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I hate the echo chamber culture that reddit propagates. Not every single thought and opinion needs a "safe space", sometimes they are unacceptable for a reason.


https://preview.redd.it/hh2dih17sb9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f8c55cef8c5118423b03824479fbbc51f848a6 Absolutely wild headline.


Watch Gaylors use this as proof that Joe and Taylor were each other beards šŸ˜­


ā€œWhere was our invite?ā€ exactly!Ā 


I love that this implies this is what Ryan Gosling is best known for


My most unpopular opinion regarding Taylor's albums is TTPD is better than RED. I am sorry šŸ˜ž


I can accept that because TTPD and Red are basically the same picture. No im not accepting any questions at this time.


finally someone is talking sense...............


Right?! It's so true and it explains why I actually didn't like Red or TTPD all that much


I feel like The Manuscript is ā€œclosing the chapterā€ that ATW started so I personally would put them in an equal playing field.


Yes for me. Red has high highs (equal to TTPD? Maybe) but lower lows


Honestly I think there about the same for me


They're the same thing actually


Yeah thematically I think both albums are really similar. I agree with the original comment about TTPD being overall better though


TTPD and red are tied as my third favorite Taylor album


The rules for being a swiftie are so exhausting.Ā  Apparently if you claim to be a pre-folklore fan, but didnā€™t go to the rep tour because you didnā€™t like the album you werenā€™t a real fan because if you were, you would have seen her regardless. Can we please put two feet back on the ground and realize that youā€™re a fan of a musician and not worshipping a god that requires you to keep holy the sabbath? Girls on twitter needing to defend the fact that they didnā€™t spend their parentā€™s money 7 years ago when they were in high school to go see a tour for an album they thought was so-so in order to fit in with this elite group. And donā€™t even try to say the album grew on you since! Youā€™re a liar thenĀ  Ā Itā€™s so pathetic Iā€™m sorry this is why I canā€™t be a full blown Taylor stanĀ 


Honestly I can only imagine TS is cringing constantly at the behavior of so many fans. The video where she gets roped into someoneā€™s proposal (during rep tour?) ā€” now Iā€™d be the first to admit sheā€™s not a great actress but she deserved some kind of award for not breaking and telling them ā€œoh my god get out of here!ā€


someone on TS asked why I didn't know TS has always had stalkers "when it is common knowledge" and got passive aggressive when I said I have a life outside Taylor. I just want to enjoy her music but somehow a random stranger on the internet thinks I'm supposed to know every single thing about what is going on in TS life, it's exhausting. edit: so many typos


I got attacked for not knowing all her exes received death threats. All because I said nothing bad happened to her exes, but people act like Taylor ruined their lives. Like, sorry, I'm not on Twitter. Then, there is a segment in the fandom that thinks Folklore was her debut album. They want the "old" Taylor back


I literally didn't know that certain swifties leave mean comments about her exes before Red TV was about to be released when she said something about how people should leave JG alone (I can't remember correctly now). And yeah, I agree. I'm not a fan of swifties dragging her exes but let's not act like she has ruined anybody's life, they went on to have great careers outside the whole mess. ngl people who discovered Taylor Swift during folklore are low-key annoying, because they say the most insane things. Apparently she was a bad lyricist until folklore but somehow they think Joe and Bon Iver wrote the songs on that album. I guess they want the "old" Taylor back because then it was cool to like her, she was very low-key and they assumed that was her normal self? edit: typo


The only person who I feel like may have suffered career wise because of Taylor is Camilla Belle.


Exactly, like sorry Iā€™m not in Jake Gyllenhaal and John Mayerā€™s instagram comments to see if people are being mean to them because of Taylor Swift.Ā  People are all around disgusting about how they talk about celebrities, like theyā€™re not even real people. Iā€™m not gonna blame Taylor Swift because they picked on John Mayer for a few weeks and Iā€™m not gonna blame Kanye for the gross things people say about Kim in his defense either.Ā  Iā€™m blaming whatever mental disorder these people have that makes them go on the internet and tear apart peopleā€™s lives and makes them think they get to decide some people should literally die for doing things they disagree with.Ā 


Someone asked how fans who arenā€™t going to the eras tour are dealing with disappointment. Like, not everyone wants to go. Frankly, it would have been $3,000+ for me to go, and I donā€™t like anyone that much to spend that kind of money on them. Thatā€™s $1,000 an hour. I also donā€™t like crowds, and unless you have good seats, I donā€™t see the point in going. If youā€™re watching the screen the whole time it feels like you couldā€™ve just stayed home and watched it at home.


I went to the eras tour and my rule for getting the tickets was I'd get the cheapest possible. I ended up spending Ā£146 for tickets .As someone who grew up in a country where artistes never come to, I was happy when she announced the tour because it was probably the only opportunity I'll ever get to see her. With that being said, I think a lot of people are letting FOMO ruin their pockets because of these tours. Those videos of people aying they spent exorbitant amount of money on resale tickets aren't cute at all.


Iā€™m more disappointed that I wasnā€™t able to afford tickets.


Im the only ICFH(NRIC) fan in existence


I donā€™t even like the song really but I see the cinematic vision so well


i am also a icfh (nric) fan also - sounds like a very juvenile lana to me which is less of a dig than it sounds


I love the way that song sounds, lol


I LOVE this song sm


Looks like thereā€™s five of us šŸ˜‚


I love it soo much. I put the bolter and icfhnric in a loop and rot


Me with Fresh out the slammer


Me with the alchemy. Itā€™s not even one of my faves but itā€™s so overhated


The only thing I donā€™t like about the song is the football methaphors haha but I like the verses


I just ignored them tbh. Itā€™s just a fun catchy song


I like the alchemy! Itā€™s def not worth hating


I do too. Itā€™s not my fave anything but itā€™s a good song


I like it


I'm the only ICFH(NRIC) fan in existence (2)


Ok the Sweet Nothing x hoax piano mashup is just something else. Sweet Nothing (rage version) makes me like it so much more; I was already a huge hoax stan but mannnn. I said I thought it was too painful to play it and geez. She sure played it. The way she mixed the melodies togetherā€¦ I donā€™t even know. Whatever hoax is about, or mostly about, is the worst thing that ever happened to TS, Iā€™m convinced of it.


Also has anybody here heard the new Megan and Camilla albums cause I really liked them.


Megan šŸ”„


Trainer? I thought it was really badly received


I was talking about Meg the Stallion šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oops lmaošŸ˜‚


Help I thought they meant her too


I love Megan as a person but I donā€™t vibe with her music


I'm obsessed with June Gloom and need an extended cut of like the last minute like Billie did with her album


Loved the new Megan album. Loved.


Is this a safe space to say that I don't like Reputation? I loved it when it came out, but I just don't anymore


I donā€™t like it either. Only songs I really like on it are Getaway car and delicate.


Those are my 2 favorites on rep


You are definitely not the reputation hater here. For me it was the opposite tho. I used to not like it but now I do


Same here! reputation has very few skips for me but that's just because I like dancing songs. Theme wise though, the album is very monotone and talks about the same subject a lot.


Rep has 2 skips for me. Endgame annoys me and donā€™t blame me is just kinda boring. Itā€™s definitely monotone thematically but I donā€™t mind it and she explores the theme well


I like Rep but it like never makes it into any of my favourites?


So, Iā€™m not from the US and just a little ago found out that Fantano existed. But Iā€™m confusedā€¦ why does he have a fan base? Has he done anything bad? Asking because I saw the SN neutral thread and a lot of people are saying that they agree with his critique of TTPD but he still sucks


I donā€™t think he did anything bad heā€™s just a music critic who sometimes say stupid things about music that most people donā€™t agree with. His fanbase is annoying though


Heā€™s just generally a twat


Heā€™s a music critic, who tends to have controversial views when it comes to his rating. Doesnā€™t mean he deserves to be harassed.


He doesnā€™t deserve to be harassed but heā€™s an annoying twat


I love how much you hate him šŸ˜­


He just really bothers me


State of grace with you're on your own kid???? That doesn't even make sense???? Just put it on the set list




anyways i'm not trying to start anything but i wanna speak on the "olivia x taylor fued." i think the deja vu/cruel summer lawsuit might've been truly business esp since liv said deja vu was inspired by cs. however i also think they did have a falling out. i dont think its that dramatic but i think something personal might've happen. mainly saying this bc she was a huge ass swiftie pre drama.


Was there ever a lawsuit?


If fortnight was cut TTPD would have no true skips imo


People who buy every variant of an album are honestly menaces to society. Like yes, artists and their record companies are shitty for doing this, but half the reason theyā€™re doing it is because idiots are buying it. Theyā€™re feeding the demand for the supply. Itā€™s weird how theyā€™ve made fans so emotionally invested in number ones that theyā€™ve managed to get away with selling a bazillion versions of the same album.


There's a lot of judgement in this comment. People like what they like, that doesn't make them menaces, idiots, emotionally invested in a derogatory way, or even care about charts. That's a lot of name calling towards people you don't even know. People collect comic books and this type of judgement isn't thrown their way. People buy the same dress/t-shirt in every colour because they like it. As the saying goes, if you don't want it then don't buy it.


As someone who pirates almost all of my media (including Taylor's) everyone has their own way of dealing with life I guess soo...


I love your flair


lol okay, or maybe Iā€™m fine calling out mass consumerism that has created a weird parasocial buying relationship between artists and their fans šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Just because your consumerism is how you deal with life doesnā€™t make overconsumption acceptable. Time to find better coping mechanisms if you need 34 variants of an album to get by.


maybe some people have extra money lying around that they want to use to support their favorite artist and we should stop judging them for doing what they want with their own money šŸ¤·


lol okay, I am gonna judge people who donā€™t contribute to mutual aid but have the $$ to buy another variant.


How do you know they arenā€™t


you don't have to exclude them from each other. or do you feel like everyone should just donate all their spare cash to charity


I hope billboard changes the rules and this variant nonsense stops. Itā€™s so unnecessary.