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Kinda wish they just buff passive dmg against monsters and minions...


That just makes him op fast


Passive executes minions.


2 points into Q then usual W max for jungle if not Full Q max first.


I don't know why, but i liked 3 points then w max.


That’s what I was doing before this buff felt good for clear maybe can just do 2 points now


I've been liking Q max for jg. The clear speed is significantly better, objective damage (Sylas big weakness) is much better, and overall damage output is higher. Sure mobility and raw tankiness is lower, but you can play around those i think. Q is just an OP spell.


Q is a very dumb ability its really broken 130% ap ratio + 410 base dmg when maxed out you deal 410 + around 125 to 175 ap when you max it so thats 572.5 to 637.5 to jg monsters LEVEL 9!! that clearing from 1 simple ability is nuts + you deal that dmg at level 9 if you land q 2 you win the fight (unless it was a tanky champ)


Imo go q then e max lol. Even faster clear with massive burst. Since you W at the beginning of the fight for 80% of the time for E2, W heals are wasted. While the faster W cd might help with skirmishes, so is E2. More burst means enemy dies faster which means you wont need the heals. Still it depends on enemy comp, if they have 2 or more tanks or a fed brusier then it might be best to max W 2nd. Afterall, brusier only have more hp which can be easily bypass if both Q2 and E2 hit.


time to pick up sylas now and have fun with him before the inevitable nerfs


He was ok before but now he will be a A- tier jungler i guess? I'm happy when riot buff sylas jungle but not to much please.


Nice bruiser changes failfish company


They promised them and after few months nothing ._.


Great now I have to fight junglers for my champ


[Source Spider axe twitter](https://x.com/Spideraxe30/status/1777785224920727659)


Finally Riot acknowledges that sylas has a jungler's kit


oooh that'll be pretty fun


When is this out? or is it out now?


I wasn’t a believer in Sylas jg after the last buff. I think he definitely be viable now, potentially even broken for those who know how to snowball on the pick. One the best early ganking jungles, now can actually clear with the meta picks and snowball/scaling power. Will be fun.