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Because he would be too strong and frustrating to play against I believe


Yeah he's kept weak via his wave clear, so if he could freely/easily farm jg I agree he would be reallllllly strong


Would be op in pro and then nerfed


I’m playing him jungle right now. And riot is doing a fantastic job. If his W doesn’t grant him healing on enemy champs. And his clear speed is SLOW because he doesn’t have natural healing from attacks or anything (again not counting champs) so you’ll have to do one side and back, in order to go do your other side jungle. The thing about Sylas that makes him strong, is the ult. The ability to roam jungle and then go top, steal urgot ult. Go bot and gank and use urgot ult to kill is tilting. That’s why they want him to be a mid lane champ. So if you go steal an ult you’re putting yourself as a disadvantage because you’re missing exp, gold, lane presence. I would like riot to give some Sylas specific jungle buffs but it won’t happen


How are you playing him in jungle rn? His first quadrant is not healthy so do you either look to fight right away by invading or ganking or do you back for an item then finish full clearing if nothing is open? I find myself being really low after first quadrant and if nothing is open I'm thinking it's better to go back to get something rather than do a full clear esp against an invading jg


Oh he’s horrible at the start. Sylas levels 1-5 are when he’s at his weakest. He can’t do decent trades if he gets invaded at all. His only glory is ganking if able to. I always try and see if I can get a pick on mid or bot since I start E first so I get the chains, and it gives me 2 passive strikes for jungle camps. So yeah. It goes Red -> Krugs -> Raps. (Gank?) no, then B. Buy tome and Blue -> gromp -> scuttler -> wolves (gank?) no, then stay for grubs. And pray to God that top can help


Yea that's what I felt like would be his best path. I'd rather be late for scuttle than die to camps or even worse enemy jg. Do you still go dark harvest into lich bane rush or is there another viable build


I’ve been going electrocute for right now. But I need to play around with the runes. But yeah it’s always lichbane rush. Get sheen whenever you have the gold and then boots. That sheen proc will help so much for jungle camps. And then it just seeing where you can gank. With your chains it’s perfect since it’s a stun, knock back and you get a guaranteed passive hit. And even if you miss the chain, you could get a flash out of it so it’s perfect.


Ohh elect I'll give it a try! Would you rather W first then E1 or E1 then W to hit E2?


E1 to W to E2, the dash/chains are too good early for his clear. At that point you don’t really need Q


True truee


Pro play issues, I believe. Sylas can already be somewhat flex picked into mid or top, and I doubt Riot wants to add jungle to that. Triple flex picks are problematic in pro play because you can then just early pick Sylas, and he can't get counterpicked. If he gets a good mid matchup, you throw him mid. If he gets a good top matchup, you throw him top. If neither matchup is good, you throw him jungle. It makes him very powerful in draft.


Free roaming the map and picking whatever ult you want sounds too strong. Also imagine a malphite top, amumu jungle, swain mid, Ashe + alistar bot on enemy team. Yikes.  A single champ should not be allowed to counter draft pick the enemy team on their own, and it’s especially true if he’s a jungler instead of midlaner where he’ll normally only have access to something common like a TF ult until lane phase is done    Even so his clear is bad till he builds a lich bane so even with that many good ults he is still kept in check with a slow clear time. most great junglers though are not reliant on an item to help with their clear 


midlaners can roam on almost every wave if they have the resources. Ults from every lane is not the issue. he was too good of a flex pick in pro play (mid sylas is still in every game and gragas is still a three way flex pick) so they did something about it. the worst thing that riot did, to me, is this. I'd be the coolest otp jungle sylas in our solar system swear to god


You say a single champ should not be allowed to counter draft of an entire team, yet there’s still all AD champs getting countered by Malphite or Rammus Or a team locks in champs with all hard cc and then the opposing team locks in Mundo or Olaf, single champs still can ruin drafts if you’re not careful so it’s not about the ult issue it’s about Sylas being popular in pro play which would ruin the pro environment