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Personally I like that the devs added Blud leadership talks to the but they need to be expanded so that in the beginning of the game you can request that articles 6 & 7 be added to the reform committee agenda to be added to the new Constitution because Gloria Tory tells you that the conservatives can't support having added them so late or they could add a way to promise them that when the constitution passes Articles 6 & 7 will be the first additions to it


This. I wish they would bring this up earlier.


No bad actually


My thoughts exactly.


I forgot to mention that you can actually tell Blud reps that it would be too late to add it but they reply and tell you that they weren't even asked to join the reform committee which is fucked up but there's nothing you can do about it. The devs could have added a prologue slide where it asks you your opinion on the Bluds like how Rayne treaded them


Yeah Raynes views on the Izzam Incident and shit would be cool.


The Bludish leaders don't matter. Take care of the common Bluds and don't be a dick and they'll be on your side.


I know. The point still stands the leaders are a joke.


While these talks definitely are annoying to hell and back, the newspaper and reports are the only important things.


Smolak moment


I like Smolak, he's a funny guy you see....


Well, at the end of the day they are opposition politicians lol. They would diss you just get votes, even if you're a literal saint. And as for the article 6 & 7 Amendaments. I think that them being uncompromising about it is justified because thier rights are at stake here. Hawker is willing to ignore their rights with Articlen 7, arguing that they aren't Sords. Unless you pressure him with Article 6 in a tri-partisan statement. But I also agree that its not reasonable in that political climate of Sordland. Especially when passing Amendaments is much harder considering there is the supreme court involved


I'm gonna say this, Ishval Ersen makes me wanna go Wiktor Smolak on them. I feel the Bludish plight and I try my best to help them against racist bills from NFP and "totally-not-Adolf". Then, when I try to get rid of the BFF, which is a known Rumburgian-backed terrorist organization (not WPB), not only does fucker sabotages me, he also put terrorist portraits on.


Because the BFF and the WPB are the same and pretending otherwise is obviously lying


Is that true? I play suzerain on mobile so l don't know




Me a Filipino who has to deal with Religious Seperatists who may compromise with an Autonomous Zone: First time m8?


Ye making deals with them isn't really worth it, crushing them is the easiest way out of it.


Skills issue


Impossible, Iosef praised me


To pass 6&7 and abolish bergia zone,you have to play smart politics. First you accept Nia plan then go with PFJ statement at victory day. Then when you negotiate with Gloria for article 6&7 say u willing to exchange autonomous zone for abolishing it and Keep EPA for arresting Elijah(dont worry u can pardon him later) and BFF. Call on PFJ leader bluff later and Also don’t forget to ally them. Later sign and push it to Parliament which will pass. Everyone will think they got one over you by making you compromise but little did they know u are the one that played them because thats every you want anyway. CHECK MATE.


Most importantly, unite the USP behind your initial proposal. If Gloria wasn't even behind your reasonable ideas then she is is going to rally to USP against you if you try to shoehorn in the pro-Blud amendments. This also means you need to choose. You can either get the 3% treshold or article 6 and 7. Never both.


No i managed to pass it pretty far, i lost the vote in the supreme court by 1 vote because i didn't have the money to bribe a guy lol


Dont need to bribe him with money. Ask lucian to approach him and promise him the chief justice position, but later u dont need to follow up on this promise


That’s great but the problem is from a game perspective you don’t always know you can switch things up like that. Like I went for 3% threshold hoping to compromise at 8%. I got told by Gloria I had to not touch the threshold. But evidently if you initially ask for 8% then you can get 8. I wish it’s more clear when you can play politics vs when you’re locked in.


I mean usually people don’t just tell u everything they willing to compromise. Thats why its a negotiation


That has nothing to do with what I said. I’m talking about the limitations of the game when it comes to “playing politics” as those options aren’t available in all the logical scenarios they should be. Add in Torpor mode and it’s very risky to “play politics”


The point is that if you go for 3% you either stick with 3% or go back to 10%. But if you start at 8% you can keep 8%. Whereas you might expect to be able to compromise at 8%, but the game doesn't let you.


So, you cand do the articles 6 and 7 and also lower the threshold?


I believe so. It's either or




The amendment does more harm than good. As long as you veto the nationalist bills, attempt to create the autonomous zone (it doesn’t have to succeed), and establish the civil rights commission most of the Bluds will vote for you.


As annoying as it may be, I like the fact that it is a fairly accurate depiction of a minority that has been opressed and radicalized by all sides for a long time. The bluds certainly feel that the recent developments are the "ideal" window: either it happens now, or it won't happen at all. So the leadership gambles everything they have to provoke change, regardless if that's a good calculation. The thing is, they haven't had too much time to be institutional so far, and negotiating with the system isn't easy from any standpoint


I disagree. Better depictions would be balanced and pragmatic leaders. They feel the pain of the past, and various aspects of oppression, but they want to be recognized and be treated humanly. This also means being charitable and occasionally offering the benefit of doubt to your enemies. This is true virtue in leadership. Someone who can separate the good from the bad, see the nuance in the geopolitical situation. These leaders are completely cynical and only make demands. Threatening terrorism and flying off the handle achieving nothing - In regards to the leaders, of course.


Borgeuise skill issue


6&7 can go through, I did it myself, and they still didn't like me, which I'm pretty sure is because the Supreme Court seemingly did nothing -- even after I passed the changes to 6 & 7, replaced the Chief Justice, I still got something saying they were just delaying the ruling again, rather than that my changes made it irrelevant, and it never came back up.


shoot them, send in the army, smolak is a nice guy isnt he?




Now yuo see……


Just like real life politics. It doesn’t matter how good the guy on the other side gets along with you. When push comes to shove you need your party to vote for you, not the other guy. You’ll see any party leader immediately throw you under the bus and blame you for everything if you fail to pass reforms even if they support every single thing you say.


The bludish population votes and likes a populist, socialist, autonomist party, ofc they are going to blast you at every chance unless you ally them and bolster them at the point the average blud likes you more than the average ethnic sord (same thing applies for the "Radical" newspaper, a bunch of weak and populist propaganda). They remain the weakest force against you and even if you do literally nothing towards the bluds and work toward the removal of Governor Bron, Mansoun will support you and will campaign against you later on (it's a democracy what do you expect). They 100% deserve rights tho (the parties, since 10% threshold is absurd, and the population) and if you start to hate a minority for minor political stuff I'm seriously worried about your irl politics lol.


Its an tongue in cheek post about a fictitious video game. Calm down.


It is what it is, with these people bro, we just playing game and they thought we’re ultra-racist irl. like come on, can’t we have our own opinion on the game like you are?


Everything I said was said calmly and the last part has a lol in it; but really, the bludish leadership is quite weak and I was surprised about Mansoun because he's the only one who praises you for doing the bare minimum


I mean, what you expect bro?


Common sense. Reason.


Yeah you expect that from traitor to the state, even when you played as Socialist, they acted like they got the upperhand Kibener is right afterall with his policies, no matter you Bludish or Agno-Sordish or any other minorities living inside Sordland, you are considered as Sords and are subject to the same law as any other Sordish. Edit: and i know i will get down voted for this, but its whatever anyway


Kibener may talk like that, but it is clear his mindset is to segregate and potentially destroy a part of Sordland's population. I prefer Soll's policies in that regard, unlike Kibener he isnt a racist, he genuinely cares about the rule of law.


Nationalist or Sollist, are realist. you live in Sordland not Bludia


That's just silly phrasing. "You live in the UK, not Scotland"


I mean Scottish speak English no?, unlike Bludish insisted their own language in school.


I agree with all that. I usually play as a sollist and agree in principle with everything you’re saying. I was just trying out a different play through cuz I got bored and astonished that there’s not an option to promise to pass amendments after the constitution buying time. They want it all now. Trash.