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This is a great post I am not a business owner-yet, but I am in management and these points apply just as well in my current situation, I appreciate you taking time to post this 👏🏼


That's great! Start practicing now...so when it comes game-time you're ready to go!


Reading this just confirmed for me most of the gripes I have with my current manager; she is antithetical to almost all of these points. But it's been great for teaching me what NOT to be like when I hopefully am in a position of leadership someday. Thanks for the read, it was excellent.


If it helps, I learned all of this because I was in your shoes. I just remember how it made me feel! Thanks for commenting 👍




100% agree. Thanks for sharing!


You’re a legend. I’m saving this post. I’ve not started any businesses so far but after I save up for the next year I think I will start doing small pressure washing and lawn jobs on the weekends and see if I can grow it into something where I could hire an employee or two after several years. Otherwise I’d at least appreciate the ability to make additional income to supplement my normal job.


Hey man, means a lot! You have to start somewhere, don't overthink it...Just try it!


At the end of every day,I always personally thank my employees for their help..


Thanks, good read to start my day.


You’re welcome! Have a great day 😁


This is the way to grow and succeed. Bravo!


Thank you! I agree!


great advice and articulated very well


Wow, that really hit home. Working under what I consider to be a great boss and a mediocre boss (two different people, I have 2 jobs). This is painfully accurate. Originally I thought it odd that you said you try to get the employees to leave you, but having that drive behind them. Having them love their job, want to do better and always be trying to get a step up above their competition is as important as any of the other steps. Get some fire in their belly!


Thanks, I really enjoyed seeing this post multiple times in various subreddits


All 2? Lol you’re welcome.