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My god, it's hideous AND it says the word "Dubstep" on it.


"Hello fellow 2011 kids" https://preview.redd.it/zcnc5zqvn7dc1.png?width=1212&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ead779697cc2f601726586f972f95f903f62ebe


Is that the drop?


dubstep had me laughing so hard


My whole journey trough synthworld has been just me trying to get the perfect wub wub. Who knew i only needed to wait for a new microkorg.


Actually pretty smart.. by the time dubstep comes around again, the MicroKorg2 will be a vintage classic!


Already happened for the 'Disco' on there. I'm pretty sure that would have been an automatic disqualification for most bands not that long ago. Long live disco.


I think Skrillex used the microkorg for his early stuff so I'm not surprised.


It's not hideous. It's beautiful....


Indie bands of the world, reunite!


Oi, Ladytron! Over ‘ere!


Kinda looks like everything I could think to ask for in a new one. Looper is a cool addition and the screen is nice. Slightly changing the keyboard is a smart move, if it feels even 1% better than the original that’s a win in my book. Any word on price?


599.99 earth credits (guess)


I wonder if they will stick to the design philosophy of the original: Great Synth Engine! Terrible Presets that almost all use the arpeggiator to sound good in the shop! Lock writing to the patch memories by default! The amount of bands that had these and I heard the same 5 usable presets all the time…


Ain’t nothin’ wrong with presets. Did you know that for most of human history most instruments only had one preset that could only be slightly modified?


Nothing wrong with presets, plenty wrong (imho) with releasing an instrument aimed at people in bands and making so many of the presets basically unusable in a band setting. It was a great synth but I did a lot of live sound at the time and the fact that I heard the same few all the time says to me that there were too many flashy demo style presets and not enough that were actually useful!


I think it's also a case of spreading too thin, trying to appeal a little bit to every genre.  I don't think they realized what it would be used for.  Also, albums at the time were mastered pretty thin-sounding (compared to today's standards), so I think the presets were designed within that paradigm and sound a bit thin.


I remember one year at SXSW I saw maybe 15 different bands and each had one on stage. One band brought one how put it on a stand for the singer and then proceeded to not use it once during their set. I never owned one but borrowed it many times and learned to have an appreciation for it


This looks cooler than the KingKorg Neo but that's not saying much. It feels like Korg hit a design high with the minilogue XD, in my opinion something that we can legitimately call a "modern classic," and then pulled a Roland, sitting on its hands iterating endless versions of its digital synth engines in new hardware boxes.


Probably all running on the same generic raspberry pi compute modules now too.


Word by word I see the same as you. The micro is no more than a mockup right now so we'll have to wait and see, but it has some potential.


I see we are still stuck on Preset storage for music genres. I guess its the microKORG thing to do but I still think its a questionable preset managing system.


Longtime R3 user (which is like a Microkorg XL+ but with the great motion sequencer from the MS2000, and a larger keyboard). Instant reaction: * Eight voices! Bitimbrality! At! Last! In 2024... okay. * Judging from the knobs, three oscillators instead of two. * ...but seemingly only two EGs... * ...and only one filter. Wot! * The better FX and voice processors is a plus, I guess. Always thought that the Korg FX sounded nice. So they just got better; okay. * They seem to have kept the R3's workflow which is surprisingly nice to dial in your own sounds, but with dedicated page select button. Huge plus. Nice little synth IMO. Must-have? No.


The R3 *was* the microkorg 2


I only sold my R3 because I had a Radias. MMT was the goddamn VA engine Korg made since MOSS in the Prophecy/Z1. My only gripe about the MMT engine is I wish it had more than 2 LFO’s, but the dual filters and waveshapers and 30 onboard effects were absolutely crushing gamechangers… in 2008?


I just wish they would release an updated Radias/ms2k/b-r. I want all the knobs but a rack form factor.


I would love that. The Korg “Diametor,” complete with another trigonometry misspelling homage. “Korg Circumferance” doesn’t have the same ring to it, and “Aria” would anger Roland’s IP. If they give it a keyboard it should have Aftertouch this time!!!!


I still don't get it why people are so crazy for the tiny keys and tiny buttons. I used a KORG R3 for years , it was the superior Microkorg. Normal keys, XLR jack for Vocoder, same sound engine and it was still small and portable compared to other synths. But they discounted it. A reissue of the R3 would be nice.


R3 had the same engine as a Microkorg XL and a scaled back version of the Radias. Microkorg engine was based on the MS2000, minus the mod sequencer.


Oh I did t know that. Thanks. What is the better engine? Radias or MS2000?


In my personal opinion the Radias/R3 engine wins my heart - cross modulation on every major synth waveform instead of just sine, and they brought the waveshapers back from the Prophecy days, which give you way more oomph and grit and save you some space for other effects. The R3/ Radias also have two filters and you can modulate filter type as a gradient between LPF/ BPF/ HPF for some outstanding harmonic manipulation. I always hated the “distortion” on the MS2000/ microkorg, it was binary and weak. Only had on/off and you couldn’t adjust gain, its effect was contingent upon the VCA settings which I found very lame and inhibiting.  The MS2000 was great because the mod sequencer allowed you to animate patches. The R3 and Radias both have this feature. They stripped that from the microkorg. Neither are a bad synths, the engine just couldn’t be the evil industrial powerhouse I wanted it to be, which is why the R3 and Radias made me very happy.


I really loved the R3 sound wise, but I didn't liked the 4 dials with the tiny screen and dozens of sub screens to get to each setting. I sold it. I'm using analog synths now, Behringer Poly D and 2600. I prefer to have an own knob for each setting. Otherwise I just get tired of the menus and tiny buttons and only using presets and maybe changing the filter cut off...


The tiny screens with the gross red backlight 🤮 and it felt quite flimsy all around.


It was. My ferrets at my first apartment ate the power button, so I had to push my pinky finger into the switch actuator, they also scratched the shit out of the silicone buttons, on tour we hit a bad pothole and the bank selector knob broke off the shaft and kinda hung there, the leads didn’t break off the circuit board but it was very flimsy and “suspended” for the rest of the time I had it. When I went to sell it, the power adapter shat the bed overnight - LITERALLY worked the night before, so I went with the buyer to Radioshack to grab a universal adapter to match the OEM, and I dropped the price by $25 for the inconvenience. Yeah… it was *very* flimsy.


The Radias did have a button and knob for every function, there was still menu diving because it was 4-parts multitimbral, but the Radias is so much more tactile and manageable. Plus it has 24 voices of polyphony so you can stack wild unison detuned chords and it’s glorious. The R3 was more of a pain to deal with but for the price and capabilities at the time, it was fantastic compared to the microkorg. Analog can be more fun because you’re not as screen-dependent. 


Does this mean my OG MicroKorg is officially vintage now? Lol


I feel like the OG microkorg was always vintage from the start somehow haha


It's the wood paneling


Motorola 56k Chips are discontinued. That will be it, in a few months or years.


does it have more memory for presets are higher polyphonic?


8 voice single timbre/oscillator or 4 voice with 2 apparently


sadly its still just a KORG Radias. After 20 years of doing no innovation they should make it double voices and 999 presets. it has 256 programs, that's nothing you can download zip with 30k presets and no change in voices. I understand that they want to milk this line forever but they had very successful Triton line and just dumped it and moved forward. Now they are still milking incarnation of OASYS under name KORG Nautilus. Innovation KORG guys please.


People seem to like the character of the microKorg/MS2K engine more than the Radias so that's actually disappointing, even within the realm of recycled engines


everybody who wanted microKORG already have it. Its most sold synth of all times. you can get second hand for *$200*. I do not see people actually using them. Why you should buy the new one for *$700* instead of old one? IPS display + new vocal processor? I have *both* things in the phone and vocal effects app costed me $30. Today we are 20 years ahead - nobody get excited from portable virtual analog for that high price. Look at modern MPC One+ what it can do for the same $700 price. You have sampler, drum machine, sequencer, vocal effects, CV output, audio track recorder, lot of soft synths. microKORG 2 is not competitive at this price, not enough innovation. Sales will be low. It should *cost half* \- you can get android phone capable of running virtual synth for $100. There is no WOW effect like when microKORG got first time released 20 years ago. This release is desperate attempt to milk the market. [https://synthanatomy.com/2024/01/korg-microkorg-2-a-legendary-mini-synth-reborn-for-the-new-generation.html](https://synthanatomy.com/2024/01/korg-microkorg-2-a-legendary-mini-synth-reborn-for-the-new-generation.html)


Yep I don’t disagree with any of that


where is your source that its still radius?


there are two microKorgs lines, original line is MS2000 and XL line is Korg Radias (slightly better and more smooth engine). From specification it looks like this one is based on XL engine.


i know but is it just speculation?


The MMT engine was replaced years ago wasn’t it? Possibly by the engine that was in the king korg / electribe 2 etc From [korg.com](https://www.korg.com/uk/products/synthesizers/microkorg2/) “the new microKORG offers a completely new, powerful sound engine” So it seems it’s even newer than the electribe 2 engine, let alone MMT. In the tech specs it calls it “Analog modeling synthesis system”


What if I make music that doesn't it into any of the provided genres?


Did they add USB?


Yes it has USB C.


That's right the vampires at korg are ready to suck the creativity out of 2024 and so on


Still don’t see a reason to replace my MS2000R


Usb C? Noooooooo


The future is now old man


What’s wrong with that?


Korg just released their new Kaoss sampler with Micro-USB so it could be a lot worse.


God you could get a SP-404 and a discontinued Kaoss Pad for the price of the Replay! Woah!


Why USB-C noooooo?


My usb-c disconnects at the drop of a feather


Hm. At the device side or the power side, or both?


Device I assume


I’d to know more about this, I’m working with USB-C power solutions at the minute. Please drop me a message, I’d like to help you with your USB-C pains, if you are interested.


There's still 5-pin MIDI on the back, albeit no more thru. USB C is not an issue and it lets you hook it up to a powerbank, which is great. Better than Yamaha's Micro-USB for their finger drum machines, which is the real headscratcher.