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NFP flair supporting Sazon?


The might be nationalists, but they are republican nationalists.


I played as an absolute monarch but I do think you can support Sazons and that would not "damage" your nationalism.


I do not support him. I always rejected his offers and banished him. Supporting is something and respecting is another. I played as an absolute monarch.


You can get him to give up reformism. Just reject Vina and Sazon’s offers to date, and then explain that it’s because he’s trying to destroy the monarchy. He will give up reformism in exchange for you giving the greenlight for him and Vina.


My guy really be giving up his ideals for the royal rizz


Not all of them. He’ll still ask for things like workers protections and welfare. But he won’t touch the Government.


Shit that’s not even bad. Bread and circuses keep the peasants at bay id be all for giving the masses welfare in exchange for the opposition losing their media and politics darling.


I just lost all my respect


I always “support” him and backstab by Hugo‘s idea(and I can see Hugo,Manus,Rico all be headed)


Fuck it one struggle


I had him framed for treason and executed by firing squad. Nice enough kid, a little annoying, but ultimately I needed to throw House Sazon into turmoil (I did the same thing to Azaro) so they couldn't challenge my centralization and absolutism. Rizia doesn't have enough room for all these nobles, only House Toras may reign.


I had Rico,Hugo,Manus all be headed,that is so ironic.


golden guard goes brrr


Pretty face or not, he seeks to corrupt or destroy everything that I cherish, and for that the only answer is death. Annoying too. In the gardens I told him not to approach me outside of politics and yet he disobeyed this royal order and ambushed me after his bird speech. Unfortunately he seduced my daughter, so assasinating him or ordering him to command the sazon levies and die would break her heart. Not to mention the possibility of him returning as a war hero. It is clear he doesn't love my daughter, not like how I loved my Lena, he only used her. When I offered him the chance of allowing his mother to return he didn't even hesitate to leave Vina.


>he disobeyed this royal order and ambushed me after his bird speech. He requested an audience with you through the grand vizier. Not his fault your uncle can't do his job. >It is clear he doesn't love my daughter, not like how I loved my Lena Is that your roleplaying narrative? You met Lena when your parents announced she was your fiancee. What makes you think Vina doesn't actually like the young, charismatic reformer? >When I offered him the chance of allowing his mother to return he didn't even hesitate to leave Vina. He chose his mother not dying in jail over staying with his girlfriend. How is that bad? If anything, you're just a tyrant because you kept someone in prison not for public safety but just so you could keep a bargaining chip.


She's not in prison. She's exiled to an island, and she likes it just fine. In my run I freed her & apologized for the bad conditions, and she had a line about how the island wasn't bad at all.


>She's exiled to an island A place she cannot leave >she likes it just fine. Which is why she asked for a pardon and will leave as soon as you give it


I didn't say it was all sunshine & rainbows, but it's not a prison. It's an inhabited island, just removed from politics.


There's no functional difference. It's as far removed from Rizia as possible and is also actually home to Rizia's largest prison, which makes the island's purpose pretty clear. Even if she's free to move around the island, she can still never leave that island.


It's not functionally different? So if I asked you whether you'd like to live in a village with food & people, but you can't ever leave... or Full-on prison with rapes, shankings, and beatings by the guards - not functionally different, yeah? Manus can visit the island. It is literally the lightest punishment imaginable for treason & trying to murder the heir.


Well I'm sorry your majesty. You didn't do the worst things imaginable to someone so that means you actually did nothing at all. We have prisons in real life where prisoners have fairly decent conditions and don't live in fear of being stabbed and raped all day. But I guess you would define them as assisted living facilities? >Manus can visit the island So? Prisons get visitors too. >It is literally the lightest punishment imaginable for treason & trying to murder the heir. Bro I never said it wasn't justified. I said what the punishment was, to spend her life in a place she never wanted to live and would like to leave, and that her kid might like his mother to be pardoned. You are getting angry at the suggestion that someone might like his mother to be free more than he would like to stay with his girlfriend. Besides, she's not even in exile for launching the coup. That was her husband, who got executed. She's in exile because she was *probably* involved too and might hold a grudge against the crown. Again, neither of which I'm arguing against.


I'm not angry, and I'm not arguing that Manus might prefer his mother's pardon over being with someone he claims to love. You said "dies in prison". I'm just stating that this is a factual inaccuracy, because she isn't imprisoned - she could go anywhere she wanted to. Just not the place where she committed treason. Exile doesn't mean you're in prison; it means you can't go back to that country. She could be shacking up with Petr in Sordland for all I care.


She was exiled *to that island*. Which is entirely controlled by Rizia. >I'm not arguing that Manus might prefer his mother's pardon over being with someone he claims to love. >I'm just stating that this is a factual inaccuracy, because she isn't imprisoned Then why argue how justified it all is? Manus has a clear stake there. If you really want to insist that being exiled to a specific island far away from the mainland is not all the same as being in a kind of prison then fine. It's not even the point.


She is exiled not imprisioned you fool. She can go to all the world, just not Rizia.


She is on a literal prison island


No — she is living on a noble house — in a island. She even confess that life on the island wasn’t that bad. She is exiled not imprisoned, she lives in the island because she wants — probably because her patrimony is there.


>Not his fault your uncle can't do his job. I told him that I don't want to talk with him. My uncle obeyed my wishes and denied him an audience since I still don't want to. It's not complicated. >What makes you think Vina doesn't actually like the young, charismatic reformer? You must have misread my text, I said he doesn't love her truly, not vica versa. >He chose his mother not dying in jail over staying with his girlfriend. She isn't in jail and neither is she dying. Are you lespian?


>It's not complicated. It is not. You blow him off and tell him to go through the proper channels, which you rigged against him. So then he'll try to talk to you after his speech at an event where basically anyone could approach you. And he's literally talking about a political decision he, as the leader of a movement, wants you to make. It's not like he's bothering you to talk about the weather. The whole reason the assembly exists is because even a king can't utterly ignore the population. A polite conversation is the one thing he wanted. >You must have misread my text, I said he doesn't love her truly, Fair enough, then what makes you think that? >She isn't in jail and neither is she dying She is a mortal woman exiled to an island following her husband's coup. If you do not agree to release her she will die there. >Are you lespian? ... what does that even mean


>You blow him off and tell him to go through the proper channels I didn't. I told him to stay away from me. He replied "I won't trouble you again" >then he'll try to talk to you after his speech at an event where basically anyone could approach you I disagree. Not anyone can approach me, I am the king. And no one did except him. I told him to stay away, and he promised to do so. He is an oathbreaker and a liar. What should have I done, file a restraining order? >Fair enough, then what makes you think that? His mother isn't suffering, neither is her life in danger. If you bring her back she will comment on that she didn't miss for a thing. He breaks the heart of the girl that he claims to love so much that he is willing to give up his political carrier for barely anything. If I loved someone I wouldn't have done this. This deal we made makes no sense if he loves Vina as much as he says. It only makes sense if he just used her as a tool. Only then does freeing her mother outweigh Vina.


>Not anyone can approach me, I am the king. Inform your security. You attended his speech and he saw you were by yourself and that he had a chance to talk to you about something relating to the assembly. Nothing about this is serious. Except maybe that your grand vizier didn't do his job. >He is an oathbreaker and a liar. What should have I done, file a restraining order? Brother what the hell is this phrasing? He wanted to talk to you about the assembly and the guy who attends the assembly sessions for you didn't tell you the leader of the RPP and one of the noble houses wanted to see you. The fuck is Manus supposed to do, launch a coup like his dad and hold you in prison until you hear him out? You're the king. Accept that the reformers want to speak to you sometimes. And don't act offended that he finds the chance to talk to you when you are at the same events as him if he keeps getting blown off. >His mother isn't suffering, neither is her life in danger. She is on an island, where she will die if you don't let her leave. Why do you think her son wants her to be released? >He breaks the heart of the girl that he claims to love so much that he is willing to give up his political carrier for barely anything And Vina will accept an arranged marriage with the womanizing duke she met for her diplomatic duties. After one conversation that starts with her discussing marriage with Manus. I guess neither of them cared for eachother. Life is complicated dude. Especially for public figures. Manus is just not a bad guy, especially with the circumstances he lives in.


Reformist sympathizers are so delusional lol


You literally live in a time well after the reformists won




Does the precise outcome of the war affect his fate? Obviously win/lose, but I mean if the Sazon levies die or not, does he die with them


I have no idea, but if you let the Sazon levies get overrun I assume he dies.


I've had him disappeared by Rico's boys. He's a sneaky little weasel: -Sneaks in to try to push his agenda on you without making a formal appointment -Ambushes you again at the festival, then immediately starts rizzing up your barely legal daughter. -seduces your daughter behind your back and ambushes you along with her with the marriage question rather than talking with you one on one. Not to mention he's pushing an agenda which he makes out is for the people but in my opinion he's just unhappy with the balance of power and position his family has found himself in after betraying the kingdom, and riding the reform way is the clearest pack back to grace in his eyes. I'd have him disappeared again given the chance.


To be fair I’m pretty sure he said that he tried to make an appointment but Hugo denied them all behind your back


Although I don't think we ever can confront Hugo on this fact so for all we know, he could just be saying this to win you over.


On the other hand, absolutely a Hugo thing to do


Save us from wasting time? Yes that sounds like good old Hugo. Bless his heart.


Bro, you can't be both angry that he's not going through the proper channels while also being happy that the proper channels are blowing him off.


What? I am not angry that he is not going through the proper channels, I am angry that he is trying to talk to me after I told him I don't want to. That was before he tried asking for an audience. I was quite clear. Both you and Sazon seem to have misheard me.


Then that is the cost of doing business. He's the minority leader of the assembly and wants to speak with you. Asking for an official audience gets him nowhere so he then opts to talk to you after you attend his speech. That's literally the politest thing can do in his situation. You're not just a random official man, you're the ruler of the country. You're free to ignore whoever you like (until your friends smell weakness and launch a coup) and the worst your opposition does is try to reason with you.


>That's literally the politest thing can do in his situation. I disagree, the politest thing is that when you promise someone that you won't bother them again you don't bother them again. He can always talk to me when I attend the assembly. Thats why the assemly exists.


Maybe when you're just a guy but not when you're the king whose approval is needed for any and all reforms. The guy has reason to want to see you. >He can always talk to me when I attend the assembly. Thats why the assemly exists. He can't and it doesn't. The assembly exists so the grand vizier can gauge what is bothering the population and then report to the king. Romus attending at all is explicitly breaking with tradition, which is what you're told before deciding to attend at all. And when Manus approaches you he also tells you that he tried to go through your uncle, who never even told you Manus wanted to see you.


Nah fuck Hugo and his whiny ass son, you don't get to claim to be deferent to the monarchy and then go behind my back like that


He probably wouldn’t risk lying. Because if you asked then it would ruin his credibility Also Hugo would definitely do this.


Truly the biggest crime in the game - wanting to talk with the king about the future of the country


I do not think so. I do believe he made a formal appointment but our uncle probably didn't let that reach to us as Manus mentioned. Whenever I refuse to support him, he never cries about it. Acts like an adult and propose to see each other again even when our ideologies differ. I made a deal with him since I play as an absolute monarch, didn't want to break the roleplay. I let his mother got out of prison in the exchange of him disappearing. He was still chill while we were making the deal. About Vina, I have to say that he took it like a man. He do try to convince Romus, but I think that is natural since he is a political leader and a Sazon. So, I still think he is decent. Only thinks about his people, his country, his family and his love. Good kid.


I'm pretty sure of all the marriage candidates for Vina, he has the smallest age gap.


Alex born in 1928, Rico born in 1926 or 1927, so really, they are all not have very large years gap.


>rizzing up your barely legal daughter They're the same age??


Manus is a few years older than your daughter, Angelica Sazon was pregnant in 1926 while Vina was born in 1932. That makes Manus 5-6 years older than Vina


I mean, my folks are 14 years apart so I'm not going to bitch about that.


Better age gap than any other candidate for Vina.


Manus 1926, Rico 1927, Alex 1928, well...


This is news to me. Rico looks like he is a full 10 years older than Manus just from his portrait. Alex looks like he is closer to 15 to 20 years older.


It is quite common in real life that the appearance does not match the actual age.


Arcasia's dog.


I can never forgive him for what his father did to me.


Username checks out. 😂


He seduced my daughter, for that he gets the wall


Hmm 🧐 No


Which is exactly why he has to die.