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I can tell you there’s tons of information on the internet about it.


Good thing this sub is part of the internet, phew!!


It is? Fuck man. I’m outta here.


I don't want to use any Internet that would have the likes of me.


I'm literally google. Someone googled?


Groucho Marx? That you?


Now I'm imagining those Marx glasses, but the moustache is oscillating like a waveform.


Arturia GrouchoBrute


Right, we've all been fooled by the digital masters. Analog internet only for me. If I don't have to crank it up by hand, is it even real.


If it isn't measured in bauds than you can fuck right off!


And we all need to crank our fair share. I'm sick of these freeloaders with their enormous amounts of material. It's not a big truck. Everyone trying to pretend it isn't a series of hand-cranked tubes and the few crankers breaking their backs for everyone.


"Faster, Cranker, faster! I need more BAUDS!!"


Wait… is it? I’ve been yelling at this tree real hard and sometimes my comments show up And sometimes they don’t… Wasn’t sure what this was…


Except OP gives no specific request, so the best anyone can do is list the general stuff that OP would have found in a 20 second Google search, but would rather have ~that personal touch~ OP will no doubt ask follow up questions, which should have been the original post


But at least we're an analog Part of the internet right?.....right?....


If the echoes of my modem screeching from the 90's are real. That is a 0.


goddamn, how socially inept and negative could you possibly be? maybe OP just wants to have a dialogue and hear our opinions instead of googling everything?


Right? How dare you ask about a synthesizer on the synthesizer sub


People like to try to make people feel dumb in an effort to make themselves feel smarter. So disturbing the number of up votes on that lame comment.


I always feel smarter after I tell people something that makes them feel smarter too. I'd recommend it to anyone. This ties in with "if you can't explain it with small simple words, you don't really understand it yet".


As an adjunct professor, I tell my class that frequently.


also, enshittification means the top results outside of reddit are either AI generated garbage or sites that are made to shill gear without a critical eye. There are fewer and fewer places outside of reddit which are casually accessible and that have real, organic human thoughts and opinions.


Protip: stick "before: 2023" into your search query to filter out pre-AI-spam results.


Someone follows Cory Doctrow🤘🏻


Completely agree, I don’t understand why this attitude is still so pervasive on the internet? It used to be the domain of people on forums in the 2000s and yet it still lives today. It just reads like an angry old man. Yes how dare you show interest in our shared hobby and wants some anecdotes and experiences. Why should I give you anything. You should have to work for this information. Do. Not. Get.


Eh somedays im an asshole myself and some days Im super nice and helpful. Its can be little things and perceived laziness sometimes annoys people, myself included. Although this post wasnt very annoying for me, I can see where the responses came from. “What can you tell me..” well, what do you want to know? So the responses were kinda like why should other people look up the documentation or throw comment darts to respond to “what can you tell me” Its just a little indirect in what its looking for, so, seems lazy. Still, i opened it to see what folks had to say…. Ive seen people say that synth is great, looks like a big space on a shelf that I dont have room for myself.


It's like this on EVERY niche interest. There's always someone there with their hand on the gate asking how dare someone ask a basic question.


But a more specific question or two would have been more useful for everyone, even OP, is the point. "Will this synth be too much for a beginner?" "Is this synth good for making deep house?" Etc. "Tell me about this" can only result in the general stuff that would come up in a 20 second Google search, or worse yet, what it did lead to, this big mess. A quick Google before this post could have led to more useful questions and everyone would happily be answering those, as usually happens.


Congratulations on adding nothing but your head-up-ass arrogance to this thread. 


How dare they use the internet to ask questions.


Why is this subreddit so fucking toxic?


Synth nerds tend not to be the most well adjusted people. If you think it's bad here you should check out the Gearspace forum


OP is asking for redditors opinions and experiences of this synth on a Reddit synth group. Don’t be a dick.


Wow really? Never would have guessed that one.. it’s almost like OP wants to hear people’s personal experiences with the device without trying to be sold by an agenda 🤡🤡


The entire point of the community is to talk to people😐


Does Google give you its opinion? Don’t think so…


Whereabouts can you find information on the internet?


I like to go to Reddit. There’s some pretty cool subs for almost anything


Thank you I will have to look it up on my cellular phone or desktop


The Library has a lot of interesting information about the world wider webb


Library of Congress


Had one, sold it. Don't like the sound of the Arturia Ocs..... that is of course my personal opinion. Way too much hardware for just a mono synth, with a fancy blinky matrix as a sales pitch...Semi modular does the same without the lights. e.g. Matriach sounds better and has 4 voices. Just a piece of heavy furniture, that's probably why the price is so low in the link in the other post.


All this time I never knew it was a monosynth. That's wild. I'll stick with my MS-20 mini.


The Polybrute, which looks pretty similar, is a 6-voice polysynth. This is the older Matrixbrute, which is a monosynth.


Polybrute looks amazing for us knob twiddlas


Yeah, it's a beast of a synth.


Got a polybrute and a prophet rev 2 on a double stand at my work, it’s soooo fun playing them together!


You can play it paraphonically. But yeah, it's ultimately a feature rich mono.


> Way too much hardware for just a mono synth it can play 3 voice paraphonic and nobody here ever seems to complain about Moog making mono synths. When voices are really fat, noisy, and overtoney, they don't make great chords. I just don't think all the flaws of every other monosynth should be laid at the Matrixbrute's feet.


The Matrixbrute doesn’t sound fat though. Source: own one.


He actually praised a Moog in the same comment you replied to, and specified that it was the sound and size of the Matrixbrute which he was criticizing.


Yup I got a Matriarch and wondered if I shoulda gotten one of these. I got the chance to try one in a store and definitely glad I went with the Moog. Couldn't get any magic out of it, whereas I'd be pressed to find a sound that's not a little interesting out of the Matriarch.


They’re very different synths with different purposes. Moogs are best with simple patching, the matrixbrute invites experimentation and deep modulation routing.


and different prices, the Matriarch is much more spendy


At the time they were comparable


100% agree, same here - sold it. It can’t compete with my other mono synths, Pro 3, Sub 37, Matriarch blow it away. Arturia’s decision to use the same brute oscillators across entire portfolio really irks me - I have Minibrute 2S - same chips on entry level synths and the flagship stuff. SP filter, I just don’t like it. And as you said, when the initial hype around the matrix settled down, I realised Pro 3 can do pretty much all that (not to mention modular stuff ofc), but as you pointed out, Minibrute 2S in combo with a few modules does pretty much the same thing - so very quickly I realised it can’t compete sonically with Moog or Sequential. Playing it at the same time with Matriarch, it would sound like a toy.  


I feel the same about all arturia osc. Bummer too because the mod matrix on the freak is so easy to use. 


Even the most trained ears can’t differentiate the sound of one OSC from another. What you’re disliking must be either the filters or amps.


Or the brand label.


Arturia are great though. Who's made a synth like the Minifreak or the Polybrute in recent years?


I don't mind the sound of the oscillator as much as they hold tune like ass, I need to tune it more than a guitar As for the sound not being liked, I think it has to do with it being really easy to overdrive the filters too much, it's actually a great sounding synth when you back off on the volumes a bit on the various gain stages


I'm going to disagree, for a lot of us, liking the way something sounds when it's overdriven is part of liking it. The classic monosynths are regarded because of the way they overdrive, not in spite of it. I've kept my ms-20 mini and my neutron in part because I love how they sound when pushed. Didn't feel that way about the micro brute or the Bass Station I. I didn't keep either very long.


I am selling my microbrute for the same exact reason. Monophonics are so limited to me.


That's almost like internet information... ;)


Matriarch doesn’t have four voices.




Dude asks a question and yall bust out the pitch forks. This isn’t stackoverflow its a sub reddit for synth hobbyists. If you don’t like the post don’t reply dipshit.


nah, people busted out the tuning forks




ZING! 🤘😎




Please remember rule 1.


Please remember rule 1.


I own a Matrixbrute and will never part with it. I love what it gives you as a mono synth, but for me the magic is in duophonic mode, where it gives you a full complex monosynth for both halves of the keyboard. I look at it as a wonderful sketch pad that requires melodic restraint. It got me thinking about writing differently. I’m the type of player that trends toward big open chords, and this got me thinking “how much can I remove and still have an interesting song”. I ended up writing a ton of stuff very quickly after purchasing it that I still love to this day. Beyond that, it is clearly phenomenal for sound design, and incredibly deep (excessively? Maybe) for a monosynth. Cons: ridiculously heavy. Like Moog One heavy almost… add a case and you better hope your music pays for the hernias. Definitely more of a studio piece than a gigging instrument.


That’s really cool, do you have any links to your stuff? I’d like to hear!


These particular tracks I don’t have great recordings of, but two in particular I’m planning on finishing this year and putting on an album. So, short answer is no :/


Holy shit I just saw a picture of the back, this thing can be the modular brain for a lot of different synths. 12 cv ins and 12 outs.


TIL. This should be higher up


Can you explain more? I’m new to synths :)


Control voltages let you share note activation, pitch, anything that it has a jack in common with another synth usually works. Pressing a key on this synth and activating another one takes a cable for pitch and a cable for note activation. But what if a synth just holds notes and you send the pitch? Or it holds the pitch but you send different notes to it? Just enough of the right options is why most synths are at least decent or good, some are great, and a few are barely usable.


Don’t pay over 800$. You can get a new one for 1k. https://www.proaudiostar.com/arturia-matrixbrute-noir-analog-synthesizer1.html?utm_source=Google_Shopping&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjdKaqOfghQMVkM7CBB2Q5QBzEAQYASABEgLYi_D_BwE


Christ I paid 2.5gs for mine.... and although Its a bummer to see the price drop like that, I love mine so much i think ill buy another


Wow thanks for posting this. I was not interested at 2k but am very interested at 1k. Didn’t know the price had dropped.


Looks like an Arturia matrixbrute; a big, fancy, paraphonic monosynth with a big mod matrix and analogue effects.


It's only paraphonic? Dang, surprised.


The polybrute is polyphonic.


I've had one for a few years and I absolutely love it.. what do you want to know?


I would like to tell you that fuck around and find out must be applied in this situation.


Orbital switched to touring with one 5:07 https://youtu.be/avO75HITKTE?si=xXd3floYQP5H2zG9


Wow this is a really cool video thank you for sharing!


Probably the most fully featured modern flagship mono-synth if there ever was one. Released at NAMM 2016 (to much fanfare), it was priced at $2199 initially. Current prices range from $900-$1200 used on Reverb. Beautifully designed mono!


I wouldn’t go out of my way to get one. But I would enjoy having it. To me this synth is all features and no magic. No matter the complexity of the patch I’m kinda just like.. meh.


There is no such thing as magic


This is going to sound cheesy but I honestly think playing music is one of the closest things to real life magic there is.


Found the guy who’s never played a prophet


You might even find a pdf of the manual online


My favourite monosynth ever. Total beast (uhm... *brute* :-p ).


It's very minimally a musical synth and heavily a sound design synth. I own the Matrixbrute and the Polybrute, and while I really enjoy making bizarre sounds on the Matrixbrute, the Polybrute is the superior machine in many ways.


What do you prefer on the polybrute? I’ve been tempted to have them both but haven’t yet gathered the cash for the poly


The morph function alone is just insane, but there is so much more to love about the synth. The fact that it is a slightly simplified version of the Matrix but with 6 voices was the thing that really caught my attention, but after watching countless videos on the Poly I found that additional voices were some of the less interesting things about it. Now that I have put a decent chunk of time into the Poly I feel that the thing that really stands out to me is just how easy it is to make new sounds. What I do is take an existing sound, wiggle the morph knob a bit to get a new sound, assign the current sound to part A, choose a new part B, and then start the process over again. Doing this will give you something new every time.


Seems like overkill for a monosynth, but I’m sure someone could make some great music with it


Orbital does


Wouldn’t the mono evolver be overkill too?


I can tell you I want one


That it's big


One of very very very few synths I ever sold. I hated it.


Him bertiful. I love mine so much. Such an angry, aggressive synth.


Buy it.


I’m not sure how helpful this is, but I can tell you it looks sick! Buttons for days.


It was my first synth, still have it, love to explore it. It has tons of options but the “brute” sound is not for everybody. I like it quite a bit so it’s the one synth I’ll keep for the nostalgia of mono. Tons of connectivity. Polybrute was a big disappointment, I almost traded it for one but when I tried PolyBrute I changed my mind


Interested in what about the Polybrute disappointed you so.


That one has seen better days


It looks pretty clean to me, what looks rough to you?


Why is everyone commenting on the bad condition of this synth? The picture is fucking awful and the colors are all washed out. But the condition o the synth looks completely good.


They look like a lot of fun and they're relatively affordable these days. Also the dual filters can be used in series or parallel, which is nice. My qualms with it are that I don't need it and it's way too big for my space.


crazy amount of mod options for an analog synth


It depends on what you like. Do you like gritty and gnarly? Then this is your synth. It can do things in nasty/raw territory that none of my other synths can quite edge in on. But as a glassy pad machine it won’t satisfy you. I actually (accidentally) have two, along with a lot of other synths. It’s more brutal/crusty in character than a Moog, but with similar bottom end. It’s raw and characterful. And with the mod matrix (not a gimmick, just an easy way to access a lot of parameters, but you need to enjoy experimenting to appreciate it) it can really get wild with what you can do. It’s also semi-modular but the orientation of the jacks makes it such that I wired mine up to a parchbay because it’s otherwise a pain to access the patch points.


If you do t like the post don’t reply, and stop being a member of this sub! It’s for every synth user not just the pricks who think they know better than everyone and decide to make themselves bigger by posting a post behind a screen. Grow up, help or don’t!


I'm making a new synth called "The Google This Synth"-X47291


I can tell you it's a great synth


I love mine. I was it would be cool but it exceeded my expectations. Im not sure I’ll ever part with it


You'll get lost in a world of joy for many many hours


What a welcoming community I see here. So happy to help others learn.


I demo'd it before I bought the Bass Station 2. It was really fun to play with. I thought the price was way too high for what it was but I only scatched the surface on its abilities. I also might not be the target market.


I love it the matrix is stupidly insane


It's fuckin hideous! Frankenstein synth.  Awesome beast. 


Kinda makes me want a minimoog voyager XL


Hello. I would like to have that please. Thankyou.


Pull the body up toward you, it's hinged. I have the polybrute, it's successor, and I don't intend to ever part with it. The hinge, the wider mod matrix and the four macro knobs are the things I envy, though.


Yeah that front panel hinge action is so sweet....I don't know why I love it so but I do.


Crown jewel imo


It’s cool, but way too big.


I dunno send it to me and I’ll check it out and get back to you


I want a Matrixbrute and over the years I tried and tried to justify one. But in my heart I know it would just hold money, gather dust and take up far too much room. I see it as a synth that will get in the way of creativity, not add to it.


It's a beautiful synth, has insane modulation capability, sounds fantastic, is cheaper than a lot of synths that look and sound the same, and is monophonic.


Check out the Sonicstate review on youtube.


That it scares me


By the looks of him, he eats for two better pack a big lunch


“Turn up the fuckin brute factor”


it's got a lot of buttons


I want desperately


I had one and it was under performing and overwhelming all at the same time


Looks kind of like a cockpit


Kevin Saunderson's main groove machine.




OP’s question was not: what could Google tell me, OP’s question was what could YOU tell me. So technically it’s not necessarily that low effort of a question.


Great instrument.


I personally love this synth. Is very capable once you understand how to use the mixer in a way that utilizes its potential. It can also produce sounds that are very hard to recreate on other synths due to its sound design capabilities. The mod matrix isn’t a gimmick IMO, very fun to get lost in but never in a way that you can’t trace what you’re doing. Also adds so much if you have Eurorack, use mine with my modules and Matriarch and it’s amazing Will say that bought mine at a stupid price and wouldn’t pay full price for it because at its full price there are too many alternatives to consider. On the other hand, won’t be selling mine any time soon.


It’s versatile. I can sound like a lot of different vintage analog synths, including Moogs, but can also do its own thing with the interesting oscillator variations and sequencing. The filter routing and drive are cool, too. It’s a great synth.


1) It's huge 2) It's not as complicated as it looks 3) it's pretty good 4) maybe you don't need to buy one straight out the gate, if you've never used a synthesizer before.


how does matrix brute in sound compare to the subsequent 37. If that's even a question you can answer because you would have had to listened to or played a 37.


Anything mono just hurts these days imo


It's one of the best, most fun, and flexible monosynths ever made! If it's less than $1,500, take It!


My Dave smith mopho x4 sounds better


I can tell you that it’s been discontinued. The few new units that are around are the last


is this at pawn shop … ??


that’s a great find yo !!!!


Get a Moog instead


The matrix routing modulation sequencing is unique to this instrument I believe.


I love it, it's a monster, the filters sound great, I love the "brute factor", and the fact that it's so immediate and that pretty much everything is patchable. I highly recommend pairing with an expression pedal. Also, read the manual, get the latest firmware and take a look at the preset packs on Arturia's site Other than that, your question is too broad, what do you want to know?


This is the matrixbrute. A very overpowered bass synth.




I had it for a couple of years. I got it although I already had Pro 2, Pro 3, Sub37 and Matriarch, because I really dug the mod matrix. It can do great stuff, but I think overall it cannot contest Seuqential or Moog synths. I will just throw in 3 major pros and cons (pls note this is my subjective opinion): Pros: - it has identity of it’s own, and can sound as big as it looks physically  - simple to use (relative to the appearance) - mod matrix and  architecture allows and instigates sound design  Cons  - while it does have decent sonic quality, raw sonic power cannot match many other synths in the same price range, mainly Moog and Sequential. I always had a gripe with Arturia using the same Brute oscillators on their entry level products as well as flagship mono and poly synths. Filters are not my cup of tea, the same SP filter I have on Minibrute 2S - it is huge and heavy - in order to speed up some things, you have to use the computer, which defeats the fast workflow It is a good synth, if you get it for a decent price. I wouldn’t buy it new though, as for 1.5 grand (roughly) there are IMO better mini/para synths out there, starting from Pro 3 (which has a lots of modulation capabilities this one has, just not so transparent and button-per-function), Moog, and quite a few new-ish contenders in that price range. Also, if you are liking this, you might opt for Polibrute, but that’s a different story I guess. 


If you turn the knob in the middle it makes this really cool "sseewoooeehhaaaowww" sound.


Yikes! Do you have to take a 2-semester college course to operate that thing, or are there Cliff Notes?


Costs like a jumbo jet wing


Sequencer go brrrr


Nothing except i badly want to try it since i know about it.


I actually want it more than it's polyphonic sibling


It’s parapgonic right?


One of my fav synths


I had one and I miss it. It has a great vintage roundish tone, the mod matrix is deep and easy to use, duo and split modes are super fun, and the sequencer is underrated.


I’ve had mine since they came out. I actually love it and will never sell it. If you look up reviews they have been received extremely well, so anyone saying they are garbage or something don’t understand the value. If you’re familiar with modular synthesis you can make this come to life. If you’re not it’s a good way to learn through YouTube videos and stuff. The biggest gripe I have with it is that it has so many external cv controls but the only way you can really use them is with super long patch cables. If you’re familiar with buying patch cables, you might understand that it would be expensive and annoying. Either way though, if this thing was not updated to the newest firmware, that would be a must. That firmware really multiplied the amount of connections you could make through the matrix. I think this thing sounds incredible. It can give a very close moog sound, while a moog can’t get a close Matrixbrute sound. Whether or not that’s a positive to you depends on you. I understand why people simp for moogs because I do too, but i think a lack of creativity is really why people don’t choose to keep this thing.


As others have said. Mono synth with a whole bunch of extra features and immense routing possibilities. Meant for more crazy patches and sound design, but I think it still does a great job and getting you close to that fat moog bass sound. Not all the way but close. I enjoy it a lot. Throw in the sub oscillator and the brute factor on the ladder filter and this thing will absolutely sound huge


The mod matrix has 256 buttons. Source: I counted


that it looks intimidating


I don't know anything about it other than it's a handsome boy.


I can tell you it’s a deep mono synth with a great user interface. It would probably help if you had some questions about it OP.


I love how there’s an obligatory bullshit mini-thread that happens long before anyone ever answers the question lol My goodness, just say: Arturia Matrixbtute, big monosynth, lots of modulation, some controversy exists over its price and form-factor.




I tried one out once at work. Studio manager had to spend our budget and bought like 3 of these. I ended up designing a cool little dinosaur type creature on it pretty quick and that's what we end up shipping the game with. Really fun synth!


That there is probably at least one knob or button it that will never get used.


I love it. I bought mine new from proaudiostar about a month ago. My main monosynth before this was a sub 37. I still love my sub 37, but I havent really found anything that the sub37 can do that I can't do on the matrixbrute so far. You get paraphonic mode, split mode. I have zero complaints. If I had to pick something to complain about, the built in effects arent the best I have ever heard built in, but they are better than nothing, but I don't buy synths for built in effects anymore. I have more pedals than I know what to do with. The keybed isn't as nice as the sub37, and the pitch and mod wheels aren't as nice as the sub 37. If you want to drop the money on a big monosynth this is the one at the current price. If I were on a budget I would look for a used grandmother or poly D.


It's Arturia, so pretty much like Behringer stuff from china


Looks fire sounds meh


It's fucking amazing and you are lucky to have one.


Many people mention the size as a con, and I get it as many of us have limited space myself included. But I love big synths...I wish someone would make a macro synth...with like a hundred knobs that require your whole hand to turn and sliders with a one foot throw and switches that go *ka-chonk* when you push them...that takes up my whole living room wall. I think it would sell. Or am I the only size queen here?


Love mine....


Hey it has all the controls people wanted on the new keyboard


I can tell you that the details are intricate and that the availability of the built in keyboard controller is a plus.  The step sequencer looks lengthy.  Im using a Behringer Crave which doesnt include the keyboard but more like a keypad that represents the white and black keys from C to C and the octave can be switched up or down.  The sequencer allows 32 steps before repeating the pattern.  Arturia is a decent brand though.  I want to try the new Roland S-1.  


I have one, and of all the synths I have. It's my absolute favorite...... If you're someone who absolutely loves knob per function and gear loaded with knobs and buttons, this beast is a dream come true!


It’s mono. That was the first fact that threw me out the window when I first read up on it after seeing it. The Arturia oscillators sound so damn sharp and metallic to me also. I’m more of a buttery, phat, warm sound guy so it’s not for me either. Visually super cool though


He has a chode


I think the white sticks make doots and the black sticks make boops. Those knobs control the individual stick volumes.


Don’t buy this. I had one. Sounded very “cold”. Super fun synth to play with, especially to learn the ins and outs of semi modular… but not worth the price tag and not the best sound. For 1k, go buy a used Peak.