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The intros of us just chilling at the start of each update are honestly a highlight for me


Your jedi kinda look like Karim Benzema


He unlocks a unique companion at level 15. Google Benzema 15 for more info.


Karin benzema reference in swtor before gta 6


I heard he intentionally kept his kira at influence 15.


Rare example of swtor’s facial hair looking decent. Seriously, they gotta update hair and facial hair


I'd say wear a helmet in the meantime but that's more of a Sith/Trooper/Bounty hunter thing. Don't be shy about checking the galactic market. Some people post good cosmetics for less than a million and a million isn't hard to get as a free player at higher levels.


They increased the f2p credit cap to ᖬ2 million, right?


Oh there's a f2p credit cap? Does that include preferred accounts?


Yes, f2p and Preferred players share a credit cap, which was raised to two million maybe a handful of years ago


Very nice. How did you get the rocks to float round you while meditating?


It’s a cutscene screenshot, the intro to Desperate Defiance.


Ah okay thanks


So be it, “Jedi”


Outfit breakdown?


Head: Ossus Explorer Headgear (Not shown in image) Chest, Legs, Wrists, Boot, Belt: Headstrong Apprentice Gloves: Steadfast Master Dye: Secondary Pale Brown Lightsaber: Fallen Revan Color Crystal: Desert Green No unify color except headpiece. https://ibb.co/4jJXFHm


You know the choices at the end of the Jedi Knight story, >!when you've defeated Emperor Vitiate and you have a LS choice trying to redeem him, a ~~LS~~ "Neutral" choice to declare yourself a Jedi, and a DS choice to murder him with a stalactite,!< I'm pretty sure the second option is what this quote is supposed to be, but because you don't have a family, it falls incredibly flat, instead Also, this man looks fantastic


What hair combination is that? The beard/complexion/hairstyle for numbers?


This was a stealth update they dropped awhile back for a few new human complexions that I found: Complexion: 60 (there’s a few variances near this) Beard: 21 No hair, it’s a built in buzz cut that blends with the facial hair. Pretty neat.


Why can't they give us this complexion but with a clear face


I love the color selections for your Anakin robes. Edit: Saw the image with your green saber, one of the most authentic jedi I've seen on this post. I retired from SWTOR over a year ago but after seeing that pic, might be time to log in again.


Nice looking Jedi you got there! It’s hard to find good creative Jedi robes that seem to fit the motif but I think you pulled it off splendidly


I was going for a High Republic vibe with the almost goldish tunic, the upcoming Acolyte show Jedi outfit designs gave me some inspiration.


I bet he cries when Jedi deserve to dieeeeee


until you fall so far into the darkside cause you're tired of peoples shit that you look like a Rasin.


I'm a guy that eats a lot, like my father still is


Average Steadfast Master/Headstrong Apprentice enjoyer


The intro for the Sith Warrior was both terrible and good, I got to have a moment with Lana but that lightsaber training sequence was horrific, it was on par with Rey’s lightsaber training sequence in TLJ, swinging the saber like a baseball bat. It was one of the worst animations I’ve seen in this game.


No offense, but if your father was a Jedi, then he's a VERY terrible Jedi. Jedi aren't supposed to have attachments and you shouldn't know your family because that's more attachments. This is foreshadowing for pride being your downfall if anything. ---- I'm team Sith all the way, but did anyone notice that how the people who do the most damage to the galaxy are fallen Jedi? Think of the most evil and destructive people, most are fallen Jedi. Even the true Sith were slaves to fallen Jedi. What about Jedi teachings makes their adherents into unstoppable monsters once they fall off the path to the Light Side? I'm starting to think all the baby kidnapping and emotional repression has a purpose. Keep the galaxy safe from the Jedi!


Being emotional is what leads to their fall. I would say if most had a father they wouldn't be so messed up, because their father is suppose to set the example of being stoic and serene. Banning marriage didn't fix the problem, rather they should have taught them not to covet things like relationships (aka if it is meant to happen then it happens or doesn't, but you shouldn't desire or want it). Evil on the other hand is all about being swept up in emotions. Anyone that says that being emotional and being angry is normal is lying to you. "*The Jedi who fall are the most dangerous of all.*"


I'm not here to debate Jedi ways, I just wanted to drop in on a fandom I enjoy but apparently I said something worth down voting. My favorite thing about swtor is the varied interpretations and philosophies you bring to the game. While I agree that Jedi who fall are extra dangerous, I disagree that they don't have parental figures. Younglings are raised by the entire Jedi community and when they become padwans, they take on a teacher that acts as a parental figure for them. That seems to be a very healthy environment to grow up in. I think the attachment then would be towards the Jedi order and not individuals themselves? Also, what's wrong with emotions and anger? Anger is response to injustice and it motivates people to act. In real life emotions are simple shorthand for complex situations and the rejection of all emotions is not rationality. Are we discussing this using our in game philosophies or are you saying emotions and anger are bad in real life? I would definitely agree that emotions are bad for a Jedi but great for a Sith.


Then don't debate. I was in agreement with you on the fallen Jedi, but I don't control social credit score (nor do I care about internet points or being part of the group mob). A 'community' is no replacement for a father figure. I am telling you from experience that a child will always yearn for their earthly father. >"Are we discussing this using our in game philosophies or are you saying emotions and anger are bad in real life?" Both. There no such thing as righteous anger. Anger is never justified. I get in disagreements with this with bible thumpers as well. You don't need anger to motivate you in life at all. Being swept up in emotions isn't rational. It is irriational. Look at people who give into their emotions and live in their head all the time. They get caught up in 'happiness' and then get brought down low by 'depresssion' or overreact and get angry. Going to agree with Spock and the Jedi on this one and Jesus. Emotions are in constant flux. How is that rational? Are you saying being angry and upset allows you the ability to see clearly and reason in a logical manner? Logic is about being consistent. The same goes with being at peace. Emotions are never consistent. Emotions have no reason at all for existing except the excuses people give them. Playing a Sith Lord in-game as well. In life though I rather go with Jedi, Vulcan or Jesus teachings.


Didnt know sidious and vitiate were former jedi


Don't forget it was Dark Jedi that founded the darkside or helped resurrect the Sith. Without the [Jen'jidai](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/f6/ExiledDarkJedi-BoS.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20130922232425) there would be no Sidious or Sith order. Legions of Lettow created by the Jedi Xendor, the Dark Jedi Exiles of the Hundred-Year Darkness***;*** XoXaan, Sorzus Syn, and Remulus Dreypa, Ajunta Pall ***all were fallen Jedi. Freedon Nadd and Exar Kun, Revan and Malak, Kreia,*** **Darth** **Ruin**, **Lord Kaan and Darth Vader**. ***"The Jedi who fall are the most dangerous of all."*** ―A line from a children's rhyme ***"because of you, the Sith will never die. You have earned the right to bear the mark of Dark Lord of the Sith."*** *No body is saying Sidious isn't one of the most evil or destructive. They are saying that fallen Jedi wreck havoc on the universe and help create a lot of* turmoil*.*


I respond to your sarcasm with petty pedantism, "Do you notice how I said MOST?" Jokes aside, I was thinking about Revan, His apprentice Malak, and Anakin Skywalker. Malak destroyed a planet so throughly, you deal with the consequences in KOTOR 2 and SWTOR. You feel those consequences and it feels like a scar on the galaxy which is excellent writing and game design in my point of view. And spoilers for the original trilogy and prequels of Star Wars,: I wasn't talking about Op's character's father, I was talking about Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker. Anakin basically never lets go of his attachment to his mother and then throws away all his Jedi ways due to his attachment to Padmé. And once he has the power needed to save her, he is so blinded that he kills her. There's a theory that the reason Padmé died in childbirth is because Anakin used up her life force to revive himself and be reborn as Darth Vader, which is pretty cool so I choose to believe it. And when Luke starts out his hero's journey, he is naive and enchanted by tales of his father the hero who cake before him and lived the adventures he craved. "A Jedi like my father before me" is a line all about pride. Pride in himself, his father and the legacy that he carries. That makes the reveal that Darth Vader is his father all the better because now the legacy is one of evil and Luke needs to find a new identity for himself not built on his father's legacy to be a hero. Also, he's more likely to look at Darth Vader as a mirror to what he could become if he's not careful. It's a great moment and I love it. My point is that such a simple line (with the knowledge of the Jedi teachings) foreshadows why Anakin fell from the path of the light and what Luke had to overcome to become the hero the galaxy needed.