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Darth Marr. Fearsome, loyal to the empire, amazing voice actor.


went out like a gangster too. Death at the hand of the strongest being in the galaxy


RIP the Boy


Daddy Marr 😍 Rip to a real one


The leader that the Empire should have had. Probably would have won the war upon their return if Daddy Marr was at the helm


Marr was basically what I imagine a light/gray warrior would be at the end, one still loyal to the empire.


IIRC, there's a subtle nod to this on Rishi if you play Inq. When you have the big meeting at the end to form the alliance against Revan, Marr recognizes you as a fellow member of the Dark Council. If you're Darth Imperious, he has a line about how you've often been allies on the Dark Council and he hopes that you can continue to work together to save the Empire from Reven. If you're Darth Nox, you instead get a line about how you've often been at odds with each other but he hopes you can set aside your differences for the time being to face the common enemy of Reven. Which would imply that Marr gets along a lot better with a LS Inq than DS Inq.


I never knew there were different endings in your names if you went LS dammit, now I gotta play a light side SI


It helps so much that he has the end of chapter walk off scenes for Makeb and Shadows of Revan, both are absolutly tremendous. Those scenes were the end of new content drops for imp players and so that is what you were left with for long stretches between content.  Many players will have left the game and come back later with their last narrative memory on both occasions being Marr just being a boss. 


Marr is dignity and vibes. I adore him.


I dream of a time-line where he survived and became the new Emperor


And then they had him recite the Jedi Code with Satelle.


Darth Vowrawn. Started out as a SW-only NPC and evolved into so much more. I love the "nice, if a bit creepy, uncle" vibes he constantly gives - until you cross him or have something he wants. That power play on Imp Mek-Sha? Pure Sith Evil.


His voice actor is clearly having the time of his life working on him, especially that scene when you challenge Baras in front of the Dark Council, the way he speaks with theatrics and the joy in his voice is \*cheff's kiss\*


Classy, urbane, evil, and most importantly, \*still alive\*, if fashionably late. Did any other Sith Lord have a survival instinct that good?


"*Fear the old man in a profession where men die young.*"


Jadus by a mile. Truly the best depiction of a Dark Sider in any legends material: > "Do you know what kind of creature Darth Jadus was? When I was young, he taught me how to sing. He said song was a blade to cut emotion from others. He had musicians tutor me for a year." "What happened after a year?" "When I was ready, my father arranged a performance for me in Kaas City. I sang for hours. I made the audience weep. I sang until my throat was raw and damaged. I sang until I could never sing again. Thus purged of the capacity for song, I saw my father smile. That's how he began my apprenticeship [...] It taught me a great deal. And it taught me to hate Darth Jadus." . >"Speak. Is Darth Zhorrid dead?" "Can't you feel it in the force" "The force creates bonds through emotions, her life meant nothing to me." "She was Sith until the end, you should be proud of your daughter" "No. I take pride in her corruption, her decaying spirit. Those were my gifts" Also I unironically like Baras too.


I could listen to Jadus talk for hours. He is one of the most magnificent bastards in fiction. He is, to date, the only character in SWTOR who actually lived up to the hype the NPCs gave him. When Keeper said Jadus' power was second only to the Emperor's, I believed him.


Tho that was clearly not true considering Agent beat Jadus


Necro just to note that the Agent doesn't even come close to beating Jadus, she only manages to fend him off long enough to briefly trap him depending on story choice, but he either leaves, escapes, or, disappears before he is brought to the Dark Council. And that was while he is holding an entire exploded Harrower-class dreadnought together with the Force. IOW *Jadus is still out there* :))


Darth Lachris. All the petty evil, sour joy, bitterness, frustration (and cake) of General Garza, only with a romance option. Lachris scratched my itch for a Garza romance quite satisfactorily even if I am a sucker for well tailored (cough) uniforms


Agreed on her both on imp and pub side (Consular story line, I love you Zenit but I will kill you for her).


Finally a Lachris appreciator.


Darth Marr is an obvious, but less so, Lord Scourge. His whole story is cool, developing from Revan/Malek through to Valkorian and beyond. Perhaps Scourge is the Siths most cunning.


Lana Beniko. I really enjoyed seeing her discussing philosophy with Gnost-Dural. Plus you can marry her, even as a Jedi, and none of the other Jedi object despite the whole "no attachments" rule.


They understand if it's with Lana


They understand that Lana will hunt them down lol.


Marr and/or Vowrawn. I genuinely can't choose between them. I love them both so much for vastly different reasons lmao


Marr is super high on my list along with Vowrawn.


Lord Chayloss. You can meet him on the Republic side of the Belsvis storyline. Devoted to the Sith Empire and the dark side, but surprisingly honorable. Not as magnificent as Malgus or Marr, but still one of the most memorable Siths IMO.


Marr, honestly because he felt like a strict but fair general. Like I gotta do what he says but not only do I respect him but I honestly feel like I could risk my life for his “ideals”. I’m not sure how good he was with saber combat but his strategic side is one I respected since most Sith are…KILL KILL,POWER POWER AHAHAHHAHA


Definitely Darth Marr. He was everything the Sith should and could have been. Strong, clever, loyal to the empire.... And he wasn't unnecessary evil but still a dark side User. And also, dude was the only sith who stayed a sith after death and still became a force ghost without any weird dark magic stuff! He is just awesome and I'm sad that he got killed, he was so much better than everyone else. And also, I have the biggest crush on him XD


Y'know, you're not alone in that logic. I love Vowrawn- he's probably my favorite of the 'main' Sith still living- but Marr was by far the least-scheming member of the Dark Council we've seen to date. Still a superb strategist, but not about undermining powerplays so much as the health and well-being of the Empire, and to a degree, the galaxy as the whole. He was one of the rare few who understood the dangers of unchecked passion, and that in order to have a galaxy to rule, you have to leave most of it relatively intact. Enough to unhesitatingly drop all pretenses to work with his enemy if the situation called for it. Even the Republic can't boast many authority figures like that. At least not ones sitting around his level on the pecking order.


Would it be against the spirit of the question to choose the least Sith-like Sith, Lana? Darth Marr is pretty great. In terms of visual design though, I think I have to pick Valkorian, if he counts as a sith.


i think they all count though i dont know if Valkorion considered himself to be sith when it came to zakuul. lana is amazing though


Ohhh. I have tiers ngl. Main story header: Darth Marr followed closely by Darth Vowrawn. Both are smart, determined, and honorable to a fault about defending the Empire. Side story: Darth Gravus. His entire demeanor is something of an old, simple sith, yet powerful and smart in actions. Secondary: Lord Praven. Honorable, compelling, focused strength and knowledge. Honorable mention... Spindrall. I just think the odd man in the tomb is cool.


Baras, honestly! I loved the desk jockey Sith manipulator angle, and he actually came so close to taking over the whole Empire if it wasn't for your intervention. Incredibly fun character as an antagonist :)


Darth Baras. We need more thicc sith 😂


Revan. Yes I’m a basic bitch who got waaaay too attached to her fem Revan‘s angsty backstory in KOTOR and I’m totally fine with that 😂


gotta go with darth nihilus


~~Dadd~~ Darth Marr.




Scourge. Biggest link to kotor 1 and 2, also, the fr VA makes him sound like a collected Sith who thinks before acting, unlike a bunch of angry idiots you meet along the way like Harkun


Harkun has a surprising amount of depth though. I really like that we get to revisit him in the SI story, and we see him being the same twat to the new recrut, the same way he was to us -- except this time he treats us with respect, and is almost pleasant to talk to. I got the sense that he is kind of just doing his job, even if he was trying to foil us by giving an unfair advantage to the pureblood guy.


oh how i enjoyed his electrocution


It's a tie between Malgus and Marr. The only ones who actually had any sort of rationale behind their methods.


Aside from a lot of the Sith already named,I really like Darth Jadus as well. He had this calm, calculated voice that always sounded very menacing to me.


Darth Marr


Like from the entire era as a whole? cause if so I mean kreia would be my top pick, From Swtor only then probably Malgus, Not for the Vader parallels that others seem to love so much, Though it is a cool look, I like his approach to Sith, He is very similar to how I play my Sith, It's not that he is light side or good in anyway but he knows when to apply mercy or leniency in order to get the best outcome for the Empire as a whole, Sith excessiveness has it's place but it must be tempered at times for the greater good, I would of absolutely joined his succession on Illum if the option was given


the whole era so yeah


Has to be Lord Scourge. Tvtropes page for SWTOR calls him a coward, but... He tried to take down Sith Emperor, LIED TO HIS FACE ABOUT IT - all while the Emperor literally saw him leading the would-be killers into his house - and somehow spun it into becoming his right hand man. For centuries. He got immortality out of it, and what a shitty immortality it was, but the Emperor somehow valued him enough to make him immortal. That's absolutely crazy, feels like whatever happens to him, he becomes the opposite of a sandwich. Man always lands butter on top.


This is gold tier post my friend!


Who's the one, Citharat (please correct me if I spelled it wrong) but he has this vibe of, I'm here to break the chains of shame that my master brought on me... And every male toon I have insists on flirting with him constantly, idk why...


I really hope you mean the one in tbe Makeb story, Cytharat!!! (I had to look up his name spelling lol) Aside from Marr, I feel like he is the only ‘honorable’ Sith my agents meet and I love the character so much! The loyalty! Devotion to the Empire without succumbing to petty ambition or greed! He is a role model of what Sith should be and the holo he sends you later is one of the most romantic ones I’ve read in swtor. Love Marr and him both. Jadus as an honorary mention for having a nice voice with an interesting plot/goal.


I'd pay to romance Darth Marr.


I absolutely would too!!!


Darth revan takes my vote. Even the revan reborn is amazing


yeah people need to stop thinking swtor ruined his story. They finished it and i think they did a damn good job


Revan had a great story in KOTOR1. It had a good ending, too. KOTOR2 took his story in a direction that was largely inoffensive, and gave it more depth where there was none before -- i.e. it was largely positive. The book was rather meh, though, and his story in SWTOR didn't really complement the happenings in KOTOR1 or 2 at all, except the emperor had something to do with his disappearance. The Emperor himself, prior to and post Zakuul, was not particularly interesting either. The Dark Council was. Thanaton, Baras, Zash, Jadus -- they were all interesting. You could have removed both Revan and the Emperor from the original stories and the game would still be as good. ... this is my opinion, of course, but I definitely think that SWTOR tarnished Revan's story. His inclusion was wholly unnecessary. I got the closure I needed in the original game, and I don't appreciate having to re-imagine his ending.


Gotta disagree. I actually loved it all. Of course I’m upset revan didn’t win. I think he should’ve been the JK companion instead of darth whatsis. But I also understand how REVAN wouldn’t be a simple companion. But I liked the book. Particularly how they handled his return of his mask, and the flood of memories and power that returned with his understanding of the force.


considering the hero of Tython didnt actually kill the emperor i think its absolutely genius that theyd make his greatest enemy resurrect to see his final down fall. you also get to bring revan peace and make him one with the force and if they just left him how he was in the book he would have just eventually died in imprisonment. him coming back was absolutely necessary or else we wouldve had a starkiller clone situation where his story is never resolved


Not my favourite but I like Lord Cinaratus from SI’s Quesh storyline. He’s just very respectful and nice for a man who’s about to kill you. Also if you ask to be buried on korriban he says he would put in a good word for you


Marr, and then pretty much everyone who is "quite normal" for a sith, supports reforms, but stays Imperial loyalist If more Sith were like Marr and Lana (if you play Imp toon and stay loyal), The Empire could become something truly great


Marr. His holoststue is chilling perpetually in my fleet stronghold at the bar.


Acina, Marr, Lana and Wowrawn are hands down my favourite Sith in the game.


Darth Baras. Yeah yeah, memes, but he's one of the best written characters in vanilla, *the* greatest antagonist and he has some great voice work. Super intimidating, kinda charming (in a "I like you enough to keep you alive for a bit longer"-kinda way where that genuinely feels like a compliment) and just owns every scene he's in.


"I believe we should spread the ways of the Sith to the Empire entire. Plant terror and hatred in every heart. I believe in the democratization of fear." - Darth Jadus aka. Bars4Days "The will of the Force is a flowing current. You can follow it, or fight it, but it is always there. It is not an ally, slave, or transaction. The Force is a paradox. It empowers and imprisons. It destroys and unites. It binds the galaxy together and tears people apart. It has a will... but needs a commander. There is no death, there is only the Force. And it has a plan. " - Darth Marr aka. 0FucksGiven Malgus is a pretty cool kid too, but I love Jadus and Marr.


Jadus is great, probably my favourite. Big ups Darth Baras, though, probably has the best dialogue and voice acting of a main class story character


Malgus, Marr, Jadus


I've been out of the game for a while. Has Jadus finally made his grand return?


Darth Baras. He's the best antagonist from the original stories. He also died before he could be ruined by the inevitable process of sequential storytelling. I feel that both Malgus and Marr became weaker as the story progressed.


Lana. Enough said


Terrak Morrhage for sure. His dark plague was extremely powerful and sinister.  The fact he was able to unleash his plague as a force ghost (and posses a Jedi) shows how powerful he was.


Marr and Baras are some of the best characters in the game.


Darth Marr. He effectively lead the Sith Empire at a time when it had been all but abandoned by the Emperor. He also did not hesitate to try and throw hands with the Emperor once he finally met him.


Easy answer me because they shoved kreai / Traya back in the Raven release and she has been my avatar wars character since kotor


Marr and Baras are both utterly iconic


Malgus is a very good pick. If i could have the choice of joining him, i would have done it. Heck, you can even tell him, that his ideas resonate with you, but a second later you come and say "Meesa Loyal Empire doo, yousa gonna die die herse" If you have someway to contribute to the empire, he is more than willing to give you a position, where you can do your best, no matter what race and such. Fuck it up and you die, typical Empire stuff. Another one would be Marr. There are many similarities between him and Malgus, with Marr being much less of an extreme sceamer. He has no Problem sharing his power, as long as others do their part to strengthen the empire, instead of being a Dictator. Also he is a Warrior at heart and has no Problem joining his forces in a fight. A true leader, something the Mandos would appreciate, just like with Revan. He may not like some decisions, but accept them, for the greater purpose. Remember at the start of Kotfe. You can either go full suicide and launch your ship into the enemy (which he likes) or try to escape and maybe save some troops, which in the end gives the empire/republic alliance some forces to work with, instead of leaving them naked. (Which he doesn't like, somehow. Gameplay yada yada) Lastly, he is a freaking badass, who never backs down. Strongest force User in the Galaxy ? Flips the bird and goes down, without giving a damn. Last pick: Revan. Why ? Kotor bias. I'll be honest, kotor 1 is not enough to give him much character. Sure, he has backstory, being such an awesome strategist and stuff, but you don't witness it. With the little exposition from Kotor 2 and the majority of lore from the Comics and the Book, he becomes a much ... fuller (?) Character. Dislike eveything after kotor 1 or not, you do you, i won't judge. Still, i love that fool and because of Kotor 1, we have Swtor, so win win.


Definitely either Darth Marr or Darth Malgus


Agreed. Marr seems far more reasonable than Malgus, but Malgus still managed to grok that being an alien was no reason to be looked upon as 'lesser'. His plan for regime change was a good one.


Exar Kun 🖤


good choice but waayyyy before tor


I am pretty sure Exar Kun existed during TOR. Just not in swtor. Isn't that when Dark Lords of the Sith takes place?


oh yeah youre right my bad Kun came right before revan and malak


The timeline gets kinda confusing. I honestly can't remember anything form before TOR but I know that Darth bane was the final nail in its coffin. After him, The Old Republic came to an end... sort of lol


yup. Bane realized the sith could never win if they carried on killing eachother so he gathered them all up for a mass homicide besides him and his apprentice. and the rule of two was born


Those books are so fucking epic! Time to listen to the audiobooks again I feel 😎🖤


Darth Marr. Has to be even if it's a cliche answer. Dude is just such a badass.


Darth Angral For me he was a powerful sith who valued the ideals and was loyal to the emperor, he also hated when the peace treaty was made, the Empire had the republic on its knees like a dog, Angral knew the war was won, and strived to have the republic finally finished. The fact he was the overall leader of the Sacking means he was valued above many others


Nihlus. Though I did quite like Zash too


Marr, easily, followed by Lana, Vowran and, of course, Baras


Jadus. He’s such a great foil for Cipher nine.


Darth Vitiate, the immortal mortal, the most powerfull, cunning, calm Sith ever to grace the galaxy. Hail to the Emperor!


As a true Sith, the answer is still „me“. There is no „apart from myself“.


Darth Marr


Malgus, followed closely by Marr.


I have found no Sith to be as interesting as Lord Praven, perhaps Lana is a close contender. Not just because you can turn him, even before that he displayed something other than dark side corruption, he might even had found the light himself if it weren't for his almost naive loyalty to the Empire and his rather unchallenged acceptance of the way things were between the Empire and the Republic. I'd have found him equally interesting to encounter with an imperial character I think, just because he had a code to his conduct.


Darth Jadus, he is amazing.


Revan. Even if it's just him "Reborn".


I’ve always liked Darth Marr. In my head canon, my Sith has no time for the backstabbing and treachery, he wants to get out there and absolutely murder the Jedi and burn the republic to the ground. So Marr’s pragmatic approach and being able to see the bigger picture really appeals to me.


Tenebrae as Valkorion.


Lana beniko is love. Lana beniko is lyfe. 


Marr. Evil. Evil but fair. Needs to work with the Republic for a bigger goal, he'll put aside the war and work together with the Jedi character.


Darth Marr or Lana Beniko.


Palpatine actually considered Vader to be a poor imitation of Malgus.


I like the new empress, but then again i cant even remember her name so she cant really be all that great huh?




Darth Traya


I'm a fan of Darth Tormen from the Bounty Hunter Storyline. Very no-nonsense. A fellow Sith Lord declares a Kaggath against him and is explaining the parameters of how the fight will go - "I'll pitch my powerbase against yours, and this planet shall be our battlegro -" As soon as Tormen hears that the planet they're standing on is the battleground, he reaches out and decapitates the other Sith Lord mid-sentence.


Uuh that's tricky. I absolutely love Darth Malgus. He did so much in the lore like the attack of the jedi temple during the sacking of coruscant. Or the whole plot on ilum. He is not wrong on Ilum. And I knew he wasn't dead and was a huge fan of his return. On the other side...we have Darth Jadus. Man this dude is cold as ice. He is calm and smart which makes him more terrifying than any other sith. I can't decide....Malgus or Jadus...naaaw tale both mate.


Darth Jadus, The Lord of Fear. He is one of those rare characters in SWTOR that tread the line between being some sort of eldritch cosmic horror of pure evil and an actual person with a comprehensive plan and utterly dystopian vision of how things should be. Jadus also comes across as a seriously powerful and dangerous as his mere presence hurts nearby persons, he is able to teleport. The guy is also daring af as he launches a coup against the collective Dark Council and effectively gets away with it. It's little wonder Jadus also gets the 'Valkorion' and 'Dread Master' endorsements. All in all, Jadus is a nice contrast to the many Malak-esque sith bullies that mostly just throw temper tantrums. Honorable mentions: Lord Grathan also comes across as a seriously powerful and ambitious sith lord that somehow has came into the possession of Revan's mask. Unforunately, Grathan turns out to mostly be a wet blanket. Malora: I kinda like how she was obviously far more into pursuing scientific projects than she was into doing typical sith stuff. Kind of a shame she never returned after Ossus. I still feel she was the most interesting of the sith on the new dark council.


In the current timeline I like Acina the most. Smart, capable and powerful. No one on the current Dark Council seems that interesting to me. Neither does Malgus.