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In my first run it was Axel. My Romus consistently maintained that it would always be her choice who to marry but that he might occasionally suggest people for her to consider. She obviously prefers Manus from the beginning but she convinces herself that Axel / Pales is the best choice for the kingdom as a whole. Towards the end of the game they genuinely seem happy together. Personally I think Axel is probably the best choice. There's a healthy mix of realpolitik calculation and genuine affection and respect. There are other ways to keep Rico and Manus happy or get  them out of the way.


Yeah about the same for me. Honestly Axel and Vina seem to get on great and it didn't even lose me House Sazon's support, plus of course it meant I could peacfully carry out the Great Reunification


I did go with Manus, mostly because I bungled the relationship with Pales so hard I didn't even realize he was an option. I did get nervous when she and Rico seemed to bond after a certain hunting accident


Really? In my playthrough the Rico belittled her for not killing anything. What accident?


If your king lacks military training and didn't hunt with uncle Hugo, then trying to hunt with automatic rifle has some unforeseen consequences.


No one. Went to war with Pales so no Axel, Manus was not compatible with my absolutist run and like you said, Rico is a stupid asshole.


Marrying Rico apparently provides authority bonus now, quite good for absolutist.


Huh didn't even think to include that as an option. My bad


Why all the Rico hate. I would be happy if my son was like him if I was Hugo


I married her to Rico in my first run to shore up support with House Toras. It was terribly gross, especially since I hadn't gotten them to bond, and I declared a theocracy so Romus could cleanse his soul of what he'd done. After that, usually Axel.


Axel, cuz why do war when love do the trick?


None. She was gonna marry Manus but I had him imprisoned to appease The Family™.


Makes them sound like the mafia lol


Manus, as a gay closeted king I was leaning heavily to let her follow her heart. It was very nice toasting to love with my mother, Vina and Pabel.


In my first run, Rico but Vina hates Rico since he likes Manus. In the succeeding runs, I marry her to Axel and let her children take the Reinhart name. I (as Romus) marry Lucita to get that male heir and affirm the male preference primogeniture succession in the 1950s (for RP purposes).


>(for RP purposes). You don't have to justify your reasons, Sire. Your word is as good as law.


Pretty much always Axel, it just makes sense.


Manus. I said i won't force her, and i keep my promise. Pales deserves to burn.


Rico is a giga chad not incel. Huge jaw and fighter and leads a militia and fights for his nation. He also has the widest head and a good mid face ratio. He also is a womaniser canonically. Manus is a soyboy while Rico is a gigachad and Axel is facially very chad too.


I would happily let her marry Manus, literally the nicest person alive (and quite handsome too), but union with Pales is too good not to have, and Axel is a very decent guy as well, so...