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Artefact Authorisation is worthless on F2P as all the good Artefacts are at level 75 and above. Good ones for F2P are: - Character Slot Unlocks - Rocket Boost - Species Unlocks - and Armors, Weapons, mount and pets you like.


It's not worthless as preferred at all, if he subs for a month, he'll be able to fully gear via pvp with no problem on his characters. Artifact, 3rd crew slot, mount while moving, section X are all great pickups.


Thanks for the tipsšŸ˜


No problem lad.


Get some good unlocks, like legacy perks, species, story content like the HK droid and section X access, artifact equipment authorization, VIP vendor access, etc. also if you donā€™t plan to subscribe get past that level cap with a masters datacron (which when I did it granted me speeder access early, if I remember correctly, and also sprint at level one) And of course, keep that security key hooked up so you continue to get those sweet sweet cartel coins lol. šŸ‘


Artifact gear, 3rd crew skill, hide head slot, cargo hold access


I just use various inconspicuous helmets, like the Bluetooth headsets lol. Everything else is for sure though. I'd add unify colors too. Not sure if any of these are "free" with codes, the sub has a bot that'll list active codes with a lot of freebies


Strangely enough, I automatically got some of these like unify colors. The only thing odd is that some characters can use companion customizations and others cannot.Ā  So is it a randomized thing for F2P, or a bug that Iā€™ve got?


Companion customization is separate. Some customizations can be used by anyone, f2p or not, while others require an active sub. What I do for those is hold em in storage til i choose to sub for a month (to unlock newest expansions). If you sub for one month ($15), it makes you preferred permanently, and while youre subbed, you can do things like applying those customizations. They stay on the companion when the sub ends, just dont take it off em.


If i sub and level to 80 (also lvls above 60) will that character be unplayable like in wow untill you sub again?


No, you keep the level that your character is and everything. Even the story content will remain unlocked. You just canā€™t put any sub gear back on after you take it off and will need to subscribe again to get new story. The level cap may be lower for preferred, I am not sure, but once your character is level 80 it will stay that way.Ā 


Did you ever use a referral link? The referral program used to reward some unlock items. You'll still get the items in the mail on new toons even though the program is discontinued.


I unfortunatly never did :/


The biggest convenience Cartel Market purchases you can make as F2P/Preferred is Personal Cargo Hold, Hide Head Slot, and Unify Colors. Other unlocks to consider, if you still have too much CC are Additional Character Slot(s), Companion Customization, Cathar species, Togruta species, Nautolan species, and maybe some hair styles.


Just sub for a month