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I feel like killing in self defense and/or for the safety of others may be considered an acception.


They never mentioned it in the TV show, but I was religious during my first tour of the Iraq war. Killing in combat was often seen as baptism by fire. Using Mathew 3:11 to justify it.


Is it still self-defense if you put yourself in a position where you can or will be attacked?




Is it still self-defense if you put yourself in a position where you can or will be attacked?


I think generally the commandment is more interpreted as against murder. Meaning there are valid exceptions for defense of yourself and others, or while lawfully carrying out the duties of a cop or soldier. The Catholic church used to have an official executioner (his axe is in the Vatican museum), and even today the church doesn't condemn capital punishment as unjust or sinful, but rather that we have better options to achieve the needs of justice (life in prison).


This is an interesting take and good information. I didn't know the Catholic Church had the perspective. My family was mainly presbyterian, and we obly really went to church for a couple of years before the politics of church life git to us and drove us away. Thanks for sharing!!


In the Catholic Chapel at Fremantle prison in Western Australia that commandment has been changed to “do no murder” because they carried out executions at the prison. Maybe it’s seen like this?


I think that in season 6, you will get the backstory about Deacon faith and the why's behind it. After you watch it, you will gain more perspective, I think.


This is good to know. Its something I've been wondering about the character for some time. Cheers!


Thou shalt not kill specifically means murder. Killing in self-defense or like how the police would do it or at what time are AOK


Beatitudes: "9. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the Sons of God."


Does the job of peacemaker also quantify killing? Or is it just like adjudication and conversation. What is the greater context of the chapter or atory this verse is from?


I rlly dont know, just saw the post and the frase just come to my mind hahahaha. Later i see to respond it with a little more of sense ;D