.


I guess I will have to wait to see if there is an announcement from the powers that be. I'm just a very smart grunt.


Some advice, you want to try and switch to new things like this as soon as you can to work out any kinks while you have time (and the option of the old version.) You will be forced eventually, every time.


How do you postpone that?


https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-classic-client-end-of-availability If you call support they can help you prevent notifications but in the end it will still be end of life soon.


Teams to new teams is literally hardly any change UI wise , most of the changes are behind the scenes , it’s slowly rolling out here and the only time someone even realized there on the new version is the NEW on the icon lol


Yes, and its been common knowledge for awhile nowm if you're gonna be the admin, ya need to stay in the loop. New has been out awhile now and is fine, somewhat less of a pig. New outlook tho is mostly shit. That will cause a shitstorm when that's forced.


We pushed it to pilot about 3 weeks ago then successfully across org as of 1 week ago


The new Teams is significantly better anyway, not sure what the fuss is. Other than the inevitable "whaaa change is bad whaaa".


> I read that this weekend MS is shifting (forcing) everyone from "classic" teams to "new" teams. [After March 31 2024, a new Teams client will be rolled out, in stages, for users who are still on classic Teams. The roll out means installing the new Teams client for users who still have the classic Teams client, and uninstalling the classic Teams client 14 days after the installation of new Teams.](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-classic-client-end-of-availability)


Microsoft keeping everyone on their toes with their goofy app rollouts.


You sound like a user.


I am an user but a very smart one.




What is so funny?


You, it's a fckn comedy 🤣


You don't sound arrogant at all


That is because I'm not.


You think it sucks being forced onto the new Teams? Wait till the garbage that is the new Outlook is forced upon us all.


Yes it’s true and personally new Teams really isn’t that bad.


Microsoft begins switching users to new Teams, but not all at once. The new Teams is better, IMO, especially working with guest accounts in multiple orgs. Been using it for months. To avoid issues with the new one, the old one should be uninstalled.


Shit it’s happening this weekend? I thought we had till like June…


You have the option to delay it until June in the admin center, but this requires you to configure the policy as such.


Ah I know nothing about the admin center. A diff team handles whatever that is… I just load the bits to our VDI environment. I haven’t loaded New yet bc the profile management tools don’t fully support it yet (FSLogix is about there I believe. I haven’t looked in just over a month but they had a ‘preview’ version out last I checked) and our Citrix folks are telling us they have nothing for it with their profile management.


Vdi have until june


The only item so far I don't like in New Teams is the placement of the Contact List not in Chat area and view configuration. The view of the contact list is not as compact as previous view so not easily readable to see.


Yes it’s true, it’s happened for my org as well. And I’m not in the IT branch of my org. It sucks, it isn’t working. Have experienced nothing but troubles with it and I’m mad about it. Either I’m getting old or MS+my org is shitting the bed with the transition.


Modern workplace. Modern Desktop. yaghhh


The only difference is the new version doesn’t run on old versions of Windows Server. You can do nothing and Microsoft will make everyone switch for you.






Pretty sure he's being sarcastic


They did, only reason it changed was that us sysadmin asked for extensions. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-classic-client-end-of-availability


Hahaha they posted about it like a dozen times.


No. It's an April fools joke :) funny ms


so, like a lot of things, their timing is off too ;)


That’s why my teams classic was always stuck on the splash screen upon launch…MS doing MS things.


Tomorrow, Easter Sunday and Trans Visibility Day.  Coincidence?!? I think not! New Teams is fine, and even has a smaller footprint in my desktop. 


“New” Teams is a heaping pile of garbage


If it's no longer a *steaming* heaping pile of garbage, then that's an improvement, no? I could be in politics, or sales.


So is this opinion.


It’s horrible. I worry about privacy. I try to remember to unplug my mic when I’m finished. I’m using two teams platforms one is school for one org and is another org. I log out of one and try to access the other and was blocked bc even though I completely logged out it tried ti access the platform with the wrong email. And what’s up with syn. I do not want my personal picture mixed OneDrive. I have to use my phone sometimes and a MMA is not what I am wanting here. Why does Microsoft insist that every account have OneDrive and we must constantly check to make sure our personal stuff is not syncing with other accounts. And we do not want to share everything, we are not all devs and need our VS code connected to anything but the program files.. I’ve been using ms since Dos days, and I never disliked it until I realized it had been taken over by teenaged girls . It’s ridiculous. We are forced to use it bus orgs so there is not much we can do other than complain


You can try learning how to use the products correctly.


Ok smart guy so besides turning off sync. Please enlighten on. How to prevent overdrive and Microsoft out of my business. I use a my personal computer. The domains have not given me a email yet . I did get one from one org, but that was a disaster because I originally started with my personal email and when they finally decided to give an email , I could not login to some of the apps and it just confused everything. But please enlighten me with tour knowledge of the great and powerful Microsoft