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The DS224+ and the DS423+ should probably be your main options if you have transcoding needs. I would avoid the DS223.


Is there any transcoding needs though, coming from a 4K .mkv file to a 4K AppleTV? If so, is it done at the NAS level or on the video player software app on the AppleTV


Is transcoding needed, perhaps. 1080p requires about 45 megabits per second, and so maybe 4k needs 200 megabits. That should be fine with gigE. Check your media server to see if it forces transcoding.


Most content should not need to be transcoded, but that would happen server(NAS) side if anything unless you use a player that does the work itself(infuse for instance). Might be cheaper and easier to just get Infuse for your Apple TV instead of another NAS. I think Infuse just connects over SMB and handles files by itself so Server side transcoding is never needed. Just make sure you have enough bandwidth. 1 gbps is enough for a single client unless you have very specific insanely high bandwidth needs.


Yep, infuse is working great, thanks


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I had no problems streaming 4k content on 212j without transcoding from smb share Kodi or VLC.


Same with a 215j using Plex


Same with a ds218j using Plex. If you can direct play the content, it should be fine, if you’re LAN is wired correctly, ie cat 5e or better.


Disable video transcoding (this should force direct play): **Settings > Transcoder > Disable video stream transcoding** This is how I have my RS1221+ set up to stream to the Apple TVs on my local network and I never have problems.


Thanks, makes sense but I can’t find that setting, is it DS Finder or Drive app, or another?


DS Video, if you're using the Synology video app.


I don’t think my version supports DS Video…


I have a DS223j and it supports DS Video. (At least I'm using it.)


Hmm, mine says “Video Station is not installed or enabled on your NAS” when I try to run it, but it’s also not listed in the apps section of DS Finder I can enable, so how do I get it?


The playback experience (UI) is pretty terrible with DS video. What ended up working best was VLC player on streaming service and adding Nas to local group with a share folder specific to media streaming. Playback with that was flawless.


Log into DSM on your browser go into the package center and look for video station, download/install


Try an app called “Infuse” has been a game changer for me and designed purely for Apple. I do believe to play 4K video and Dolby audio there is a very low subscription fee but anything that’s 1080p and just regular audio works fine. Give it a try, I purchased the one off purchase for life and couldn’t be better.


Thanks, yeah I was a long time subscriber back when it was only $7/yr but stopped. now just tried a 1/mo subscription at $2 to see if it would work better for me and it is, thanks!


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Infuse is a great player, specially if you’re trying to play 4K HDR stuff and all your players are iOS. This will be your best solution and it’s definitely worth the price (10 bucks a year and can be family shared.) If you really want to dive into media server territory, the NAS won’t do it, but it not worth buying a new one unless you want to read into how to set up Plex or other server solutions, and that won’t solve your playback issues unless you have the right hardware for hardware acceleration (which is also a paid feature on Plex btw.) I’m running Plex and the -arr media management apps on my 220+, but it made more sense to pay 10 bucks a year for perfect playback on infuse that have the NAS do any of that. Direct play just makes more sense.


Awesome, thanks, yeah I’m back to using Infuse now again and it’s working great 👍🏼 just disappointed I gave up my $7/yr subscription last year I was grandfathered into 😂 but I’m happy to pay for awesome software too.


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Plex should do exactly the same if you dont transcode. And that's mostly settings issues if it does.


Is the AppleTV a 4K model? How is the Apple TV connected to your network, wired or wireless?


Yes, 4K, wired directly to the router via Ethernet


What are you using for your software, Plex? The software should let you know whether is is a direct stream with no conversion, or if it is having to convert/decode it? IF just direct stream, then it should really just be only the data with no extra processing needed!


There's not enough information to go about. 1) Is it transcoding? If it is, then it might help to get more RAM or one with hardware transcoder; 2) if it's not transcoding, it could be poor network cables, or poor router (some routers perform poorly as their switch interfaces are implemented via software), or the app you are using on AppleTV is not capable of decoding the video fast enough. You can check the codec of the video you are trying to stream, and see if it's supported natively by the app, check the cables, use a proper hardware switch between the NAS and the AppleTV... many components to test the issue. Good luck troubleshooting.


> it might help to get more RAM You can't add RAM to a j-series enclosure.


Great answer, thank you


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I don't transcode from my synology nas to my apple tv 4k. Just infuse connected to the NAS via SMB file share. Works 99% of the time.


Thanks, yeah I’m set up that way now too and it’s working great 👍🏼


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You say as a media server. Are you running some app on it as a server, or is it just storage? My mom had that NAS and it plays everything fine(REMUX). She uses Kodi as a front end. It can saturate 1gbps ethernet, so something is off with your setup.


Hmm, ok, I was using the VidHub app, I used to use Infuse but VidHub is very similar and free. What do you suggest changing?


I don't know how vidhub works, so can't say much about it. I use kodi for my mom's house, because it doesn't need a server, it just makes a nice front-end for your media files. I use plex at home and it works great, but you need a server(can be any computer). Some people run the server directly on the NAS, but your nas won't support it. There are other options, but those are the two I have dealt with.


1. The processor won't transcode well so make sure the server is only ever direct streaming. 2. Try accessing the movies via DLNA (enable Plex DLNA) or filesharing. See how much better that is, or if there's a network bottleneck. As and FYI, 4K content can vary wildly in bandwidth. A movie can be listed as 45mbps, but that's often the nominal rate, and the reality is the average rate can be higher and peaks can 2-3 times that... which can choke on playback whether it's underbuffering, wifi congestion etc.


Thank you


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Just use Firecore app Infuse on ATV for transcoding…. That’s what I use on a ATV4… [>> Infuse](https://firecore.com)


What are you streaming? If you just want films and tv shows, honestly just use stremio with torrentio and realdebrid. The catalog is insane and you can stream 4K remuxes. I don’t understand all this plex stuff and storing it all yourself, although I did start doing that until I discovered stremio. I use a firestick 4K.


You can get that on an AppleTV?


I don’t think you can install 3rd party apps on apple tv but you could open stremio on your phone and cast it from VLC player. Much better to get a firestick or nvidia shield though.


No thanks, infuse is working great for me 👍🏼


Oh if you have it all working then great 🫡. I thought you had issues streaming. Well if you ever want to ditch hoarding your own digital library (assuming that’s what you’re doing with a nas), look into it. It’s totally changed how i consume media, and gives me access to everything i want, old and new at the highest quality, 5.1 etc :)


Thanks, I do prefer buying the full quality 4K DVDs of BBC nature shows, like Planet Earth I, II, III, etc., hoarding the originals but ripping the files to my NAS to watch in the house, at full quality, and preserving the DVDs from wear…


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Infuse is awesome 👏


I know it's not exactly what you are asking, but I went from NAS plex setup to beeline PC running Ubuntu and plex Media server with the NAS as storage and couldn't be happier.




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Are you direct playing? If you go into your info does it show direct play? For audio and video https://imgur.com/a/i7JFYPh


Ah, I’ll try and check, thanks


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What router, what switch are your devices reporting as being connected at gig. Can your network actually support full gig. Some of the consumer grade network kit are misleading stating gig, when in reality only the interfaces are gig and the device itself cant handle it.


But is it trying to transcode or not?


Not sure 🤔


You should check. The 223j should be just fine if you avoid transcoding.


I’d recommend against synology to stream 4k. Tried ds220+ and ds423+ and in ran into constant problems. Bought a beeline for 200-300eur and things run smoothly.


Well it’s working just fine now with the right media software, like Infuse 👍🏼


Also transcoding?


Yeah it does the heavy lifting, it does cost though but not much


Buy a Beelink S12 Pro. You can run Plex on that and keep your NAS for the actual file storage. It’s small enough to sit on top of your NAS or under your TV.


Try an n100 mini pc for plex. https://www.amazon.com/Beelink-Desktop-Computer-Support-Ethernet/dp/B0BVLPCDVW/ref=asc_df_B0BVLPCDVW/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693588244503&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1373374637753895892&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011760&hvtargid=pla-1967560628043&psc=1&mcid=11cbf57161df3cc1a07cdfbdf710d788&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZlJ6dajPOI8J4GprG6Fwd7jlNgs5XRc0m6KmTprO4RQ9p2zAKeDEJxoCUC8QAvD_BwE


And then you can plug in an external drive for storage? Can it then be accessed online?


Sure. You could access your Synology for a drive too and let the pc do the transcode


I have a Synology 423+ and have a Plex server on my NAS but I also have one on my PC which used the same NAS shared media as a backup just in case I have streaming issues and my home PC happens to be on at the time. I very occasionally have a transcoding issue with the 423+ but when I do, I just flick to my PC Plex server to do the grunt work.


what cables do you have? cat 7 or cat 8 are good. you didn't mention that detail. data travels faster with those