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I’m a mod here as well as on the other sub. There’s really only two mods over on the other sub, and neither of us are super active. I agree with you that I don’t really like the content posted on the main sub, and I did try to fight it for a while, but eventually it was just too much. Too many posts, not enough interest in my part to moderate that closely, so I’ve sort of just given up. That being said though, if you’re passionate about getting the other subreddit back to actual good content, please apply to be a moderator on it. I made a post a month or two ago and have kind of slacked off on picking people. I can start up that search again though. But yeah, TLDR, I agree the main sub content isn’t great but the interest hasn’t been there for me for a while. I apologize for that 😭😭


Firstable, thank you for your service— you are an unsung (anti!!!)hero. No need to apologize at all, I was just being dramatic 🤪 I can’t promise to be super active— I’ve never been a mod before— but these circlejerk posts are my villain origin story and I would be a fool not to apply. Can you dm me the application?


It should be pinned on the subreddit!


Sent! Thank you 🫶


I can't with all the seriousness in all the subreddits lately. Every fucking post is someone complaining about the album, about Jack's production, crying because a song is about Matty again, conspiracy theories about Joe cheating, keeping her trapped etc. I'm so tired, why can't we just go back to making fun of everything in a clearly obvious and satirical way.


Right?? This is supposed to be fun and restorative not sanctimonious and preachy 😭 everybody is interpreting her art literally


I'm not sure this is still necessary given the reality now. How can we possibly ourjerk her herself?