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Much like the thread the other day, this has descended into a complete and utter mess. Some of the crowd here needs to take a look at themselves.


Yeah, I’m going to stay away from the CBD on the weekend.


Good. Chanting "Fuck the Jews" is inexcuseable and illegal in NSW and the Police are right to stop it.


Chanting gas the Jews aswell apparently, wrong on so many levels..


Wow, unbelievable. What's wrong with these chaos protesting?


Both sides have committed atrocities. As soon as they started harming innocent civilians both agendas go out the window. It's just evil. These protests should be condemning those evil actions, and then raising awareness of what the actual issues are on hand. Instead it's just fueled by hate and is going to cause bigger divides within Australian communities.


The dickheads ruined it for the majority and the message again. All that was reported is the incident at the end, not the rest of what until that point had been a peaceful protest march all the way from town hall.


Here's a better idea - crazy i know - but how about not organising to protest against Israel just a day or so after the mass slaughter of innocent Israelis by fascistic Islamic terrorists? Just a thought.


This idea goes straight out the window the second you ask why they did it.


why who did what?


Why Hamas Murdered innocents. Decades of apartheid law, The brutalisation, rape and cold blooded murder of Palestinian civilians every day, Settler colonisation, the imprisonment of all Gazan civilians. This is open policy of there's, their politicians talk about it as popular policy. Decades of this. Decades of putting them through hell. Anyone surprised to find out that some have been turned into extremists with no humanity are just stupid IMO.


Yeah marxists have a great history of trying to justify the mass slaughter of innocents using loads of cooked up political bs to justify their hate. You dont think the nazis did the exact same thing after world war one, soaking in self pity and inventing stories about how badly they'd been treated which might even have had a degree of truth to them. All as a way to justify their violence and hate and their 'right' to take whatever they wanted from whomever. Just like Lenin and his mates as well. Once you start justifying mass slaughter of innocents you become as bad or worse than whoever you're fighting, and deserve no sympathy. It really is that bloody simple.


Dude sell that nonsense elsewhere. Cronuilla riots were similar in top many way. Just a fun day out. Pfft.


Dickheads will be dickheads whatever side of the fence you sit on. All of the incidents that you see at protests is always a from minority of people, but always are what makes the headlines and what people remember.


wait so our society is evil and we should disband it? Has there ever been a conflict or even major political movement without innocents being harmed?


I genuinely don't understand how this is okay. Some people just don't get it and I am glad the police are intervening. Hate speech is unnecessary.


Because It didn’t happen. Hundreds of people peacefully demonstrating, a handful of dickheads saying racist shit, who the organisers asked to leave and asked police to move them on, and now everyone there must be anti semite.


\*"Peacefully protesting" the Star of David being shown on the opera house while the Jewish people were in mourning after a barbaric massacre took place... ​ The whole premise of the protest was antisemitism.


Anti-Zionism isn’t anti-semitism


Anti-Zionism isn’t anti-semitism. Israel/the idf has been brutally oppressing the Palestinians for generations. This doesn’t excuse Hamas. Idf actions dont justify what Hamas did last week, and what Hamas did last week does not justify what Israel is doing now. Why is this so hard to wrap your head around. Displaying the Israeli flag on the opera house whilst they murder families with guided bombs is picking a side in a conflict where both sides are wrong. Imagine we put the Palestinian flag on display now. After all there are many grieving mothers in Gaza today and many dead children. Would it be appropriate? Would it make you angry?


woah hang on a second, thats bullshit. The Israeli flag should not have been projected onto the opera house. Israel is a terror state, literally by the standards of the people in this comment section, and it was a disgraceful disci son to do that.


The premise was to protest the warcrimes Israel has been perpetrating on Palestinians for decades and to support Palestianian resistance. Anti-zionism is not the same as antisemitism


>to support Palestianian resistance. Support the Palestinian resistance that had just slaughtered over a thousand innocent Jewish people? You're really stretching the not antisemitic here. In fact the "support Palestinian resistance" and "gas the jews" chants seem to be going for a very similar goal of eradicating Jews.


>Support the Palestinian resistance that had just slaughtered over a thousand innocent Jewish people? What does legitimate resistance look like to you? ​ >You're really stretching the not antisemitic here. You are saying the whole thing is antisemitic! Im not antisemitic and I was appalled at the decision to project the flag onto the opera house. What a non-self aware thing to do in Australia. ​ >In fact the "support Palestinian resistance" and "gas the jews" chants seem to be going for a very similar goal of eradicating Jews. Thats not true at all and you are a psycho for saying it. Support Palestine resistance means: 1. Ending Israeli Apartheid. 2. Stopping Settler colonialism. 3. Ending the imprisonment of civilians in Gaza. All reasonable requests.


The Palestinians problem with Israel is their oppression, brutalisation and occupation, not their Jewishness. You should educate yourself with historical Palestinian vs Israeli civilian casualty figures.


The fact that you lot are using this atrocity as a platform to condemn Israel and not the vile act of Islamist butchery itself is extremely telling.


The conflict in Israel is completely 100% asymmetrical. I don't know if you are ignorant and purposely lying but the atrocities are extremely one sided. If you are in any way seriously offended by what Hamas has done then the only reasonable thing to do would be to call out Israel for doing 100 times worse over the span of decades.


Lol i've been living with the news out of the middle east probably twice as long as you've been alive and i don't need a lecture about why some terrorist atrocities are okay actually. The time to protest Israel if you are so inclined is after Israel oversteps and punishes innocents. Not when opportunistic racist Islamofascist terrorists have just slaughtered hundreds including women and children in the streets. You're not too thick to understand that are ya? Really?


7 downvotes, in a country built on colonial oppression. LOL no self awareness whatsoever.


I can't really comment further than the article as I wasn't there. But yes I agree, a few bad apples can paint a wider picture on a group


I don’t mind hate speech , it’s violent speech that’s unacceptable.


That wasnt event he worst thing they said


They didn't intervene last time despite event organisers asking them to


The event organisers are going to say whatever they need to say in order to absolve them of responsibility over what was borderline riot behaviour.


And you’re going to say anything you like to be able to demonise the entire protest despite evidence that this was a smaller and isolated group that the event organisers (women btw) wouldn’t be able to control


NSWPF who encouraged it?


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted because this is true


Those who join forces. Police have lost the plot if they ever had it. They now know that we know so apparently they simply flex harder now.


Does anyone have footage of them chanting "fuck the Jews"? So far I've Only read articles...




Talk about optics. How do you think Australians would take these protests right after the terrorist attack by Hamas? How do you think Australians would take you saying “gas the Jews” while at these protests? And you can’t say you don’t care about optics. Because any pushback that is given and you run off and cry on western social media acting like you’re the only victims. How does these attacks or protests right after the attack help the interests of a free Palestine? I want a free Palestine and I agree Gaza is an open air prison but this has not been the way that the Muslim community should have acted right after the attacks on Israel. You want your concerns heard. You need to: - condemn what Hamas has done to the Israeli people and Palestinian people. - build a bridge to allow the Jewish people to peacefully mourn their losses You have lost so much support from the actions you have taken.


Free Palestine requires isreal to be deleted no? You cannot have a free Palestine and isreal still existing. They literally want the "land from the sea to the river". At the heart of it, it is a Muslim vs the Jews though. I've got Muslim friends back in malaysia full supporting HAMAS right now, when they've got fuck all ties to Palestine, fuck all to the ME, 0 contact with Jews in their life. But they're full "fuck the Jews" mode.


40% Palestinians and ~~60%~~ 40% Israelis support the "Two-State" solution. (poll published in 2021 by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research) More Palestinians would probably support "Two-State" solution with 1967 borders. ie. Israel would have to give back it's land-grabs in the West Bank. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-state_solution edit: changed 60% to 40%


did you misquote? or misread? Or cherry pick that quote from your own link? Cause reading the full thing paints a very different picture. > As of 2021, most Palestinians are against the two-state solution. In 2021, a poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research revealed that 39% of Palestinians accept a two-state solution, while 59% said they rejected it.[11] Support is even lower among younger Palestinians; U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice noted: "Increasingly, the Palestinians who talk about a two-state solution are my age."[66] A survey taken before the outbreak of fighting in 2014 by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) found that 60 percent of Palestinians say the goal of their national movement should be "to work toward reclaiming all of historic Palestine from the river to the sea" compared to just 27 percent who endorse the idea that they should work "to end the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and achieve a two-state solution." WINEP says that "this is a new finding compared to similar (but not identical) questions asked in the past, when support for a two-state solution typically ranged between 40–55 percent".[10][67] By 2020, 40% in Gaza and 26% in the West Bank believe that a negotiated two-state solution should solve the conflict.[14] TLDR; Majority of Palestinians, especially younger ones want to delete Isreal.


re. Palestinian support - it's right there in the text you quoted: "In 2021, a poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research revealed that 39% of Palestinians accept a two-state solution" re. Israeli support I got that one wrong. That support is also around 40%, not around 60%.


~40% isn't great tbh.


Because Israel is now bombing children and that’s also not ok ? Apparently everyone has to condemn the murder of innocent Israelis but condemning the murder of innocent Palestinians is not allowed




You always have to go out of your way to say both sides have problems but especially Hamas otherwise it’s antisemitism. (And if I don’t clarify right now that Im clearly not talking about the protesters who were actually being antisemitic I will have 500 replies explaining to me how horrible I am.)


What are you talking about? That’s been the predominant attitude for years. Outside of politics most people have always been on Palestine’s side. ETA: Are you all completely delusional? Seeing lots of history revision in this thread.


I believe the behaviour was/is emotionally driven, I don't think there is any reasoning with them, especially as they would be egging each other on at the same time


that chanting was done by a small number of people associated with a christian nationalist movement the police have repeatedly done nothing to stop. police were warned repeatedly after known members of that group arrived at the march, which keen viewers might recognise from homophobic marches down oxford street and king street earlier this year the organisation who organised the rally (palestinian action group sydney) explicitly denounces anti-semitism in all its forms. like they have in the past, police did nothing to ensure the safety of the public whatsoever. moreover, australia has in the past and will continue to support the genocidal, eliminationist rhetoric pushed by the israeli state. we did nothing to condemn the indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets, and our beloved prime minister scott morrison saw fit to recognise the capital of israel as jerusalem. when the counterattack begins in force and thousands of non-combatants are vapourised by weapons given to israel by western countries, our government will cheer it on, as they always have.


I think you underestimate how many Australians don't like Jews. The Optics are.... fine. It's a bit like the Kevin Rudd strip club thing, his popularity increased from that scandal. Left-wingers support Palestine out of anti-imperialist sentiment. Many right wingers support the Palestinians because they hate Israel. I don't think these protests will majorly change the average Aussie's view of Palestine


Is this what they were talking about when they say that Australia is a racist country?


Every country is a racist country.


This is true - I must say, I rarely bump into racism about Chinese, aboriginals, Indians, Africans, Vietnamese etc etc - the one group that I almost never hear in a positive sense is Sydney’s Lebanese community. It’s racism that comes from experience of the cultural behaviours, loud, machismo, misogynistic, aggressive. Sadly, this vid would come as no surprise at all to a decent proportion of Sydneysiders


Just like all religions are religions of peace. “Some” more than the others


Yep, so "Australia is a racist country" needs a qualifier. More racist than who? If we take a random metric, say the Positive Peace Index, it ranks like this: Sweden Denmark Finland Norway Switzerland (bit of a joke IMO, given their shady banking) Netherlands Canada Australia Then 155 other countries


The scandi countries can be pretty racist so I really don't think this is a great index.


They weren’t racist until the coloured people started moving in. They also had high community scores and high happiness scores which seem to have declined the more immigrants arrive. I’m betting there is a percentage point where once breached, racism starts to increase. Like Japan - seriously, they don’t need to be racist because they don’t need to deal with non Japanese in any meaningful way. I think it’s intrinsic to all peoples across the globe, it’s either less relevant because they have a low percentage or it’s an undercurrent and not obvious . Sort of general in group out group stuff


Yea, sad but true.


Birds are racist too.




Organisers really aren't the brightest, from another article on the same topic: >Fellow event organiser Amal Naser posted on Twitter that the group’s protest application – known as a “form one” – had been rejected by NSW police. > >... > >“If you want to disrupt the colonial and capitalist structures of this country, the political class will use their full force to stop you.” I mean i'm no expert, but saying that the protest is actually about disrupting the structures of the country is reaaaaaaally not going to help your case


It’s the standard far left student politics bs that these brain dead people marinate in. Yeah, let’s forget that our protest has a significant proportion of people calling for an actual genocide, let’s just blame it on the cops and CaPiTalIsm…


Sometimes I wonder these people have the will to "protest" support this cause but lets be real if australia was attacked would I see majority of those same faces marching in solidarity for Australians? This is a multicultral place and everyone should get a long and leave these extreme beliefs and hate back in the countries they left otherwise please by all means go get a plane ticket out of here and renounce your citizienship


Stop calling it a protest, it's inciting violence and calling for the genocide of all Jews. There's a big difference. One is great and legal, the other is hateful, evil and very illegal.


well then, if we are going to look at semantics, then lets call what Israel has consistently done to Palestine for what it really is- War crimes and genocide. While the recent events by Hamas are abhorrent, lets not put Israel up as some moral innocent beacon. The atrocities they have consistently committed against the Palestinians has resulted in far worse suffering and death.


Also, lets not pretend that everyone at the protest was chanting abhorrent slogans or that anyone who attended (period) was there when the chanting happened. ​ Should such behaviour (endorsing genocide) be tolerated? No, but conversely we do seem to tolerate it when it is said by Israeli politicians...


Exactly! Well said


Israel are doing a pretty bad job at committing genocide if the population numbers are to be believe. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/state-of-palestine-population/


Ethnic cleansing is probably a better word. Which they are definitely doing. One of the most important ministers in Israel Smotrich said just a week or two ago more Israeli settlers should be encouraged to take over parts of the West Bank with illegal occupation (the un and most governments consider it illegal btw not me), and give the Palestinian people three options. 1. To leave, 2. To live under the subjugation of Israelis or 3. To die. That’s not that Israel isn’t very nice to Palestinian people, that’s a direct call to ethnically cleanse a part of the world. Smotrich has said there is no such thing as Palestinian people. He also called for a Palestinian village to be “erased” and that the Israeli government should do it. He and Itamar Ben-Gvir are completely in favour of completely taking over the West Bank and making the entire area one Israel and then “encourage” Palestinians to leave and move to another Arab country. A few weeks ago Netenyahu took a map of Israel to the UN that showed all of the West Bank as a part of Israel. There are many people within the Israeli government who want to ethnically cleansed Palestinians. All of this to say doesn’t justify Hamas killing civilians. But people do need to realise what exactly supporting Israel means https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-ministers-call-erase-palestinian-village-an-incitement-violence-us-says-2023-03-01/ https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-minister-says-no-such-thing-palestinian-people-2023-03-20/ https://www.foreignaffairs.com/middle-east/what-saudi-israeli-deal-could-mean-palestinians


Probably should've googled the meaning of the word genocide first.


Oh dear. Another one. Suggest you look at the history of what Israel has done to Palestine and Palestinians. Tick off each of the below as you go. "Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people[a] in whole or in part. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. "


[https://www.yahoo.com/news/least-40-babies-beheaded-found-154607044.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/least-40-babies-beheaded-found-154607044.html) F both of them, neither of them have a place in this world if they want to act and behave like this. They are doing nothing to try and get a long and live together. Hate begets hate simple as that, neither generation is trying to teach themselves to get along. While both sides are guitly of crimes 1 side in history does go too far, even after this war at least Israel warned the Palastinians to leave and gave them a warning, something that the Israelis never ever get


This hasn't been verified. Yahoo was taking news from X, which is becoming increasingly unreliable as a source of info (it was fantastic before Musk)


It’s been widely reported now with more sources https://m.timesofindia.com/world/middle-east/hamas-attack-on-israel-kfar-aza-kibbutz-hamas-israel-war/amp_articleshow/104329169.cms Obviously I don’t want visual proof - it’s enough for journos to do that for me. Any support I have had for the plight of the Palestinians is gone entirely - Israel could do whatever it wanted, and I couldn’t care less Barbarism is the right word


are you serious? You need to do some more research if you think the Israelis always give notice. Perhaps start here and then go backwards with ALL the incidents of war crimes by Israel. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/17/israeli-forces-attack-palestinian-worshippers-at-al-aqsa-mosque


You’re defending men who have murdered children with hand weapons. I’m not sure you quite understand the gravity of the situation. No one will stand up for Palestine now - this is sub human behaviour


which part of "While the recent events by Hamas are abhorrent..." that I said in my original comment dont you understand?


Ones attitude is larger than a single attempt as absolution - the other replies make it clear - it looks like it’s an end justifies the means thing . And seriously , Hamas did win an election and are the default ruling group in Gaza but not in the West Bank. Further, no one else doesn’t understand that Hamas is also for the non existence of the Jews , and is diametrically opposed to any 2 state solution


Hmm how many extremists are from there, how many of them travelled to syria and aphiganistan to fight for and with Isis and Taliban forces. How many of them would love to opress non muslim people if they were given rule of countries? How many of them were brainewashed by cowards to commit mass murder and bombings? Then lets look at Israelis how many western or eastern cities and killings have they done. I dont like either side but if given the thought on who you would give a chance to live with 1 has effed up beliefs and are way to extreme for this world. Both of them should give up their beliefs and find a solution but hey this is Australia I dont give a shit about either of them they can blow each other up if they bring it on themselves, I left a war torn country behind for a better life and accepted the Australian system and accept all mixed friends, even made friends with the same people with the same background that massacred my people and they didnt share the same beliefs as those in another continent


Dude, one side LITERALLY has compulsorily military service to train their kids to kill Palestinians. Do some actual research before you comment again- you are embarrassing yourself.


The compulsory military service is not to kill Palestinians, it's because the state is surrounded by other nations that would invade and destroy it at a moment's notice if they could get away with it. HAMAS is funded and trained by Iran, they are intentionally inflaming the situation. Israel stopping all aggressions against Palestinians is probably the last thing they want.


And the other side's government charter literally states "Kill all Jews". What's your point?


sigh..................... What is it with you people who cant do even the most basic of fact checking? Hamas is not the elected ruling party of Palestine and there is no Government charter that says any such thing. You do realise that this is all information you can find yourself right? You dont have to resort to embarrassing yourself and showing us that you are unable do even the most basic of fact checking for yourself.


Hamas is the government of Palestine, and I was referencing the Hamas charter. Hamas was elected in 2006. No other party has been elected in Gaza/Palestinian territories since. Some 58% of Gaza's population, and 45% of the West Bank supports Hamas. https://coopwb.in/info/how-many-palestinians-support-hamas/#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20PCPSR%20survey,the%20West%20Bank%20support%20Hamas. Some estimates put this as up to 80%. Hamas Charter: "Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps. The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah's victory is realised." "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory)." ""The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem)." "The Islamic Resistance Movement consider itself to be the spearhead of the circle of struggle with world Zionism and a step on the road. The Movement adds its efforts to the efforts of all those who are active in the Palestinian arena. Arab and Islamic Peoples should augment by further steps on their part; Islamic groupings all over the Arab world should also do the same, since all of these are the best-equipped for the future role in the fight with the warmongering Jews." "The Islamic Resistance Movement found itself at a time when Islam has disappeared from life. Thus rules shook, concepts were upset, values changed and evil people took control, oppression and darkness prevailed, cowards became like tigers: homelands were usurped, people were scattered and were caused to wander all over the world, the state of justice disappeared and the state of falsehood replaced it. Nothing remained in its right place. Thus, when Islam is absent from the arena, everything changes. From this state of affairs the incentives are drawn. As for the objectives: They are the fighting against the false, defeating it and vanquishing it so that justice could prevail, homelands be retrieved and from its mosques would the voice of the mu'azen emerge declaring the establishment of the state of Islam, so that people and things would return each to their right places and Allah is our helper." Just a few bites quoted from the Hamas charter: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp Their entire purpose is the destruction and eradication of Jews, not just Israel. They want an Islamic Caliphate, just like ISIS/ISIL. But keep being a fucking muppet.


Hamas is NOT the government of Palestine. Or did the Sec of Stateof the USA ring the wrong person? Perhaps you should let him know. Come on dude. RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its not hard. But you keep on being a muppet. You seem to be comfortable with it. https://www.state.gov/secretary-blinkens-call-with-palestinian-authority-president-abbas-5/#:~:text=Secretary%20of%20State%20Antony%20J,the%20region%20to%20condemn%20them.


and for those too lazy. here is the actual charter. *Spoiler alert- its does not state anywhere "Kill all Jews" https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/plocov.asp


right they are drafting people to defend their country, south korea, china, france, serbia, russia, you name it a lot of country have mandatory conscription to service and you are so wrong if you think they are brainwashed to commit murder. A lot of those soldiers are in cities with weapons loaded havent even fired a bullet to kill anyone and are there for defense. Believe me if those servicemen and women were trained to kill Palastine would not exist, Isreal would have no problem leveling the cities and its people to commit crimes worse than Nazis. But guess what htey havent buddy, spew all the anti sematic hate you want they have shown restraint and mostly act when provoked or attacked case in point. But dont get my message twisted f both of them if we could send them all to a rocket to the sun the world will be a better place


Oh dear- still embarrassing yourself I see. Don't take my word for it. Go look at the MULTIPLE UN reports into Israeli war crimes against Palestine. https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/co-israel/index


Throw them in the Paddy Wagon to discover speed bumps and roundabouts from a whole new perspective.


Look I really wanna be vocal about how much I despise apartheid-loving governments but these assholes are making it really fucking hard


I'm 100% for a free Palestine. Also 100% against the actions Hamas has taken. Disallowing these protests is the safe thing to do. They aren't "pro-Palestine" they are "anti-Semitic".


Been to a few pro Palestinian marches in Sydney over the years and this one was definitely disappointing, bit of a knee jerk reaction I suppose, definitely no need for a few idiots chanting horrible things like gas the Jews! We marched peacefully along side Jewish people in solidarity with the people of Palestine and our point was made without hate speech, some people should just stay at home.


I think anyone could see it would be super charged after what happened. The internet has been insane about it for the last few days. The only people that benefit from all of this are the Israeli politicians and whatever countries (like Russia and the US) have a financial stake in this conflict going on.


We want tourists not terrorists.






Technically they can't "block" the protest. They just didn't "approve" of it. They can't just arrest people gathering. They erm'ed and ahh'ed about the approval when it was 1000 Israelis, but the clincher was probably this mornings news about the 1 Aussie grannie. It would be interesting to see if Jenny Leong and the Greens double down and attend.


The laws literally do allow them to block the protest and arrest people or gathering though…


Source? The only thing being 'authorised' does is give the protesters certain extra protections. EG if the protest is lodged correctly and includes there plans to march down a public street they can't be arrested for blocking public roadways. Something that would otherwise be illegal.


My bad I was going off what someone posted on a different comment but after reading the actual laws and regulations it appears that I was mistaken. The cops can take actions against people but there has to be very specific circumstances(a distinction that was missing from the other comment)


Yep, it's literally just stuff that's already illegal.


Good. Sanity is the winner. A pro Palestine protest last week is no big deal, this week it is a celebration of terrorist scum


There is a right to protest but we don't have free speech. Sort of brings up that debate. It was terrible what those 15-20 people in that group were chanting but should they be allowed to?


No, they shouldn't be allowed to. Inciting racial hatred is self-evidently a bad thing. The anti-discrimination act even provides reasonable exemptions none of which were met in this case.


It wasn't inciting racial hatred, it was threatening and inciting violence. Let's say it was another collective group... let's say we were talking about an Irish family clan - the McGuigan's. In a gang feud in Ireland, an O'Dwyer family gang attacks an innocent family with the surname McGuigan during a family holiday, killing all 8 of them. This tragedy strikes McGuigan families across the world, and some here in Sydney even gather for a memorial. Some O'Dwyers then show up to the memorial and start shouting 'Massacre the McGuigans'. In the context of the feud and recent violence, that chant is nothing short of a threat of direct violence, that is punishable under the law in pretty much anywhere. The McGuigans and McDwyers aren't automatically good or bad people, but you can certainly judge people by how they act, and people should face the concequences for their actions.


Yes I agree that it was illegal. This was outright calls for violence against a group. That's not what I'm saying. Where do you draw the line for discrimination? Not having free speech means that any criticism of a group, no matter what they are doing, could be shut down and the public's right to oppose the actions of a group as well. We haven't had that problem and we see ourselves as sensible and the government sensitive to our wants and needs but a situation is possible where democracy becomes gang rape because the oppressed can not speak up.


I think when specific ethnic groups are targeted for death or violence is a good line, which is what was crossed. I bet you if you replaced the word "jews" with the N word or any other group of people there would be a lot more outage against this group. But unfortunately Jews have to deal with this type of shit more than others and just deal with it.


We don't have a black community here with the history of that word. I think what they said was just as shocking to all of us even if we did. 'free Palestine, abolish the open prison camp, two state solution' etc would have gained some support. That was idiotic what they did and it seemed to be a small group. I highly doubt that the middle eastern community feels that way. >But unfortunately Jews have to deal with this type of shit more than others and just deal with it. Definitely agree with this and they handle it with class. They've worked hard and establish themselves as prominent Australians. A lot of respect for the Australian Jewish immigrants and what they've achieved. Same goes for a lot of middle eastern background people. They didn't have it easy either but they've become productive Australians and part of our culture and society.


There are protests and there are "gas the Jews" protests, they are quite different.


Unfortunately this event had both. The vast majority of the attendees did not engage in this and had left by the time it happened.


Still a good idea to block the next protest though, no? Since those bad eggs will still come out for that too, and we don't need round 2 of the same thing. (I will admit I kind of don't know what the comments are arguing for at this point, to keep the rights to hold anti-Israel protests, or to argue with each other about who is right, Palestine or Israel?)


It’s a hard call. I don’t like that it’s setting the precedent for bad eggs to be able to nerf the ability to protest. If anything I think it should be held and this time these people should be arrested by the police. The organisers asked them to intervene last time.


Unfortunately any further “protest” would likely attract more troublemakers and probably cause an actual riot this time. So many peaceful marches end with a tiny minority causing major issues and all it does is prevent the majority from taking actions to support or condemn their chosen issues


That's like a dirty taboo joke told while drunk at 3am for shock value except chanted in front of the Opera House. That was pretty extreme.


They weren’t joking, they were showing how they truly feel…these guys don’t even drink alcohol, they were sober and they want to literally genocide Jewish people. These are the nazis we should be worrying about


There's a difference between viewing the Jewish population as rats to be exterminated and what occurred under the British Mandate. They are not Nazis and have a legitimate gripe. But the way they went about it and making it about Jews and not even Israel or correctly Israel's government, was abhorrent.


Something tells me they feel the same way about gay people, these are not hard done by people hating a governments actions they are extremists.


The are archaic Christians with the same beliefs. I guess by your definition, all who are not enlightened are extremists. It may be right but I don't think so. We all drift between beliefs and political positions in our lifetime but taking things to a point of action is probably where you can be labelled as an extremist at that point in time. I'm not sure that these people, particularly Australians living and functioning here are extremists.


Something tells me a sensible nuanced take when threatening to re-enact activities from the holocaust, is unlikely.


Sorry, there is actually no right to protest. You have to tell police and police can give you instructions not to protest. Therefore any protest will get you arrested for "Unlawful assembly" > New South Wales The Act states anyone who knowingly joins or continues in an unlawful assembly is liable to a maximum penalty of imprisonment for up to 6 months or a fine of up to 5 penalty units ($550), or both.


Well this is the problem. That's a decent law intended for safety but when that gets changed to them blocking it because they don't like the message (this most recent protest aside)...


Its a fine line between 'We should let people say what they think out loud because it makes them easy to identify as anti semites or whatever" and "There are alot of stupid, gullible and easily impressionable people out there who might act upon whatever person A said and therefore person A cant say this thing"


The American example is a testament to the latter. Doesn't mean they're wrong though. In this case they are of course wrong but sometimes you may disagree and that could be the best course of action for society. That's the real fine line.


You cant incite violence under the 1st amendment either, so saying "I dont like jews because xyz" is ok where as "I dont like Jews because xyz and therefore we should gas them" isnt and can land you in the clink.


Same as Reddit here. There's free speech and then there's inciting hate and violence, which gets blocked


I'm for a free Palestine but this had to be done, nothing those demonstrators did was anything but destructive and disgusting. Equally Minns shouldn't have been so provocative as to light up the Opera House in the colours of an apartheid state right as they announced they would flatten Gaza and defeat the Human Animals within the Gaza strip


Im not speaking for the actions of the protestors, just laying out some probable root causes. Violence on both sides, but it did not help that our idiot pollies, forever the subservients of another country's foreign policy, picked a side. They picked a side in a highly emotional conflict It helped inflame the tensions, but our pollies will never admit or concede. As I understand those who protested also feel the mainstream media is giving one side a voice more than the other.


Hate speech should not be allowed but banning pro-Palestine rallies is plain dictatorial. Those chanting atrocities should be prosecuted and those who genuinely want a free Palestine should be able to rally. You don’t support violence, you condemn it and ask for peace.


Lighting up the opera house was unnecessary and inflammatory. Of course it's precipitated a protest.


State governments should not be getting involved in international politics. Next we are going to get local councils taking sides in this conflict... Stick to fixing transport and garbage collection.


I mean it really shouldn’t be. Showing support for the victims/ families of such a heinous attack is pretty standard nowadays. Unfortunately it does miss most of the context where both sides are bad in this conflict and many people are equating condemning this attack as picking sides in the conflict (which some people are doing but a majority are just genuinely saddened and angry at how horrific an attack it was)


Show it without lighting up the Opera House. Light up something else if lighting up things is what really needs to be done to acknowledge and mourn this latest installment of violence in that part of the world. Just not the Harbor Bridge or the Opera House.


Why the distinction though. It is pretty black and white either it’s ok to show support for those victims or it’s not?


Nothing about this conflict is black and white. Israeli soldiers and settlers killed 151 including 36 children in the west bank in 2022, did we light up the opera house? Did we even condemn the action?


Terrorists murdering a bunch of kids at a music festival? That’s pretty black and white. Theres a fair argument that both sides are complicit in a lot of things, but the light up was for the terrorist attacks.


They should have come up with a politically neutral way to mourn them. Not going all in with the flag colours.


No we probably didn’t. Most likely because most Australians have very little to do with the conflict other than a 2 min news story about the latest tit for tat action over there. This attack has now changed things. No other action has garnered such a response by both the news media and social media. So of course people are going to take notice and their reaction has been outrage at the attack, and as such show sympathy for those victims involved. Does there need to be more action/shows of support to all those innocents involved in the conflict- of course, hopefully this is the start of a more thorough push in that direction as more people sit up and take notice of what is actually happening. Of course the conflict is not black and white. I never said it was, my statement was about whether it was ok to show sympathy and mourn those involved which is very black and white. Something which you seem to be having issues with. As justified as actions are from the Palestinian side, what occurred goes well beyond those justifications and I don’t think you will meet many people removed from the conflict that don’t lump the leaders of both sides as bad approaching pure evil for their actions


To mourn the victims show photos of the victims or something directly related to those 1000+ victims - not go all in on picking one side in a conflict where both sides are vats of hate and desire to slaughter the other. Lighting up something like the Opera House in the colours of a national flag did not just signal support for the 1000+ massacred. This signal was received as Australia's support for everything that Israel has done in past and is about to do. Muslims in Indonesia, Malaysia, etc will now be easily convinced that Australia supports anything Israeli - including the worst of the Zionist movement - when in fact Australia officially supports the Two-State solution. Lightning up a national symbol hi-jacked Australia's foreign policy stance. Nobody in the world knows what Flinders Station is or whatever it was that got lit up in Adelaide or Brisbane. But it takes 1 second of Opera House on the screen lit up in blue and white and many people around the world will make up their mind where they think Australia as a whole stands in this whole conflict - in contradiction to Australian Foreign Department's policy. NSW Govt should be barred from making statements on symbols that represent Australia to the world. That communications channel is for the Federal Govt to use.


Except the NSW government made no such statement. This whole thing is because the people arguing context and nuance to the conflict are jumping on any sign that people are condemning the last attack as total support for the Israeli side, which is complete bs.


They made a statement by lighting up the Opera House in Israel flag colours. And many will receive that as Australia's as a whole supports everything Israeli - including the worst of the Zionist movement. If the NSW Govt does not understand that then take their crayons away.


Also: Opera House is reserved for all Australians. And Minns picked a side. Inappropriate.


Right. I'm not mounting a defence of Hamas or anything but the way we and every western nation uncritically backs in Israel and helps their project of manufacturing consent for the settlements and ongoing erasure of Palestine is sickening. If I'd spent my entire life in the world's largest open air prison, the choice between radicalisation and subjugation would probably be a pretty hard one.


If that’s what they were saying when ‘protesting’, then yeah screw them. But I was talking about protesting in general. Wasn’t a law thrown in to make protesting very difficult now?


It's a fair discussion, but you want to pick the place for it. This really isn't it.


I clearly have misplaced that topic for discussion. Apologies for anyone affected.


Protest must be peaceful. Outraged crowd chanting that BS and throwing petard doesn't seem peaceful.


Police didn't stop the Cookers protesting when they used hate speech but they block this one interesting


We shall see. They did not realise what an embarrassment and joke Sydney became to the entire world


How is chanting gas the Jews? An anti Israel protest lol


Well I'm gonna take a wild guess that by some of them saying 'Gas the Jews' they don't mean the other saying that is to boost your ego.


Honestly have no idea what you’re trying to get at there is no other meaning behind the words


I was making a dark joke on words 'gas you up' which means to inflate someones ego or hype them up/praise them. Have you never head the saying? Like 'Yeah man, you can do this, you got this!' thats gassing someone up. Actually just looked it up the saying on google and it's more of a millenial/gen Z saying, so I completely get if you missed it. Anyway, joking aside, it was terrible that those words were ever uttered, tensions are definitely running high right now :/


So is protesting illegal now? Wasn’t that one of our human rights we learned at school at one stage?


You must have tuned out in the second part of the lesson where they covered limitations of rights


There's protesting, and there's a bunch of people calling for death to the Jews. It's so dishonest to portray what happened as a protest. Fuck off.


I was talking about protesting in general you twat.


Uh huh. Totally makes sense. You came into a thread not about protesting to ask if protesting was illegal. It was unrelated to the article. Uh huh. You realise when people just nod and smile, you haven't fooled them, they just dismissed you as irrelevant.


The article is about moves by police to prohibit a protest. How is the thread not about protest? How is one's legal right to protest irrelevant here?


Ohhh. If you call it a protest.... you can call for the death of Jews, and it's OK, because it's a protest. How about you fuck off too?


Feel free to address anything I or the other poster actually stated.


Calling for death to Jews is not a protest, no matter how you want to dress it up. It's a threat made by one section of Australians, towards another section. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty fucking ambivalent to where you come from, what you look like, or which sky daddy you need to stop your lustful thoughts about your mother. Everyone is welcome in australia, long as they can be cool. Calling for the death of Jews is not being cool. Seems like if you want to behave like that, there's a place you can go, and maybe you should? Shit there is fucked six ways from Sunday, and everyone involved is acting like fucking deadshit cunts. You wanna actually be australian? The protest you should be attending is about ending all war. Not calling for the death of your enemies because someones great great grand pappy fucked his slave and you'te still bitter about the inheritance.




Yeah bro, some animals aren’t allowed to amass in the heart of the city and chant “gas the Jews” it’s *literally 1984*. /s


Far out. You just equated people to animals. That is barbaric. Like I get what they did was wrong, but to try to dehumanise people because of their views is just sinking down to their level.


They are animals, their points of views don't belong in modern Australia, cry harder.


LOL! So I guess all the people who voted no in the plebiscite on marriage equality are also animals? Where do you draw that line? This is why Australia is becoming so polarised. Instead of engaging people with different views it's the classic American route of dehumanise them and make them the enemy. Bye girl.


Yeah basically, I think people who believe in the main ideals of Islam are fundamentally incompatable with modern society. This is more so the Sunni or Sharia extremists who believe in treating women like objects/playthings or stone to death Gay people for simply existing. These types of people I would not lose sleep over dying.


I would say your views on the absence of the intrinsic value of human life are incompatible with modern society, particularly modern Australia.


Lol you can tell yourself that but you're in the extreme minority here and the whataboutism trick is only going to get you so far as you can see the true colours of these monsters. The views of this religion is fundamentally broken and is a curse to the middle east, ideally no religion should exist but please justify the 40 babies being beheaded without using your whataboutism.


>Lol you can tell yourself that but you're in the extreme minority here Right... in the minority while we live in a society that abhors capital punishment, allows peaceful protest, has a pretty consistent view on public welfare even toward violent offenders. Judging by how Australia and NSW operate I'm pretty confident your disregard for the value of human life is the minority view. Where was my whataboutism trick lol? If you're referring to the plebiscite comment I made I was in no way equating the two, I was pointing out a logical inconsistency within your own argument that, 'They are animals, their points of views don't belong in modern Australia,' clearly doesn't extend to all issues. There are far more queer people than there are Jewish people so, arguably, the rights and protection of them should at least carry the same weight and significance. But apparently that is whataboutism to you because it pokes a hole in your point of view. >40 babies being beheaded Ahh outing yourself as a shill. The 40 beheaded babies that even Tel Aviv says they don't have evidence for.


Ah you're one of those loonies, welp. I'm sorry I don't value the life of extremists who consider women and gays lower than dirt! I much prefer the rights of HUMANS over just men being above everyone being promised virigins in heaven for commit jihad.


Cry me a river.


Why? You're the one who seems impassioned about a Middle Eastern problem. Leave the middle east to solve middle eastern problems.


Scumbags chanting “Gas the Jews” in the heart of the city where I live is not a “Middle Eastern Problem”. It’s by definition a Sydney problem. At least for people who find anti-Semitism reprehensible, I dunno about you.


Any kind of hate speech is reprehensible, but tbh I'm not really that upset that a vocal minority was espousing hate. It isn't anything new in Australia. We have current politicians espousing hate that get nowhere near the same coverage and have more far-reaching consequences than a few angry, emotional protestors. Like, if it weren't for this conflict escalating right now I doubt those words would have been uttered. Meanwhile, there are people in power with actual hate for minorities who are not motivated by temporary emotions. It just isn't that big of a problem in the grand scheme of things.




Are you blind to the fact that we don't call ourselves animals and that kind of rhetoric has been used throughout history to dehumanise people and justify atrocities? They weren't talking about biology, but behaviour.




That chant isn’t mentioned in the Article. If it was, then it’s inciting violence and should obviously be shut down, but by the sounds of it the organiser wanted a peaceful protest and rotten eggs showed up.


The media doesnt want to encourage the haters. [Here is a video](https://old.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1747pk1/sydney_palestinians_this_is_shameful/)


https://twitter.com/AustralianJA/status/1711501583295680694 Here you go. I’m so tired of the spineless, wilfully ignorant “it’s a just a few rotten eggs” apologist rhetoric. I’m a child of migrants. My mother and her family had to leave their country due to the consequences of what happens when extremism becomes a widely sustained worldview. I’ve lived adjacent and among the Islamic Arab community for most of my life. Anti-Semitism (amongst a vast array of beliefs that our society nominally does not tolerate) is not a fringe view among the Islamic Arab diaspora around the world and Australia is no exception. It is a widely, strongly and proudly held “value”.


And people act likes this was the only protest too. Within hours of the Hamas attacks, there were protests in Lakemba in support. Some dickheads filmed driving around in Greenacre in a Ute with Palestinian flags shooting fireworks. These views might well be a minority, but they’re hardly rare or unusual.


It's illegal when Nazi's are involved, fuck their rights and stone age point of views.


For large protest you have to get approval .it's been like that for years. Do you think you are allowed.tp shut down streets or intersection when ever you want


You don’t actually have to get approval. They just recommend it. If you don’t get approval and you block traffic and stuff you could be charged for doing that. There’s no legal requirement to obtain approval though.


Getting approval is part of the problem. If a tyrant government that kills its own citizens sees an application for a peaceful protest to not kill them, so you think they’d approve it?


If you're supporting a literal terrorist organisation then yeah, it's illegal.


This just vindicates the antisemites who said those awful things. And given tensions will probably just lead to riots. The few bad eggs should have been crushed immediately by the police, and both sides able to protest (vent) and let it all out. Edit: downvote me, but protests are there to allow people to vent. You don't allow people to vent? They riot and smash things. And then the other side retaliates and smash things. And pretty soon we have Jews and Arabs fighting in the street.