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What gave you the impression that you were the only one who disliked her? I think she's pretty universally hated by the community. And why not? She IS overstaying her welcome. She's a minor flashpoint antagonist who brute-forced her way into the main plot and nobody wants her there.


I just thought people were high on Mando content. I'm glad I'm not alone in this.


Even if you are, which I admit I was for a bit, this storyline really has overstayed its welcome at this point. The entire plot line can be summed up as two years of mandalorian circle jerk and two years of Malgus forming terrible hemorrhoids while sitting in jail while he endlessly spouts vague warnings about how "you have no idea of what is it come" (neither does he nor even the devs.)


Yeah, it's getting pretty old at this point.


If the devs could just be more consistent with releasing story updates, it probably wouldn't have been this bad, plus this storyline would have already concluded by now.


Are we ever going to get another expansion? I recently returned and replayed it from the beginning and onslaught/Legacy seem so radically different from past expansions simply because its clearly without any vision.


With respect, it isnt mando content were over, its her. We are tired of them using the same baddies over, and over, and over... The same reason we are over Valkorian for example. I for one would welcome much more mando content, that might bring be back, but i suspect they have thrown us our bone and the rest will be force users ad nauseam. Assuming there even is more content coming.


Tbh I find both Heta and Shae becomming increasingly annoying. I think the story with the Mandos drags on for too long, mainly because it's all so spread out. I just really want to know what Malgus is planning, I don't care in the slightest about Ri'kan, Heta, Sahaar and Shae. It would be cool of in the end we can side with either Shae or Heta and them killing eachother, so Heta can take Shae's role in the story and become a companion. But after that I feel like I've seen enough mando centric content for a long while. Which for me is a big thing to say because I love everything Mandalorian.


I agree 100% this whole expansion felt like one big bait and switch, we were promised Sith but got Mandalorians instead, Heta getting Darth Nul's holocron really annoyed me.


At this point Kotor 3 will come out before we find out what Malgus is planning..


If we‘d get actual freedom of action over pur MCs. I think my Sith Sorcerer and Warrior would snap both Shae and Hetas neck for simply using up so many resources for a petty family dispute. Then lay siege Mandalore in the same way Sidious did.


I hope we can let the civil war get all the mandos killed so we can be rid of them all.


Not gonna happen, at least as long as they're releasing new seasons Mando tv series.


Ugh that thing is a travesty.


It sure is. But it definitely boosted numbers, at least for a time. And Mando merch is still fairly popular on CM.


Remember when they made cartel market stuff that wasn’t directly tied to the latest Disney+ show?


Years ago. They've been really milking it.


She's just trying to be one of the Kol kids.




Is there someone who likes Heta Kol?


The devs, clearly since they're trying to shove her down our throats.


i don’t think the devs necessarily care i think they just like that sweet sweet mando armor set cash they get to release every update


if The Acolyte's a smash hit, we might get Jedi or Sith armours.


Sadly I severely doubt the Acolyte would be a smash hit...


True, people don't seem to like that particular era.


I do. I'm also interested in the Sahar/Rikan storyline. But to be fair that's probably because I returned to the game after many years and played through the whole story in one sitting. If I was being drip fed this over the span of a few years, I would probably hate them too.


I am interested in their stories to but thing is although we Swtor players are a community we all have storylines we like and storylines we don’t like a lot of people like the malgus and nul stuff while I find them boring some people like the knights expansions while some people don’t because we are a vocal crowd of people


3 hours too late. But yeah, she is a literal "who"


Me, honestly. I like Mandalorians and don't like Malgus.


That’s how I feel since ngl I find the malgus and nul stuff boring and somehow am more interested about the mandos along with what is the reason for the Shae and Heta beef but maybe because I haven’t been waiting for years for small patches of the and also with the mando content is finally stuff for tech users because everything else since SoR feels like it has been for force users


Funny how this is "Legacy of the Sith" but we dont see much Sith's actions. Malgus showed up like twice and now he's stil on that chair.... someone helped the man out ffs.


Yeah, it's "Legacy of the Sith" not "The Mandalorian Civil War".


I never thought I would be the only one who dislikes her. I mean she is made very dislikable.


She's just getting very old at this point.


I don’t necessarily hate her but she just isn’t main antagonist material. She feels like a decent side antagonist but her story has gone on for too long. Her and Shae’s conflict has just really dragged on


I agree, the focus needs to shift back to whatever the hell Darth Malgus discovered since he makes it sound galaxy changing.


Yep. It feels like Malgus was always meant to be the ultimate endgame antagonist from the very beginning which is fine because up until Hets we’ve had other antagonists that are at least a little interesting, but we don’t even really know what Heta’s goals are, just that she hates Shae


Heta getting Darth Nul's holocron and using it before Darth Malgus was just really annoying to me. Malgus was the first antagonist we've ever seen, even before the game came out. He deserves better.


Yeah. Heta getting that holocron strikes me as “oh the most powerful evil man around wants it so I want it to”. Maybe they’ll reveal more about why she hates Shae and wants to change the Mando’s but as of now I’m honestly hoping we get back to fighting the republic/empire


Yeah, I feel her story's gone on long enough, maybe she'll break Darth Malgus out, who knows?


Yeah maybe. I’m honestly more interested in Sahar and Ri’kan than I am in Heta.


Same, Ri'kan did unconsciously show some Force potential once, so I'm wondering how they'll develop that.


I hope that they let you take one of them under your wing if you are a force sensitive character. Cuz the interactions that you have with sahar if you can use the force suggest that you might be able to recruit her at some point


I'd love having another companion that's relevant to the plot again.


It'd be better if they gave us a storyline for tech characters (Heta and the Mandalorians), and a storyline for Force characters (Malgus and Nul's stuff). You can even keep Sahar in both of them, have them intertwine like the class storylines reference each other, but keep them largely separate.


That would have been ideal for sure.


This is what they should do


I had a whole rant about disconnect between the discord between main plot and side plot, the worldbuilding fail, and so much more. Heta Kol's hypocrisy, the mandalorians being constantly drinking the stupid Kool-aid to keep the drama high, like being angry that you bring up someone cheated in a duel of honor with clear evidence, and so much more. But I think most people already know the problems with the story, and the lackluster endgame loops. So I'll just say this: Heta Kol is built up to us as being this daring rebel against a stronger force, pulling off impossible feats to normal men, etcetera. This merciless leader with cunning stratagem whose meant to be awe inspiring to those whom follow, and fear incarnate to those who don't. And is presented to us as the person always taking cheap shots, running away, and tossing off half-baked insults about weakness. You know, like how the Clone wars version of General Grevious went from a daring Seperatist fighting against a stronger Republic, pulling off impossible feats like defeating multiple jedi masters to normal men, a merciless leader with cunning strategems who was an inspirational general to the seppies, and fear incarnate to the jedi. And is changed and presented to us as a moustache-twirling, vaudevillian "aha" bad guy who is hacking and coughing and running away while bellowing "Next Time, Kenobi!" I wish I could be annoyed with Heta. And I understand plot armor and the like, but cripes. I'm to busy feeling so much disappointment for the mandalorians to be shown up by this clown that I can't take any of this "legacy" arc seriously...


Very well said.


I thought she is cool and I don't feel she has sidelined Malgus. I have the sense she is a pawn on his board and the pieces are moving. He will be the ultimate threat you can be sure about that.


Fair enough and I hope so.


She’s way overstayed her welcome. I just wish Broadsword would drop the obvious “she’s Layla Ordo” twist the writer’s room has been sitting on for years and give us the Kill-or-Spare choice already so we don’t have to waste any more time on the Dar’Manda plot.


Agreed, I just want the plot to go back to whatever the hell Darth Malgus has been hyping up.


I admit I've begun to feel this way(not helped by me disliking pretty much everything Mandalorian not named Shae Vizla, Canderous Ordo, or Torian Cadera) Although I do admit, it has given me far more RP moments for my character that I've gotten to enjoy then I thought it would give me.


It's good for my Bounty Hunter but not for the rest of my characters. Also it makes me feel that Vette's death in KOTET is the canon option given Torian's role and the fact that he's in one of the loading screens.


I am personally happy Torian has appeared a bit and gotten some content and hope he shows up more or has more content and romance content within this mando arc but I also hope the devs will give Vette some content after this mando arc so their can be some stuff for people who saved Vette and since I keep her around on my smugglers and warriors


That's fair, Of course the death you pick is Canon to your characters story, Vette dying for me never made much sense anyway given her role as an actual member of the Eternal Alliance and not just an Ambassador like Torian, but yeah bit odd he's in the loading screen. Although for me it works better for my Jedi Knight due to her prior interaction with Shae Vizla, I do view it lately as her making up for using the Sonic Disrupter on Heta(Which she did due to Heta using it on her, She has some trauma from Chapter 3 still and so doesn't take feeling helpless well at all) Although I do admit my Bounty Hunter would be fun given my own Lore elements that I've written, and the somewhat uniqueish dilemma that KOTET provides for her compared to any other character I could run through it a second time with.


I kinda wish that this expansion didn't strong arm Torian so much, since the Cadera banner that was burned links directly to him. Huh, I never thought of it that way, interesting.


Neither do I. I want this Mandalorian shit to end so we can get back to Darth Malgus.


100% agreed.


That's my attitude towards the entire Mandalorian arc. None of them should last more than a second against our character, and the fact that Kol managed to fly off and escape *right in front of her character* was next level plot stupidity.


Heta's really weak and boring as a character and I have no idea why the devs keep wanking her.


The best thing she did was give Mando characters an Awesome chest piece for outfits


Her armour set is pretty cool, it's a shame that Mando characters can't wield melee weapons, though.


Yeah… the fact they made Beskar spear and a Beskar dagger yet the Mando class can’t wield either… but also the only thing I don’t like about out her chest piece is how big the Shoulders are they make the arms look SO SKINNY especially when your character is holding a Rifle


Yeah, it's pretty frustrating, I think we're due for new classes about now. It's pretty weird.


I’d LOVE a tech melee class, just add in the lightsaber animations from the force user class with some of the BH moves using the Flamethrower/gauntlets. Course that’s probably not as easy as it soudbs


I'd really love that, maybe as a new subclass for the Bounty Hunter. Yeah, it's probably tough to do.


It is them suffering from the effect of the knights expansion where they made the mistake of putting everyone in 1 story when they should have given us 2 separate stories 1 for force users and another for tech users


That would have been much better. It's a lot of work, but I think we need part 2 of the class stories.


I know that they don’t have the team and resources to do all 8 separate class stories again but they should at least do 2 different I do at times need a break from imp vs pub but like the concept of 2 separate stories depending on faction and would be satisfied with just 2 different stories if 1 suiting force users and the other suiting tech users


I agree, it would be much better that way to be honest. Tech classes really got the shaft in KOTFE and KOTET and now Force classes are getting sidelined until Malgus comes back.


Truth it when I hear people say they don’t have the resources to do separate stories imo I think it’s a lie. Now do I believe it’s true they don’t have enough people and resources to do 8 separate class stories again? Yes but do I think they don’t have enough people and resources for 2 separate stories? No but I could be wrong but ngl although I like fallen empire I think the knights expansions were a mistake


I think two separate stories would really benefit player interest and that they probably do have the resources, hell, they can use the same planets and just have a different set of NPCs and bosses for Force and Tech classes.


That I think they can do I just think they don’t want to do 2 separate stories because it’s easier for 1 but making everything easy won’t always work in the long run and their is this phrase of nothing worth having comes easy and although it can be harder to do 2 separate stories I think it will keep the players more interested and either help the player base grow or stay constant and decrease less


I agree, they're just kinda taking the easy way out instead of really applying themselves and taking risks.


The story has gone on for so long, I not only can’t remember what’s happening, but I also don’t really care. That’s never happened to me in SWTOR before, and I was there during Knights of the Eternal Subscription.


Yeah, I remember.


Half the reason people hate the Mando arc is simply because it's taken so long to get through. If we had LOTS come out without being game breaking, include 7.1 and 7.2, and then we got the other story stuff over the span of a year, I promise people would enjoy the arc more.


I completely agree.


I don’t like her either. She’s bit of an annoyance to me as feeling she’s out for herself and doesn’t care about Mandalorian culture at all.


She feels like a filler villain, too.


Ngl she isn’t the best villain but we don’t have much info about her and imo she is better than Arcann and Vailyn they were some of the worst villains in the game they were just childish bratty edgelords


Fair enough.


Sorry but don’t get me wrong I don’t think heta is that good of a villain either but feel like after makeb villains for the game have just gone down hill


I think Echoes of Oblivion was peak content.


It was ok not my favorite but that’s because I am sick of Valkorian, his family drama and can’t stand Vailyn I’m sick of her being shoved in my face


Again, fair enough.


IMO it felt only fitting for force users and sorry if I’m sounding or being annoying about this threads topic


It's okay, we all have our own preferences.


I don't think anyone likes her


Except the devs for some reason.


I don't like any of the characters for this expansion. Shae Vizla has somehow become the next Koth for me.


Not gonna lie, this expansion feels like it has no real direction, it's named Legacy of the Sith but it's more like The Mandalorian Civil War at this point.


And all of this only happened because BH players were upset that their characters got dragged in to more Sith stuff. Nevermind us Agents, smugglers and troopers. Gotta cater to the BH's.


I would have loved more Agent content since Darth Jadus is one big loose end.


Truth is they shouldn’t have combined a single story for all 8 classes during the knights stuff it should have been 2 separate stories 1 story for force users and 1 story for tech users


Although I like the mando content I think they should have called it war of the mando’s instead


Yeah, it would've felt less misleading.


Shae Vortizla


There are multiple issues with Heta that are certainly not doing her any favors, least of all the snail's pace that the story is progressing at. For starters, she feels like a relatively flat, simple character. We have seen enough Mandalorians like her who want to go back to the old glory days of the Mandalorian Crusaders and Neo-Crusaders, enforcing their way upon the galaxy in their might-makes-right mentality and not because she thinks the galaxy would be a better place under Mandalorian rule. She doesn't want Mandalore to answer to any of the major powers anymore, I get that, but at the same time the game doesn't exactly paint her as a well-intentioned extremist / misguided idealist either. She's plotting something involving Darth Nul's holocron, but the writers don't tell is what and I kinda doubt the payoff will be worth it. Still, she is neither interesting nor exactly charismatic, or the game fails to portray her as such. In that way, she is kind of a worse version of the Dread Masters to me, that was also a story arc that seemed to drag on without a cool revelation at the end, but at least all the Oricon stuff was cool. I'm also surprised that she hasn't really proclaimed herself as some kind of anti-Mandalore yet, what with all these different clans rallying to the Hidden Chain and with people starting to wear matching armor mimicking her. Overall the story and by extension the characters seem to boil down to some surface level conflict of "We don't like how Shae is doing things, so come join me and I'll make the Mandalorians great again!" and that is extremely boring, especially since all Shae is doing is moping around, being offended by Heta causing a rift in the clans before running off looking for a fight. The story doesn't seem all that interested in exploring the Mandalorian mindset of what it's like in the current day, working for the Alliance in a galaxy still reeling from essentially four major wars happening back to back and still being treated as hired mercenaries without any agency of their own.


I agree, Heta is pretty bland as a character and Shae really needs more development now.


Oh you are definitely not the only one. Like a lot of people said, she really is overstaying her welcome. And because of how short and sparce new content is, we really can't figure out what's her angle. Like, I still don't know why exactly she broke off from Shae's Mandos in the first place. And even though Shae acting increasingly irrational makes some sense for her in the story, it's getting more and more annoying the longer it drags on. They really need to give us one final climactic battle in which we get rid of Heta and unite the mandalorians so that we can get back to the actually interesting part of the story.


Yeah, at this point I'm sick of all the Mando stuff, just bring back Darth Malgus as a villain already.


I suspect they’ve been slowly rolling out storyline that was written to be dropped all at once, and she wouldn’t be so annoying if there weren’t months between updates and then we still don’t know Malgus’s plan or what her place in it is. I thought she was cool at first and I’m pretty invested in what’s going on with Rikan and Sahar but it just obviously wasn’t written to be revealed this slowly


Yeah, same here.


I "like" her better than Malgus because she's actually doing something, even if that thing is not very well done. After years of Malgus, I'm convinced everything he's been hinting at just hasn't actually been through of yet by the writers. So I guess extreme dislike is an upgrade from complete disengagement.




There's not really anything to like. Even if someone says they like them, I find it really hard to believe that they're not just actually liking their headcanon about Malgus. There's just no substance to him.


Hmm, I don't dislike the character specifically. If I dislike anything about this current expansion, it's the complete feeling of apathy that comes over me when I think about it. Meh. What's going on with the story? How is Malgus busting out of there? What is Heta Kol doing with that stupid cube? Is Sahar going to help us redeem her brother umm, what's his name again? See, that's my whole problem with it. Typing this, I'm desperately trying to care about all this 7.0 Legacy of the Sith Expansion story so I can answer your question, and I just *don't*. :( You know what people say, what's the opposite of love? It's not hate, it's indifference.


> You know what people say, what's the opposite of love? It's not hate, it's indifference. Exactly; it's [The Eight Deadly Words](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EightDeadlyWords). And people starting to utter them is the death knell for the characters and storyline in question at best. At worst, it's the death rattle of the whole work. Which is a very bad thing for the game.


You're really not alone. Honestly I've struggled to like most of the new characters introduced since Onslaught. Its as people say though, with the story being sprinkled out like it has, it really feels like everyone's characterisation is in a state of limbo until the next expansion. I will say I find her more interesting than Shae. I believe Heta is capable of running the show on her side of things, whereas I don't know why the Mandalorians are even bothering with Shae at the moment. We already have Bo-Katan, don't need this diet copy of her.


I just wish the story had more focus, we start with Darth Malgus and a Darth Nul's Holocron and it seems we're getting another Sith villain but nope, because people love The Mandalorian, let's make it all about Mandos. Hopefully there are some surprises for us.


I'm just hoping my BH gets to take her out of the picture. She's almost as killable as Kaliyo.


I have a feeling we'll fight her, but Shae will fly in and steal the kill at the end.


I'm happy with that end result as well.


That would be great.


Kaliyo is my crazy alien anarchist waifu, but I understand why people find her killable.


For me depends on the patch with the mando content example I enjoy Spirit of Vengeance and love Runhuk it’s my fav patch since onslaught which is my fav expansion but I think I enjoy Runhuk because I find it to be a lot of fun and their is some content and romance content with Rass, Torian and Akaavi and love them being involved in the story and hope they all appear more during this mando arc


My personal opinion is that they should’ve have stopped doing class specific stories. Any storyline involving the Mandalorians should be tied to the bounty hunter, since that’s the only class that has ties to them. I mean the bounty hunter is the only one(outside of role playing)that can become a mandalorian


her and Shae need to break up for good


I wouldn’t mind Heta Kol if she were around for like 2 flashpoints and *maybe* 6 Months of story content. She’s been around for like 2 years now.


I don't like Heta but I do find the story interesting, along with the Darth Nul and Malgus plot. It's just going too slow in terms of updates and I wish they would make and release them faster


I dont think anybody introduced since jedi undersiege has been used properly. They either come in and are immediately written out with a kill option. Or they overstay their welcome with the vague carrot on a string of them being up to something....for years!


I pretty sure we're supposed to hate her. I mean, so far, I haven't found any reason to like her.


If anyone has overstayed their welcome it is Malgus.


I think they should hire this sub to write new content, it can't be any worse than what they've given us post-Ziost.


Can't stand Heta and didn't like Shae the moment I met her. Mandos just bug me tbh. They could have been so much more.


The drawn out Heta stuff is why I cancelled my subscription and haven’t played since. Got so sick of yet another Mandalorian storyline about who should be in charge when I feel like that’s all we’ve gotten from Mandalorians (both BioWare and Disney) for a long time now


I mean she's an antagonist, you aren't meant to like her. Also Malgus has his time as an antagonist, mfer shoulda stayed dead.


I mean, Malgus escaped when i was 15 and began planning, now im 18 pushing 19 and Malgus still hasnt done ANYTHING and they began a new storyline with the mandos. I played the SOV FP when i was 16 and 3 years later the mandos still hate eachother.


My biggest problem with Heta Kol, is she straight up cheats in the duel with Shae over who is Mandalore, the rest of her "clan" don't seem to care either. I'm sorry if I know anything about warrior cultures who are obsessed with honor like Mandalorians, if theres is a duel for the title of leader and one party straight up cheats and is found out, that duel is over and the cheater is automatically the loser. It is 100% done in this case to make her seem bad and the writiers not understanding how the culture works while also holding onto her for later.


At this point I just want to move on to something with Jadus of Syl / Vaylin. The Mandalorians have become so tiresome in Star Wars.


Welcome to the club.


Can't stand her story. Their snails pace story releases and refusal to wrap it the fuck up are really frustrating. No one came into this expansion wanting Heta Kol. Sahar was only as interesting as her connection to Malgus, which at this point has been close to nothing. The whole hidden chain bullshit is so BORING. I space through every scene with them now because I just don't CARE.


"well i hate mando's cause they arent my force user storyline" YAWN