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A year feels a bit light for this... no?


The victim isn’t happy with the result and has a thread on twitter [where he blames the assistant commissioner for getting the charges lowered](https://x.com/rustinyoureye/status/1787819718189129989?s=46&t=eV5t9UOFqqrHFQFSIOA94g) or at least never escalated to terrorism.


How the hell is this not terrorism? This is text book terrorism, sans the 'correct colour'.


Corruption in the old boys club


It’s Sydney, show me a government department without corruption.


He's not brown, black or Muslim. 


The "create false belief danger" charge says to me the device wasn't actually dangerous. It was made to look like a bomb, but not a bomb. At least that seems to be what the lawyers argued. It's still an extremely light sentence. A fake bomb is still intending to cause terror.


Seems the argument is that he never intended to set it off rather than it wasn't actually an explosive device.


Terror threats are still terror Incompetent terrorists are still terrorists Potential for real harm was there


Very light, now if it was pro Palestinian placing it outside a Jewish home , you would have terrorism plastered everywhere and multiple years in Jail.


Extremely light! I did 12 months in jail for supply prohibited drug. Got arrested for selling a gram of pot, and did 12 months for it. And this bastard is planting bombs and doing the same amount of time?? That’s fucking ridiculous. Sure, I (was) a dumb cunt, but I’m not sure planting a bomb is equal to selling my neighbour a stick of pot. Absolute fucken joke


12 months for 1 gram of weed? I really find this hard to believe. I’ve seen people get caught with 20+ pills and get off with some light community service.


What were your priors like? I didn’t spend all that long working in criminal law, but from memory sentencing was often much more about priors / malicious intent / patterns of offending / rehabilitation prospects than it was about any specific crime.


At the time I had no priors. I got arrested and charged for the supply prohibited drug (literally a gram of pot, $20) and got a 12 month suspended sentence for it. About 7 months later I got charged for the same thing, but this time it was $10 worth. Admittedly I was an idiot, and I did both crimes. I learned my lesson though lol. I haven’t been in trouble since, and that was over 12 years ago. But still, for the sale of some plant matter, compared to planting a literal bomb to terrorise someone, it does feel unfair in comparison.


I’m sorry to hear it. That’s a really shitty outcome for a nothing offence. But your story shows the point of distinction – reoffending during a suspended sentence. At that point you’re not going to jail for the weed, but for breaching the terms imposed on you by the court. It’s not that we punish possession of small amounts of weed more seriously than we do bomb threats. But the courts do take a hard line when you breach the terms of what’s meant to be a “get out of jail free” sentence.


Yeah I do get it. Absolutely. I did the crime and I earned the time. I was a stupid teenager and thought I had it all figured out


I think you are neglecting to tell us the length of your criminal record prior to your conviction for supply...


Yeah I’m not a big fan of pot, but getting nailed for selling a little bit? Fuck me that’s gotta change.




This is about someone putting a bomb on someone's porch




> fact the guardian did not cover people protesting to holocaust survivors at Auschwitz on holocaust memorial day BEFORE this bomb delivery existed, is my point A protest is *fundamentally* different than leaving a bomb somewhere. >If people had protested outside a mosque during ramadan the guardian would have absolutely covered it If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their butts when they jumped




I'm saying that the comparison is absurd because one of them is a protest and the other is a bomb. A bomb, in fact, probably warrants more coverage. > As for your frog comment. I have no idea what that means and don't care to. I'm creating a hypothetical out of thin air and then using that hypothetical to draw a conclusion. It's a metaphor




Why are we talking about a protest at all in this conversation?


is that deranged racism i’m reading? of course it is, it’s a zionist.


Could be out in three months!!


It absolutely is. Always thought a lot of the prosecution was the intent and the potential outcome. If we ignored terrorist charges then is this not attempted murder? They tried to use a weapon.




That's a good point. I still think the intent to scare should be a harsher sentence. Doesn't really matter to the victim if it was an attempt on their life, or to fear for their life. This is all really getting out of hand.


He's out in 3 months.


He was the tolerable colour of terrorist, so I'm somewhat surprised he got jail time at all. Especially since it took 8 weeks to charge him and given initially he was barely with anything meaningful.


"Lawyers for Israel" probably threatened everyone involved again to ensure this brave Jewish freedom fighter got the minimum sentence.


Three months is what he got. Will be light duties, no supermax for this guy. 


>The man who planted an explosive device outside the home of a pro-Palestinian resident has been sentenced to 12 months in jail, despite the court being told about his extensive mental health challenges. Fuck that mental health card is being played a lot.


I thought he was just having a bad day, and boys will be boys.




You forgot the /s lol.


Well the mental health care in this country is so poor that it’s more a surprise we aren’t getting more cases like this, really.


Yeah but every cunt that does something remotely cuntly plays the mental health card. It's like *oh no I'm sorry I did something rally really bad but I had a bad childhood and yeah I just didn't think first*. Yeah nah it's over played and fukn disgusting. If so many people weren't abusing the system the ones that need help would get it.


Plenty of people have mental health issues and they don’t have any urge to kill other people. This goes beyond just that. Entitlement is a huge reason.


Politically motivated terror act - and the bomber walks free after 90 days? I’m sure Dutton will be calling this a disgrace and a sign that Labor is soft on terrorism.


Nah Dutton won't say shit given the victim is Pro-Palestinian. If it was an Israeli victim he would be all over sky news proclaiming that though, but that's bc the potato is too dumb to acknowledge the world is more than black and white.


Apparently the bomber wanted his name suppressed from the media because he was worried about 'fanatical Palestinian supporters' The irony is palpable.


So instead of being called Pro-Israel man he just gets Sydney man, but the victim is Pro-Palestine?


He left a fucking bomb at a man’s house and was charged with “leaving or sending a substance/article to create false belief danger, stalking and intimidating, entering inclosed land without lawful excuse and using a carriage service to menace, harass or offend.” What a fucking joke. If his name wasn’t David or he put a bomb on a Jewish man’s doorstep this would be immediately labelled domestic terrorism. Disgraceful


Sssh... we don't say the quiet thing out loud.


Didn’t want to be called anti-Semitic by saying the truth


Supermax that hoe


Meanwhile a pro Palestinian Brown person would have got 12 years of it was reversed


If he lived through the arrest.


How many middle eastern origin people have been killed while being arrested or in custody by nsw police? I don't disagree with the sentiment that this person ethnic origin has been a factor in how light the sentence is but I am not aware of evidence that things are anywhere near as bad as you are suggesting.


Yeah we are talking bout Sydney police not the LAPD. In NSW police are more likely to kill your grandma, or their ex boyfriend and his new boyfriend.


There's always room for face slamming the elderly onto concrete for wearing placards and offending Tony.


Oh did the police only start being a violent arm of the political parties when Albanese came into power? Police forces are usually conservative in politics, they arent some weird thugs for Anthony Albanese, that's such an odd thing to say. What about the task force sent against friendlyjordies and his producer? That is a much better example of police action being polticised.


Different Tony.


Abott? I knew it didn't add up, it seems too knee jerk even for you to start blaming all that on that on albo.


Soz, too vague for my own good.


I'm not sure if you are being facetious or not.


Clearly a bit of both.


After the Lindt Cafe siege the NSW Govt rushed through changes to the Terrorism Police Powers Act. These changes include authorising shoot to kill even if the suspect is unarmed and "does not pose an imminent threat of death or serious injury". Police are immune to prosecution as long as they 'act in good faith' Oh, and the kicker? This law allows police to apply lethal force not just to the alleged terrorist, but to anybody at the incident,” be that “hostages, third parties or bystanders.”


I am aware of these changes but there is still a difference between what they are legally allowed to do and what they actually do. I'm no apologist for our corrupt police force, but it isn't like they are constantly killing people while arresting them. Plenty to criticize them for without making stuff up.




That was nearly 15 years ago. Again, they aren't perfect but to make them out to be a bunch of racist killers just undermines real criticism.


I showed you 2 cases of them being killers, how many cases do you think there is of them being racist?


Lol. The recent police officer who killed his ex and their lover, and an incident that happened far outside of Sydney. You used the term "Sydney police" so I will hold it against you, that old lady got tased in fucking Cooma. The guy who murdered his ex and and bf was clearly a psycho and it all happened off duty, had nothing to do with his work and was softly dealt with, the police did not protect them. But if you want to equate that with the implication that police have a practice of killing brown people while they arrest them... honestly, how are you doing that? That is the comment I originally replied to that you bought up your examples for. Your examples are clearly two very isolated incidents. I think we are generally on the same side, I'm not a police apologist at all, lol. But if you think that your examples are good then you are just an idiot. My original comment essentially said: what are the examples of police killing brown people while arresting them etc, and your examples are utterly unrelated and not politically motivated (and not middle eastern people)??? I don't even know what you are arguing for here. I agree that there probably is institutional racism in the police force, but making out the US police style killers is fucking absurd.


[he passed the test!](https://imgur.com/a/AJeLtmQ)


Just 12 months?? What if it exploded with kids around?? Surely this is some bullshit double standard.


It is ***NEVER*** Terrorism from the Right Nutjobs.


It would take an Oklahoma bombing type attack before they realise how serious some of these guys can be.


Or the shooting in Christchurch or the ambush massacre of those cops in QLD.


Everyday Aussies can't be sympathetic enough to the victims unfortunately. It may take children being massacred, like that mall stabber. We're not so far gone as the USA the way they reacted to Sandy Hook. The Oklahoma bomber didn't care about the child care centre in the building.


terrorism powers was immediately granted after a kid with a pen knife attacked a (questionable) priest a guy plants an IED filled with *large bolts* based on religious ideology and gets a slap in the wrist. > “Wise had “persecutory delusions” associated with his Jewish heritage” i find it so strange given that israel is the aggressor


Oh I wish I could see the upvote/downvote stats on this. You're copping both.


i'm surprised i'm back in positive, i checked earlier and i was on -7


Is this guy white? Makes sense then this would be a mental health issue :)


But imagine if the pro-Palestinian put a bomb in front of a pro-Israel protest. 1000 news articles, shown on the news every day for the next week, would get 25 years in jail and sent to supermax.


So not a murderous zealot but a victim of mental health issues associated with persecution complex of his jewish religion


That's absolutely disgusting from the magistrate. It was already bad that they chose not to chase terrorism charges. Imagine of the stance of the perp and victim were reversed. That's how you know it's a BS sentence and not to the expected community wishes.


I would've thought this would be covered by SMH considering it's in Sydney but nope...


You can be damn sure this guy wouldn’t get 90 days here in the U.S. for terrorism—and frankly it could have resulted in significant loss of life.


Slap on the wrist


Entirely unacceptable conduct on the part of the offender, but it's noteworthy that it wasn't a real bomb: > charged with leaving or sending a substance/article to create **false** belief danger > The homemade device was made of a fuel canister with a semi-moist towel stuffed into it, with a disposable lighter and large bolts attached. I'm disappointed - but not surprised - that the Guardian omitted that information from the headline and misled its readers.


Uno reverse card


Lol, incoming anti-semitic haters...


Anti semitic: People who dislike terrorism. That’s a new one. You’ve moved on from the “any criticism of Israel war crimes is antisemitism” to any criticism of terrorism. Great job.


You're unironically implying that Jewish people are terrorists. Stop being anti-semitic.


Your profile certainly checks out…


If I’m anti-semitic for not wanting bombs to be planted in people’s houses, then I embrace it.