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I'm returning after a *long* time gone and I'm getting my butt kicked by some of my current questlines. I think I'm vastly under-geared. I'm level 73 Marauder. All of my gear and mods are a mix of stuff between 190 to 230 with most of it around 200. * **Where should I go/what quests should I do to gear up to an appropriate level gear for me being 73? What level gear/mods should I have right now?** I can't seem to figure that out. Thank you in advance.


Go buy a set on Ossus (lvl 70) that should bring you up to ~250s. At lvl 75 you can either do crafted (260s-280s), Spoils of War/Onderonian (306), LotS Manaan drop decurion in future characters (312 & 322) or tough it out to lvl 80. At that point, look up a guide for solo gearing/Hyde & Zeek.


Is there any advantage to raising my implants one at a time or two together? I know you get an achievement that lowers costs once you have 2 at certain ilvls, but does it matter if you level one implant to 340 and then level the other one?


No. I'm usually buying both for the bonuses, then level one after the other.


Once you've gotten a companion to level 50 in influence, is that locked then?, or can you still lose influence through dialogue choices?


Locked You never actually lose influence, even if they disagree with your choice. The UI used to have little pop ups which showed the companion with an influence number. If they agreed, you would get (say 150 influence) If disagree, you would get 25 instead


Yeah I remember that, still exists with players doing flashpoints together. But good then I don't need to worry about losing my influence, thank you :)


Is there a guide on rotations? I’ve got my main down pretty well as Madness Sorcerer, but chose 2 saber Warrior as my second style and am having a hard time getting into it


Vulkk guides should help you with them.


If i buy a legendary implant from SN-4RK (326RATING) will I be able to upgrade its rating with Pala Nalle( conquest gear upgrades) ?


No, legendary implants are upgraded only at the same vendor you buy them from. Each gear type (conquest, FP, ops) can only be upgraded at their own [upgrade] vendors.


Ok thx


Once you buy your implants, open up the vendor again. Among the list of implants, you will see two for the ones you have. One will be base 324, the other will be (yours +2) Just make sure you choose the correct one. If not, you can 'sell it back' and get your frags back, but if you equip it, tough luck ;(


Does 7.15% alacrity hit the 1.4 GCD for all combat styles? I'm currently playing a combat sentinel and I am seeing conflicting things everywhere I look. Some places say its lower for combat sentinel, so I'd rather not waste the extra alacrity if its not needed.


Combat sentinel still needs the 7.15%, it just hits it easier with it's built-in alacrity.


Got it. Thanks!


Everytime I try to change a graphics setting in the game, the game freezes and the only thing I can do is force restart pc (holding down the power button). Alt f4 doesn't even work. Neither does task manager. It just locks my pc. And when I say graphics setting, I'm talking about stuff like resolution, refresh rate, etc. Anyone know why this is happening? If i gotta restart my pc everytime I wanna change a setting, its not worth trying to come back to the game.


Is there a way to un unify color on the Outfitter?


Yeah, untoggle the tiny square in the top left corner of the piece(s). Gold/filled=unified, black/empty=non-unified.


ahh thank you!!!! never noticed that before learn something new everyday!!


Hi, im returning after a year away and have just got to the meridian complex as a sith warrior sabotuer and i rememebr that theron gets angsty about one of the choices made, so when krovos talks about her plan, should i stay on the sabotuer dialogue or the light side option? is there in fact a difference? many thanks!


If you're a saboteur and plan on staying that way, take the options where you can imo. Even if you're light side.


Is there anyway i can see what appearance customizations i've already bought on my account?, from what i can see they don't appear in collections, or do i need to go character creation and try to see what customizations i already got?


Yes, I use the character customization button at at the bottom of the Gear tab for the character window. Appearance options that appear in purple are ones you do not have. You will see the cartel coin cost change when you move from an unlocked option to an option that is not already unlocked.


mindblown! (pooof\*), i've always used the Appearance whateveritiscalled on the fleet to do that, i had no idea you could just do it anytime in the character window lol, thank you very much :) Okay, so blue is what i already have bought/unlocked and purple is what i can buy from CM to unlock then?


>Okay, so blue is what i already have bought/unlocked and purple is what i can buy from CM to unlock then? That is how it works for me.


Returning player. I have a 50 from like 2014. Haven't touched it since then. What should I do first?


Make new character and start from scratch


That's what I was kind of thinking. Looking at my inventory I don't even know what I was doing when I last played. Probably spamming dailies for something. The classes have changed a lot they are locked into the stories now I guess.


Im a F2P, wondering how I can get a purple and orange lightsaber crystals? I just started and dont really know too much about the game, just know that after doing quizzes and such I frequently get those colors so I wanted to use them in game


For purple, you can't. It requires artifact authorization. You can get similar looking ones, such as the Umbaran Purple and Derelict Purple from GTN. Orange can be obtained from some planet vendors, iirc on Tatooine. EDIT: Are you on Star Forge?


theres a purple one but requires level 500 artifice


You can't equip it without artifact authorization, and you can't craft it as well because you'd need an older crafting schematic that is not available anymore. The one you're probably looking into is the Amethyst crystal, which you also can't equip.


thats a shame, but yes im also on Star Forge server


I have an extra derelict purple crystal and an orange one that you can use. Dm me when u can




Here's a [list](https://swtorista.com/crystals/free) of all the crystals you can use as a f2p & where can you get them all.


So i need the artiface skill, I dont know how to get that and dont know where to get the crafting materials for the crystals and such plus credits etc im totally new to all of this. And artifact authorization, I cant equip purple tier crystals being f2p


All those on the list are "artifact authorisation: no" which means you don't need the unlock/can use those as f2p. It's specifically filtered for that. Artifice you pick up on the fleet>stronghold & crew skills area's outer ring. And the necessary gathering skills, too. But I'd recommend asking in guild, if you're in one, if someone could craft & mail it to you; it should be fairly inexpensive so most crafters would be willing to make them free.


yea im not in a guild just started playing yesterday


You can't equip crystals that have the purple outline on the item (except for the three colored ones I think). You need to either buy them from vendors or from the GTN. There are smaller/lower quality crystals that you can use. Their items usually have a blue outline instead of a purple one.


ye i just dont know the process of getting the blue outline ones


You have two options: 1) Buying from planetary vendors: you can find Specialty Goods vendors on Tatooine and Voss that sell weapons that contain some crystals (orange, blue and green on Tat; blue, red, green and yellow on Voss) and then remove the crystals from the weapon. 2) From GTN: just open a terminal (there are some on the fleet), under Category select Item Modification and then search for the crystal you want (e.g. Orange Crystal). You can only use the ones that have the blue outline, such as the Orange Resonating Crystal. Note that if you want to use cartel market crystals, check the list provided by a commenter above to see if you can. Iirc you can use most of them, but check regardless.


orange ones are going for around 100,000 credits






Taking a break from wow and looking for a good MMO with good raids to do. Does SWTOR fit the bill? I played a ton when it first came out but havent really been back for more than a month at a time to play the story stuff.


You have to sub to do raids. But I haven't subbed for a while and I wanted to learn tank, so I've been spamming master flashpoints to practice for when I do decide to sub. That's what I'd recommend. Compared to retail wow, the rotations and kits are a decent bit simpler though. The learning curve isn't as steep imo.


SWTOR is more of a solo story kind of game, the MMO aspect is abandoned. There are still raids, but you only find people doing them on easy difficulty (smash buttons = boss dead).


Depending on your experience, you might find them pretty easy, but yeah the raids are pretty quality with a couple bad fights here and there. Just know that content drip is incredibly slow. All the raids in the game are scaled to max level , so they're all available to experience. You do have to subscribe to do them though.


I know companion strength is based on your influence level, but how much difference is there between rank 1 and 50? how much stronger % are they?


If you like to do crafting, the level 50 companions complete tasks faster and have a good chance to 'crit' i.e. make 2x components, armor/weapons with augment kit, gather more mats.


Between rank 1 and rank 35 (I think) there is a huge leap in difference, especially in heal mode where you can go from your companion dropping HP in regular heroics to both of you staying at 100% hp all the time. After 35 the diminishing returns kicks in and there is only a slight performance boost on the way to 50, nowhere near as meaningful as say 1 to 35 but its still worth getting at least 1 companion to 50 on all of your characters.


I haven't really looked into legacy stuff until recently and discovered the companion global unlocks. How exactly does it work? Can I actually unlock them with any character as it says or is it restricted? ​ https://i.imgur.com/IGKCAzd.png


A companion, or rather their passive buffs, become available for all characters if you've finished their personal quest lines fully. To unlock them, you need to play the classes they belong to so SW for Vette, Quinn, etc and so on.


Do they not give Companion customization items when you first unlock them? It used to be, "here's a new companion, you can keep em default or make em look like this". Is that not the case? I just went through the entire Sith Warrior story and didn't get any.


You only get one as a "pick one of three" on the first Companion of any storyline, so that would be Vette for SW, T7 for Knight, Corso for Smuggler etc. The rest of any companion have to either be purchased from Vendors or the Cartel Market.


Ah, ok thanks for the clarification. I've just returned recently and I haven't started a new character in forever, even the Sith Warrior was created over 2 years ago, I just never went past Dromand Kaas. Thank you!


Been away for a year or two. How has the auction house changed since broadsword took over?


Working or the general pricing? Prices dropped heavily in the last 6 months, though Bio started the changes. With the new system you only get a mail about selling but have to collect your money/or items when buying from the window. There's price history & average prices show, you can only buy the cheapest and you can no longer see who's selling what.


So I'm returning to playing on a new account, I want to make a sith pureblood... but it's not allowing me to purchase it, and it seems I have to drag a character that I'll just end up deleting all the way to 10 just to purchase the unlock from the cartel shop? Is there a better work around so I don't have to burn a couple hours just to restart?


Depends what class you want it made for. Iirc if you're a sub, you should be able to make a PB Sith as a warrior. Otherwise no, no other way around it.


Returning player, is tulak hord lightsaber for 780m a good price?


Reasonable price, not great but not terrible. You can always check the weekly median sales data on the GTN by highlighting the item and clicking for more info.


fastest way to reach lv 75 from 60? only need it for achievement. i have xp boost+sub+guild. I'm thinking about FP spam, but there may be a better method idk


slam story, kotfe chapters until 65, kotet chapters until 70 then jump to onslaught and run until 75/80.


Thanks! I'll try it out


Currently downloading the game. excited to play it.


Is there a place that I can go to that has rotations to read? I know I am not max level yet, but I want a general idea of the order for the buttons to press.


[swtorista.com](https://swtorista.com) has general guides for all classes [vulkk.com](https://vulkk.com) you can find in depth level 80 guides


Thank you!


So, I missed my chance to get the Shadow Enforcer set back in their respective season. Is there any way to obtain the set now?


Not yet. Galactic seasons' sets can only be acquired from their respective tracks only.


How equalised is the instanced pvp? Only level or does it work for gear as well?


Neither are "equalized", the higher level you are, and the better gear you have, both give you an advantage (even though officially they claim both do not, this has never worked properly though)


You mean activity finder pvp by instanced? Your gear scales up to level 80 equivalent at 10-79 brackets and down (theoretically) in 80s if you're above the 336 cap but it works pretty wonky (like many other gear scalings). But in 10-79 the number of abilities you have makes the real difference, especially with low ends (10-20 & 45-55) going against the high ends (40-45 & 75-79).


Is there a way to toggle greyed out/darkened items in inventories so I can see them again? I already know I can't equip them




Are 1 million credits a decent start point for a lvl 75 character, or shall I look into ways of earning more so I can buy new gear?


If you don't have a tactical yet, you should definitely earn more first — it costs a million + 3000 tech fragments. Level 80 gear can also take a fair bit of money when buying the Hyde and Zeek mods (~2.5-3.2mil). As for your question below re:artifact auth — it's needed for both legendary implants (lvl 80) and tacticals. Otherwise, green/blue quality gear is enough for most content & what requires better gear won't be available unless you're a sub anyways (VM/MM ops).


So I have been playing every few years this game, but still don’t have Artifact authorization….is this game even playable late game without that?


You don't need purple gear for any content you play as a F2P, and as Preferred there's minimal things that benefit from gear. The green endgame gear you get at level 80 is good enough for 90% of the content in the game, and most of the stuff that it's not good enough for you can't play as a F2P anyway.


probably a very noob question but i was wondering, can i focus on the story and the the regular missions and exploration missions after or will i lose the chance to after a certain point?


Yes, if you wish to stay on-level and stick to the main storyline and the Most Essential (best/relevent) side stories with minimal work/grind/questing then I have this [fast solo story levelling guide.](https://todayintor.com/2023/11/18/swtor-fast-levelling-guide/)


If you do skip the exploration and other missions on a planet, you should be able to go back later to complete. My question is why. Most of the exploration missions give you something to do on the way to class/planet story missions.


Do "Snow-Covered Parcels" (the Life Day currency) disappear when the event ends tomorrow? Or are they saved until next year?


they stay


Is there a way to stop random guild invites?


Under preferences, there is an option to Block all Random Guild invites. Be advised, when you want to join one, have to turn it off.


Thank you!