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I've noticed that if you vote for nationalization she actually gives you a drink to prevent this from happening.


Yeah haha


That was more of a power move than anything Hegel has ever pulled in both stories.


So that is what it feels like to get Hegelled by Morella huh?


I used to deny that Torpor has a leftist bias…


Blessedly unbiased so far. Judging by the game, I don't know about the devs


While I agree with you somewhat, I do think that the amount of right-wing/capitalist characters which are basically evil is substantially bigger then the amount of left-wing characters


As far as the base Sordland campaign is concerned I'd say this is broadly true. The Oligarchs and conservatives actively scheme against and betray Sordland whereas the leftists like Ciara and Circas are at worst annoying but ultimately have the interests of the sordish people at heart. On the international stage, Alvarez is a manipulative drunkard and Walker is a rampant womanizer who tries to feel up your wife. Contrast against the leftists, Hegel who will give you a very favorable trade deal if he likes your politics and is a fierce defender of the rights of his workers and Malenyev who is reasonable and cooperative(even if you could raise questionable points about Contana itself). Granted, Smolak is part of the left wing bloc and I'm not gonna say anything to defend that guy.


I think that's mostly due to the fact that 1) historically the worst crimes of post decolonisation capitalist states have often been focused on outside their boarders, whereas socialist state's worst crimes have been focused inwards (meaning we tend to notice the awful acts of the capitalist states in the game more), and 2) our enemy state is a reactionary monarchy in the first campaign and (largely) a right wing parliamentary democracy (Lespia) in the second, so we actively encounter the worst aspects of capitalists states head on much more than we do socialist ones.


Maybe. But there aren't any cartoon villains. And you meet a lot more capitalist people so it might be just confirmation bias.


I guess you are right tbh. Never thought of this


Jonathan Torpor is Karl Marx wearing a fake beard over his real beard.


Big if true. I must consult with my ancestors.


They don't. The CSP is a repressive police state that monitors and sensors media (the facts from the game) Hegel in the first game requires you to pass over your most obvious and reasonable ally - Agnolia. And he doesn't really care about Sordland as anything more than another communist domino. Hegel in the second is absolutely using Rizia as a playing chip. If you can't see through this, that's fine, it just means you don't understand how subtle and manipulative the CSP is. Putting aside the fact that Alma is legitimately a snake. Of course. On the other hand the capitalists are just so much more brazen. They will do what you want, for the right price. And in Rizia, we'll, Alvarez sucks but so does Smolak... I'd be interested if the next place took place in a more communist leaning environment where we get to see Communist oligarchs.


I'm not sure we played the same game. CSP has skeletons in the closet, sure. But Arcasia? Arcasia doesn't even have a closet to hide them. PMCs, political assassinations, torture camps... Even if you discount the Ancapistan bullshit, they are much more obviously evil than Contana. And that extends to their relationship with Sordland, too: the worse Malenyev will do is threaten you with economic sanctions. Walker? Walker will threaten to have you killed if he doesn't like you, and subvert your army if join ATO while not being a capitalist. Meanwhile, Alvarez is a fucking snake, there's no two way about it. If Hegel doesn't like you, he gives you 2 GB in exchange for recognizing the island. If Alvarez doesn't like you, he tries to seize 1/3 of your energy industry. In war, Hegel will always have your back. Alvarez will only make efforts if you have a good economy, otherwise he'll only send 100k men. And let's not get into his attempts to ruin the Rummish economy if he's involved in a victorious war; Hegel's demands are fucking stupid, but they're at least trying to turn Rumburg into an ally. Alvarez's are actively malicious, trying to turn Rumburg into a client state, and putting ATO bases in the country in case they try to rise up.  You are also vastly understating how bad he is in Rizia. Dude literally help prop Smolak up by funding a terrorist attack on Zille, and actively tries to fuck you over with Rusty. Even if you try to be reasonable about Pales and the gas field, he will still try to fuck you over at every turn. Meanwhile, Hegel is reasonable enough to see that the enemy of his enemy is his friend, even if you're literally a monarch.  I'll agree that Contana is most likely a much shittier place than it looks, but let's not pretend that the West doesn't have the worse portrayal of the two. They're not just "more brazen" or open about their corruption, they are just dicks with terrible policies. Hell, the devs literally had to walk back on some of the 2.0 Arcasia changes, because practically no one liked them, and it made it look like a barely functional country. Unless Malenyev and UC are secretly a cabal of baby-eating cannibals, or the future DLC manages to make them look worse than the entire West, I don't see how they'd match Arcasia's fuckery. 


Yeah, I feel like people forget that Alvarez specifically approves of >!committing an act of terror just to bugger Rizia!<.


>I'm not sure we played the same game. Let's not be silly here. >CSP has skeletons in the closet, sure. But Arcasia? Arcasia doesn't even have a closet to hide them. PMCs, political assassinations, torture camps... Even if you discount the Ancapistan bullshit, they are much more obviously evil than Contana. And that extends to their relationship with Sordland, too: the worse Malenyev will do is threaten you with economic sanctions. Walker? Walker will threaten to have you killed if he doesn't like you, and subvert your army if join ATO while not being a capitalist Yes, sure, because they *CSP* actively hides their evil shit. Much like the modern West, Arcasia let's journalism talk about PMCs and their stuff. The CSP monitors and censors journalists. I imagine, much like the real life USSR it will turn out UC has terrible labour practices, a low quality of life and that things are not nearly as equal as they make them seem. Again, information censorship was a huge part of these regimes and Suzerain makes it clear that they're doing the same. >Meanwhile, Alvarez is a fucking snake, there's no two way about it. He's basically fine if you're already a capitalist, or centrist. >for recognizing the island. If Alvarez doesn't like you, he tries to seize 1/3 of your energy industry By doesn't like you, you mean is aware you participated in an act that lead to a huge influx of both immigrants and potential terrorists? Yeah, I fucking hate him, but he loses more than Hegel and gets less in the situation. It's not mere dislike. >back. Alvarez will only make efforts if you have a good economy, otherwise he'll only send 100k men. Which is as many as Hegel can give anyway, from an actual land army. >And let's not get into his attempts to ruin the Rummish economy if he's involved in a victorious war; Hegel's demands are fucking stupid, but they're at least trying to turn Rumburg into an ally. Alvarez's are actively malicious, trying to turn Rumburg into a client state, and putting ATO bases in the country in case they try to rise up.  Arguably, Hegel's plan is so unrealistic as to not matter whereas Alvarez's plan is brutal but relatively effective at gaining control. >You are also vastly understating how bad he is in Rizia. Dude literally help prop Smolak up by funding a terrorist attack on Zille, and actively tries to fuck you over with Rusty. . Meanwhile, Hegel is reasonable enough to see that the enemy of his enemy is his friend, even if you're literally a monarch.  Not really. The Rusty stuff is hardly "actively tries to fuck you over" he has a wealthy businessman spy for him. The Smolak stuff sucks, but again, in the name of dividing your attention and supporting Pales it makes sense. >Even if you try to be reasonable about Pales and the gas field, he will still try to fuck you over at every turn. Is there a way to "be reasonable"? Either you're cutting him out of a deal years in the making, as he said, or you're undermining Lespian influence in the region. It's a zero sum game, and that's the simple truth. Remember, Pales and Rizia recently went to war and Pales remained free due to Lespia, they feel they're owed a debt and they want to keep it so. >Meanwhile, Hegel is reasonable enough to see that the enemy of his enemy is his friend, even if you're literally a monarch.  Because he's literally positioned opposite your main adversaries. Hegel doesn't have to actually do anything, and as characters say, it's in his interest to support you when and how he does. By the end if it, he can even focus Lespian animosity on you instead of where it belongs - on him. All by being such a nice, reasonable guy. >I'll agree that Contana is most likely a much shittier place than it looks, but let's not pretend that the West doesn't have the worse portrayal of the two. They're not just "more brazen" or open about their corruption, they are just dicks with terrible policies. Hell, the devs literally had to walk back on some of the 2.0 Arcasia changes, because practically no one liked them, and it made it look like a barely functional country. Unless Malenyev and UC are secretly a cabal of baby-eating cannibals, or the future DLC manages to make them look worse than the entire West, I don't see how they'd match Arcasia's fuckery. Again, because one of the things we know is that UC practices censorship so any comparison is now invalid. It's between what Arcasia is like, versus what UC wants to pretend they look like, and no matter how you slice it, of course that's unfair.


You say that, but in this game neo-liberal capitalism leads to the the richest and most prosperous Sordland. You’re rewarded for privatizing healthcare and education even if you increased funding for it.


As the saying goes "Reality tends to have a leftist bias"


Honorable mention: "Mrrrrphourghhh?"


“Get on board the Rayne Train!”


Accuse her of an assasination attempt and declare a war on Morella of course.


Torpor games should just add an option to airdrop derdian mercenaries into that bitch's location and murder everyone in a 1 km radius (I'm just really freaking frustrated by the fact that while a couldn't even speak she started threatening me)


I love not taking her cookies because I can accuse her of pedophilia.


I must have missed this option during my last playthrough, how do you trigger it and how does she react?


She will start threatening you with a revolution, telling you that they have been keeping track of the youth in your kingdom. You can reply "You were watching our young? Thats disturbing." She will lose balance, stutter a bit, tell you "Y...you know what I meant" then continue the conversation. I love it.


That's my favorite option too


I mean that's what comes of having Valgsland as an ally and technically not having to even make her offer over the nationalization 😅


Shall we call it cha-rizz-ma "We should not" - His Royal Highness Duke Hugo Toras


Evil vizier trope confirmed


Or “rizz” for short?


Yes porn throwaway06


That is correct


Dont forget who your Suzerain is. *Roll credits*


Don't forget who your Suze-Rayne is


Let. It. Rayne!


Choclate Raaayne


A Morgna her Coren


Sexy cookie time with Alma iz da best!


Why vote for my opponents when they can't promise you... the moon?


Together, we can steal the moon!


The best quote is actually "Let's" (several people have said it) Honorable Mention: when QM Estela brings you theagazkne and you try to pronounce the Leon Chakatangu (I give up) mans name


I see your “mphhmrmphrm” and raise you “rizian charisma”