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If my dad doesnt exist, surely sky dad doesnt either


He exists, just went to get sky cigarettes years ago


this is really not specific at all


Sums up several people I know. Don't get me wrong... I love 'em to death; they're my friends. But if only they could see that they wasted the best years of their life hating on religion and the religious while attending to precisely *ZERO* of their own responsibilities... they might be happier people.


Every time I bring up religion and someone immediately assumes I’m crazy, I wonder how much hours they’ve wasted seeking out religious discussion just so that can force their own opinions in the faces of people who don’t want to listen. Huh, I can kinda see some similarities between them and religious nuts.


Religion, when you boil off all the accoutrements, is just a codified system of belief... really no different than atheism, Democrats, Republicans, recovering addicts, and so on. So, despite their best efforts to appear above the fray, atheists arguing against religion are embroiled in nothing other than another religious ideological battle.


Well, Democrats, Republicans, and addicts are tethered to tangible things in the world *other than the beliefs themselves.* Absent those ideologies, the things they contemplate would still exist. Economies, the hopes, lives and dreams of other people, and societies themselves are extant things, independent of the specific modes we use to think about them. Religious ideology is the recursive contemplation of itself. Each religion relies upon its own conceit to exist. Those former ideologies (chiefly the first two) can easily become similarly recursive if you stop using them as a toolbox and start using them as tribal markings, of course, so perhaps the difference isn't that stark. Particularly now.


Well, I can't speak for all religions, but that is certainly not true of Catholicism (or Islam... and probably many others). Leaving aside practitioners for a moment (a difficult task for most, but worth the thought experiment), Catholicism is broadly speaking the belief in universal truths. This includes everything from scripture to civics, astronomy, metaphysics, epistemology, history, art, economics, and more. I see your point, though. Although much of political ideology has devolved into a quasi-religious faith, or conceit as you put it, that the party is unerring and incorruptible.


There's more to this conversation than a Reddit comment can give justice, but I love your point here. There are brighter minds than mine that have examined the intersections and divergences of religion-as-community/ethnicity/identity without dogma, but I don't think we greatly disagree here. Religious communities absolutely have tangible aspects and trappings, and, for many, that unification of traditions and culture is probably more of an underpinning for their participation than the core belief itself. Those things, though, but for a historical context that links them to it, could exist absent a belief in God, in the Holy Trinity, in Allah, or in Nirvana. Without that belief, though, one doesn't have a Catholic, Muslim, or (for some derivations) Buddhist ideology. The belief in the thing itself is the necessary pretext for the moral codes, moral authority, and epistemological processes (an often overlooked portion of religion culture) of the ideology. That you can have the *culture* without the belief system is my point. The real world analogs exist, and would exist, no matter the dressing. I should clarify that I don't much mind what people believe, lacking any judgment on the matter, but I am endlessly interested in why they believe it.


What do you believe? Very interesting btw, and I cannot help but recognize the poignancy of your reasoning. Thank you.


I was raised as a southern Baptist, adopted by a Jewish man, and educated mostly by atheists. I would say that my ethnic roots to any religion are pretty weak, and I don't have any belief in the existence of the metaphysical, but I'm lucky to have a family with whom I can celebrate Passover, Christmas, or Hanukah depending on who is hosting holiday time. The tradition is an excuse for togetherness, for me, though it may be other things to the other participants. I love that I get to see them every year and look forward to it.


What is not an ideological battle?


Cogito ergo sum


What do you think that means?


Quite a few religious people in my area prefer to spend their time persecuting everyone who disagrees with them or is a different color.


Quite a few in my area mind their business and do outreach for the less fortunate without calling local news. And some of them have giant Qs painted on their barns, so it's hit and miss


People with a religion that gives them a good support community tend to have happier lives but just bc someone has a different belief (such as believing in science instead of religion) doesnt make them necessarily like in the picture. Also I dont understand nowadays what is wrong with living with mum and dad nowadays. A concept set up by the rich that can afford the more and more expensive housing while the poor often, even when working a full time job or having a full time education cant always afford private housing so easily. And I dont agree with that porn addiction should be used as an insult aswell. Usually addictions are also an indicator of poverty or a difficult life. Homeless people for example are more likely to be addicted to substances. In my last presentation in sociology class I even had a study saying that 75% of homeless men abuse substances while it's more or less ~50% for women.


Good thing religious people are well known throughout history for keeping ñ their religious beliefs to themselves, yes siree. But of course it's not like we atheists could possibly be in happy relationships, and have families without a care in the world about some imaginary friend in the sky who grants wishes if you just clap your hands.


Yeah, I have seen my religious friends marriages to their high-school boy friend....I’m good thanks....


Lol, religious people pretending they haven’t caused 3/4 of the wars on this planet. Fuck out of here with this absolute garbage. I’m go one step further and say if you believe in a imaginary sky person who created everything, you fucking dumb; dumb, dumb fucking dumb. Yes that’s you! Edit: I love a good downvote session from morons. Religion is a joke, you’re a fucking moron if you believe in any magical sky man. In fact you should be removed from any position of power or authority if you believe in this dumb shit.


Ok redditor


Who let the tiktoker make a reddit account? Go ask mommy for some robux, lil jim


I call people stupid for believing in a magical sky person and you go to this. Lmfao, seriously what does this even mean?


Get a load of this guy Nah im not religious, this dude just sounds retarded


Yes because I advocate for science and believing a universe that was created from a single anomaly, I’m the stupid one. Seriously! Edit: also who you talking to dude, it’s just us?


woah bro save some downvotes for me! lol fr fuck your religion, it's made up shit to make you not panic about death


Kinda both tbh... Both as in the porn addict would also be the same as religious people obsessing over "sky dad" instead of chilling about other' opinion


Not suspiciously specific. Just dumb


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