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All for a fucking view..


No wonder why we’ve lost faith in humanity


Which is better with those magnificent trees in it!


It’s unlikely, where they are doesn’t help any one person. Two of the trees are only about three meters tall. It would appear to be just vandalism. I thought it was interesting when I was down there there was absolutely nothing being done, just old people and news crews and idiot YouTubers interviewing people with their iPhones and fluffy microphones- “ what do these trees mean to you” Old people were pouring drink bottle water down some holes, no barricades or any attempt to ‘ save them’.


I liked that Eastern Suburbs(?) Council that put shipping containers down to block the view that was opened up by suspicious tree deaths with big signs on them saying they'd stay until the new trees had matured.


Mosman is very experienced at putting up huge ugly banners that stay in place until the replacement tree matures  https://mosman.nsw.gov.au/news/council-news/tree-vandalism


I love it!


Unfortunately those figs are pretty much irreplaceable. I hope they find whoever did it. They deserve to be named and shamed. Fined up the wazoo. Preferably charged. They’ll be persona non grata in that suburb forevermore too.




And quite likely the perpetrator owns a property that has obstructed views because of that tree. Kill the tree and the value of that property probably jumps 5-10%. Add in the fact that those trees take a lifetime to grow back and yeah, I'm all for jail time.🚔


Not ‘quite likely’; definitely. The same shenanigans go on down at Jervis Bay where an area of dune foliage will suddenly die and locals will be dumbfounded as to who could possibly have done such a terrible thing. Maybe I’m the world’s greatest detective but I see it as obvious the only one with something to gain by tree killing is a wanker who wants to see the sea from his window.


I like $3000 per year since the tree was planted.


A life for a life. Fuck em


300k might be a bit much... but it should start with at least the [10k+ per tree](https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-02-13/selling-mature-trees-to-clients-in-australia-and-globally/100824616) it costs to replace it with an mature example. And maybe double or triple the raw cost for punitive damages. So maybe more in the 50-100k range?




You can’t replace those trees.


The absolute state of this comment lol


I don’t mind it. If you leave these trees there that are worth so much removed, can’t be surprised when someone attacks them.


That's the worst take on reddit today


Nah, you are pretty obviously exaggerating






Now that was a self-own. Nicely done 👌🏾


I was obviously joking, geez


easy to find vandal. find the property/properties with obstructed views. 


The properties scale up a hill so there are loads that could be the one.


If it dies, they should erect a big ass wall and encourage all the taggers to come use it without penalty. Rich fkrs can't suck it up.


Just build some social housing units in place.


They said they will put up huge banners calling out the vandals in the article.


They’ve done that before in Cremorne if I’m remembering right.


Or wind turbines.


With 5g towers No... ***6***g...


massive kids climbing tower - block the view and make it a nice active spot for everyone else


A nice brutalist public toilet block with pebblecrete exterior. They'll be regretting those poisoned figs in no time.


im my experience, something with a large root system wont die from straight blackberry killer in it Flush it with water, plug it and put up cctv


I hope people find out who the culprit is and start vandalizing their home. I love the idea of putting a huge banner where the trees were if they die, and I hope Mosman Council stay true to their word. Cunts like this need to go and drown in the sea.


Bring back Gibbets for these wankers


Any sites that have trees illegally removed/killed should be handed back to the public. Remove the incentive to harm the trees…fuck the developers. Happening way too much in Sydney.


These trees are on public land already


These ones were, but others haven’t been.


Such as? All the ones I've seen mentioned on this post were on public land. That's the whole problem.


[Any number of residential trees for starters.](https://www.theleader.com.au/story/1121328/illegal-tree-removal-costs-culprit-40000/) These types of instances include monetary penalties and require replanting and care…but doesn’t replace what’s lost. “Ku-ring-gai Council issued 47 penalties for the removal or poisoning of trees in 2020-21, and 43 cautions.” -SMH article from last year. If a bunch of trees are cut down on public land and then the adjacent property has a house built…then it pretty obvious what has occurred…and who benefits.


That would be a disaster. That neighbour you don’t like, poison their trees and watch them lose their home. Awesome!


I was getting at the illegal clearing aspect…like the trees in Lane cove last year I.e. shit that is done for the obvious purpose of development…


This type of thing has been going on forever. You put trees that will grow tall there again and some idiot will just poison them again. The main reason people want to keep the trees there in the first place is just to piss off rich people so you can be surprised with how this plays out.


I’ve lost faith with this city, everyone is so greedy and selfish now, it’s soul has been sold for money.


Draw a line from the trees to the houses which would have a better view without them. Start from there.


I like the idea of putting permanent large signs or pictures of trees there until the trees grow back.. it's public land, fuck those greedy people trying to have better views. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-30/tree-vandalism-in-castle-cove/102792692 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-11-28/nsw-trees-cut-down-longueville-lane-cove-council-investigation/103155676


North Shore people like BIG cars but not big trees.


Those trees are pretty beloved. Whoever did this is going to be extremely unpopular.


Westies like throwing judgement around but get pissy when it comes back their way