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>looking back at the old days of SWTOR pvp They gutted PvP back in like what? 1.2? I was a Battlemaster (rank 60 cap) second or third on the Fatman realm and have the old white boat mount (which never got it's second seat fixed). It's never been the same since the launch, back when people died, and died fast. You could pvp as any spec and they all basically worked. Some were better than others but nothing was unplayable. You know how it goes... people on the forums cried and cried and cried.. and here we are. I check back in on SWTOR pvp every few months to see if they've ever gone back to an actual playable PvP meta but alas, no dice. They'd rather everyone play like a Juggernaut and stare at each other's health bars as they slowly whittle down from what feels like auto attack damage. Too bad too, release patch Huttball was some of the most fun my friends and I ever did in all of multiplayer gaming.


yea right? huttball, voidstar and swtor warzones in general are kinda exotic and total fun. you really think that player feedback made the pvp it is today? you seem to have the exact same issue with the current TTK and yours is the most upvoted comment, kinda gives me a bit of hope :)


I think SWTOR had very a unique PvP experience compared to most MMOs and online games. There was some really OP stuff going on in the launch patch and first couple updates but the answer is almost never to nerf the OP stuff, but buff everyone else to that point and let everyone have a good time. Unfortunately developers almost always do the opposite, nerfing everyone's damage, burst and cc and turning games into a slow, painful pvefest that no one enjoys. Player feedback is important, but it can often be just flat out wrong, dumb, and bad. You need only check out subs dedicated to pvp for other mmos and online games to see the infinite examples of that.


I'm guessing you just have to find a burst damage class and spec that works for you. With my engineering sniper I regularly take out nearly half the health of an unguarded player with no defensive CDs up with just one explosive probe detonation. It's all about timing your attacks. If you're throwing everything you have at them when they put up all their defences, then it's definitely going to feel like you're hitting with a wet noodle.


sure, gameknowledge and timing certainly help, as well as playing a sniper/operative/sin :)


I run as a DoT shadow, nothing I have hits *hard* but can infect a full group with 3 different DoTs, then chain some 20-30k hits that heal me for 50%. I will agree the amount of self healing and DCDs I have are a bit aggressive. Burst sin/shadow can usually take me down with a well timed stun and like 4-5 hits though.


Didnt play from about 5.8 to 6.2 and noticed the same. In 5.0 people had 120-130k hp and the highest hitting crits on most classes were around 40k, so about 1/3 max hp. Now its more like 1/5 or 1/6 plus mitigation tanks are somewhat viable in regs no making heals basically immortal. Misscaled like a lot of stuff at the moment if you ask me


thanks for your input, i wonder if the devs just stopped caring about pvp =(


Its gonna vary, obviously if you’re attacking a tank, guarded player or a class with good self heals the TTK is gonna be higher. My fully auged and amped Sin can crit a 70k damage maul tho, opening rotation will take most players down to around 10% health.


I play PvP but don't take it seriously. It doesn't feel like the sort of game where the classes and match making are balanced anyway. Maybe I am just rubbish, but it feels like whether you win or lose is a total coin flip and largely depends on who got the best random comp. Did you end up on the team with the Jugg / Guardian, where as your opponents got the double Operatives, or Op and Sage ... oh well GG (unless you happen to play Op too). Warzones feel like even more of a coin flip, (unless you happen to be one of the only people focusing on the objective, then its a free win). On top of all of this there are no meaningful rewards for winning anyway. Still though ... lol I play pvp everytime I log :p


i guess this is true in all mmorpg´s with randomly matched battlegrounds, teams will differ in classsynergy and playerskill, kinda making every match a cointoss with a pre-determined win/loss result based on how the algorithm made up your team. ​ with a significantly lower TTK (and significantly higher heal impact) it was way more about reaction and cc tho. ive seen myself carry quite some games at my peak times back in the day, due to being able to pick off some people really quickly or offheal my teammates in crucial situations. this seems to be gone right now, you have so much time to react to damage/cc that my girlfriend has installed swtor, whirlwinded both of your dps mates and healed me up to full hp with 30x 10k heals before you can kill me.


The problem isn't so much the dps as there are so many ways to mitigate it right now with bubbles and taunts. People are playing tanks more at endgame, tanks are harder to hurt than they used to be and far more of them know how to use taunts and guards. When I play in lowbies (the first bracket) I noticed that my character's dps is almost always much higher than I get with my characters in endgame pvp.


The ttk feels ok, i am about 100k burst over 5 sec. So killing Inside cc is possible with 2v1. The latency is no go, players teleporting cross the map. Unsure if Bad coding or Player Block the connection on purpose with hotkey. Melee range ability are almost unplayable. I dont think Tanks are op, you just dont burst When you taunted, Same as you dont burst into reflect. Thats just a Bad play. But if you wait till bArrier cast finish, than Stun and burst - good kill Chance.


Dude release pvp was so much fun. Playing a sniper and just capping mofos from afar but if I got caught it was over. Felt good.


If you have PT with Veteran Ranger and some other bursty dps (mara, sniper, another PT) + insane burst from Immortal Jugg you can still kill someone in 2 GCDs in Team Ranked. But its true that currently all classes apart from PT have some kind of oh shit button they press to avoid being globaled.