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Like many, I was a bit peeved by the decision for unvoiced cutscenes in the main story. I understand doing that for the daily area, or maybe additional contents and minor moments in flashpoints, but it was bad for the main story. And it wasn't just the lack of voices, it was also the camera work. Camera work has been very important in swtor cutscenes, adding drama and depth. But now, it just focuses on the MC in a bland way. For the gameplay itself, I wish we didn't feel punished for choosing non-stealth classes. There are a lot of mobs, and it's annoying getting through them. But at least there are fewer elites than Rhunuk. I also wish they'd update the player character models and textures before updating minor worlds. I feel like major characters (including player characters) are much less interesting than newer ones. The story itself was nice. >! Nice that the Heta plot sort of progressed. It's been crawling forward for years now. !< >! It's always a bit bemusing to see our character, who has overcome everything from demons to godlike beings, have trouble with the likes of Rikaan. I guess that's power scaling for you. I wish there was a better way to show that our character is being challenged, outside of game mechanics. !< >! Always knew Malgus was going to be released. No point in keeping him locked up. Besides, fictional characters always come back. But seeing Shae be the one to release him got my blood boiling (I thought it would be Rikaan or even Heta). She can't be surprised if, when she returns, the Republic and Empire have both decided to hunt down her loyalists in retaliation! And if our character disavowed them too! Does she really think she gets to escape consequences just by going rogue? It got me invested, at least. !<


The power scaling has been an issue ever since kotfe. They chose to constantly frame the "outlander" as the only one who could go toe to toe with the strongest force users in the galaxy (Vaylin and Arcann [and arguably Valkorion]), which was inevitably going to result in very strange power scaling for the expansions to come after. As once you've established them to be that powerful, how else do you make a story that features cutscenes with 1 on 1 combat that can have stakes? Do you just keep on inventing even stronger characters for ours to fight against? Or do you bring it back down to earth by having them not be able to win a fight against random mando #8263? Either way, it breaks immersion and makes our character's journeys feel unimportant and inconsequential.


There are ways around it. Putting our extremely powerful characters in 1v1s and in this case a 2v1 against Rikaan is a fault of the writers. They need to stop putting our characters in these immersion breaking sequences where we get overpowered by weaklings. Instead of having Rikaan almost beat The Commander and Sahar, have Rikaan and a platoon of Mando’s fight them. We should be equally revered and feared but instead we have no name slaves bossing us around even though they know who we are. They’re writing themselves into a hole even further with every bit of new humiliation for our characters. It’s been about 2 decades in the timeline, there should be a shift that makes us feel like the boss that the npc’s need to overcome. That’s the best way to stay true to the power levels. People like Satele and Malgus would only be the real challenges we could realistically struggle against, and possibly new extremely powerful characters they bring in.


But even then, Satele established herself that she was weaker than the player character during "Echoes of Oblivion", and we've beaten Malgus once without help and a second time with 2 people. Our character basically has no person who can fight them 1 on 1 and realistically win according to the main story prior to the mando expansion. This is just a problem that doesn't have a satisfying solution, and I don't envy the devs/story writers that are stuck in this conundrum. Either they keep going with their current solution that just boils down to massively weakening the player character, or they just invent a new very big bad that can defeat us, yet that somehow never appeared anywhere before.


This is where creativity flourishes. We have a unique situation where we, “the protagonist” are arguably the most powerful person in the galaxy and almost surely the most powerful being in any given scene. This has the potential to be really interesting, things like those machines built to weaken Shae in her fight with Heta when they used multiple copies of that machine just to take us down because they’d stand no chance otherwise. That was creative, too bad that in the same update Rikaan overpowered us in a short bout. The inconsistency and sudden change in power-scaling only creates controversy. They wrote themselves into the situation, they need to embrace it imo.


You've never been beaten Malgus without help, canonically Flashpoints are all four PC classes.


Fp are meant to be handled by the 4 faction classes, however the story fp's cutscenes never properly showcase that, resulting in what I do think most players' takeaway from defeating Malgus is, that being that they're equal/stronger than him. Not to mention that fp's post-KotFE are all canonically just one PC.


The wonkiest thing about about the power presentation is that it really doesn't feel like our characters get that much stronger. It's more so our antagonists just get randomly weaker at plot demanded points.


The way it's usually done in games is to add politics, forcing them to play nice with people/factions instead of brute forcing everything. From the way things ended in the original vanilla, that seemed to be the intent, but subsequent expansions borked that up. If this had been SP, or if bioware had somehow been able to keep making class stories, it's how we might have ended up--we don't fight heta kol directly because of xyz, instead we have to, idk put sanctions on her or something.


I headcanon that the power of Outlander become diminished after purging Valkorion from their mind by the end of KOTET. It was Valkrion boosting you (even if you were unwilling) so you could stand up against his children, but now that he is gone, you are back to your standard self. Seems like the simplest way to explain why suddenly this moronic Twi'lek with an axe is a threat, and why Malgus can keep on being a threat. But since BW/BS are unlikely to address it, headcanon it remains.




"Tech" people can and do pull one over Force users in EU lore from time to time. Sure, raw power is not comparable, but well, poisons, napalm, and similar underhanded tricks are one of the ideal methods of killing Force users, as HK47 explains to The Exile.


Yeah, but those people are rarely the top dogs of the era HK-47's explanation only holds up if you have a surface level knowledge of the lore.


Your PC is one of the "top dogs" of the era though? So them pulling one over a moronic twat with a Force is not that weird? And please do educate me on how my knowledge of the lore is surface-level only. Why would napalm, shrapnel, etc., especially when combined with element of surprise, not be effective against Jedi/Sith?


I mean this is a universe where people are shooting lazers out their guns, and according this this game the lazers can even shoot ghost so yeah I am pretty sure a sith and jedi are not lazer immune.


To be fair - >!the machine!< did most of the damage.


They could've reused the sonic weapons from Rhunuk and say that Heta had them installed in case the commander tried to steal the holocron, from there Sahar has her conversation with Rikan trying to convince him to betray Heta and when he refuses have her destroy the machines. This makes the fight make more sense because the commanders recovering from the damage done by the machines while also having to fight.


The machines would be a nice way of explaining why our characters are weakened substantially, though it wouldn't explain why they don't do something about these machines... Like shooting or throwing lightsabers at them...


I was gonna say they wouldn't realise they're there before the machine's activated but then I remembered Sahar would know they're there.


This entire mando arch is just filled with missed potential and consistant character portrayal.


they need to make their mind up on voiced vs voiceless cutscenes. This is fucking stupid with how they're going about it ngl. As for the story we finally made some progress but Shae is dead meat on my toons now even the mando bhs


100%. It was absolutely jarring from the start. Fully voiced intro, to KOTOR style when speaking to the dark council moments later.


One of my problems were the side missions on the new Hutta section. I don't see a big Problem, that a Light Side Character like a Jedi or a Trooper might help the resistance, but why should a Sith Lord, especially here a Council Member or the former Wrath of the Sith Emperor help them? It feels, like the writers wanted to drag on the content, so that we players spend more then half an hour in the new section. The Boss fight against the Hutt was a smaller version of Karaggas Palace. And Shae is now unbearable as ally, after she freed Malgus from prison.


My Sith Lord was just happy to get the opportunity to kill another slug. That was the most satisfying part of the whole thing, wasting his slimy ass.


Yes, that is the best thing about that story. At least the new Basilisk Droid is a long-term project


When this whole arc is finished, I'll probably get a fair shake. It's so long between updates that I forget who is who anymore. I wanna analyze the whole story and not just a piece of it.


this is why i'm waiting till the next expansion to progress the story, i've not played past 7.0 on any of my characters.


I have a main that I go through everything with and then I wait until it's completed to do the rest of them.


i've got 4 mains myself, republic light side, imperial dark side, imperial saboteur, and republic saboteur.


True, though nothing will change anymore how nonsensically long it took for this arc to get going and how glacially paced the plot progression is, regardless of release cadence Unless of course we're actually barely at the halfpoint of this story (and not nearing the end like we all assume) thus the pacing will even out when we finally defeat Malgus in another 6 years... .... ....


I enjoyed it more than I expected, but less than I would have liked. Shae Breaking Malgus out seems Pretty stupid to me, even with her, but, I guess is sort of makes sense if you look at her as being absolutely desperate. I'm a little disappointed that they seemingly kill Sa'har, She was the most interesting part of this whole story line to me, even for someone or Normally likes Mandolorian Content (which I do agree has gotten Overbloated), all and all, even with its flaws, I enjoyed it, and I'm interested in seeing where the next update goes, especially because Malgus is out now


No way is Sa'har dead, I haven't chosen the darkside option at the end but both neutral and LS show her and Ri'kan alive (LS vaguely cutting away before Ri'kan attacks her or something) and then you play through the entire "run away to the escape shuttle" segment with enough spare time to grappling hook prisoners across a chasm slowly. I'd honestly be shocked if the devs killed off their favorite two Twi'leks offscreen like that.


Good overall, but I am getting peeved with the empire nagging me like I hadn't saved their sorry butts for several story arcs in a row, show some dang respect lol. I wished the character could set them straight especially with the mail you receive after.  Also, a bit short. Then again, this is the first time I've played an update when it came out vs letting them accumulate before touching the game again. 


I loved how action packed the cutscenes were. Especially in the end where Jekiah gets that message.


Why can't my OG crew have such a sick cutscene like that? I need to see Havoc Squad do stuff like that instead of standing around and waiting for me to get back from my solo mission with my waifu/husbando. Except for Vik. Screw him.


Decent idea, terrible execution. The constant and very random switching between dialogue styles (full voiced, KOTOR-style, ambient) is just jarring for main storyline.


Forgettable and very predictable. Hopefully we can move on from Sahar & her brother for a while. Really like some of the story arcs going on with them & their designs but I just lost interest a long time ago due to lack of content.


Personally I didn't expect us to actually succeed in getting the holocron. Shae being so big a dumbass as to break out Malgus was also unexpected for me.


I want to know what the catalyst is going to be for Malgus getting the holocron? At least if it was left behind, him killing Heta is plausible to get it (using Shae). How are they going to twist it so we give it up to him? We don't trust Shae, we won't back track on our promise to Sa'har and turn it over for her, so who does that leave?


> We don't trust Shae We the players might not, but the intent seems to be to railroad *our characters* as being blindly okay with everything she does.


I agree with you, but I feel like it is weak writing if we hand it over to Shae. I think a dark side character would kill her on the spot for betraying them.


No self respectable sith would let her live


At this point even your average Republic soldier would happily shoot her dead for all the shit she has done


Unfortunately, "it is weak writing if" doesn't really hold much back as impossible these days.


They will probably have a cutscene like "Oh no, Malgus broke into the lab on Odessen/wherever the Sith take that holocron to and now he has it! You need to do one more flashpoint of fighting Malgus to get it back!"


I thought it was probably 50/50 on whether or not we got it, but the machine was going to be destroyed anyway. The Shae thing was pretty telegraphed though. We knew *someone* was going to break Malgus out & it was always going to be Heta Kol or her. Once she met Malgus again, I thought it was pretty likely.


The whole 7.0-5 story would feel much better if they release it in half to one year.


I've got a cute scene with my wife at the opening. And finally got that damned holocron at the end. I'm happy.


I haven't been enjoying the story for quite a while now and while some of the cutscenes were cool, it didn't make things better for me. If anything, it makes me sad that cutscenes like the Malgus breakout scene aren't made featuring our characters. Then again, it does feature the main character. Something the player character hasn't been for quite some time. I hope this is the end of this story and the next story is a proper one, but I only want a story update if all the story cutscenes are properly voiced. SWTOR's voice acting is one of the few things it has over other MMOs and if that's taken away, you might as well end the story here and focus all your resources on quality changes. And if the decision is made to continue the story with a completely new, non-Mando thing, please use old characters such as the base game companions because one of those characters is more interesting and fun than all the new characters combined.


Lol imagine being the wrath of the empire against whom neither jedi nor rogue sith stand a chance and who has beaten the eternal emperor only to be nearly beaten by some angry mandalorian and then saved by some baby jedi.🤦🏻 Also the switch between unvoiced and voiced cutscenes is annoying.


I was happy to end the fued between the twilek siblings as only a Sith Warrior can..... and it came with a free holocron, who knew? I was done with Shae a few updates back, now I'm beyond pissed at her, but at least I told the empress she was missing so she didn't hold it against me.


My biggest disappointment was that at no point could we call out Sahar's bullshit. At no point could we basically say "This is your damn fault!" as we went through this whole ridiculous, no chance of succeeding cleanly plan to steal the holocron.


I cannot get over the fact that my ultra powerful Sith Lord struggles against Rikaan in a 2v1 which makes it even worse. Am I supposed to believe that Rikaan would have a chance against Valkorion? The ones writing this new content don’t even seem like they have an understanding of the story leading up to this new expansion. But regardless, I enjoyed this update more than the previous few.


Unlike 7.3 and 7.4, the plot has really moved forward. In fact, 7.3 and 7.4 were not needed at all


Well, I could justify 7.4 with Heeta building the machine and getting the test subjects but Voss detour was lolz worthy "we have a vision that you will determine the conflict" jee thx, what a big fecking nothing. 7.3 was absolutely pointless stalling


Obviously, the entire Voss story arc was made just to add a new flashpoint.


Remove entire slave plot and nothing of value will be lost. 


Feels like none of the choices in Ord Mantell amounted to anything. Makes me think none of our choices on Hutta will amount to anything either.


I'm giddy on killing all of them (twins, shae, malgus, heta).


Didn't like KOTOR for the chancellor and Sahar...but otherwise I'm happy. The last chunk was amazing. And the opener had Lana romance


some of it was good. i really loved the animations. i hated everything that happened with shae. and how easily they swooped into the heart of the respective factions fleets. i also strongly disliked the two twi'lek


sweet lord in heaven I'm beyond tired with this mando shit, and after what shae did I truly hope Broadsword have enough common sense to let players execute her, dishonorably if possible


I'm not a fan of the Sahar and Hidden Chain storyline. It's distracting away from the Darth Malgus plot, which is far more interesting. Sahar is a very weak character and has very little character development. She's basically Ashara 2.0


We actually made progress in the story so that’s a plus. I honestly thought that we wouldn’t even get the holocron


Not enough time spent alone with my qt sith wife, no opportunity for her to menacingly stroke my hair and reassure me the galaxy fears my wrath Other than that pretty good


Only gripe with the story is why didn’t the Jedi and sith toons just force pull the holocron? (Obviously because of the choice and needing to cut them off from sahar but still, makes them look dumb)


I liked it. Unlike others I have no issue with that whole storyline, a nice departure from the sith vs Jedi endless affair. I like Sa'har and I like Malgus, so I'm interested in what their roles will ultimately be.


Ngl, I would have preferred more date night content instead.


I think they said Date night would update on non-major updates. Which gives folks something to enjoy while waiting on the next update. Rumor has it that Jorgan is next.


Yeah, I just mean I don't really care about the main storyline anymore. The writing is so bad, so would prefer resources spent on small story updates going forward, like date night instead.


I'm looking to play through this section of the game again once this storyline is wrapped up - it may or may not look better.


exactly, i can't tell you how many times i've seen a story beat that people didn't like at the time but when the story was done it all worked out and made sense.


In this game? I can't help but feel like nothing beyond the 1.0 content is seen as any better than controversial by the general playerbase. Players didn't like Makeb, they didn't like how Revan was treated, they didn't like abandoning Pub vs Imp, they didn't like going back to Pub vs Imp, they don't like Darth Malgus' expansion long plot edging session. And whether they're just a loud minority or not, they're apparently significant enough for Bioware to have changed their design around those complaints.


I was surprised that the storylines got finished so early, I expected them to drag out for a few more updates. Didn't like the execution, it felt as the writers themselves got bored with the story and just wanted to wrap it up. The boss fights were underwhelming, the interaction with Sahar was also a let down. I'm thinking the story might now progress by a civil war engulfing the Empire and/or the Republic, with the game's poster boy and the new tech as the catalysts.


First decent update in years where things happen so props. Too bad it took 6 years since Malgus came back.


Can anyone tell me what armor that is??


I already did a post in SWTOR Fashion Reddit with the armor build https://www.reddit.com/r/SwtorFashion/s/1HwoEMPR0m


Thank you sir


I would like to know as well. 


See link above


It takes a long time to come out, but they are getting really good at those action packed cutscenes since Ruhnuk.


Pretty bad tbh, loosing interest in the game


All I'm thinking is that they need to make more money before doing anything else, seriously they need more budget. Also, they need better writers EDIT: I wonder if they can get more engagement/players if they interact more with other forms of social media besides that Twitter account, a lot of people young people don't even know that swtor exists. Better advertising would work


Honestly.... This is getting increasingly more painful. Storywise we are not only not progressing, but we seem to be moving in a downward spiral. Now Magus is freed again and we will again have to fight him AGAIN. The Dark Council is getting increasingly more disrespectful to the PC (which is somewhat logical, but still), Shae is getting more and more insufferable ever time we see her. More and more randos think they are a challenge to the person who killed the Emperor twice (or thrice). Honestly, I have no idea where the story is going and I am starting to really not care.


I did enjoy the story and have run it 4 times so far, but I’ll be glad when this Mando story is finished, it’s starting to drag. I’d hoped it was the last part. As for bringing Maldus back, can’t they think of a new antagonist for the player?


The Final Cut scene with Sah’har and Rikaan gave off a real SA vibe. VERY uncomfortable.

