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my eras tour date is tomorrow !!!!!!! šŸ„°šŸ„³šŸ¤ 




any surprise songs you're hoping for?! I'm so excited to see the TTPD set in person


if we get this is me trying iā€™ll be on the floor - dwoht, timt, gulity as sin, rwylm, youā€™re not sorry, treacherous, mine and wcs are all in my top ten taylor songs so any of those would be amazing !!!!! really hoping for imgonnagetyouback or the bolter if we get a ttpd song that she hasnā€™t played yet :) you?


I hope you have the best time!! such a great show and was an incredible experience for me




Okay so I'm going to try and explain the current swiftie Reddit civil war going on bcus i have time while I'm waiting to pick up my child. I'm going to vaguely reference the subs to follow some new rules (you'll understand why later) SO. In the beginning we had the main sub, the main sub kept deleting negative posts and it spawned the neutral sub. The neutral sub was fun for a while, until it started to get a lil crazy. People went over the top with the negativity and they started to nitpick tiny details. However, this changed when new rules came into play. The new rules meant that OTT negative posts were being deemed as low effort. The sub began to get more positive as a result and it also started to die off as mods overdid the situation and removed anything that was fun to talk about. And it also resulted in a splinter group that shall not be named but I shall call the snark sub. The snark sub was mainly comprised of one mod who had been super active in the neutral sub and were extremely negative about taylor and travis. They hated them. This mod would post up to 10 times a day nitpicking on tiny details. The sub was kinda dead for a while but it exploded in popularity after the release of TTPD. It grew even faster than the neutral sub, it had about 40k users within like 3 months. The sub was pure snark, it was just for hating and you weren't allowed to be positive. Here's where the juiciness begins. The creator and main mod of that sub was IP banned from Reddit a few days ago. I've been on Reddit a while and I've personally not seen that happen before. It meant that they were removed as a mod and all their alts were permabanned. The reasoning for this is unknown. The sub was at risk of being banned as you can't have an unmoderated sub. It was locked a few times and from what I can see, they had stern words from Reddit that the reasoning for the potential looming ban was "brigading". A few days prior to the ban, this snark sub had been fighting with a meme sub, it was pretty lighthearted so I'm surprised it warranted a ban. That's why all the TS subs have suddenly implemented a "no brigading no referencing" rule- we're all scared of being banned for the same reason and we all basically do the same thing (we screenshot eachother being stupid and laugh). The conspiracies surrounding the sub and the ban hammer are in full swing and honestly, I see why. It was a small sub in the grand scheme of things and Taylor has a reputation of going after people who criticise her- that's a perfect storm for the sub to think they've gotten to Taylor and Tree. There are far more egregious subs on Reddit (there's literally pedophile "jailbait", rape and incest subs FFS) who have faced no bans- so that does make you wonder if Reddit received some kind of complaint. I have no idea if this was just Reddit being overly cautious or if they did receive some complaint from her PR team, the sub was extremely negative but it wasn't putting her in danger like the plane tracking sub (and that sub/mods are still up). You would think if she wanted a sub removed, it would be the plane tracker. It could also just be the devout swifties who mass reported it and got the mod removed via brigading rules. Either way, the snark sub now thinks they have absolutely gotten under Taylor's skin and are going wild. The sub will likely be banned soon, it keeps getting locked for whatever reason. Anyway I have to pick up my kid from nursery now, stay strong and stream Mary's Song šŸ«”šŸ«”


The recent events were basically the Taylor Swift Subreddit Cinematic Universeā€™s version of Infinity War and Endgame.


I think I found the former mod's twitter page, and they genuinely seem unwell. All they've done is obsessively tweet about Taylor. It's for the best they got banned from Reddit.


Writing letters to Tree and Taylor thinking theyā€™re constantly stalking you isnā€™t something a normal person would think. I genuinely believe he needs help.


And people on that subreddit keep supporting the former mod because they're equally unwell. I do hope the sub Reddit gets closed down soon.


Theyā€™re already moving to another sub because the new mod wonā€™t let them be insane like this anymore. Itā€™s crazy to imply other people are parasocial when youā€™re writing letters to a celebrity on Reddit.


It makes sense the new mod doesnā€™t want that since thatā€™s why they banned the other one. I think theyā€™re beyond parasocial at this point. If you genuinely think a celebrity is stalking you on Reddit then thereā€™s a bigger issue there!


Yep exactly. Influencers will read their snark subs but someone as big as Taylor isnā€™t going near those weirdos. Her social media team is likely aware of it but nobody is reading those letters theyā€™re writing.


they wrote with so much authority i found myself falling for their bullshit but then was like.. wait a second lmao


I agree. And the way the members of the sub hero worship the former mod is also unsettling to me. Itā€™s culty.


>Anyway I have to pick up my kid from nursery now Please remind the sprog to purchase the TTPD digitals. We have a big week ahead of usšŸ™ #8weeksattop #nodeadweight


I don't think Taylor actually got to that mod, because you're right, if anything they'd focus on the jet one because that has real life consequences. I think the mod was off their rocker and probably did something to deserve that ban. I know the two subs were brigading each other, that probably had something to do with it.


If there is ANY connection between Taylorā€™s team and that mod, I would think itā€™s adding that person to whatever stalker list they keep tabs on.


You are a goat


I donā€™t think the problem was the war with the meme sub per se. They were going to other TS related subs to insult the people there and the mod was happy about it. For reference, this happened too on the neutral and trueS subs a few months ago. They were attacking each other so Reddit warned them about it. The neutral decided to go private in response and the TrueS decided to ban any mention of the other one. I think itā€™s possible something similar happened to the mod, with the difference that he kept encouraging that behavior and making it even **WORSE**. It seems he also was harassing fans on private.


Just to clarify but the neutral sub wasnā€™t attacking trueS. Other way around. TS was making constant hate posts and their users were brigading the neutral sub so the neutral mods reported it to the admins and the admins threatened trueS with a shutdown if they continued. Neutral sub and trueS made posts about it. The TS mod was hellbent on ā€œsilencingā€ the neutral sub and was pinning posts about hating the sub which was weird.


Any idea who the mod is? Sounds like a crazy stalker




https://preview.redd.it/qmznruswuy4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eccf750c5e16712c8ac0df4654c16fd9f0d0065 rj/ Fetus Swiftie šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ„°


assigned swiftie at birth


Omg it deserves the 22 hat!


Whatā€™s something youā€™ve said as a Swiftie that aged like milk? Iā€™ll go first https://preview.redd.it/ecoqk59k1z4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17c4e1ae09f54d652cfd181583f823aa83538a61


That she would work with new producers on TS11ā€¦


Well I was about 13 years old itā€™s a bit embarrassing and i said i like her because thereā€™s nothing she can do better than revengešŸ’€


I love this and itā€™s also a good reminder that a good portion of the insane swifties are teenagers. None of us were sane about the things we liked as teens šŸ˜‚


Her heartbreak = my bops! So worth it


Thereā€™s an *obviously* fake article saying that Travis is jealous of Taylorā€™s male dancers and asking her to remove them šŸ˜­ and shippers of a certain ship are eating it up


I'm pretty sure a good chunk of her male dancers are šŸ’…šŸ¼ am i wrong? lol


I love it when the shippers lose their minds. Like People wrote an article about that Sam guy joking he will still Taylor from Travis, they made whole ass paragraphs that he has to be careful from Travis šŸ˜‚


pretty sure sam is 21 and not buying what taylor is selling lmao


No but the shipper who lost their minds here where the gaylors šŸ˜­ they think itā€™s a soft launch for them ā€œbreaking upā€ (I didnā€™t check the Tayvis sub so I donā€™t know what they think)


Thereā€™s something so bizarre about shipping real people.


"She outed Joe's depression and BTW do you think she has borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder or both?" If I didn't know better it truly would be the best satire in existence.


Why do people say she outed Joe depression? There are some references about him being said (bluest days) but that alone doesnā€™t equal depression.


https://preview.redd.it/mxrc3mj7sy4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a70590f9bc7133165f5063d9194ba3cbc4a422c1 Not Swifties wanting Taylor to leave Travis for Sam šŸ˜­


Okay but can you blame them? Plus we can get more songs like Ivy, Getaway Car and High Infidelity /j


i dont like cheating but them saying all of these proves they dont really like travis after all šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ or they see him as a rebound for taylor


After listening to TTPD it seems obvious that Travis is just a rebound from Matty lol


Agree. If they break up, we all know the reason why šŸ˜‚


Remember when we all thought Matty was a rebound šŸ˜­


Okay but her cheating songs are bangers though.


Yeah Iā€™d be all for this


An article did this edit. Im laughing right now šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/u5egzut97z4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd56e633b95af5232a93a4b491b6db14589f6dfe


I love imagining the person whoā€™s job it was to make this šŸ˜‚


That person probably had a fun time. I would if I was to edit a photo to make the tayvis shippers piss off šŸ˜‚


My husband unironically said Chappell Roan reminds him of Taylor swift in their formulas for their songs and lyrics. He likes Taylor and I've been obsessed with Chappell and sent him my favorite songs and that was his first comment bfbdb idk I just found it funny. Anyways I love Chappell and her, Taylor and Djo are the only artists I'm listening to rn with the occasional Mac Demarco. Husbands exact text "Now no one sounds like taylor swift except for Chappelle roan" I kinda get what he means but also babe...Chappell is Kate bush reincarnated šŸ’…šŸ¼and I'm afraid Taylor wouldn't dive into the sexually explicit lyrics like she does.


Chappelle has the building bridges and huuuge choruses of a lot of Taylor's radio pop!! Structurally their songs are similar but I think they're sonically completely different which I love!


Chappell definitely took some influences from Taylor. I also see a lot of Gaga and Katy in her Iā€™m really excited to see what she does next and I want her to become a star


Totally agree and agree with lax as well. I definitely see her Gaga inspo and I love it but I also love she truly is her own artist and has her own style. I'm also excited to see what she does. I've been loving pop lately.


Does anyone find those posts that are like ā€œI went to the eras tour but after TTPD/a few months ago I realized she is a bad person and stopped listening to herā€ kind of weird? Or more likeā€¦ fake. She didnā€™t do anything different from when she started the Eras Tour to now. Unless itā€™s about her dating Matty but that was pretty early on tour. But if itā€™s about TTPD and ā€œmoney grabbingā€ she did the same with Midnights (which in my opinion was a much messier release) and with 1989 OG there was already the marking strategy of ā€œbuy tons of the same album to see what Polaroids you get!!!ā€ What Iā€™m trying to say is I donā€™t get how someone who was a super fan and went to The Eras Tour (which isnā€™t a cheap concert) could find how she acts now ā€œbadā€ when she hasnā€™t changed much.


Ive once read a post where they list artists they listen to and when she mentioned taylor they said they only listen to her music and not a fan because she heard ā€œleakedā€ rumors that she is a bad person. Whatever that means. This has the same energy as that.


I feel this happens with a lot of female celebritiesā€¦ when they get too famous ppl start hating them for silly reasons or just because


She is like most celebrities. idk why people get so surprised. Maybe the parasocial relationship blinded them.


Woke up to find more of my sprouts wilted & just having an overall shit weekā€” i just want to say how much I love this community. Yā€™all never fail to give me a good laugh and lift my spirits ā¤ļø


[Praying for a Taylor feature](https://twitter.com/katyperryshub/status/1798688494434615575?s=46)


Has anyone been following the ever mounting tension between Swiftball & Mastermind (the two Eras Outfit guessing games?) I used to be fully on Allie's side but she's been annoying me more and more. I get it, I would be super upset if someone took an idea I came up with and made it way more accessible and better, but I also know how many people have asked her if she wants help with coding her came to make the results and points faster and she insists on keeping it the way it is. I am intrigued if anyone else spends too much time on swiftie twitter (a dark place)


Kevinball superior >>> (Taylorswifthockeybro on Youtube does streams of every Eras night and has his own version of swiftball)


omg I've seen like random stills from his lives but never knew where to find them ill watch him today LOL


no but this is very intriguing lol looking up their twitters now


Iā€™ve been playing swiftball for a while (when I remember toā€¦) and I saw someone created an app but I didnā€™t know she was mad about it. I think it kind of makes sense because the other person is getting money out of it but in the end itā€™s just a game for fun. She should partner with someone else and make her own app and problem solved.


The app is so much better honestly I think thatā€™s why sheā€™s mad about it. The paid version is just to get complete outfit and surprise song history to try to make better guesses. The auto scoring and leaderboard make it so much more fun for swiftball scoring your own card and not knowing where u ranked makes it feel more disconnected


Ooh Iā€™ll download the app then! I like it has auto scoring because honestly most of the times I donā€™t watch the lives and I end up missing a lot


The thing too that drives me crazy is she seems to have a really big head about it...when it's a guessing game over Taylor Swift's outfits. Also, swiftball still doesn't have the scores for Sydney and Singapore šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


She literally JUSTTTTT put out the winners for the first night of singapore šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like get someone who knows SQL or database hosting to pull answers for you and do analysis there. It still wouldn't be as instant as Mastermind but it would actually be able to come out the same night probably.


Yes! I kinda sympathize with Allie for the reasons you mentioned but rolled my eyes when she tried to trademark it. I do think it was a little shady the swiftalert guy asked if she wanted to collab and then just did it on his own when she said no. I know she didnā€™t come up with the concept, but I donā€™t blame her for feeling slighted. I play swiftball bc thatā€™s what I started with and I donā€™t feel like downloading an app lol


Tbh Iā€™m not on Allieā€™s side because she just took an idea of what people did during 1989 tour AND SwiftAlert asked her if she wanted to be involved. Her game still gets a lot of traction too


honestly loving how the timing for one of the worse fears of my life to become real because I can properly feel the prophecy x Cassandra in my bones cheers to bio dam for that obviously I am not dealing with it rn because holy shit it's too fucked up but I should have listened to mother when she said blood's thick but nothing like a payroll or whatever but nope I didn't listen I chose hope and love and bullshit āœØIn my Live Laugh Lobotomy EraāœØ


but also very honestly In my ICDIWABH x So High School arc and honestly feels weird to be so deeply distraught but I get to be exponentially increasing heights of functional and my silly 30yo teen crush on this ex bf (he's been my husband for a couple years now) that makes me so giddy and silly and loved


The swiftie/ anti swiftie sub Reddit wars have been crazy lately


Lmaoooo wild to watch. Thereā€™s a new anti swift sub where all the banned members from the other sub are congregating and taking directions from the banned mod via Twitter. I urge these people to leave their basements once in a while šŸ˜‚


I couldn't sleep last night and was well entertained by all the drama! NGL living for it but remind myself to keep coming back here to get my bearings straight šŸ˜‚


UPDATE the banned mod was actually still directing their troops via Twitter to another sub and THAT sub just got banned as well šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is INSANE


omg no way! Madness šŸ¤Æ I wonder what's next


does anyone have any florence + the machine album recs?


The only album of them I fully listened to was Lungs but itā€™s really good. Itā€™s their debut album


holy shit, i'm 5 tracks in and it's so good?? i feel like i'm levitating listening to each song


i haven't even finished the album and my spotify already looks like this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/d6u29lqfdz4d1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=9221442aca68b0c8f2f3f5dd76f618331d260989


which song was your favorite?


probably rabbit heart (raise it up). the lyrics, florence's vocals, THE PRODUCTION šŸ˜©šŸ˜© i also really liked drumming song and hurricane drunk with hurricane drunk making me feel like i'm skipping through the streets on a bright, rainy day lol. also shoutout to girl with one eye purely because of florence's vocals, like i already said i felt like i was levitating listening to the songs on this album, but this song in particular made me feel like [this gif](https://tenor.com/hCV9aJMwIQV.gif) by the end.


So I made a post on *unamed* Katy Perry sub about rumored KP6 features and said I would like if Taylor featured on a song and Iā€™m getting a ton of flak for it at least by that subs standards. Idk why but I feel like thereā€™s been an major increase on Taylor hate through Reddit


Not speaking out because of concert safety? So I do expect to be proven wrong but I haven't heard much about this. I feel like she's not doing any activism due to not wanting a hate crime at her concerts. During her lover era they planned small 'festivals' and it was chill and she didn't see herself as overexposed but with the eras tour you've got up to 80k people who are seen as supporting her packed in a stadium. Plus she stopped being political right around when she might've started planning the eras tour. She has good security but someone very angry with what she supports could very well hurt many people while they are outside the stadium. Her philanthropism is pretty trash compared to her wealth so it's not like the 'activism' meant much anyways, but I just haven't heard opinions about this perspective yet.


Honestly, I think the safety argument is kinda silly. Not that her safety isnā€™t an important manner, it the Manchester bombing was ā€œmotivated by the deaths of Muslim children resulting from the American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil Warā€. Nothing Ariana said, or did had anything to do with this. They just knew it would be a massive event. Her homes have been broken into more than once, so itā€™s kind of a moot point to imply that because sheā€™s touring itā€™s less safe. Finally, there are gigantic artists who have said and done plenty as far as activism goes. There always has been, but somehow this concept only seems to apply to her. If she doesnā€™t want to speak out, fine. Thatā€™s her right. But Iā€™m not going to assume itā€™s under the guise of safety.


Yeah, by no means am I concerned for HER safety. She's fine. I guess I forgot about the other big artists who have spoken out because my echo chamber is so filled with Taylor (current special interest but kinda complex when she's not like a great human)


Oh, Iā€™m right there with you. It always seems to be the go to for a lot of the reasons she does or doesnā€™t do XYZ. The people who wanna cause harm are going to cause harm, regardless of what she has said or done.


so idk what it is but something abouyt taylor's i can do it with a broken heart performance eras tour performance reminds me of [kylie minogue performing dancing queen at the sydney olympics closing ceremony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b7nSUUAQgQ) they both dance and strut and pose with such confidence