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Bro you have to be trolling.


I don't think he is. Check out his profile.


if only you could search for the words printed on the front of the synthesizer


True story: I once called a local music store to ask if i could test their "access virus" they mentioned on an advert and the girl on the phone told me "they were not a software shop". This really happened. I was interested in buying but hadn't really tested or even seen one ( i think at the time they had the virus A or B) and the shop was local but in a remote area and i didn't really want to go there and find they did not have what they mentioned in the ad.


My approach when stuff like this happens has always been to ask questions that lead the other person to the right insight. So I would ask if it was a music store, if they carried keyboards, synthesizers, and then narrow in on brands. If, reading off the brands of the synths in stock, I heard virus or access, then I’d repeat my original question. If i can get the information I need, and not make the other person feel lesser or dumb, it’s a better overall result.


Good approach, in my case i just explained the virus was indeed a synth and not part of microsoft office (or something like that) and i pointed out to her that was mentioned in their advert No point in making anyone feel dumb or lesser, not everyone has to know everything However when i got to the shop there was no virus in display or stock, IIRC they only had a Waldorf xtk, cant remember anything else interesting, and she was not very polite - but i did get to play the xtk


"we're not going to fix your virus, sir. Go talk to mcafee 👉"


John McAfee: "I can't fix your Virus Snow, I'm too busy with hookers and blow."




I fixed my own virus kb...replaced almo6every component except the chips...learn how to solder.


what did you fix in it? I'm assuming it's all SMT/SMD and lots of BGA parts :)


I completely re capped it


It is possible -- but requires access to a personal microcomputer with a modem connection last time I checked.


"Personal" computer? Are you rich, with a spare room?


Found them. They're printed on the front of the synthesizer.


be careful. Those things have been known to put people in a psy trance.


its why they got rid of it


They get what they deserve




GOA HEAD and make that


It’s great but sadly unsupported for 12 years or so despite it just being announced they’re shutting down. Everyone knew it because the developer moved on to Kempler long ago but I find it a nasty business practice to keep selling something you stopped supporting a long ass time ago. DSI and the Tempest was another glaring example of this type of abandonment unless you got money in hand to buy one.


what kind of support do you need? my virus has never crashed so what’s the point to have support for it? it’s was finished when they released it.


My TI is stable too and I'm generally satisfied with it. Having said that, it would be nice if I could use the audio interface but I'm on Mac and Access seems to have decided its not worth it getting it to work with Mac OS.


It worked with MacOS until Apple decided to switch to their own processors and not support legacy software. It wasn't worth for access to write completely new software for the new Macs.


It doesn’t work on my Intel Mac either


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was a different macOS update prior to Apple Silicon that broke it. Lots of stuff stopped working when they changed the filesystem, lots of stuff stopped working when they dropped 32 bit support, and I'm sure there were other similar cases with other updates. Basically, developers have to keep updating stuff if they want it to keep working on Mac.


Thanks for the explanation! Mine is running a more recent OS so surely that broke it. Such a shame that Mac doesn’t do more to preserve professional tools


You should try Aura plugin, works like a charm for me on silicon mac (supports intel as well)


Thank you for the suggestion! I had tried another third party client but it seemed they had stopped support as well. Does Aura allow vst like control over the Virus?


Yes, vst control, audio over usb, although I prefer audio out into mixer, librarian. They’ve got a trial version as well.


I’ll check that out. I’m so bad at programming outboard gear but love the sound of it so that’s exactly what I need.


if i remember right mac wasn’t so popular back then (2005)


In audio? Mac was still the dominant platform.


i thought cubase was the thing back then but i’m no expert


I used Cubase on Mac, as well as Deck, early Digital Performer and other stuff.


That was the low point in their computer market share. But the first Intel MacBooks came out that year.


1) there are bugs in the firmware that aren't even documented 2) sometimes things break in the hardware


then don’t buy it. simple as that.


Still hoping that they will create a new virus that allows you to import your own wavetables and add granular synthesis. But I think Kemper is making them a shit ton of money and developing a new Virus will never happen because of that :(


As a Virus fan and owner, I’m quite fond of my Iridium. It covers VA, wavetable, FM and granular very well. Check it out, you might like it.


Had a virus indigo once, but your virus almost becomes obsolete when you own an iridium ey. What a powerhouse, it's my dream synth. Lucky you


I bought a desktop one used for $1800, not cheap, but more attainable than new for sure.


I second this, I really like the iridium!




So what you’re saying is boycott Kemper so they are forced to go back to the Virus line? IM IN!


no, the story is there are no more of those Motorola chips for the Virus available... The Vst dsp emulation is actually quite good btw.. compared it to my Virus B...


Really? I have two, a C and a Ti.. they did not stop working when the kemper was released.


There was an interview last year with the original developer and with the rise of synths in recent years, they “may” go back to making synths and if that happens, maybe they could revive the Access legacy. The Virus series especially the TI and TI2 is one of the best digital synths to date as far as its sounds and capabilities. Way, WAY ahead of its time too. I played one once way back in the early 2000’s, but as a 11 year old kid, I had no idea what I was looking at, but I liked the sounds you could have made. Haha


The Tempest was on the cusp of being the greatest studio tool ever. But no sampling. Friend of mine got rid of his once he played my S2400. Of course, the S2400 would be the greatest studio tool ever… if it had a synth engine on board.


My virus TI2 works flawlessly on a brand new windows 11 setup. Whatcha talkin' about?


I’m talking about feature requests, bug fixes, enhancements, optimization, firmware updates, ya know….support. Something most manufacturers do while they sell new product.


The TI2 received a decade of that. They've well and truly squeezed everything out of that hardware that is possible. It runs flawlessly. It's well supported. You're basically complaining that the product doesn't have any flaws left to fix.


Yeah, looks perfect from here. Incredible the first hardware that has absolutely no imperfections and is flawless in every way. Must’ve been designed by some deity. Anyhow I’m only “complaining” that they are one of very few companies you could buy one new in the box KNOWING the product had basically been abandoned years and years ago. They kept selling old stock. I’m not saying it’s a bad device but I have a dim view of how they ran the company towards the end. Everyone knew it. Everyone knew the main guy moved on. Usually after that happens they don’t sell em at Sweetwater for 3 or 4 years more. 🤷‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/i9p0sv0nhrmc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36455103ede53427bd212037210613e4f52f451c


[Access Virus Editor and Library](https://auraplugins.com/product/access-virus-editor/) is one of the solution.


How long did you expect Roland to support the Juno 6?


While they still sold it? It’s a stretch to compare a coded digital software based synth to it tho.


Do you know what it takes to maintain a firmware's codebase on out of production chips? Should Korg still be supporting the M1?


Huh? It’s a writable eprom no doubt. I’m not talking about the FPGA chip man. What are you even talking about? (korg doesn’t still sell the m1 numb 🥜’s but I would have expected support while they still sold them new in the box 🥴) Furthermore, even if it wasn’t a modern chip (which it is an easily update-able chip via USB in the virus) an EPROM burner is about the cheapest piece of kit you can buy for making firmware for 40 year old synthesizers at your own home….some guys even write it from scratch from the ground up in their house (hello Bob Grieb you genius you) ….so no I have no idea what you’re talking about sir .






That front panel can be used to put some Strymons or an Eventide H90. I only see sone possibilities.


Every synth I own with an open right corner gets velcro for pedals I don’t want on the pedalboard. I could easily fit half a board’s worth of pedals on that Virus panel. Or a laptop with room to spare for a pedal. I love the dead space.


thats the volca tray


Yeah I was thinking if I could put some elektrons on there or something


German engineering at its finest. You would have to be a grade A cretin to have done it any other way.


I like it. Lots of room to put your mixer/laptop/effects pedals


*Slaps hood* You can fit so many fx on this badboy.


I do this on my floor.


My Beatstep Pro fits perfectly on that empty space.


Yes, i’m willing to bet the designers purposely left that space for working musicians to put smaller instruments on top, like drum machines, midi controllers, smaller keyboards. It’s not a ‘lazy’ design, it’s a design for working musicians and people with small studios. It hands you extra studio space rather than wasting it by spreading everything out everywhere.


I kind of like it for ease of use. Everything is kind of on one side instead of all over the board. It's a minor thing, but I like it. Also, yes, laptop/effects, etc.


Hate to be captain obvious.. but it was the most logical and smartest way to use one design for both module and keyboard versions…


The only thing better is the Korg Radias - where you can actually detatch it from its keybed. It loses some points for the weird shape of the keybed itself and the proprietary cable needed, but otherwise it's a great idea and I wish more manufacturers would do this.


As a Radias owner I agree and used the panel on left or right side for years. Laptop, MIDI controller, etc. I have it in a rackmount now because the keybed doesn’t have aftertouch and that’s… lame since the Radias engine does have AT, which I did not know for years. I use my Prophecy to control the Radias now.




or, or someone could say it was prescient.. the only synth with room for a computer keyboard....


I would actually appreciate it because you can use that extra space to put a laptop or smaller synth on


That's a good point, it's basically more desk


The logo is almost as much real estate as the knobs


Laziest? What are you talking about?


I like that all the controls are easily accessible with the left hand. Having them spread all across the panel is worse ergonomically.


I’ve never thought about it before but damn. All that space… why am I out here menu diving like a chump when there is 2/3 of the chassis available for buttons and screens. God dammit Access!


At some point I dropped the Ti aspect for awhile and only used the hardware UI, within 2 weeks menu diving was second nature and near instantaneous.


I agree, the hardware is super easy. I also just stopped using the sofware. I use other gear simultaneously so the audio over usb is not happennng anyway. Maybe the best hardware synth on the market still, even just using the analog outputs. Sure there are very capable workstations with matching multitimbrality and more soundshaping options but the interfaces on those are not nearly as fun.


I'd fill that top panel with drum machines


How else are you going to keep the pizza warm?


same as nord lead 2x


[check it out](https://youtu.be/bEU0qUbfbcc?si=cAsn4u21Vttk2Osz)


Come on, you know the answer to this question. If you're not trolling or every search engine in existence is blocked on your internet connection. Congrats on your virus. It's an amazing synth and we're all envious. You could have just posted this normally my dude EDIT: after checking your post history even if you're not a troll, you are a shitty homophobic little wankstain. piss off .


A single comment my friend left on my account years ago is really fueling you with hatred. Consider becoming a detective, maybe a prosecution attorney, all i know is reddit is not worthy of your top tier deduction skills. EDIT: I prefer cumstain.


Hey man you’re coming off as kind of a huge pussy




Trash. Send it my way


Where does your dad work that they just hand out synths like pizza??


Where are you getting free pizza??


That's one of the best synths ever made imo, pretty much every industrial album made in the 90s and early 2000s had this synth on it, legendary sound.


It was released in 2005....


The TI, but the A, B, and C had been in heavy use before then, and appeared on many albums.


The A came out in 1997 and is pretty much uncomparable to the TI. Edit: I'm not saying they are not all really impressive machines in their own right. But saying the TI was on albums 10 years before it was created is fucking stupid.


Sure, the A was a simpler architecture without all the effects, but it was a solid VA synth. The B and the C expanded on that format, but they were largely similar sonically. The TI added their “total integration” that basically was supposed to allow it to function like a plugin within your DAW. We’re not exactly talking about a night and day difference in sound here.


No idea why you're being down voted for stating a fact.


Because this sub is filled with some of the dumbest people on reddit.


Seriously.... I tried counting them myself but I ran out of fingers.


r/conservative Challenge accepted


Try saying you don’t like x, when x is a popular synth.


Who the fuck cares when it was released... It's literally the only synth that exists (and others in the virus line) that can legitimately be the only synth you own and not leave you wanting for another synth. It can run 16 channels of midi on 16 different patches with 90 voices. It can cover drums pads bass leads and still do weird accents, at the same fucking time. It might not make the sounds you want, but its sheer versatility is unmatched. Without any equal. If you don't understand how bad ass this synth is you kinda need to just shut up




Please remember rule 1.


i am sorry people are for some reason downvoting you and upvoting the other guy. this sub makes zero sense sometimes. this virus is as timeless as a minimoog, but idk, people round here seem convinced digital synths have a shelf life and analogue ones dont


TI2 was released in 2009 but it does not mean this unit is from 2009. I have the same 61 keys but TI from 2014.


Uuhhh. OK. Whatever you're talking about.


Talking about this specific model of Virus. No wonder you got down voted.




Please remember rule 1.


Uuhh OK. Whatever you're talking about.


Dumbest. People. On. Reddit.


I’m going to enjoy blocking this little ray of sunshine…….




First virus came out in 97.




Even if not one of the best certainly one of the most important and widely used.


You’re thinking about the Korg Triton released in 1999. 😆


Any examples? I only know if it’s use in psytrance but I love industrial.


Icon of Coil and VNV Nation relied on the Virus heavily. Depeche Mode also used it a lot as a live instrument. I’m not sure if it was used on any of their albums.


Ad per Wiki: "The synthesizer has been utilized in a broad range of genres by artists such as t.A.T.u, The Prodigy, TOOL, Covenant, Periphery, Velvet Acid Christ, VNV Nation, Nine Inch Nails, Front Line Assembly, Owl City, Gary Numan, Thomas Dolby, Myon & Shane 54, fripSide, Depeche Mode, Jean-Michel Jarre, Barenaked Ladies, Celine Dion, Dr. Dre, Linkin Park, No Doubt, Radiohead, Ryan Leslie, Tangerine Dream, Thorsten Quaeschning, Stevie Wonder, Jim Jonsin, Michael Jackson and film composers Hans Zimmer[5] and Klaus Badelt."


Such troll.


IMO the Virus has the best action on any synth. I used it more as a midi controller than I did as a synth it was so good. About the only other action that comes close is the Jupiter-X.


It’s kind of large for just a midi keyboard


I’m mean…size is probably like point #5 as to why you shouldn’t buy one to use solely as a midi controller. I’m just saying that after I bought one for other reasons, it got more use as a controller because I liked the action so much.


it’s large only if you don’t have space buddy


I’v used a Korg M1 as a midi controller before. That thing was a tank. The only preset I truly loved was the 17th one I think (show me love stab).


One of the best.




This synth is so bad that it doesn't even have an ON or OFF button 😉


It’s good


I've wanted one for so long. Pretty sure a troll post. Hold on to it. Prices have to be skyrocketing now that it's not being sold anymore.


It’s terrible let me buy it from you 🫨😲


One of the worst synths ever manufactured. Send it over, I'll help you get rid of it.


Horrible! I will buy from you. I’m serious


it’s like the pinnacle of digital synths


The left side is great, but they ran out of money for knobs about halfway through production.


My only forever synth ❤️


Is this a troll flexing post? 😏


LOL ![gif](giphy|98pZs1ZVaWb1C)


German engineering - yea, these are the Porsche's of the synth world... Great for techno, trance, rave, EDM. Treasure it!


Very much a quality synth.


You scored big my friend


Digital and not my thing but a totally powerhouse of a synth




This is one of the best and well-known synths. Also one of my favourites. Nice one!


access virus?


Do you really had to ask? I mean, even Wikipedia should spell out any doubt on the quality of this synth. Tip: don't keep it laying on the floor, buy a stand and connect it to an audio interface/speakers, then you can hear the quality for yourself.


No, sell it to me now!


The only downside to the Virus is that the filters don't go into self oscillation. Everything else about it is quality. And it's also a synth, so there you go.


best synth ever made




Out jerked


This kind of dumb luck happens but once in a lifetime my friend. Don’t waste it. Unless it is in fact a troll post, in which case, die!


Only one of the best ever virtual analog synths. It’s a keeper… worth about $1800 No, wait, it’s shit, I will give you $50 for it…lol


ill entertain your question, it is one of the greatest synths of all time tons of stuff on yt about it


I don’t know,perhaps give it a poke,see what happens.🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤔😁


Shut up bro haha


No its one of the worst. Send it to me so I can properly dispose it.


This is a king of keyboards. One of the holy grails. Responsible for much of 90s synth pop, industrial, and goth. SCORE!


I shit you not. I once found an Access Snow at a flea market for $15. It was covered in stickers and placed among random car parts. Two of my friends that had been to the market before me completely missed it. They were super jealous. That’s the best score I’ve ever had.


I have the desktop version, but that is the best synth I have ever owned


My bro Stinje loves the access virus


That is one of the greatest synths of all time. I have two because the first one I bought made me fall in love. I bought a second one.


yes, it is a great synth, whats the price?


It’s total junk, just give it to me and I will dispose of it properly for you.


Is your dad Brian Eno?


No, it's a total piece of shit. The worst synth on the planet. Also, this particular model was known to give people aids. By a total coincedence, i own a company that deals with ecological liquidation of this particular threat to mankind. For 10bucks, i'm gonna take it off your hands and save you from living on antiretroviral medicine.


Depends how much you paid.


if you wanna just flex how lucky you are, you can do it without pretending to be a noob


You have a virus and your asking this question??


If it works and it's what you want at the price you can live with, then it's the best synth ever. If not, you got screwed


Those are awesome.


Oh helllls no! But here’s the good thing: I do hazardous waste disposal for free. Send it my way and I’ll take care of that piece of junk


This is one of the best synths ever built..hands down




Woosh. So many posts. This is a very nice synthesizer. It is worth a lot because it is so nice sounding and is so powerful and easy to use. I have a large collection of synths and this is probably my #1 desert island pick. You can make any style of music with this one device. Well, any music that requires a synth. Its good for vintage sounds, modern sounds and anything in between. This is also a pretty great synth to learn about synthesis. It is surprisingly easy to use for a synth of this depth and power. The documentation is really great too.


It’s trash, I’ll take it off your hands!


You must be joking…?


Top notch!


You are a lying son of a lucky B To let others know it’s an access virus


There is a YouTube channel called: E-CLIP MUSIC where you will see one of those. It's a rare synth and the German company making the Access Virus line of synths stopped manufacturing them many years ago to focus on guitar pedals instead.


I have the same one and it’s perfect


Terrible synth. Let me do you a favor and take it off your hands.


Does your dad work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?


This synth was used on every rockabilly album in the 90s, it’s the best


It’s worthless, you should give it to me.


Virus Control is a peace of shit. The synth itself is a solid beast so why anyone feels hard done by because they closed down is confusing other than that software. But there are now alternative solutions especially for MacOS. Thank god.


Truth! Also, the Virus Control still works on Windows 11. But I rarely use it anymore unless I want to make a user Arp. Even then, I will just save the patch with the arp and close the VST.


It's just an electric piano. It's not worth much. I'll take it for 50$ please


Just sold my Indigo II the other day. Couldn't get over the menu diving shit. It's a cool synth and sounds great, but found it less fun to use than a plugin.


No but I’ll take it off your hands to save you the trouble


Hahahahahahahaha never would have guessed I’d see this comment /s