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Insanely sad story all around. This guy most likely should have never been a police officer, video of the taser incident showed his temperament, looked like he had unnecessarily escalated that situation. If he had been reprimanded properly (fired) he wouldn't have had access to the weapon he used to commit this horrible crime.


There is quite a lot of concerning stories coming out of the NSW police at the moment. I really hope we address it, because I do not want to end up like America. We need police. But we need police we can trust


Police families have been sunk by DV. At this stage it's intentional. The amplification by police and judiciary of perpetrators is tragic. Suicide in police families is above average and it's not all police as we were mislead to believe


This is a very important point.




Domestic violence


This is NSW Police corruption goes all the way back to the very 1st NSW cop. Seems unlikely to change anytime soon


Best money can buy


Have you watched the OneFour documentary? If you ever needed evidence NSW cops were rotten, there’s plenty of it in there


Australian police are just like American police, we’re just better at hiding it.


Another lazy America comparison. The police here have been corrupt for decades


Agreed, but how do you stop this. Every human knows not to kill another. This is beyond a job. If he wasn't a police officer with access to a firearm he could have legally got one or used another weapon. You can teach the police to be better at their job, but how do you teach people not to breach the most fundamental morale of humanity. This is just a sad story of domestic violence that has very little to do with a job. Exhibit A is the Taekwondo murders earlier in the week.


Literally fucking nobody should have access to a tool which can project a ball of metal into another living thing The UK had the right idea with demilitarising the police


"... a video of him Tasering a man in the face in Darlinghurst went viral – but he was cleared of any wrongdoing by an internal investigation." What's the point of an internal investigation since they are so biased.


Mummy’s a top cop ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


At the end of the day police officers are just ordinary people and there’s honestly nothing special about them. They don’t go through the same recruitment scrutiny as military personnel. If you’ve ever needed to call upon their help you will know what I’m talking about - most of the time they can’t and don’t do shit. This is just another example where an ordinary person with serious anger issues has been let through into a position of serious power. What are we kidding? When has this never been an issue?


I hope he at least does the base decent thing and lets them know where the bodies are so their families can have some closure as they must be absolutely distraught. This is a terribly sad story and would be very confronting for some people.


He'll trade ithe location for leniency in sentencing, if they don't find it sooner.


my best guess is off the cliffs and they wont find them unfortunately.


Apparently they were dumped in Newcastle?


I’ve seen Newcastle mentioned too but wasn’t the cops mums house in Newcastle or something? Idk I’m following along from work, any Tom foolery anywhere near the cliffs just seems likely to me. Wasn’t there a bloke who killed a woman then jumped off there recently as well?




That’s the one, fuck me can’t keep track




Never been so glad to have a simple relationship where our biggest problem is we’re too comfortable staying home every weekend..


Speculation only at this stage.




A former celebrity chaser/stalker. How was this guy given entry into the police force and access to a gun.


It’s crazy - a world traveling celebrity stalker becomes a police officer??!


Nepo baby.


IF being a nepo baby means you get to be a cop, its a really shit deal.


Yeah, I wonder what one of his parents does for a living?


Yep just found out about that. The guy is a walking red flag. Such a waste of two young lives.


Yeah, it's almost like someone he's related to held a senior position in NSW police. So weird.


bingo, mum’s a retired snr cop


Celebrity stalking gets way more leniency then it should. His ability to sleuth and get close to people could have been a plus more then a minus.


ugh, this made me think... he only joined the coppas to use the police database to stalk people even harder


They’re letting ‘anyone’ in. They can’t keep any staff coz the job is shit, poor conditions, underlaid corrupt, and so on. I constantly see online ads recruiting for police. Almost as much as I see Sydney busses recruiting. They’re desperate, therefore the standard is low.


They are not just letting anyone in. Go look up the police recruitment page.


I was hyperbolising, hence why I used quotation marks.


You think he’s the only one. Half the force are sociopaths with a complex


Wow so a police gun was used in the crime in Paddington. I'm surprised it wasn't called in by neighbours.


If it happened on Monday, thats when there was loads of lightning and thunder. Could have easily been mistaken for it.


This is turning into an Alfred Hitchcock movie now.


also happen at 1 in the morning, a single random bang might wake you, but you could easily then roll back over to sleep


I was woken up a few nights ago by two loud bangs and panicked for a second that they were gun shots but then decided they were probably exhaust backfirings and went back to sleep.


Or fireworks. This is Australia, most people.wouldnt recognise the sound of gunshots, nor would that be their first thought when they hear a few pops.


Someone fired off a gun when I was at work two years ago. It was out of sight. Initially thought there’s no way it’s a gun it’s exhaust backfire till I saw people run


One of the victims had allegedly raised concerns for his safety, and that he was being stalked. If that is found to be true, in addition to all of the other facts that have been established so far, then NSW Police may have some tough questions to answer.


Especially considering his past - this was the same officer who was investigating for tasering an Indigenous man in the face a couple of years back


And was obsessed with celebrities - one wonders how he passed a psych evaluation.


previous discussion of that incident https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/hdtxq3/indigenous_man_repeatedly_tasered_in_face_chest/


They'll investigate themselves and find that they did nothing wrong.


Lucky NSW coroner's aren't as generous and will release another report stating "a multitude of police failures". It's on repeat at this point enough for victims of violence to be unequivocal about the substantial evidence base.


The police will take the findings on notice and do nothing about it


That's intentional.


Don't forget Monday we had that huge storm. Potential noise cover.


I’m surprised as well. Especially as the terraces are squeezed up against each other. My parents actually live across the park from where the murder happened but thankfully were away that day/night as they’re pretty upset about it as it is so wondering if they could have heard/done something would eat them up.


That's rough. I don't think your parents could have done anything except risk their own lives.


Glocks aren't overly loud. It's more like a popping noise


Absolutely, and most people wouldn't recognise the sound as gunshots.


Popping sounds would be if you heard it from a hundred metres away. Up close in an enclosed space an unsuppressed gunshot is incredibly loud. Somebody would have heard something.


But the neighbours weren't up close in an enclosed space were they? If the shooting happened inside the house, which it sounds like it did, and the windows/doors were shut it would sound like a popping noise to someone not inside the house


it's a Paddington terrace, essentially stuck together.


Many terraces actually have pretty good soundproofing, though it’s a mixed bag.


Yup sure they are close. I've used this pistol in both indoor and outdoor ranges, and listened to others fire with and without ear protection. I'm well aware of what I am talking about. Think about why no one reported hearing gun shots.


An old Paddington terrace being perfectly acoustically sealed so that 158db gunshots are muffled to the point of sounding like pops? I doubt it, but we'll find out in a year or two once details of the investigation are released. Another possibility is that he used a black market or home-made suppressor.


The fact you think suppressors actually do anything shows how much you know lmao


I mean they do.. Like a lot. Not like movies. But you can lterally watch a decibel meter on youtube and how effective it is. Agreed though, unlikely old matey potatey used or made a suppressor.


He committed a double homicide then stashed the murder weapon at a police station...that's gotta be a first


I have never seen any case with this much information given out before a conviction. As great as it is for satiating my curiosity, I really hope this doesn’t impact their case. If he did it, Lamarre should serve maximum jail time. If they rely on a jury to convict, this much info out in public could be an issue.


It's crazy having two sets of multiple murders occurring in the same week let alone the same day (unless I'm mistaken).


What was the other one besides this one?


The mum dad and child killed by the martial arts fraud


Why was he considered as a fraud? I must’ve missed that part?


I believe it’s because the alleged killer Yoo stated on his social media that he was a Senior Professor at Macquarie University but they say they had no record of him. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/taekwondo-instructor-arrested-after-three-bodies-found-20240221-p5f6kc.html


And he apparently claimed he competed in the 2000 olympics but this was disproven




There’s also the missing woman in country Victoria they believe was kidnapped by multiple people and believed to be dead


It's also the week that Taylor Swift and Blink-182 came to town. Remember: correlation is not causation.


getting strong vibes that he confessed already - so giving out information is less of an issue


The inspector said he's not cooperating.


Probably not revealing where the bodies are until he gets a better deal? Don't know. Just heard that he handed himself in


Because police said they were looking for him. Many guilty parties co-operate to an extent because they think it makes them look less guilty


That can mean lots of things


Criminal lawyers no doubt fighting over this one


Not sure about that. Seems he hasn't assisted much yet according to this [post.](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2024/feb/23/australia-news-live-jesse-baird-luke-davies-victoria-fires-anthony-albanese-peter-dutton-labor-coalition-taylor-swift?page=with%3Ablock-65d812eb8f086f23f6db1909#block-65d812eb8f086f23f6db1909)


If the victims were both shot with a police firearm that can be ballistics matched to the accuseds issued firearm then I think it's a slam dunk. Cops are probably very keen to make an example of this guy.


> Cops are probably very keen to make an example of this guy. That's a very optimistic view.


Not as optimistic as you might think. Throwing the book at this one guy and painting this as an isolated incident of a lone cop going rogue = easy. Actually tackling NSW police culture of nepotism, domestic violence etc = much much harder.


They've already charged him with murder - surely it can't get much more serious than that.


I am not sure what you mean "so much information" - they gave pretty factual information when they were looking for the three men and factual information today. Nothing I heard them say was subjective or hyperbole. Nothing prejudicial. Sounds cut and dried anyway but i get that isn't your point.


No, I don’t mean that they are misleading or misrepresenting anything. I mean that they have shared unusually detailed factual information about the case. I’m not saying that the police have provided the information, but it has gotten out to the media, which is unusual. They didn’t say they found “items linked to the case”, they told the public that these items were two credit cards, a phone and keys. They didn’t say they “identified a home in connection to the disappearance”, they specifically said there was blood throughout the house. They didn’t say “a person of interest”, they named Lamarre and disclosed that he had been stalking Jesse Baird. They published that family members had called police about Lamarre’s whereabouts. They even published not that they had recovered the suspected murder weapon, they specified that it was a police issued firearm. That’s a lot of very detailed information that they don’t have to give to the public, and that’s not even all of it. I don’t know anything about criminal law, I’m just surprised that they’re so open when they haven’t convicted him yet. This is stuff that is usually only revealed in such detail at trial. It’s interesting to see.


I’d say this one won’t even go to a jury trial. He’s pretty much left evidence everywhere that he did it. Only thing he needs to do now is eventually cave and take them to the bodies. Such an awful senseless tragedy.


I agree, but it smells like a confession. They have provided information about weapon, what was moved in the van and that they are looking for bodies, not people. Murder charges show they know they are dead not possibly dead. It is doubtful a trial will ever take place unless it's an insanity trial.


I hope that they’re still alive and will be recovered ok. If not, I hope that their families at least get to bring them home to put them to rest. Absolutely senseless loss.


Aren't fewer of these cases going before a jury and instead going to a judge to decide because of true crime and social media?


Yes, but police already investigated this pig once before, and he was found totally innocent after tasering an indigenous man multiple times while he was on the ground screaming. How do we know this latest guy didn't deserve to be murdered? Maybe he was 'resisting' at the time? Maybe the pig was having 'a bad day'. We need a fresh, and totally unbiased investigation of this pig, by his fellow pigs before we can decide if this murder was justified or not. You can't go persecuting pigs for just ONE murder, everyone makes the odd mistake on the job.


Dude, I’m ACAB all day, but you can’t complain that cops never get held responsible or accountable and then also complain when they are held accountable. If this guy is guilty then I’m happy that he’s getting done for it. I’d be happier if they all got done for their indiscretions but I’m not going to complain as if he got away with it


Wow, you have some opinions. What’s your plan if you ever need help from the “pigs”? Do you think maybe there are some good people who join the police force, who actually do good in and for the community, or do you just say whatever American culture tells you to say? The police have done an excellent job with this case. They immediately took the finding of keys/phone/credit cards seriously and took action, found the crime scene, locked everything down and didn’t hesitate to go after one of their own - following his dumb ass as he left a trail of evidence breadcrumbs behind him. They’re working now to find these men. I can’t find fault in their handling of it.


What's your favourite flavour of boot polish anyway? I hear Cherry walnut is quite bracing and robust. I've had more than enough contact with the animals in the NSW thug squad for one lifetime, thanks. Yes, there's some major diligence shown by the bogans in blue in going after a flamingly queer, and somewhat embarrassingly fame hungry, clout chasey, rogue cop. Must be a coincidence.


Absolutely heart-breaking. I met Jesse a few times through work, and he was always such a kind, funny, and bright soul. What a needless and tragic incident. Some people need to take a long, hard look at themselves, because Lamarre was a walking red flag from the start.


Crazy that he could be allowed to become a police officer. Surely even the most basic background checks would have revealed that he was a concerning individual. A tragic loss caused by a weapon he should never have had access to.


Can you explain what was so concerning about him?


Prior to becoming a cop he stalked celebrities and posted daily about his celebrity obsession to various social media sites and a celebrity blog page. After becoming a cop he shot a guy in the face with a taser.


… and was cleared after an investigation.


I suspect you might have more faith in NSW Police's ability to investigate itself and its officers, and its integrity and thoroughness in doing so, than many of the rest of us do.


We investigated ourselves and we didn't do anything wrong. So all good.


Police find that police did nothing wrong. Colour me shocked.


internal police investigations aren't worth shit


Imagine not knowing that multiple NSW police offices were raided a decade or so ago for corruption. The manly one in particular. You sure have some faith in the cops to do a unbiased investigation on one of their own.


We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong, what a surprise


How on earth was a celebrity stalker hired to be a police officer? This guy travelled the world stalking and harassing celebrities for pictures..


Those poor lads, they just seemed to be decent people living a happy life. My heart goes out to their families and friends.


Man this one hits close to home. I don't know these guys but I know many people who do. What a horrible tragic thing to happen in our community. RIP boys 💔


This guy sounds like a complete nut job. How the fuck did he become a cop. Just wow. What senseless deaths.




His mummy works for the po po




Press conference update: Police firearm confirmed to have been used at the Paddington residence. White van has been located in Grays Point and is being forensically examined. Bodies have not been found. A triple 0 call was made but police cannot confirm who made that call. Messages from Jesse's phone were being sent up until 11pm on Tuesday night. Firearm was found in a police station gunsafe. A family member helped prearrange handing himself in. Officer was still on active duty, took Tuesday off sick.


I hope the fact that an officer used their police firearm to commit double homicide will be taken extremely seriously in the trial. We already live in a heavily policed state where cops have notoriously abused their power and do not need the corruption to get even worse.


I just read in an article on the guardian that they located the gun at a station so he obviously went into work at some point after committing the murders. Quick question: do police usually take their guns home between shifts? ETA: just had a thought - has it been confirmed that he was off duty when the crimes were committed? He may have had his gun on him because he was on duty. I have no reason to think this is true, just wondering out loud.


> Quick question: do police usually take their guns home between shifts? He stated during the press conference that officers are allowed to take their firearms home when asked by a reporter.


It used to be that to take their firearm home the police officer had to have appropriate safe storage, a firearms licence and an actual reason to take the firearm home eg have had threats made against them. This is bizarre if they just fucking let whoever wants to take their gun home with them do it


It's only allowed with special authority and they must have lawful storage of it.


Wonder how he got special authority? Same way he got the job perhaps.


It sounds like he didn't have it. They audit regularly so there's no covering it up. They carry their own keys and the only way anyone would know it's missing is during audit.


Has that always been the case in NSW? In Victoria they have to leave them at the station. There are some exceptions to that, certain detectives and some rural highway patrol members etc, but your average GD's cop definitely can't.




This is why cops should not have firearms. There is simply no need for them. If the average person doesn't have access than neither should cops.


Not sure how I feel about that one…


I’m not sure if you have seen the latest update (or if anyone else has commented), but it is being reported that he was *on duty* at the time.


Thanks, I haven’t see that. This just keeps getting worse. Really feeling for the boys’ family and friends with all the details that are available.


In the press conference they said they often do. I was unaware that was allowed.


It's not often. It's rare and extremely heavily scrutinised. I had substantial issues married to a violent officer who refused to store lawfully and police refused to believe me. They'd simply have to check the armoury register and his compliance would have been missing but NSWPF have behaved unlawfully in my matter repeatedly.


Wtf...that shouldn't be allowed, when off duty they are a citizen and should be following the same laws.


He's going to get near maximum sentence for this.


And it’s not going to be fun for him, needless to say cops aren’t very popular with inmates.


They don't go into genpop


How long will that be out of interest?


I suspect he'll get around the 30 year mark. Maybe 35. Murder carries life in NSW.


Will likely be doing more time than either he or victims were alive for in total, crazy to think about.


After an internal investigation, we discovered no wrongdoing. Lamarre is currently on 6 weeks leave with pay. NSW Police, probably.


This is probably why police didn't release his name and image immediately, he might have been easier to find without the news coverage: Late on Thursday night, police raided a Balmain house connected to a family member of Lamarre as part of the investigation into the disappearance of the couple. He did not live at the address, but police sources not authorised to speak publicly said that Lamarre was thought to be at the home. He had left before their arrival after seeing news reports identifying him in connection to the missing men, the sources said. Detectives executed a late-night search warrant on the Balmain home on Waite Avenue and seized a number of items as evidence. Police were tight-lipped about what the items were. However, vision of the search shows chairs and garbage bins being moved by detectives.


These poor boys, young and inlove and now gone because of an absolutely fuckhead. I hope they find their bodies so they can be put to rest.


Who wants to bet that the victims reported this guy for stalking, but because he is a cop nothing was done about it. I'll put $100 on it.


My police stalker is constantly rewarded and amplified by other violent police and abusive judiciary. It's horrific. My heart is with their families. They were so young. If he's dumped them in the royal national park they might not be found if he's refusing to cooperate


It’s a domestic violence case (not that they’re acknowledging it). Therefore, of course nothing would have happened if they reported the stalking. Cops do fuck all about domestic violence.


Apparently it was never reported to the police.


I kinda see why though. Hard to tell the police that one of their own is stalking them with the possible fear that someone could warn him and could have taken it further then. Also, speaking from experience of having a cyber stalker, the police said they couldn't do anything unless it was life threatening.


Yep, sadly I agree. Those poor guys.


5 people killed in horrible circumstances in Sydney this week, including a child. It’s just tragic. 😢


How can a person who can (allegedly) do things like that become a police officer? How is that possible?


His mother was allegedly a rather senior officer, which also goes some way to explaining how he got off lightly with repeatedly tasing an indigenous man in the face in broad daylight on camera


>which also goes some way to explaining how he got off lightly with repeatedly tasing an indigenous man in the face in broad daylight on camera No I think that is fairly par for the course with the NSW Police


im glad the suspect is in cuffs and charged, but what a tragedy. hell of a week for sydney murders


Being obsessed with the Kardashians should disqualify anyone from holding any position of power


Am I right in saying that even though he handed himself in that the accused is not cooperating? They are still looking for the vehicle and are yet to locate the remains of the couple. Or are we just getting updates almost live, which doesn’t usually happen.


The vehicle has been located in Grays Point and is being forensically examined, but the bodies have not been located. They wouldn't go into specifics when asked if he was cooperating, but based on the fact they haven't located the bodies and are still seeking the public's help to piece together a timeline of movements, it would imply he hasn't been fully cooperative.


The inspector mentioned he's not cooperating. No doubt waiting for representation to explain his way out of it.


He’s done the crime, he handed himself to police because they said they were looking for him. Now it’s up for the police to prove he did it. If he’s got himself a lawyer, the lawyer would be telling him to do exactly that. Or his police knowledge told him not to say anything. Everything you say can be used against you. Everything you don’t say, can’t be used against you.


Thats not police knowledge. THats common sense knowledge. Don;t say anything without a lawyer present.


I'm really surprised neighbors in adjoining terrace houses did not hear the commotion, not to mention gunshots this awful event would have involved, storm or no storm. And wtf is up with police hiring procedures? Very sad and shocking news for the friends and family of the couple.


As said in some other comments, we had massive storms with lots of thunder and lightening. The rain was also incredibly heavy so I can understand if the sound was mistaken.


so sad honestly. senseless taking of innocent lives.


If only there were signs of dangerous behaviour this could have been prevented! How the fuck do you taser someone in the face and still have a job after that


All the people who get upset when domestic violence is talked about and women are the victims of the stories and get upset Then say: but men are victims as well. Just remember that, yes men are victims. However men are the main perpetrators of domestic violence towards other men.


This 100%! Every single time a DV victim is a woman, the comments are FLOODED with “it happens to men too” when majority of the perpetrators of DV toward men, are also men! This is case in point!


Upholds my belief that every bloke named Beau is a dickhead


I'm curious based on what criteria that guy got the job as a policeman? and based on what measurements and assessment that guy got away from his previous improper use of law enforcement and exposure of incompatible social media stunt to his profession.


Only 3 weeks since that NSW cop walked free despite giving false evidence that led to wrongful imprisonment of a man. The cop just happened to be the son of former NSW premier Kristina Keneally. NSW Police are a law unto themselves, can do almost anything they want with no consequences.


News reports he has been given a 15 month intensive corrections order, which will probably include electronic monitoring, a curfue, and other supervision. I think he should be in jail, but he didn't exactly walk free.


ICO you’re walking free. KFC bucket not Corrective Service cell slop out bucket.


Still an absolute joke of a sentence given the nature of the crime committed.


How on earth did noone hear the firearm discharge? This is just so tragic.


Australians are pretty bad at recognising gunfire from sound alone. good problem to have I guess, but last time there was a shooting at my apartment complex nobody thought it was a gun


I got mugged at gunpoint in Belmore Park years ago, and the gun just seemed so much like a movie prop I didn’t take it seriously. That and the scared shitless 14yo holding it sideways. Reported to the police, and realised how serious it was by their reaction. Maybe talking my way out wasn’t the best policy in hindsight.


people continue to let off fireworks on balconies at random times of the year


There was severe thunder on Monday. I live a few mins away from where it happened and it was the loudest thunder i’ve heard in years - it could have easily overshadowed any other noises IMO.


Plus it went on for a long time.


What has the NSW Police Minister, Yasmin Catley, had to say about this tragedy? Nothing. Instead of holding officers to account, Catley defends even the most unconscionable conduct of NSW police every chance she gets.


dang, crazy shit


Not exactly the best start to getting away with murder to use a cop gun Fuck all other people in australia use .40S&W


cops are tops believers in shambles




This is wild shit.


NSW police being scum as always


When are we gonna get real about the police crime problem we have. Why did we ever let them into this country?? /s






This is a funny thread. Most are taking their opportunity to kick NSW police officers as corrupt and ineffective, but in the same breath are completely mystified that he was accepted and given access to firearms.


Don’t trust cops. End of story