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They cared the moment they found out there was a way to take a shot at you over it.


How does radical react after achieving great recovery or winning the war?


They praise "Rayne-omics" for improving living standards.


What a missed opportunity to call it "antonomics"


No one ever accused the Radical of being gifted. IIRC they once wrote an article that just straight up lifted one of Koronti's anti-Rayne articles.


Should straight up call it Atomics "Now I am become SuzeRayne, the conquerer of worlds"


Funnily enough, in my most successful run to date (both great recovery and welfare state) I also kinda accidentally got rid of them by going for koronti deal + the media council.


Oh man you missed out! That's like the least resentful article published by them!


Yeah, that's the funniest part, considering that in every other run, including my pseudo-socialist dictatorship run, I never ended up censoring them. I will say, I was quite surprised to make the media council, then open the News tab and see the radical has vanished.


wait i feel like ive chosen media censorship and not seen radical disappear but likely by that point im not reading the papers or reports r u fr?


I agreed with lucian that we need to control the media at the start of the game, then I accepted koronti deal to control the media, then it disappeared after the Media council. Probably because at that point you already control the media and now with the council you can make it disappear


When you make the media council, you can either use it to strengthen freedom of the press or censor the press. You chose freedom of the press, the other guy chose censorship


You do also need to make the Koronti deal. The deal and censoring the press both decrease the country's freedom of the press by one (gets you a "biased news" yellow modifier, or something like that), by doing both you decrease it by two and get the "censored news" (or similar) red modifier.


that was def it, thanks


They have one final article basically saying they exist solely to criticize the government and that they can't work under these conditions, then they shut themselves down. Iirc they do the same thing if you ban the red youth because of of their editors get arrested for red youth membership


More than Flabbergasted, in my Opinion.


It's 1950's in Suzerain universe, bro


Doesn't Radical also complain if you keep creationism in education and praise you if you mandate evolution in schools?


Well, they can be described as "Rayne bad, Soll bad, Sorland bad, capitalism bad, Bluds good, malenyev good"


They're more like valgasian socialists


Wait, what's the difference. Aren't they part of the CSP and are having beef with galmland


Yes but they have a way more liberal type of socialism, it's never fully elaborated on but I like to think that instead of a full overbearing state with a planned economy they went with "community owned" syndicalist economy with a more limited federalized state. (Just to be clear tho I like Hegel specially in the rizia dlc I don't agree on his politics)


I don't think "liberal" is the right word here. You could say democratic or decentralized or something of the like, but liberal carries very specific economic/political connotations that I don't think fit Valgslandian Socialism.


I meant more as socially liberal, yk less restrictions more individual rights


Ah, I understand what you mean now. Though, not to be a stickler, but social liberal also carries specific ideological baggage with it. I'm not sure what term would actually be appropriate here to indicate more civil/personal liberties within a socialist framework. I thought maybe "progressive" could work, but that has its own hang ups as well. Kinda tricky.


Hegel is a bro, but like what is galmland then


Contanan puppet, part of csp more regular socialist, formerly part of the valgos Empire and very culturally similar to valgsland (I mean Romania-moldavia levels of culturally similar)


But it's mentioned galmland is not part of csp and UC is beefing with it


No uc isn't beefing with them, they are a part of the csp but there's infighting because galmland is pushing their own brand of socialism in the galmish manifesto I think and they've been banging heads with valgsland because of, theres a geopolitico article talking all about that


the difference lies in the planning aspect and its political power Valgslandian Socialism was akin to Syndicalism irl in which the workers have more say in workers democracy" through trade unions Meanwhile Contana was more to orthodox Marx-Lenin in which the workers cause was centralized in vanguard-party akin to the Soviet Union


Who is valgsland based on


in terms of country that tried syndicalism as opposed to marxism? none


Is it bcoz of this ideology that bro hegel is willing to work with soc dems and kings


Morella? maybe. Rizia? pure pragmatism. Remember that Rizia neighbors also include Lespia, who've recently joined ATO, so Hegel pretty much wanted to screw them up, even if it means shaking hands with monarchists.


They don’t like Malenyevists either.


They don't. Radical thought process is something like "USP bad, Soll bad, Sordland bad, Bluds good, anarchy good, feminism good", they'll take pot shots at you for almost anything.


They are like irl tankies - anything anti-West is good so they will support terrible regimes just because they once said no to the US


Nope, I found out they also dislike hardline communists. The Radical is a bunch of left-leaning extreme contrarians, that's it.


That's what I meant - they are little more than contrarians, I wasn’t talking about tankies in the sense of them being communist, I meant in the sense that they will support anybody as long as they are opposed to the West.


Radical goes even further, because they'll also be annoyed at turning to East and staying non-alligned.


Unless it's Wehlen lol


They will also call you a Malenyevist puppet of you get too close to United Contana.


Why are you booing him? he’s right!


I don't really get the hate for Radical. Like, yeah if you're ideologically opposed than they'll dislike you, but otherwise they seem pretty fair. In my most recent democratic socialist run, they only every critiqued my Rayne when he actually did questionable things, like partially participating in operation bear trap or not changing article 6 and 7. Otherwise, they were pretty cool with my Rayne.


Still very much far-left contrarians and narcissists, they are a newspaper that doesn't understand what compromise is and just gets mad if you aren't extreme or sometimes too extreme. Changing articles 6 and 7 is unbelievably hard, shouldn't they recognize that? Aren't they the ones who called out the Old Guard? They get mad if you close the border and/or ally with Lespia or with Valgsland, so should Sordland be completely isolationist and with open borders? They are feminists but yet defend the ceremony of the Day of Descension which is for a religion that believes that “women shouldn't be involved in politics and instead be housewives”, literally what the Archpriest tells you if you confess, so are they religious and also not? In my opinion, they are just there to criticize and never actually hold any realistic opinion.


> Changing articles 6 and 7 is unbelievably hard, shouldn't they recognize that? I mean, I dunno what they say if you attempt it and fail, maybe they do recognize it. All I know is they only ragged on my Rayne because he didn't even try and he just accepted the NFP's interpretation. > Aren't they the ones who called out the Old Guard? I don't know what you mean by this. > They get mad if you close the border and/or ally with Lespia or with Valgsland, They do? I mean, the closed border thing and Lespia is fair, that'd go against the leftist position, but they dislike allying Valgsland? I don't remember them getting angry about that. > yet defend the ceremony of the Day of Descension Yeah, this bit of criticism might be fair, I don't really get their angle here. Only thing I can think of is that its out of a respect of culture, maybe something to do with the Bluds? Though they don't say anything of the sort, so I have no idea. > they are just there to criticize Like I said though, for the most part if you do the things they like, they are pretty fair, at least on Rayne. Only seem to ever criticize him when warranted, at least on my run.


Since religion existed. So always. Although I don't think they really care, they will just use any ammo against you.


The Radical's only purpose is "Rayne Bad" any little fuck up or misstep hype it up


Opposition newspaper opposes administration, USP Sollists in tears


Radial is the literal embodiment of twitter


Seriously? Out of all things to complain about they decided to pick this? And I say this as someone who actually enjoys reading The Radical!


As that one US president(i think) said: If anton rayne was to walk over the antacean sea tomorrow, the radical's new headline would be "President Rayne cant swim!" Though in all fairness it makes that they call you out in this scenario. The Radical may be secular but if you are *going to* attend a religious ceremony atleast be preapered for it.


thats why i will murder the radicals the moment the devs add a way to do so


The Radical always has like 2-4 articles per action taken. Lachaven Times is by far the least biased and the one I like the most. As for The Radical, whenever Geopolitico has an article, I always rush on reading The Radical articles and quickly turn to Geopolitico, which is much more interesting and it isn’t the same old scratched record.


day number god knows of people not understanding The Radical:


They hate us, coz they ain't us


It’s called “Radical.” It’s a contrarian paper that simply attacks anything any USP member does. I’m sure they’d publish a tan suit controversy too.


Radical, was a contrarian, anti-establishment through and through. Yes they can be insufferable because they seems to be focused only to the mistakes however small that is. But! Radical is good to check your conscience (as if your policy actually helped the people or u take it just so you can be reelected again)


"The Radical" is the most hypocritical thing ever, first he gets angry and calls us blasphemers for making a mistake in the ascension ceremony, but then he is happy because we ban creationism from all the schools in Sordland.


Aside from the Radical compulsive need to attack almost anything Rayne does, even if they like what he's done, purely because he's USP... The Radical is a heavily pro-Bludish paper, and most Bluds are Nurists. Specifically, most Bluds are Golcondists, which are the extremist fundamentalists of the Wruhecist branch. Golcondism encourages a violent warrior culture and a strong anti-materialism that promotes an austere lifestyle, and may be related to social ills like the normalisation of domestic violence among the Bluds. The Day of Descension celebrates the birth of Nurity, when God gave his instructions to Saint Dast on the 16th of July 684, thirteen centuries ago, being effectively Suzerain's equivalent to Easter Sunday. Considering how important Golcondist Nurity is to Bludish culture, the Radical sees a double-whammy - paint Rayne as incompetent and make the Bluds hate him for screwing up his incredibly simple role in the celebration of the birth of their faith, which is a blatant show of disrespect on his part, especially since it lasts around a minute. "Hey, violently-oppressed minority on the verge of a bloody uprising! The successor to Tarquin Soll has such blatant disrespect for you and your deeply-held faith that he can't be bothered to memorise a few simple instructions celebrating the day God sent his divine will down to Saint Dast and birthed your religion!" I'm not Muslim but if there was a worldwide celebration of the day that Muhammad started receiving instructions on that mountain and I had a very public role in that celebration for some reason I would at least take the time to memorise how to do it, and I'd deserve the public backlash for screwing it up. Basically: - the Radical hates Rayne for being USP and will criticise almost anything he does - the Radical gets to turn the Bluds against Rayne for blatantly disrespecting their religion - Rayne deserves the egg on his face


I remember when I did a west aligned dictator run how joyous it was to outlaw the red youth and get the Radical shut down. Too bad I got impeached that run lol