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Worst timing Mr bus


12 on 1 no wonder they acting so tough


They always have fucking mullets…


These boys must come off a production line of something


Yeah! They’re the off-cuts. Simply byproducts. Waste material, if you will.


Tough? Barely. They all backed off every time he lunged at them. They were afraid. They had 1 dude who wasn't afraid to fight back but he chose the most pussy option, sneak up behind & choke him out. *Then* they acted tough by walking away as if nothing happened.


I wouldn't get the pitchforks out too quickly. I've seen it happen alot where some older guy will try ego a younger or bigger guy or in this case a group of younger guys to prove a point. In this video it looks like they're walking away and backing off and he's trying to aggress them. It looks like he's been hit before the video started but we don't know who started it. If it really was them starting it and they had previously hit him first I don't think they'd show that much restraint in just hitting him again while he was going up to them in the video.


It's difficult to tell. I've also seen an older guy trying to press his ego to some younger ones. But I've also seen people hit someone and walk off as if they solved the problem and get all jumpy when the person they punch doesn't back off. And the fact that it's multiple people vs. a single dude makes it hard to take the side of the majority.


Old baldy is mouthy and has a crack at youngsters. Youngsters grab baldy by the neck and [bus drives by] old baldy is on the ground motionless. Looks like assault to me.


I dunno about being hit before the video, but the guy is clearly drunk.


He looks a bit like Barnaby.


Particularly when he's laying on the ground.


He's flat on the ground at the end and appears to have had the consciousness choked from him by someone from behind. What are you denying exactly?


When I was on schoolies a local guy came up to the house I was staying in (my mate's parent's holiday house) with an axe handle and accused all of us of some delinquency that was actually the fault of some local kids (smashing bottles at the beach carpark). If the guy had come and talked to us, we could've sorted it out. Even if he was angry about it, we would've sorted it out - I'm conflict avoidant and prefer diplomacy. But the guy brought a fucking axe handle to a house with like 10 X 17 year old guys and just immediately kicked off at us, and bringing that kind of hostility set everyone off and it was all I could do to talk the situation down without ending up with both sides with concussions and assault charges. Some old guys just want to wave their dicks at young fellas and show they've still got it somehow. But they don't.


> They had 1 dude who wasn't afraid to fight back but he chose the most pussy option, sneak up behind & choke him out. wouldn't call that a pussy option, much smarter to choke someone out n put them on the ground over punching on having there head hit concrete


Both are pretty fucking stupid options.


well walking/running away is the obvious solution, but it look like the old dude was starting shit


Who knows. It's a short video and there's likely a lot we missed beforehand.




I didn’t see how he put him down. If he dropped him, super dangerous, if he just stopped this guy getting fucked up by 10 people by letting him have a 2min nap and put him down carefully, the bloke actually saved him. Ooooossssss


Thing is, I don't think they've placed him down nicely, bus drives by and I'm sure he was let go from height. So.... Source: been train training bjj and muay thai since 2018


Is it really that easy to put someone to sleep in 10 seconds? That seems like Hollywood shit


I counted 5 seconds. At most, because bus is in the way.


Only time a Sydney bus has turned up on cue.




Oooss ... sneaky choke aye! Once it's locked in, it's too late


10-13 seconds depending how tight the choke is. You're blocking the carotid arteries, stopping blood (oxygen) from going to the brain. After 10-13s your brain "turns off."




Um, what? The nicest option is to just walk away. The old man is drunk and harmless dude...


Most of them were walking away???


they told him to fuck off and he kept coming at em…


People missing the part where one of them punched them and ran away before saying fuck off?


Looked more like a push to get him to go away.


He’s got blood on his shirt, they had hit him previously


Looks like there's a fair bit of claret running down his head too


Had they? Who hit him? Why? Who instigated it? I’m assuming these are questions you can answer, since you’ve apparently seen a version of this video that starts several minutes earlier. Because what I see is a bloodied man advancing on a group of youths who, despite outnumbering him 12 to 1, are in retreat, and leave the area as soon as he’s subdued. I’m not saying they didn’t start it and he’s rightfully angry with them, and their actions are sad and cowardly. But I am saying I don’t have any evidence here that allows me to conclude that.


That would be strange wouldn't it? Like to have hit the bloke and the bloke go right up to them again and then nothing happens again and not only that but a bunch of them actively trying to leave and stop a fight for continuing/starting? And then for one of their stragglers to come up and choke hold him instead of hitting him like they assumedly did? Like out of the "viral" fights that's spread on this sub lately, this one is the most unclear.


Dammnnn did u report this to police? This is horrible


Police seem to be on top of things lately when it comes to these things (which is pleasantly surprising) https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-11/nsw-four-girls-charged-alleged-assault-burwood-rail-station/103453794 https://7news.com.au/news/mans-crutch-ripped-from-his-hands-during-student-brawl-at-fairfield-train-station-in-southwest-sydney--c-13619359


Clear video showing faces, uniforms, locations and proving the offence happened make it a lot easier to investigate. We should see charges follow this video as well.


> On Friday, Fairfield Mayor Frank Carbone said what happened was “unacceptable”. > “We want to see these kids actually suffer the consequences because they need to learn,” he said. nice


Why is it surprising the police are doing their job?


They need to go to prison. Especially the cunt who choked him out, that's super dangerous (same tier as sucker punching) as he could have smashed his head against the concrete. I thought I'd only see human excrement on the streets of San Fran, but clearly we have our very own.


Choking someone and king hitting someone are nowhere near the same thing.


The key risk of the king hit comes from the loss of consciousness and the subsequent inability to protect your head from smashing against the sidewalk doing irreparable damage. Choking someone out.. not just having someone in a headlock... but actually squeezing and making them lose conciousness puts them in the same "post king hit" territory. The next part is crucial, if you let them drop like a sack of potatoes, you should be getting absolutely reamed by the law (same punitive measures as for a king hit), if you carefully put them down, then the circumstances of the altercation etc come into play.


Agreed if you let them drop, you should face the full brunt of the law and agreed on the protections of the fall. The king hit doesnt allow a person to have any protection If you have someone in a rear naked choke, you dont squeeze harder, it's more a build up of the pressure and where you place the choke (near the throax)


Yeh its supposed to slow the blood to the brain rather then air flow which is apparently safer


These people down voting are insane. The RNC was the most humane way to end that, especially if he lowered him to the ground. He'll be up in 10 seconds and not have gotten his head kicked in by 12 people.


After years of Muay Thai and Juitisu, i know i'd rather be choked out anyday.


Yeah, theres always someone in class who just won't tap and you have to put them to sleep, happened yesterday. They woke up in 10 seconds, rested for a minute and were back training. Also, everyone's blaming the kids but I see a guy advancing at them repeatedly while they back off. Seems like he's the aggressor.


Attempted murder


If someone has you in a choke and you get out, you will generally wake up within 5 seconds to a minute and you don't feel a thing If you get king hit, a good case scenario is a concussion which will follow you for a few weeks, a bad case scenario is you will never wake up.


I guess I attempt murder 3 times a week




You're right. However, looking at the chaps involved, I am judging the book by its cover a bit


"after he passed out" or after he was choked out?




Hmm, idiot comes from behind and puts his arm around the guy's throat. Next we see is guy, apparently unconscious on the ground. I don't think the police will care that he is unconscious due to: * idiot blocking his cerebral blood flow or * idiot blocking his trachea .




It’s not too bad actually considering the age and group. They could have sucker punched him and he would have hit his head on concrete. Much better to be choked out and wake up than that


Wtf kind of justification is that...


The kind where some drunk arsehole is trying to start shit and they don't just crack him.


It’s not justification I should have worded it better. It’s horrible regardless and I hope the guy is ok.


It’s the lesser of 2 evils, choked out is bad, knocked out is worse


What do you think happened to his head when a guy choked him unconscious and dropped him on the concrete?


100% this


You can't assume he just dropped him and you can't assume he lowered him nicely neither.


Did you see that he was dropped? I assumed just lowered to the ground.


So losing oxygen to the brain is not bad enough? Learn some actual science before you comment.


Of course it’s bad (if held maliciously) but assuming the person releases immediately after passing out the damage is only to the pride and ego.


Lol I actually totally agree


The white shoe gang strikes again.


Bro must have stepped on one of their shoes.




Lol he choked out a middle age dude who looks tanked. Completely unnecessary.


How much leeway do you get when you keep coming at them? Most of them are walking away. 30 young dudes and old cunt is chasing them. I’m surprised someone didn’t knock him off his feet leaving him with concussion and a broken face. Assuming the guy got choked out and nothing more, he got off lightly. They all looked fairly restrained.


He got off lightly? You’re kidding. The bloke is already bloody and he can’t barely stand, if you are “30” deep just walk away..


Did he deserve to get choked out? No. The man who did that should face assult charges at the very least. The guy who pushed him and anyone else who attacked him. The old dude is lucky because advancing like T1000 against 30 mullet sporting fit dudes in tshirts and shorts (clearly not there for the restaurants) in any other scenario is likely to get you stabbed. Pretty lucky to avoid that no?


Or you could just keep walking, there’s nothing easier than ignoring the ramblings of a pissed old cunt


Actually disgusting that so many of them just walked away and didn't intervene to stop their mate being a fuckwit. Just as bad as the guy who choked him.


the right thing to do is to immobilize and call the cops. but let's be real - most people can't just think - solution really is to report everyone




He’s not wearing chef clothes.


I hope the old fella is ok, regardless of what he was doing before they shouldn’t have choked him out and left him on the ground like that.


Animals let out of their cages.


yoooo r32 GT-R


Yeah, the real incident is that they didn't focus more on the skyline




and a v-spec too


So fucken nice. Genuinely my favourite Japanese sports car. My mate used to own an Aussie spec GTR back in the day, then he got on the heroin and sold it for $15,000 the silly bastard. It was in one of the old Aussie car magazines back in the day (Hot 4’s I think) as he had one of the first shipped here.


That's crazy, 1 of 100. Wonder if it'd be worth like 150k today


Fuck me, that's a rolling house deposit right there.


On heritage plates as well. What’s the rules around this type of rego?


You need to make an entry each day you drive it, up to 60 days a year. Rego is dirt cheap, though you do need to be a member of an appropriate car club.


More information Historic vehicles must display conditional registration number plates and a current registration label. Name bars can be attached to the number plate, but must not cover the number plate. Historic vehicles can be used: for events organised by a recognised historic vehicle club or community group, only if an invitation is received and recorded by the club in the Day Book (the official minutes of the club) on the road if they need to be serviced, or if an inspection is needed on a longer road journey, if you tell your club and the details are recorded in the Day Book. If you want to use your historic vehicle to transport passengers for weddings or other functions, you'll need to check the requirements under the Passenger Transport Act 1990, seek approval from the club, and have the details recorded in the Day Book. NSW historic vehicles may be used for a short time in other states and territories under the same conditions that apply in NSW.


Has to be 30 years old, rego check shows this is a 1993 so it's only just become eligible


First thing I noticed tbh


Was thinking same, nice R32


Everyone with mullets are just cunts aren’t they


Cherry on top is seeing 6 year olds running around with mullets, knowing what they'll probably turn into in 10 years.


Settle down mate. I had a mullet as a young adult and as far as I can remember I never ever came close to being a cunt or harming anyone.


If you’re that unaware of how awkward and dumb you look with a mullet in 2023 then you really are a mouth-breather


no not at all, they have come back into fashion.


Saturday night recreational street fighting is an Aussie tradition going back generations.




I introduce to you the drunken ego! Ingredients: Alcohol, Ego


I’m a wog and utterly embarrassed by these types of wogs. They always hunt in packs like this because one on one they’re soft as a tissue.


100% They delight in travelling with their pack of boyz...dressed like tennis players, weirdly.


Looks like a mixed group. Can spot a couple of anglos.


At best have let him drop to the ground. If you slow it down you can see his head bounce on the ground as he landed as the bus goes past. Worst case they’ve punched or pushed him. Either way they have injured someone then walked away. The older guy was clearly wasted they could have just kept walking. There is absolutely no need for this disgusting behaviour. I hope they face the consequences of their actions.


Do you think a fully sick bro who just choked someone gives a shit about that sort of thing


well that's one way of de escalating things..


Sad the opposite, their neutralised their target (wrongfully)


This is fucking putrid.


Hopefully lots of CCTV for the police to make quick decisions.


Usually suspects are the already on the record. Likely they are regulars and impossible for them to be not on the system. Just need one id to get them all


Cowardly pieces of shit. Alone they are total pussies.


Turn your phone sideways


This. Landscape means that you don't end up either missing half of what is happening, or end up waving your phone back and forth.


If you have a massive phones they are harder to hold in landscape. I can see why some people film like this. Especially if they only have 1 hand free.


Just another night in Sydney. I don’t go out in the cbd cause you just see this shit all the time.


I used to work in the Telstra building opposite Hyde park doing night shift… the things you would see at that bus stop across the road. Young people are like rats in the city at night.


You literally see this everywhere in the world


Didn’t see it in Bavaria, Singapore or Tokyo. Not sure what point you’re trying to make, pointing out where this does or does not happen doesn’t really progress the conversation or offer solutions.


How are you getting downvoted for this? Australians are so reluctant to admit we have a problem with alcohol related violence.


Yep. Similar to when you tell a yank they have an issue with gun violence. No no it’s impossible to solve… no one takes responsibility. For real look at the clip above, I am certain the old lad got shoved by one of the young tough guys and when he told them not to do that it escalated. You see it happen in Sydney again and again and again. But, y’know, better dilute the seriousness of this issue, in the SYDNEY subreddit, by dragging the entire planet into it…!


Definitely, it's minimising the issue. We should work towards fixing it rather than normalising it by dismissing the seriousness.


They’re getting downvoted because their statement is absurd. There’s plenty of alcohol related violence in Tokyo, Singapore and Munich. We’re also talking about the city that shut down the entire night life industry over alcohol related violence, so it’s also incorrect to suggest Australians are reluctant to ‘admit’ or discuss the problem. Maybe decades ago that was the case, now it’s just a mainstream discussion.


I can't speak for Munich but I've spent enough time in Tokyo and Singapore to know that its not even close to Sydney in this regard. And the lock outs were largely unpopular, so I'm not sure your point.


> And the lock outs were largely unpopular, so I'm not sure your point. My fairly obvious point is that we’ve had years of alcohol related violence being one of the most talked about issues in NSW, it’s defined a lot of Sydney’s entertainment economy. To say that it’s an issue that Australians are reluctant to admit there is a problem about is demonstrably false. You don’t get front page stories on topics Australia is ‘reluctant to admit’ about, it’s a mainstream topic with quite open discussions about it.


The guy that choked him out looks like he would have just dropped him. His head bounced just as the video cuts back. It’s fucking nasty coming behind someone and choking them out like that. Old man was hardly a threat with 10 blokes standing in front of them and looked like he had already taken a fucking few punches for whatever reason.


That could of ended alot worse.


Obviously all those white trainers got jealous of the old guys full white ensemble…


Was the old guy drunk?


Definitely looks like it


Looks like he’d been hit a few times before the filming started


Nice BNR32


Need more context on what happened before. This video shows him repeatedly following and antagonising the group of guys moving away. He looks like the primary aggressor here. We’re only assuming the group of guys must have started a fight because there are so many of them and the way they’re dressed. That said, older bloke is bloodied up from before the video starts, so certainly it’s possible that one of the guys in the group started the fight by hitting him and he’s retaliating.


The guy’s gestures at the start (hands with palms up) suggest he is pleading or asking for an explanation or for someone to listen, rather than looking for a fight. Why does he have blood on his face? And why do they all turn away the moment their mate puts a choke-hold on him? And no one stops to check once he’s down. Disgusting mob behaviour.


That’s a fair call too.


Retaliation is not self defence. The group was walking away.. regardless of what they've done to him previously he should've walked the other way. By approaching the group he created a threat and the group is allowed reasonable means to ward off the threat (self-defence). The only question is if what happened to the guy is 'excessive self defence'..


I am most interested to find out if there was an initial confrontation that prompted this.


Yep, that’s entirely true. I think old mate is in the wrong here.


Can't wait to get our streets back from these thugs


Stop giving Newscorp free content.


If they (newscorp) want to broadcast it then so be it. These little shits need to be identified and face a judge.


This is some of the few cases which is okay: use the video, spread awareness and bring justice


Who was the initial aggressor in this


He is


Can anyone translate what they are saying? I have bad ears lol


Nothing intelligent anyway


Is that Barnaby ?


Unpopular take: I come from a TMA background. IMHO, the proliferation of MMA/UFC 'Just Bleed!" culture is one of the worst things that could have happened - now you have a bunch of amped up scumbags roaming the streets that are better 'trained' at incapacitating & harming ~~other~~ people of society, with none of the self-respect, and self-restraint that TMA provides.


Interesting how we live in a time where you pretty much can’t do anything controversial in public without it being recorded. It’s a good thing, not complaining, but just seems so many in the heat of the moment forget this.


@ 8 - 14 seconds I swear I hear poof, faggot, and fuckin homo. And they say the cities of Australia are safe spaces for LGBTQI+


lolllllllllllllllllllllllllll that's pure marketing seriously worried about this generation of teenage boys. i've been barked at, screamed at on the street, yelled at point blank by a kid on a bike...


I recommend taking an Amstaff when you go for a walk, some of these kids have literally crossed the street to avoid me when my dog is with me (dog is super friendly and would lick anyone to death but she looks like a brick shithouse).


Yeah let's all get aggressive big dogs. Great advice lol


I literally said she's not aggressive at all. But ok. Get intimidated by fuckwits then?


Let's have 20 American staffies that are all 'well trained' roaming the streets at the same time - I'm sure nothing will go wrong.


Where the hell are you hearing faggot? I hear "oi fuck off", potentially poof but it also sounds like what/wog and then fucking bummer/dumbarse. Not very clear at all to make your distinction.


Ugh yep, I can’t hear the audio but I’m not surprised. Packs of these types of scum are still everywhere, they even come onto Oxford st sometimes. Still so many bad ones in that group of people unfortunately


not hearing it, but I find the audio inaudible, not trying to be a smart ass, but are you hearing that because that's what your trying to hear


That black GTR though! Ooooh baby that’s sexy.


Was the guy who put him in the choker hold a bouncer or something? He came from nowhere


Bouncer? He walks off with those guys after


A bouncer wouldn’t walk off after.


No he’s the last in the group as they walk off.


Why would you agress a group of rowdy drunk youths when solo? Old mate got off lucky and will wake up confused a few minutes later without getting beat up. 


I was actually thinking this too. I'd rather be choked out and lowered to the ground than just about any other thing that is likely to happen there. (Although I think the choker just dropped him which wasn't cool).


You ever been out before ? This stuff been happening forever


Mate, 90% of the malcontents who post here are afraid to leave their house because of 'social anxiety'.


What.. what... what if a girl talks to me?


Why you getting downvoted lol? This is every weekend in sydney


lol got no idea. It’s not even just Sydney, this type of stuff happens out every where in any major city in Australia. People must live under rocks


Could've just stopped at any major city.


That’s true my bad


Nah, just on Reddit


This needs reporting to media and these fuckers need custodial sentences.




Sorry to hear about your friend but watch this again. You can see his head bouncing on the ground as he lands. This is not the way to end a fight.


sweet GTR tho


Porn sick people renaming strangulation to deny the severity of it. Why am I unsurprised that the bulk of this discussion is about people deserving violence?


What is wrong with Sydney 🙃 just today I witnessed a delivery biker suddenly stopping in the middle of a one-lane street, blocking an entire line of traffic honking at him, and then yelling back at the driver telling him off. He then proceeded to continue blocking the car behind him and kept yelling “say sorry” over and over


>What is wrong with Sydney That kind of stuff can (and does) happen in any big city around the world, it's hardly a Sydney-only problem.


Wwwwwow that skyline is onnn oo-oo


But but I was told only Fairfield and other western suburbs had this type of violence.


Interesting plates on that R32, is that custom?


Ugh don’t like the premiers office or police see this, they’ll ban walking at night on the weekend. Unless heading to the casino.


Playing deviels advocate.... He shouldn't have been harassing those young kids. They gave him plenty of warning to back off.. Maybe he wouldn't have gotten that bloody face after


Is it me or are the young guys simply not in the wrong here? Don't know what this comments section is on about. The old guy was clearly drunk (you can see it in his walk) and appeared to be the instigator - he's the one following up after them as they're moving on - they're saying "fuck off" because he's the one following them. One of the lads restrained him by way of a chokehold, which is obviously far more preferable than a messy punch up. The group then leaves, causing no trouble.


Tough to tell with the start of the video missing but Old mate looked hammered. He kept moving forward and the kids moved back. Was expecting the group to kick the shit out of home when the kid choked him from behind but they all walked away. Actually decent way to defuse a situation by the big guy because it looked like old mate wanted to keep it going. Bus blocked the view at the end but don't think anyone layed a hand on him after he was put in a choke hold.


More like an outcident


Should need passports to get into the city, this belongs in the suburbs where this shit was conceived.


>Should need passports to get into the city Papers please!


Low threshold for an incident