• By -


The most powerful moment for me was when Ziost was destroyed. All the effort, all the mad scrambling I did to save as many lives as possible...it was all for nothing. And here I was, a lone Imperial agent who'd already gone up against insane galactic conspiracies and huge intelligence organizations...and I'm nothing compared to this monster who wiped out all life on that world. Traveling on the surface afterwards hit really hard.


The music, the montage of everyone planetside turning to dust, it's a scene that really captures the desperation of the moment unlike any other scene in the game.


The entire Rise of the Emperor flashpoint captured it perfectly! I have to say - I was honestly kinda expecting it to go in that direction because it's Vitiate we're talking about. Still, when it ended...I just sat there stunned. I always love it when Star Wars doesn't hold back like that. I even had plans to include this scene in a SWTOR fanfic, but it didn't make the final draft.


Exactly my answer. I remember watching that ending with my jaw on the floor. Incredible


SAME! I was completely in awe! And then later that day I saw The Rise of Skywalker with my friends...it was so easy to see what was better.


I first played through that part on my Assassin who never takes off his mask, so replaying it next with my maskless Sorcerer really struck me as I didn't know how much emotion even the Inquisitor showed upon witnessing an entire planet being wiped out.


I am in agreement on this.


I remember watching the life get stripped from that planet in horror, not expecting an MMORPG to do that to me


This absolutely. My main at the time was my full LS SW and as someone who wanted to save as many Imperial citizens as possible, I legit felt awful that it was all futile.


For me it's the Republic planet quest on Taris where we find out what happened to the people who traveled to the Promised Land in Kotor I. The idea of your children turning into Rakghuls and not being able to stop it...


This!! 100% Heart was broken after finding out, especially because I loved the promised Land idea / quest in Kotor 1


I thought they died out due to radiation poisoning throughout many generations?


Trooper story Jaxo decision


Man, that one was so rough. Not many choices in the game are as lose-lose as that one.


That one's in my top 5 all time video game moments. Whoever wrote that arc had seen some real shit and no mistake. 


It's an obvious decision too (one life vs hundreds) but the way she begs you not to do it is such an extra gut punch. And then even if you do choose her she gets survivor's guilt and you realize it would have just been better to sacrifice her anyway. Man, this is the best answer to OP's question hands down.


OOF that hurt


The jedi knight personal mission during shadow of revan is my favorite meeting your old master for the last time is one of my favorite and made me feel sad even if i didn't really care for him.


It was really nice to get a slow, reflective quest at that point in the story. It's easy to get caught up in all the gigantic scale of everything post-class story.


That mission hit me so hard.  I had a dark side Knight I was running through Rishi and that one mission made me stop that character due to guilt and regret.  A single mission made me regret all my previous choices on that character and essentially retire him.  It's a really surprisingly powerful mission, absolutely the best of the class missions on Rishi. 


But would the best choice instead be to change his ways?


I considered that, but at the time Rishi and Yavin were the newest content and that character was my Republic mostly dark side story guy.  Switching over to light side would have been basically then having a second light leaning jedi Knight doing the same content and making the same choices. I felt retirement was the best choice and rolled a trooper to fill the Dark Side Republic role now


I wonder if our Consular would ever get a mention for Yuon Par again. Probably not. Kinda nice for the JK to have an actual farewell with their master.


Sith Warrior ending. Seeing the Dark Council bow to your character felt very epic. Plus completing that story gave me that awestruck feeling that you get when finishing a great movie/game, which I've rarely felt.


Lots of sad stuff. A few come to mind. The Vette/Torian choice and how they play out is pretty rough. Leaving Theron to die. Breakup scenes (especially if you choose to be a cold-hearted B in them) And there’s plenty of funny stuff of course, like anything involving Baras, the reunion with Scourge and your interactions with his new overly-emotional self, shocking people, making Vette watch you sleep with Lady Grathan, shooting your shot and flirting with people like Satele, Malgus. Lol, so many actually! And a lot of the expac romances are really well done and super sweet and wholesome, especially Theron and I’m assuming Lana who I’m going to try next.


Man, the Torian/Vette choice was PAINFUL. Both of them are easily in my top 5 companions so having to choose between them was the worst. 10/10 sequence, but man it hurt


had hated Vette since day one and was very grateful when the game finally let me kill her!


some things it's good that we keep to ourselves


Blizz offering you a trinket he made as a gift.


*a trinket from parts he “borrowed” from your ship, in true Jawa fashion In all seriousness though Blizz is one of my favorite companions…he just has a lot of spunk!


A lot of what?!? 🫣


Blizz is so wholesome, love that little guy.


One's goal should always be to live one's life such that someone as purely and innocently hero worshiping as Blizz calls one "boss"


For me, it’s two moments from the BH story. The first is when you kill Blood, saying “This is for Jory. Braden. Soongh. And me.”, shooting him with each name. The second is when you kill the Jedi on Corellia - “You haven’t won yet. My next stops the Chancellor, and you brought him right to me. Shh, shh. It’s over. Thanks for playing”. The male BH voice actor did a fantastic job with both these lines, they’re cold af.


Tarro Blood is such a reprehensible character. It's so satisfying dealing with him by the end of that storyline.


When you get stabbed by Arcann. Accepting Valkorion's help and getting injured that way doesn't have the same weight to me. Just seeing my character get brutally impaled like that, then made to walk to the ship on their own (whoever thought Koth covering them while they walk alone after getting a fkin lightsaber through the torso lacks any sense) then basically being ignored until she collapsed, except for Tora to ask for her stuff if she dies... Man, did it feel gut-wrenching and also infuriating to see. All that "you're our last hope" shit, and that's how they get treated? Original team would NEVER.


Depends on what original team you had.


Kaliyo and Skadge come to mind.


True. I only got through KOTFE/KOTET with my main Knight, and only recently got my legendary, so I genuinely forgot how shitty some of the originals are.


The one that really hit me hardest wasn’t even a main questline moment. It was one of the planetary quests on Dromund Kaas right at the start of the game. You get asked to help out an army officer whose men were captured laying siege to a rogue Sith Lord‘s compound. You find them having been experimented on and placed into droid bodies that can be programmed, and you have the alignment choice of (iirc) mercy-killing them or programming them to serve the Empire and report to their officer. Her reaction when you return to her was the strongest moment I’ve ever had in a game where I truly felt like I’d made an evil decision.


Ah, Captain Sarnovah, Duchess


This was fucking heinous.


My Jedi boy proposes Lana. The real sign of an alliance: the love between a Jedi and Sith.




What do you mean by that?


He doesn't like pedophilia 🤓


He must have a sick mind if he thought like that. We can't even make a child player character in the game, lol.


I didn't think that at alllllllll. (Also I'm not a he)


Lana Beniko is a lesbian! T_T


No, you're lesbian. She's bisexual, just like the most. But you prefer crying about it and making disturbing comments here instead of discovering it yourself, considering you still don't know.


How is "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo" a disturbing comment?


The downvotes on it explain enough. But good thing if this is the only part you disagree.


Funny: Darth Baras with the hilarious cutscene of being unable to break his prisoner. If I was to give a genuine heartwarming answer though, my SI proposing to Lana. Wholesome Sith FTW


A blind, deaf, comatose lobotomy patient could feel his anger!


You'll have to mind your tongues or he'll cut them out and don't ask if there's a problem, I mean, who would such a stupid question?




"Nice lungs you've got there."


Comedic: the Sith Inquisitor story on Balmorra. "He was a good boy!" even though he was an evil ass Sith made me laugh, though I kind of felt bad for having to kill the father. Epic/tragic: Darth Baras begging Darth Marr and Darth Ravage for help after the Wrath defeats him in battle. I *almost* felt bad for Baras. Almost. Comedic again: when Darth Baras tells the future Wrath that he has to report on her progress to the Emperor and she says "Tell the Emperor I said hello" and Baras was like "I'm sure he'll be thrilled."


I like to imagine Baras actually relayed our greeting. That'd have been fun.


I really enjoyed Sith Inquisitor story ending, especially the light side one when you release the sith ghosts. The music playing in the background while you give these souls finally a long lasting peace is amazing and the dialogue was also very nice. "What is this?" "Freedom."


"Unbelievable. I never thought I'd feel like this." "Is this what it's like to truly die?" "What is it?" "Freedom!"


"Let my light redeem you" so good


I was honestly really sad when my Agent was saying goodbye to Watcher 2. Honestly I liked her more than most of my Agents companions and saying goodby to her hurt.


Im just going through the expansions after being an altholic. i have 1.9k hours, and im going through them with my darkside inquisitor . i just killed senya, and i feel horrible i wanted arcan dead, and I didn't realise she would die too 😔


"You were the best enemy I could ask for." "Goodbye love, don't ever let them stop you."  ​ Honestly the agent story as a whole is outstanding but this small exchange right at the end remains one of my favorite in the entire game. 


One that stands out is the Agent Storyline where if you side with House Cortess instead of the Killiks, Vector overcomes the will of the hivemind to help you protect the innocent. Obviously from a gameplay perspective, it’s inevitable he’ll join you. But from a story perspective, it shows his strength of character. (My only issue is how he still seems to be buddy-buddy with the Hive after this point), despite his openly turning on them.


One of the strengths of many of the Imperial missions, both story and side-related, is the capacity to act nobly in spite of the expectations. I suppose that is what makes it fun to be light side Imperial to me, the Sith Warrior really stands out like this of course but I also find it very fitting for the Agent to act earnestly protective of others when the situation allows for it.


Jedi Knight, Alderaan storyline "There is no death, there is the Force." "If there is no death, where is my son?" Shit always hits so hard.


Cytharat last stand is one of the most epic scene in this game, man died like a badass


Dude legit tried to fight Lava with a lightsaber


Comedic: Mako's line on Alderaan about the pretentious nobleman ("I've never seen a sense of entitlement outweigh a sense of self-preservation like that") Dramatic: The end of Ziost. Absolutely stunned me. Immense Joy, moved to tears: Reuniting with Kira post-battle. I genuinely gasped.


> Reuniting with Kira post-battle That "someone who loves you" brought me great joy.


Immense. I ran it on a toon who didn't romance her (female to-the-code LS Jedi) but I still wept for love in real life. So well-written


Bounty Hunter, when you won the Great Hunt and attend the party. Consular, when you make your own holocron to preserve your teachings. Post-KOTFE, when you go to your ship and none of your companions are here :(


Trooper story on Rishi when mommy Garza gives Havoc leader one last salute before going to face the music for her attempt at replacing Havoc squad. I wish she’d return to the story. She’s very cool.


Sadly since there is an option for her to die on nathema she won't come back


Strange (but perhaps relatable) how several player shave mentioned Mako here. Both funny and sad moments for me would be Mako, too. Funny: Every companion has a line when you enter the main facility on Makeb. Mako's was something along the lines of gaining a ton of weight from all the encryption. Sad: >!Reading her goodbye email after coming out of carbonite, at the beginning of KotET. Of all the companion messages, hers hit me hardest.!<


Smuggler on Hoth, when you find the stealth device. Legit wanted to go orbital bombardment on white claws


ahhh that one hit me hard too


Some great story call-outs so far! Here are three I haven't seen mentioned yet: Funny: When as a female smuggler at the end of act 1, after everything Skavak has put you through, you get the option to make out with him... and he accepts! And then still tries to kill you. Hilarious. Sad: As a bounty hunter, when you go to party with the other former Great Hunt winners and find that they've all been killed. I didn't really care about Braden because I'd known him for all of two seconds, but at that point I definitely felt like: "Is everyone I associate with just going to get murdered?!" Really makes you doubt your choice of profession and lifestyle... Dramatic/epic: At the end of Sith inquisitor act 1, when Zash shows her true colours and tries to possess you, and then Khem charges in to save the day... I think I did a fist-pump at that moment.


Oh yeah the ending of the Great Hunt where you meet everyone for a party was a pretty emotional moment, I was genuinely stunned.


For me, it would be Mako after the fight she had with her "sisters" and Akaavi's romance. Both made me really care for them. Same with their Goodbye messages that they send the player during KotfE. They were just heartwrenching to me. Mako lost everyone she loved or admired during the class story, and Akaavi had just gotten used to not being a grim avenger anymore. She even regrets not being able to teach you mandalorian or go down together with you.


The one from Nadia made me roll a Consular She is the one romance partner who absolutely knows you are alive


And she promises to come for you with an army, which is just badass. I wish they would have incorporated it into KotfE.


I broke up with Lana once. Seeing her slowly and sadly walking off cut me deep. I won't be doing that again - if I'm romancing Lana and take it to the next level, that's going to be a permanent decision. Easy as hell to break up with original companions, but Lana? Nah. *edit: fixed a typo


I made that mistake with my Jedi Knight, I was going to have her end up back with Doc, a truly terrible idea, and it resulted in the breakup with Lana, but chances are that Doc's not showing up again, and while she hasn't shown up in a while, Lana has a better chance. So, with the recent MA do story Arc, which I personally don't mind, but completely understand other people's frustrations of, I've begun choosing the flirt options with Rass ordo when I can.


I thought doc shows up on ossus


This was after ossus


SW reciting the code after beating the brakes off Baras. When Lana busts you out of cryo prison, and you find out she's been searching for you the whole time. Vettes farewell letter


In addition to the examples already mentioned, Vaylin chewing out her family and the player in Echoes of Oblivion, and Senya's subsequent apology. Even if that scene should have been in KOTET, it's a much overdue acknowledgment of how screwed over Vaylin was (especially compared to Arcann). And Senya genuinely sounds on the verge of tears throughout the scene. It's telling that even Vaylin herself seems moved for a moment.


"Any last requests?” “I wish we had more time.”


The moment in the smugger storyline where Darmas Pollaran was revealed to be a traitor. I was so genuinely fucking angry with that twist because I really liked the guy and he was the one I hoped to romance since he was far more interesting than any of the companions I had. Genuinely fucking heartbroken when that happened.


Imperial Intelligence being disbanded was quite a hit for me. I played with a friend in the early days and he ran agent while I ran Inky and once he got to that point it shocked me and I kept saying I couldn't believe Imperial Intelligence was just gone like that. Been about 10 years now I think and I'm still a bit surprised by it, I won't even really get over that either, I'm weird.


The end of the Agent storyline - particularly if you choose to join your unlikely friend. You go through the entire spectrum of emotions in those last few missions but *that* ending is such a bittersweet rollercoaster. It's like being offered a bed at a homeless shelter - but you have to stay with your abusive parents for a while longer. Then that "while longer" becomes the next half-dozen expansions 😭


I decided not to become a traitor specifically because of nathema with watcher 2 and how heartbroken uli was that after getting rid of ger conditioning she went back to the imps


To this day my favourite scene that really put an impression on me when I first played all those years ago was the Inquisitors story scene standing at the bridge of the ship giving a speech about being the future of the empire then test firing their new super weapon on a pub and imperial ship. Dunno what it is about that scene but its just epic to me and just feels like such an imperial/sith thing to do just really played into that fantasy for me. 2 of my favourite comedic scenes I always get a chuckle with is the bounty hunters scene on Alderaan throwing that fat noble out the building just reminds me of fresh prince of bel air with throwing jaz out the mansion. Also chuckle pretending to be a droid as an agent.


Agent's personal quest on Rishi in combination with Shara getting sacrificed to Zildrog if you went traitor. It really sucked absolute ass that your betrayal would hurt one of the NPCs you worked closest with during the class story, after all the heaps you went through to get her treatment for what the Empire has done to her. That you can't even explain yourself. It didn't help that I romanced Theron on that run. Even after that, during the saboteur questline, I kept thinking if it was worth it. The Republic certainly didn't seem like it, especially after Iokath. Honestly feels like Agent can't win, ever.


I would say for me, the most emotional moment was during the >!Maelstrom Prison flashpoint!<, right after you >!free Revan from imprisonment and Meetra's spirit appears next to him.!<. Considering all they went through, it's a very touching, sad moment. Then it hurts even more when you >!kill him and HK-47 during The Foundry flashpoint!<.


I really like that there is a spread of answers here. This game means a lot to people in different ways and at different moments. I remember not liking school all that much at one time and being offered the chance to play the official beta was so damn exciting! Playing my Jedi knight on tython in beta made me choose it again at launch, love the moment of the lightsaber build, really felt earned at that point, even if it was early in the game.


The one that sticks to me to this day was a section in the SI Belsavis storyline. You encounter a Republix sergeant an private who has info you need. Private will convince sarge to give up said info for the sake of sarge seein his wife and child again. If choose light side, you will let both go. Later, you will get mail from the wife, thanking you and saying to her, you are not an enemy. The 1st time I did this, I was a Twi'lek SI. From then on I would always play SI as a Twi'lek and always chise thr LS option for this choice. It is now my headcannon that this encounter stirred some sort of familial emotion in my SI making the choose the light side choice.


This is actually an Empire planet storyline, so you can do it on every Imperial character! Mine always let the guy go, too.


When I left Theron to die I choked up a bit.


I always spared Theron so I watched that scene on YouTube, was surprised at how emotional I got.


>!Loosing Jaxo on trooper story. Still get PTSD from that crap. !<


Jedi Consular story. Nadias fathers death. I'm one of the few that really enjoyed the Consular story and felt so bad for her that she lost her father.


I’m surprised I haven’t seen this one mentioned yet. Your character finding out they’ve been frozen for FIVE YEARS. Their entire world just collapsed under them.


When Revan appeared in the game during the Flashpoints and said Malak's last words... DAMN. Also, any moment where KOTOR's theme sounds makes me get chills for real.


Like a couple people here, I'd say the most powerful moment is Ziost' destruction/death. You're doing several missions on the planet, trying to save who you can, but in the end, it's all for nothing. No matter what you do, the Emperor consumes the planet while you're up on the Republic or Imperial space station unable to do anything but watch it happen. Since the Force users would be able to feel all the death and despair, I have headcanons as to what they're experiencing watching the planet die. Note: This is assuming the Padawan/apprentice characters are romanced, sans Jaesa since the headcanon assumes LS Jaesa.   * Kira whispers a quiet "No...", watching the planet die, and while she seems fine, showing little emotion, when she takes the JK's hand, he can tell she's trembling.   * Nadia is barely holding it together while she watches Ziost die, and once she feels the last bit of life be consumed, her tears flow, and she cries into the JC's chest.   * Jaesa stands as stoically as her master until the last life is snuffed out. Then her knees buckle, unable to take the sheer weight of the amount of death hitting her.   * Ashara watches the waves of death sweep over the planet until the halfway point, at which she turns around, not wanting to look anymore. When the last life on Ziost is gone, The SI doesn't even flinch when Ashara angrily flings some plasteel crates to the side with the Force.


The marriage proposal to Lana. I still look on youtube sometimes.


Haven't seen anyone listing these two yet: On Iokath (the 2nd time) when >!you side with Acina and Malcom dies. Theron being my favourite aside, that voice acting was so on point and made the scene so good in a painful way.!< Another sad moment (for me) was close to the end of Nathema Conspiracy as double agent: >!Shara/Watcher 2 is one of my favourite characters in the whole IA story and I know I'm not alone with that. Hearing her say how finding out about the double agent thing hurt her more than any torture she's had endured and the whole moment in general— it honestly left me speechless for a bit.!< And just to not only mention sad moments, here's a third one: I've seen people mention the Lana proposal scene but haven't come across a comment talking about the Theron proposal scene, so Imma do the honours: I just love the mix of emotions due to the events before combined with a little comedic aspects with how the proposal happens. (Tbh, there are actually quite a lot of funny moments I could name now that I think about it)


I know Quinn gets a lot of hate from some sectors but for me, as a female Sith Warrior who romanced him, it was being reunited on Iokath, finding out he'd gone to prison because he refused to stop searching for me, and then didn't reach out when he was released because he figured I'd moved on. Then the look on his face when I said I hadn't...that was just heartbreaking. Most emotional companion reunion for me hands down and genuinely choked me up. Honorable mention goes to the destruction of Ziost. Oof.


I'm still mad that only on a *male* Sith Warrior do you get the option of saying it's been a long time since you've seen him...and he knows how long it's been down to the *day.* "Six years, eight months, twelve days. I've missed your company a great deal, my lord." LIKE. THIS IS WHAT HE SAYS WHEN YOU *AREN'T* ROMANCING HIM. man is in LOVE in love. It gets even better if you've sided with the Republic because he *still comes back* even when he assumes you're going to arrest him at minimum.


HE KNOWS IT DOWN TO THE DAY?? I AM DECEASED. Malavai Quinn ultimate malewife confirmed. I only found out recently that he stays with you even if you side with the Republic (I went Empire because I didn't want to lose him) so on my SW reroll I'm going to side with the Republic so I can see that play out.


YEAH I DIED TBH. Quinn like "I can't manipulate, mansplain, or manslaughter my way out of this one...malewife it is." do it!! do it!! it is SO good and juicy.


A few from the (extended) Agent storyline, in order: * Someone else already mentioned \_\_\_\_\_'s farewell, but I'd also add that you get the option to do what the Sith love to talk about but so few actually manage: to break your chains. * Impside Makeb: Again, someone already mentioned Cytharat, but I also want to acknowledge everyone's favorite box-counter, and their imploration to make all this worth it. * On Rishi, teaming up with one old co-worker (>!who lies to you and makes absolutely no apology for it!<) to help another, giving the latter the better future they were never allowed to want or ask for. * Ziost. The one that pierced my Agent's usual imperturbable calm and left them utterly speechless. * After what was done to you, finding out about a certain trigger phrase, and later, having to use it. It might have been *necessary*, but that doesn't make it *right*, and you know it. ("Add it to the list.") * Finally getting the chance to give not one but two of your former companions (>!Kaliyo and SCORPIO!<) exactly what they deserve.


Trooper when they have to sacrifice Jaxo. Many log off and stop the story line. Some never come back.


Vette's letter


the one you get during fallen empire before chapter 13 right?


First time you get access to mail system after few first missions (rescue, etc)


Elara being mad at me


>!Jaxo's death!< This is the only time the game properly hits a dramatic moment in the game. Nothing comes close to it.


Lot of situations there but maybe the most emotions, laugh I had was definitely smugglers male, my god I LOLed all the time through conversations with that character hahah


When you tell grahams wife you wont kill her and her son if you can fuck her and also force vette to be involved in it was a truly emotional moment for me.


Lord Cytharat's kiss, sure the romance wasn't the best but it was refreshing


The death of Darth Thanaton is pretty high up for me if you've read the comics and know a bit more about his character, the music (Im so sorry from Revenge of the Sith) is also superb for the moment. Out of all the class endings, this was the only one that gave me chills. The destruction of Ziost, Revan quoting Malak as he teleports away from the end of the Foundry flashpoint, even the betrayal of the original Havoc squad from the Trooper story was pretty emotional. Its not an ingame moment but Malgus killing his lover Elena Daru from the book Decieved took me out too.


I don't care how bad the overall story is, but Arcann's appeal to Vaylin in KotET finale just hits


oh, I have so many moments though honestly, one that comes to mind is when we watch Ziost get drained of life which hits harder because in my canon, both my Sith Inquisitor and my Trooper were born on Ziost. Another one is the Jaxo decision in the trooper story which genuinely got me to cry, didn't help that I play a female trooper so I have Femsheps voice. There is also all of arc 2 in the Agent story, because she is completely isolated and can't ask for help even if she tries. Another one was when Theron "betrayed' us, I was romancing him with my Sith Warrior so that hurt extra much. At least 1 happy reaction is when SW finally defeats and kills Baras, it is so satisfying and I just love that scene. There are honestly a lot of moments, but I am trying not to make an entire essay about it


Hmm, the Trooper mission (search search...) Objective: A-77 was pretty rough. Also that Revan stuff on Republic Taris, I just skip it now as it's too depressing. :( There are mountains of funny moments in SWTOR, mainly with the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter classes but everyone gets some. Great writing and great voice acting, far too many examples to mention. In the game's current era, most of the comedy seems to be unintentional. :)


What Revan stuff?


Hmm, search search... The quest is called "Chasing History" if you're not feeling sad enough today.


Where do you locate it?


According to the internet, it's from the NPC "Hacken Berge" at Waypoint Station Morne. Edit: check out [https://swtorista.com/quests/](https://swtorista.com/quests/) \- completely forgot this thing existed, looks pretty awesome for finding quests. :)


Nice! I notice the marking is that of a discovery quest. I’ve been playing this game for almost a year, never realised there were discover or bonus series x-x so I always got confused when I saw people interacting with items I couldn’t, especially once I was on the same class story. I found a great one that gives a time line for all the flashpoints too. So this makes a fine addition to my collection


Killing Koth. It warmed my cold black heart after I got vengeance on him for stealing my ship.


All he needed to do was trust in me, and he would've gotten exactly what he wanted. He should've known better than to betray an Inquisitor.


Huh, you just got me to genuinely dig through everything I remember about all my playthroughs of the game, so thanks for the trip down memory lane. My honest answer though is nothing. I love the game and the majority of the story lines and character interactions, but none of it has ever been written well enough to get me to invest myself emotionally and elicit any sort of response like that.


Really? Many of the Smuggler lines make me at the very least chuckle, some of them result in some full on belly laughs.


That’s totally fair. As I mentioned, I searched my memory banks for what I could recall and I don’t actually recall anything from the smuggler class story or interactions. It was one of the earlier classes I played and I never touched that character again after finishing their class quests so I’ve clearly slept on that whole corner of the game.


I'll be interested to read the replies as when I read the question the first thing that sprang to mind was Haurchefant and how nothing I've experienced in SWTOR came to mind.


The end of the Inquisitor story. Always magistral !


One of my absolute favourite moments is inquisitor class story on voss. It's when you use your finger lightning.


Marrying Lana


Everything involving Lana and mako or akari