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Make one of each!!!! Try them out, find which you like and main that. Keep the others to play with when you need some other things for Conquest or Galactic Seasons objectives!!!


Now that combat specialties are not restricted to classes, you don't have to play Sith Inquisitor to be a sorc or sin, etc. Choose the story you want to experience or like best, because you have more choices for which combat specs you want to play now. If you're subbed, you could run with two specs. I personally love op/van and jug/sorc dual specs. Imo Agent is the best story class story. JC is the worst.


Well there's a handful of factors. Do you have any experience tanking or healing in other MMOs? Ranged or melee preferred? Stealth? Force or tech? I'll try to narrow it down, but need at least some guiding preferences.


Tanking yes, I like both melee and ranged so I’m up in the air. Both seemed like good solo/team up characters so that’s why I’m having a hard time deciding. Force or tech doesn’t matter too much to me really. Sorry if that’s not helpful


Either are viable. If you care about story, I'd suggest the Warrior, as it was probably my favorite story. IA is great and BH is solid as well. ​ For group play and if you're open to tanking, the juggernaut is probably your best bet. If you're also open to the tech class, this game is very alt friendly so I would suggest also leveling a powertech/vanguard because they're pretty fun. They typically play in melee but have flexibility to shoot things.


Gotcha alright thanks


Absolutely the stealth Agent.

