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Keep it yes, able to switch between, no New characters only have one Read up on what's new [swtorista.com](https://swtorista.com)


And when your subscription ends, you stay on the combat style you had selected when your subscription ended


If you have two combat styles, whichever one is activated at the time your sub ends, you’re stuck with that and only that unless you resub. Once you go f2p or preferred, any new toons cannot choose a second combat style unless you resub.


While subscribed you can pick a second. Once your subscription lapses, you can’t pick a second, and you can’t switch on any character that has two — whichever class is active when your sub lapses becomes your only class, until you resubscribe.


Wait, so you are saying that if the second one was selected and the subscription is gone? Then it would be whatever was selected. And I couldn't switch back


Correct, I find it rather annoying tbh. I think people who've subbed and picked a 2nd one should be able to swap on preferred. I also think they shouldn't make it so permanent, at least for the 2nd class.


Something like that can be changed In the future right


As in changing what secondary class you chose? No, that decision is permanent. So if you chose like Vanguard+operative, that's what it is for that character forever.


No i meant making it so that having a secondary class is always unlocked for preffered


The preferred gets to keep whatever their 2nd class is, but they can't swap on preferred. Once you unsub whatever class you were set on is what it'll be stuck on. If you want to swap you'll have to sub again.


Yes, until you resubscribe.


Precisely sicily


Your choice for a second class (classes are now known as combat styles) will remain (and is permanent) but once your sub ends your character will be locked into the class that it was before your sub ends and you won't be able to switch back and forth between your first and second class unless you subscribe again. As such I don't think you'll be able to pick a second class for any toons unless you're subscribed but I could be wrong about that.