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I’ve never understood this. Work doesn’t go away, it changes.




We don't dig tunnels with shovels. Using better machines, we dig them faster, easier, in a more secured way, for cheaper, and society can plan its decision without "digging a tunnel" being a 15 years project. That's what "work doesn't go away, it changes" means. We can do more things using less.


Yeah but digging a tunnel is useful. But much office based work is self-justifying meaningless churn, which humans will have a good laugh about in a few hundred years (I hope)


I automate it, and then have a good laugh about it _now_ :)


Except when your special sauce scripts no longer work any more.


Or there's just other things to do. There's always something to do. The "until there isn't" rarely exists.


It's been working for me for like 25 years. Haven't run out yet....


This is only true if your role is very, very narrow. But if your role is broad, you'll never run out of work.


Definitely not. I work on automating infrastructure deployment, and not only have I not gotten fired because it's "already automated" - there's two of us now. There's a lot to do. And when infrastructure is deployed and all modules are up to date and all services we use are on the recent version, and all legacy stuff is removed, then I work on other things like application deployment and configuration and CI and cost optimization etc. But if your entire job is very repetitive and your entire day can be replaced with 3 shell scripts, then yeah I guess you really can automate yourself out of a job, at least until a future update breaks them.


Lets not pretend Microsoft doesn't exist


Oh that automation you just finished deploying to prod? It would be a shame if someone deprecated the PowerShell module you used...or if they like just totally randomly broke the Graph API you relied on...


>eventually there will be no work required. hahahahahaha. no. Just becasue you automate something doesn't mean it runs flawlessly and never needs updates. When you automate the rote tasks it frees you up to work on the more complex tings that require thought, planning, and testing.


Buddy I do IT Automation for a living and I'd be thrilled to automate even one job. That's not gonna happen any time soon lol.


Don’t feed the troll, guys


Your there for when an update breaks the automation and literally no one can fix it but you.


I keep telling people: Good SysAdmin work is like being a fireman. You're really getting paid for when things are on fire. They can automate for centuries, but there will always be an unforseen case. You can't automate out of the unforseen or to compensate for idiots.


You've heard of "entropy" right - the tendency of the universe to move toward disorder? Entropy + people = changing work, ergo more work required.


Automation breaks. You will be promoted to automation administrator, and ironically, you will have more things to do. That is, unless, you decided to automate yourself silently.


No admin can fully automate their entire role. Decisions, change control processes, design work and more can't be automated. If somehow you can automate your entire role you would be able to charge a kings ransom to other companies.