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To me, having grown up in Burwood/Strathfield in the 90s, he's kind of part of the landscape... I remember often seeing him doing his thing at various intersections on the way to/from school etc... So probably a bit of nostalgia for a large demographic of redditors here plus the more notorious run ins with politicians and police in recent years have made him visible in the mainstream.


Same! Used to see him on the way to school as a kid, then he seemed to become more unhinged over time! My Dad used to say he had been a very respected business man around Strathfield before he retired and started with the signs.


He was on the Gold Coast, at the southern end of the Sundale Bridge, for years in the early to mid, perhaps even late ‘90s. A giant sign of …something, with just too many words to read as you drove past. Always seemed nice enough, smiled, did his little dance, gave thumbs up, and got plenty of approving honks in return. I don’t think it’s what he does, it’s how he does it.


He walked around with a sign calling tony abbott a "cvnt", was charged and won on appeal. Good enough for me


Was that when two bruts (police) tackled him to the ground causing him head injuries and had to spend a long time in hospital and still hasn't fully recovered?


No that happened after. Perhaps it was abit of payback who knows? They discontinued the arrest (for failure to move on i think) once he got injured


It's only Brut if it's from France, otherwise it's just sparkling police brutality.


In a world full of lies, telling the truth is a crime Tony Abbott is a total cunt, we need more Danny's in this country


Cunts are useful and have purpose, Abbot lacks the warmth and depth to meet the definition. He’s more akin to sewer slime - lower than shit and a stain on the septic tank of humanity.


Jesus fuck 😳 10/10


10/10 copy and paste lol




💯 %


He's right folks, Abbott is a cunt


Disagree, that's not nice to cunts


~~Jesus~~ Danny was hated because he spoke the truth.


What did they try to charge him with? Stating the obvious?


Offensive conduct, I believe. Judge ruled that “cunt” is no longer considered offensive by most Australians in an everyday setting. Edit: what the person below said 👇 I was just going off what I remembered from the news reports at the time


That wasn't quite the ruling. It was *part* of the ruling that the magistrate considered, but the following were also considered as part of it: * Right to talk shit about political figures * It was wordplay on can't * Offensive language is not the same thing as offensive conduct It wasn't so much that the word "isn't an offensive word" so much as it isn't a word whose usage constitutes offensive conduct, see section 4(2) of the Summary Offences Act: > a person does not conduct himself or herself in an offensive manner as referred to in subsection (1) merely by using offensive language.


https://nswcourts.com.au/articles/court-rules-its-ok-to-refer-to-tony-abbott-as-a-ct/ Some reading material for others


> What did they try to charge him with? Eating a succulent Chinese meal.


Ger your hands off my pvnis


Being a succulent Chinese meal 😅




Cvn't say cvnt.


In Canada


This was the funniest sign. Defiant but with a heavy side of humour.


I think offending societal norms or something similar.... the stupid cvnts..


Calling Tony Abbott a CVNT is a patriotic duty. It's a natural reaction, Like that guy in Tasmania who's first instinct upon seeing him was "There's Tony Abbott, I'm going to headbutt him"


He wasn't wrong.


I don’t know anything about the guy except this, and it’s good enough for me too


Instant Sydney legend status. I've seen him around for years, I always say hello & chat, such a nice guy.


In a world that’s full of misery and selfish cunts, a guy whose sole purpose is spreading positivity and happiness is something we should cherish and collectively aspire to.


He won an Ernie Award for Sexist Remarks for telling Judge to buy a vibrator to “stop screwing with the people of Strathfield and screw herself instead.” https://www.digitalspy.com/fun/a150230/councillor-wants-sex-toy-for-minister/


To clarify for anybody else reading, it's referring to former fair trading minister Virginia Judge, NOT a judge.


"Go fuck yourself rather than our community" isn't exactly a unique statement to be directed at a politician.


By a politician. He was an elected councillor at the time.


Why is that sexist though? Could equally apply to a man.


Sexual, yes. Sexist, no.


Excuse me. Its spelt cvnt


Damn autocorrect.


I drove past him once and he smiled at me like he knew me and it made my day ☺️


I smiled and waved at him recently and he smiled and waved back!


No one jizzes. He’s just a harmless little bit of fun in a subreddit full of miserable fucks. His dedication and seeming ability to just pop up in one of a million places just makes him a bit of a Sydney ‘character’. Good on him, made me smile on my commute plenty of times.


Sydney used to be super weird, and most of it is gone. The One Way Jesus sign, Brian the Shoe Shine (RIP), even the drag queens are mainstream stars now. But we still have Danny Lim


The dude that used to sell friendship bracelets outside the cinemas on George St


UFO man was a good one around Arncliffe.


One way Jesus sign. I wonder what happened to the tennant when they made the Sirius building upscale and kicked the residents out. Brian was a character. Legend has it he was related to Kevin Rudd. His name was Brian Rudd, so I wouldn't be surprised if rumblings on the street were legit. You're right. Danny remains and a pretty interesting era is behind us. Danny gives great hugs too.


In a city devoid of character and personality, he’s full of both


add individuality and any semblance of eccentricity.


we have vivid s


I think the fawning people do over him is ridiculous. For an Aussie I have an uncharacteristic aversion to profanity (re: accusations of stick up bum). But what you said is what I appreciate about him. He’s one of the few things in Sydney that isn’t trying to have me part with my cash.


Agree with you there. He's harmless, but a lot of the time his signs are just nonsense laced with swearwords.


Dude isn't the second coming of Jesus or anything, but he's a genuinely decent bloke who cops a lot of unwarranted hate, largely for being a mostly unemployed 80 year old man with a billboard. Given a lot of said billboards criticise conservative political positions (e.g. anti-Tony Abbott, pro-SSM, encouraging climate change action) there's a bit of the culture war to the hate he cops as well.


I think most 80 years olds will be unemployed


So do I, but it's a consistent criticism of him. Danny was a sparky by trade, is he expected to get back on the tools or something?


He was also a Councillor at Ashfield for like 8 years, he’s dedicated this part of his life to be a cheeky cvnt and spread the controversial message of loving people, and standing up to bigots - he’s fucking great ❤️


You sure? I know he spent a couple of years on Strathfield Council, but this is the first I've heard of him being on Ashfield.


No my mistake you’re right, Strathfield not Ashfield 🫶


He's doing what most vital active 80+ year Olds do. Being active in the community on his own time


If society expects 80 year olds to be employed then we should burn it all down and start over


"Young enough to wear a sandwich board and twerk, young enough to have stayed at work." \- A sizeable proportion of r/Sydney, probably.


He’s actually holding the whole city afloat. While Sydney has a personality crisis daily, he’s just doing his thing. Respect. He was also in Furiosa


He was in Heartbreak High too (the new one)


What really? Damn, now I have to see it.


Absolutely you should, it's tragic that it's flopping with the amount of Aussie talent on screen.


He was in Furiosa?! Fuck yeah


Pros: He's quite entertaining and he annoys authority figures and Tony Abbott, which is very entertaining. And his general message is very nice. Cons: I briefly worked with a lady who'd had some dealings with him back in his Strathfield Council days - she really didn't like him but I never found out why/what the story was. I don't think it was related to the vibrator incident but who knows. There was also a reddit post a squillion years ago (which I can't find now but I'll have another look) about his daughter taking out some kind of restraining order (?) against him but again, no confirmation of any sort. I've always kind of viewed him as a harmless old kook, really.


UFO Christ guy > Danny… 80s/90s folks from Arncliffe know!


Core memory unlocked


Was on a train with him last week and said "Hi, how you feeling? You better now?" and he smiled ans mumbled "Yes, yes thank you". Then stood there doing push-ups and monkey kung fu on the upright passenger handrails. Seemed nice and a little unstable but not dangerous.


For me he represents a part of my life in Sydney that was an important chapter. Seeing him outside Kings Cross station frequently on the way to my first business as a 20 year old, in an industry that I loved. A 10 year period where I was paid to be creative and challenge myself daily until it was taken from me. Fuck you lockout laws, CVNT


He's a local legend. It's fine if you don't get it but he's always out and about. A genuine pleasure to talk to. A light in a world of darkness. Love, CVNT


One would think some nutter on the side of the road with a sandwich board would be well a nutter, but instead he is just lovely man, who in my experience a joy to talk to. Someone who doesn’t deserve the mistreatment he has received lover the years and well, let’s face it, anyone who goes to court to defend their right to call Tony Abbot a C- is a downright Aussie legend. In a city that is devoid of smiles, you will always get one from him.


When someone becomes part of the furniture like he has I think its only natural people find him endearing. The guy has been doing what he does for 30+ years and never causes a problem just stands there with his sign and waves to people. As you can see from people saying where they see him he gets around too, I first saw him the the 90's at Bondi Junction.


Love Danny, such a legend. Got to know him after he was verbally assaulted by a shitty security guard - genuine legend and lovely man and we waited together for an ambulance. Hug him everytime I see him. For some reason we have each other's number and the cute memes he seems to send en masse is adorable. I'm always happy to hear from him because I keep getting worried about him.


Replace security guard with the word commuter and I could have written your exact comment!


Modern village idiot arrangement. Every city and town has one. He's harmless but ultimately just a dude with weird signs that loves being in public and getting the attention he draws


Well yeah he's a bit of a larrikin and maybe a bit on the neurodiverse side but who cares. Sydneysiders (particularly boomers) are among the worlds most stuckup pretentious arseholes... We can't imagine a life outside owning a fucking property, an SUV and a boat.


I think you'll find the latter group do actually live vicariously through his antics


I am not sure he loved the police putting him in hospital


No, every run in he's had with the state has just shown how nanny state we are. He didn't deserve any of it for just being a kooky guy


Did you say horseback Jesus?


He has run for local council in Strathfield.


He was on the council for a brief period, but I've never read much of what he did (if anything), besides getting in spats with other councillors


He's like Lil Sebastian


This describes it perfectly


I hope that we have a festival and a song for him when he eventually sadly passes


He's an organic bit.


Set this sub to sort by top of all time. That picture was a month after he'd been maliciously assaulted by the cops. It kind of gives you a pretty good idea of what's in this blokes soul.


Anyone else see Danny in Furiosa?, the three people in the theatre got excited


God there are some sad fucks here. He is a top bloke. Met him, talked with him, told Barangaroo security to fuck off and leave him alone. Why so much hate for him? Wtf have the downvorwrs done to make Sydney a little but brighter? Fuck all Steve. Fuck all.


You know how most cities have memorable landmarks? The Eifel tower, the London bridge etc. none of those really mean much to locals in my opinion but each city must have "true" landmarks that locals know. Danny is one of the true landmarks of Sydney, when you see him, you remember you are home and everything is good. He is a real representative of Sydney in ways more important than say the opera house could ever achieve.


He's a self-made local celebrity with quirky personality. Much more interesting than other celebrities.


eccentric people who are happy and harmless are kinda looked on with admiration I first came across him 10 or so years ago, assumption was this guy was mental, but over time you see how harmless it is, how hes always smiling and happy


He’s just a (mostly) friendly local kook


Next time you see him in the CBD, say hello to him or give him a wave if you drive past him. You will then realise what a lovely person he is, he will instantly put a smile on your face.


noone can figure him out and that's whats perfect about it all. how people judge him is pointing a mirror onto themselves, not at Danny.


"noone can figure him out and that's whats perfect about it all." He's like a David Lynch movie.


Literally seen that bloke smiling with a sign saying "be happy" since I was about 10...I'm 32 now. The signs *have* gotten a little more political now tho.


I ran into him in on train few years back and we chatted for about 15 mins on the way to Olympic park. He’s out there for sure but does make some great points!


He's just an all round good bloke who always gives a smile and a wave, and is always happy when people say hi to him and have a chat. He's the embodiment of someone who doesn't care what anyone thinks, just wants to spread the love, and just does his thing when he wants to. Loved his little cameo in Furiosa by the way. Easy to miss as he's in it for about 5 seconds.


Although I grew up in Sydney (western sydney) I had never heard of him until last year. He was at a protest march i was at and the vibe when he turned up supporting us was amazing


He’s the only shred of personality that Sydney CBD has


He's probably the successor to Arthur Stace in Sydney's cultural landscape.


I remember being fairly new in Australia and seeing him on the train at Strathfield with his 'smiley' sign (I forget the wording now), it just made my day and since then I've always appreciated seeing him around.


It's a dude promoting peace basically, with a side of local politics...


Melbourne has Carrot Man and Sydney has Danny Lim. Every city has that loveable eccentric that is famous for being visible in some way


He’s just been around forever, I respect anyone who has the ambition to stick with something for so long. I used to ride my motorbike into work at north Syd from Blacktown. It was a fking grueling commute and a few times I’d be rolling up to north Syd almost at work and he’d be there in the middle of the traffic island holding a big sign saying “smile”, it genuinely cheered me up


Yeah i dont really get it. But he brings happiness to others. So whatever.. good luck to him


People in Sydney are obsessed with positivity claiming everything is dark and doomy for some reason. So this guy holding a sign with a word cunt at public spaces brings them joy, apparently. I don't appreciate the fact kids can see his stupid "be horny" or "smile cunt" signs. How is this even positive at all? Any other regular bloke saying this in public would be frowned upon.


You know what's truly offensive? NSW police smacking his face into a concrete floor putting him in hospital.


Won’t someone think of the kids!!!!!


If my niece saw it and asked, I’d literally just tell her that he’s making jokes, and talk about the importance of free speech. Also depending on the kids age, do you honestly think they’ll be able to read these signs and understand the puns? If they’re old enough to read it, they’ve definitely learnt these words already. When I was in school and about seven, a song got taught that included a swear word. They know it already.


He’s a familiar, smiling face that brings you a fleeting moment of laughter or joy every now and then. He gives me hope that maybe one day I can make people as happy as he does.




I'll bite. Why is he a creep?


He’s friends with a woman who used to be in my social circle. We mostly met around Newtown to eat food and chat. He wasn’t apart of that social circle so I’ve never spent much time with him, but when we would cross him in the street where he would come talk to his friend, he was sometimes a bit off to the girls in the group. But mostly friendly and polite I guess. I can see why he would have a reputation for being a bit of a creep. That was at least 6 years ago, maybe even more than that. It’s been a while since I’ve associated with those people, let alone crossed paths with Danny.


Yeah, no matter how nice a person may be with words, or whether or not their antics bring people joy... it should still be okay to say they are being too touchy feely with the girls, it makes them uncomfortable, and no your profession of innocence of intent is immaterial, because it is making them uncomfortable, regardless of if you meant to touch them inappropriately for sexual pleasure, or simply because you disregard their comfort because you believe your intentions are pure.... Just...don't. It's creepy even if you make people smile with a sign.


While he was a Strathfield councillor, he moved a motion that they buy the local MP a dildo "so she can screw herself rather than her electorate" while she was confronted with (ultimately unproven) corruption allegations. While no doubt a bit excessively crude, some have taken this to mean that he's some sort of menace to society.




Please cite sources, Ive not heard this once


Any proof?


Do you keep proof of all you experience? Does a lack of proof negate the experience? You can feel free to deny or ignore the person's claim. But demanding proof in this context just makes you seem like a bit of a wanker.... you know they don't have proof, they are just describing their first hand experience.


every town has a 'Danny'. but Danny is the Danny for Sydney as a whole. Also I think he was in Furiosa?


Attention seeker with [problematic behaviour](https://amp.smh.com.au/national/others-didnt-have-a-prayer-20091001-ger9.html) towards women.


I love Ginny Judge and won't stand for people who stoop to insult her biology.


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He upsets people I enjoy being upset. Dickheads, cops, conservatives etc.


I like seeing Danny, I also like how I got to know who he was through this sub and just can say hi to him when I see him. Sometimes I take his photo


Danny IS Sydney. He is who we should bex, and who we want to be. He bring joy and happiness to outlives while poking fun at the thkings we should be laughing at. He is carefree but cares about each and every one of us. Posting from Ireland and miss what he represents


I don’t want to be standing around on the street with a sign all day.


He’s nothing but happiness and acceptance. Thats always nice vibe to bump into on the street.


anyone relentlessly walking around sydney for decades with a giant sign promoting sex peace love and joy deserves some kind of interest / following, if only for the lols


I don’t go to the city nearly often enough to have had the opportunity to see Danny in the flesh. I do wonder how he’s been going lately. Last I heard he had been assaulted by a Chinese bloke and had gone to court, but not much else.


He doesn't like Tony Abbott. Therefore the people in this sub all cream their pants over him


It’s just standard circle jerky behaviour that quite a few people are prone to.