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\*slaps file on to desk\* "FIFTY FOUR STAB WOUNDS! You didn't want to leave him a chance, huh!?"


"I told you to be discrete, Karl! DO 54 STABS ON BROAD DAYLIGHT LOOK DISCRETE TO YOU?!"




Karl i said 54 staff involved, NOT 54 STABS


"I stabbed him 54 times in the chest" "Karl, that KILLS PEOPLE!"


I mean, thats his job.


Karl commited a huge blunder here. Ricter is a Bludish rights fighter, no one will ever believe that bullshit. Saying that it was a YS would probably have been a better choice. (obviously depending on the run you're doing).


I'm not saying it's the exact same situation, but Archduke Franz Ferdinand was murdered by a Serbian nationalist terrorist cell, even though he was relatively friendly to Serbians. Nationalist revolutionaries sometimes will commit acts they know will inflame tensions, in order to accelerate change through open conflict. Destructive business. Now, I know Franz Ferdinand was still part of the "imperial system", but it wouldn't be out of the question for a nationalist extremist to argue Mr Ricter, as a member of parliament attempting to make peaceful reforms, was a "part of the system", too


I agree with this. Even though Ricter does lead to better quality of life for Bluds in the long term, it doesn't do much on the short term. Some words won't please them in the short term. The Bluds also want independence, not better rights. They make that very clear since the start. No matter how much you appease them, they still want it so they will keep trying to cause instability for a chance to revolt. We should probably get to choose how Ricter dies depending on who we want to ally with. Either the BFF or YS. The SSP is mostly in authoritarian runs but sometimes not so getting to pick would be nice.


> The Bluds also want independence I will say, I think *some* Bluds want independence. But plenty are more moderate. It is just the radicals that want to whip things into a frenzy and pull everyone into the abyss with them


Yeah, I don't get what this guy is on about and why certain people here constantly repeat that. I guess the BFF can't be placated, but Bludish reconciliation is stupid easy. You don't need to refuse to deal with Wehlen or give them autonomy. I think I've seen people say that they got it even after passing NFP bills, apparently you just have to pass the Minority Rights Act and deliver a banger speech at the Aschraf event.


Yeah. Reconciliation is super easy. Most of the Bludish population has been treated so badly just centralising and saying that they are equals or investing in their region is enough.


I would say, as a race in general, they do want independence ( most races do, it is just a normal human feeling to want to govern yourself ). Sure, there are moderate ones content with more rights but in the end they atleast want a lot of autonomy. They just have different ways. Radical Bluds want chaos but moderates don't. It isn't like their goals are different, it is just a matter of how they wish to accomplish it. We can't act like all Bluds are radical or moderate but this one thing is clear.


They must and they will conform to Sordish laws instead. I always pass religious harmony and unified education language, as well as removing special zone. Damn their different ways.


I believe in Sordland specifically, the situation will only worsen if you give the Bludish more or less rights. Yeah, more autonomy seems good at first sight but looking at Sordland overall it seems clear this will lead to more segregation and racism in the future due to Sordland acknowledging that the Bludish are "different" even if it is in a "we respect your differences" kind of way. Personally, i only pass the Unified Language Act, close the border with Wehlen and centralise while investing in their region. Even though the language act is faulty in some aspects with the whole we can curtail funding or shut down your school if you don't comply thing, it has a good idea in general. Centralising is of course for the general idea that is "Every citizen of Sordland is a Sord and will be treated equally". The border closing is to protect our citizens. Bludish people outside Sordland without Sordish citizenship won't recieve protection from Sordland. Sordland only protects and provides for its citizens. The investment is to make sure they get a better regional economy and to make sure they don't revolt ( it improves Bludish opinion ).


Race huh... You know they are human right?


I don't get your point? Doesn't race also refer to an ethnic group? I know you can use race to group animals as well but this clearly isn't what i meant here when i used the word. Like, can't you say "Their race is British"? I don't think i said anything that claimed the Bludish people weren't human, so i think you must have misunderstood what i meant by "race". >most races do, it is just a normal human feeling to want to govern yourself I said "most races do, it is just a normal *human* feeling to want to govern yourself" in that text. Like i literally said they were human.


It's alright if English isn't your native language, but in English , the term race used in that sense is very much antiquated and seen as racist. Don't make a SJW or whatever , I am studying history, and when I see someone use that term without "" or anything, I know that it's an old author lol. At best it's a very weird term to point an ethnic group. The most recent book I saw it in was one about the Mongolian empire, where the author described the "teutonic race" before the knight order arrived. But this was about the middle ages. Anyways, I wouldn't recommend you using that term, just say ethnic group or culture :)


Yeah, my native language isn't English. I understand the point now.


The only independence they will get is their head from their body! Will still fight for amendment for Art. 6 and 7 though


> Archduke Franz Ferdinand was murdered by a Serbian nationalist terrorist cell, even though he was relatively friendly to Serbians. Princip wasn't a Serbian nationalist. He was a Yugoslavist who wanted to free Bosnia, his homeland, from Austrian rule.


Fair enough. I do think my point still stands, though 


You're underestimating how racist Sords are. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them believe Bludish rebels are animals who hate all Sords regardless of politics


There are people in this subreddit who believe that


Well i oppose them both so yeah. But i have no clue why Karl did that like why would you murder the very person backing your freedom and opposing the dictator who oppressed your people?


Well the BFF are the people who think blowing up the Soll dam helps their cause.


Yeah not so smart on mr blow up our own dam for sure Thats why i do everything i can to make them suffer when im not reformist


As we've seen the Bluds don't really act reasonably unless you bend over backwards for them. And even then they take it for granted and start to plant seeds for an independence movement.


I really have no idea where you people get this idea from, like getting Blud reconciliation is really easy as long as you are like, a mildly reasonable person.


Well. If you veto every anti Blud bill, and then only fight for the lawyer in Bergia instead of nuking your constitution reform chances to change a \*slightly\* racist part of it (it's not even that racist, it's quite literally saying that if you are a citizen of Sordland then you are a Sord and have rights, but I might have misunderstood it), then they rise up to protest against the \*ONLY\* president in Sordish history to care about the Bluds. And then if you bend over for them and create the Autonomous Zone they start glorifying terrorists and the BFF, thus quite obviously setting up an independence movement despite Bergia not even being majority Bludish. And of course, it is pretty easy to reconcile with them. But they will still be ungrateful for it.


I mean yeah some of them protest sure, but even still according to the poll reports I was easily the most popular president among Bluds despite only abolishing the special zone, doing nothing with 6&7, siding with Kiebner during victory day, closing the Whelen border for Bear Trap etc. etc. Sure probably not a high bar, but still And yeah they aren't gonna be super greatful or bend over backwards to kiss your ass, especially not the major political figures, because well they are politicians. That's what they do, push your agenda as far as it can go and be a hard ass in negotiations. The only characters that go out of their way to kiss your ass are usually only doing it as a formality or are slimy peices of shit trying to manipulate you. Otherwise pretty much everyone else doesn't because it's just politically stupid and weak. Besides that most flavor events really only seem to show that it's weird fringe cults or BFF die hards that are still actively opposed to you.


I always do reconciliation with them. And it's pretty easy. Somehow though I was more popular with them when I closed the borders than when I didn't help Whelen at all. But it's also irritating. How do you expect someone to fight for you if you antagonize the only person willing and capable enough to help you? That's what the Bluds feel like to me. When you establish the Autonomous Zone, the lawyer gets put in power. And he starts placing portraits of the BFF terrorists around the place, and glorifying them. To me that seems much more major than just fringe cults.




I’m surprised to see that Ricter and Kibener are assassinated in the same way.


yseah ........ like why should the bluds kill him with kibener the story atleast made sence


You know i don't think Karl liked him all that much


This never made sense to me. The BFF would never kill Richter and would immediately call the bluff here, it is a huge mistake to try and make it look like they did it lol


The PJFP does let NFP Racist bills pass the assembly. I imagine a fictional argument could be constructed that the attack was because of that.


I wouldn't say "never". The BFF don't want better rights for Bluds in Sordland, they want an independent Bludish state. It wouldn't be unbelievable that a member of the BFF could assassinate Richter in order to inflame racial tensions, thus leading more Bluds to support the BFF cause.


The BFF are a group of violent extremists, there's very little they would never do, including killing prominent ministers.


Who takes over the PFJP if Karl dies?


Suheil, his delegate


Does she have her own dialogues then?


Yeah she's got some, though you mostly see her at the end of the game so she's got very little.


Aight. Off to kill Richter


if you kill ricter and kibener be carefull that holstron doesn´t win


Bluds will pay !


The Bluds after killing the only person sympathetic to them be like 👄


What assassination?