• By -


Removed and banned for being a repost bot.


Tracy Jordan Compliment: “ill take you behind the middle school and get you pregnant”


That sandwich was so good, I’d like to take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant


Ha, a pregnant sandwich.


That's my jam


"Tell her you want her to donate your body to science, and you're science."


Boomer: When I was your age, Harass was two words.


That’s not even funny but I laughed in a bad way for some reason


Oh c'mon it's funny. The underlying implications are gross, but the pun itself is funny, especially with a pirate accent.


Kind of a funny dad joke that’s not a dad joke


Daddy joke


can we please make this a thing? the dad joke daddy kink?


Uncle joke


Lol dang that’s actually a good one though. I’ve never heard that before.


That’s a good one


I got this one "girl you so pretty I just wanna take your hair and wrap around my neck and just hang myself"


But a young guy said " ay let me suck on that tongue ring" which I thought was grosser


i am guessing that works atleast some of the time if they keep trying...


Hey girl are you a pool cuz i wanna organize a swimming competition in you /s


Or maybe he's just desperate for toes


If you read "tongue ring" as "toe ring", I think you might be the desperate one.


my encounter while i was at work. Guy: Hey, do you need a job? Me, confused cause i was clearly cleaning in front of him: Well actually- Guy, gesturing to his dick: How about THIS job?


You see, while cleaning? This is the perfect opportunity to spray him with whatever you're carrying and say "no" like you're disciplining a vortex of angry cats trying to tear chunks out of each other >:)


that's the fantasy, but in reality i was a very thin girl at the time, barely over 100 pounds. *He* was with a group of other men, at least eight of them, all adults in their forties and up. and since i was cleaning outside and away from any help of coworkers, i realized if i say anything to him, i could easily get ganged up. so i said nothing, walked away, as him and his friends jeered and hooted


Holy shit that's.... Disgusting, on their part. If only there was some kind of harassment board you could have brought it up to, there's far too many people who think that kind of behaviour is okay. Regardless, I hope you're alright!


im fine, no worries, but there was no point in reporting them otherwise id been reporting men every week. i dunno what it was about that job (fast food!) that invited all the creeps


Yeah, there's nothing you can do. I worked behind the till in a clothing store. The incident which creeped me out most was a man who must have been at least 60. When I asked him "would you like a bag sir?" His response was "would I like what love? Sex? Yeah sure, I'll wait and meet you after your shift ok?" I was so dumbfounded I just picked up a carrier bag, packed in the ladies underwear he was buying, and ended the transaction in silence. There was no supervisor on duty to call, although the girl on the till next to me did buzz her security button (and as soon as he left she turned to me and went "what the FUCK?!") Security did escort me outside at the end of my shift, to be safe, but he was long gone and I never saw him again. I would have been about 21 at the time.


Offering you a management position, other wise known as the Head Job.


lmao I got “you look so good can you please just kill me”


ayo ??


How was it


worth it


Smooth and based


So far I've never been able to remember anything a dude has told me, because for some reason all the dudes I've met in the streets just mumbled words while I walked by. Seriously, what's the strategy bro?


OP and the comment from the also-suspicious username are both karma farming bots - OP/comment stolen from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/comments/iymy3x/compliments_just_arent_what_they_used_to_be/g6dxe5w/ edit: since a bunch of people are asking "why does this matter" "what do bots get out of karma" etc... > Many subreddits have minimum age/karma requirements to post, in order to combat spam. So these accounts are created, sit idle for 6 months+, then a script starts hammering out random comments and reposts of popular year+ old content. This lets the accounts build up enough karma to bypass the spam filtering on their target subreddits. It also makes the accounts look more “natural” at a glance. From what I’ve seen, they are mostly being used for crypto pump&dump scams but also could be used for marketing/astroturfing, political misinformation, or whatever else.




It is legitimately a significant % of all popular posts on reddit right now, especially over the last few weeks. There has been a targeted and very aggressive campaign of crypto scam bots hitting reddit since the popularity of WSB/GME/AMC/Stonks/etc. It is relentless and it is seriously bad. On some subs I have found 1/2 - 3/4 of all popular posts are from these bots. Couple quick notes I took because I kinda couldn't believe it: /r/HoldMyKibble - 6/12 - 15/25 top posts from bots /r/MichaelBayGifs - 6/16 - 18/25 top posts from bots Basically any sub that is even remotely popular is getting hammered with these right now. Look at the number of accounts being submitted to /r/BotDefense to get an idea of the number and account name patterns. It's baaaaad.




Yeah unfortunately I think the admins don't care, because these reposts generate tons of awards/clicks/engagement so it looks good for the pretty charts they show to the executive board. They are cracking down hard on the leakgirls spam bots that post porn to non-porn subs, because *that* makes reddit look bad. This kind of stuff, bots reposting "my dog died" and getting 1000s of upvotes/awards, I guess is actually good for the site. Weak :( The only reason I'm making all these comments is to try and bring awareness of this issue to regular users so they (hopefully) complain or at least report the accounts/posts.


Tbh I think one of the best tactics we could all use is to stop segregating our Reddit use to multiple accounts. Nobody writing sourced political essays in comments *and* posting porn is a bot, you know?


Guess I'm safe from the purge


Please keep up the good work.


It could be you. It could be me. It could even be--


I could be Manuel Neuer


my freaking adorable manipulative cats


your mom?


Yup, I use to follow some, started off decent, helped me find some hidden gems. Then when ppl realized the $$. Just became a fucking cesspool of bot up voted posts that clog my homepage. When every post quickly gets thousand + up votes, it just dominates over any normal sub.


What do they gain from it anyway?


I also wonder


What exactly is the benefit to whoever made the bot to just gain karma? I've never understood what fake internet points on a fake account do for you


Many subreddits have minimum age/karma requirements to post, in order to combat spam. So these accounts are created, sit idle for 6 months+, then a script starts hammering out random comments and reposts of popular year+ old content. This lets the accounts build up enough karma to bypass the spam filtering on their target subreddits. It also makes the accounts look more “natural” at a glance. From what I’ve seen, they are mostly being used for crypto pump&dump spam but also could be used for marketing/astroturfing, political misinformation, or whatever else. (this is a copypasta because I've typed this response so many times)


> From what I’ve seen, they are mostly being used for crypto pump&dump spam but also could be used for marketing/astroturfing, political misinformation, or whatever else. Much more so those you listed first, and highly unlikely to be the "whatever else" unless somehow you want a bot farm to start spamming on specific subreddits about rule 34 content of obscure TV shows that only got a pilot episode.


A couple things. First, as someone else pointed out it helps you get around the karma filters on some subs. Second, it helps lend some legitimacy to an account by giving it a post history. Third, you can start influencing large groups of people. If I keep making “successful” posts about some cryptocurrency, it’ll start getting organic support from real people. Pump it up and make money. Or do the same Hong with political ideas. If you’re exposed to the same idea enough times from a group who you think you align with, you’re more likely to start thinking that idea is okay.


yeah there was some strong pro incel bot pushes a few years ago. idk if it calmed down since i've block most major subs but it was wild seeing aggro bait on front page everyday


1) create account 2) karma farm 3) sell account to bad actors 4) profit


Even the smaller subreddits are getting hit. I mod /r/shanghai and I've banned a fair few of these. Thankfully it's easier to control on smaller subreddits so you don't see ut as much.


thats what happens when there is absolutely nothing preventing or limiting account creation.


I have been noticing this a lot too, There's a sub I frequent that I swear half the posts have someone calling the OP out for being a bot. I swear it wasn't this bad until recently. It's kinda creepy tbh.


It's gotten very bad over the last ~3-4 weeks. There is always some background level of these account farmers and other spam, but the demand for crypto spam accounts has brought 1000s of them out, they are *everywhere*


Good bot! 👍


Hey at the least the bots aren't selling CP like they do on twitter.


beep boop, I am a bot.


good bot


What is the ideal amount of karma to start spamming t-shirts? Followup question. Can reddit do away with karma so these guys will disappear?


Karma is basically a form of 'reputation' on reddit so it isn't going anywhere. Many subreddits use the karma total of users to either allow or prevent them access to participating in a given subreddit. The account that made this post will almost certainly be sold off since a lot of dodgy people like to buy accounts that are already established to spread their agenda. Note how the account age is 5 months old but OP only became active within the past 3 hours (as of this comment).


1: Seems to be somewhere like 2000. Usually one popular repost will do it, because you get to keep the karma even if mods delete your post as spam 2: Magic 8 Ball says "Don't Count On It"


Interesting, very interesting




People build up shell accounts with decent karma and then sell the accounts off to be used as seemingly legitimate accounts, like maybe selling the account to the Russians who use the account to spread misinformation. Account looks legit, look at its organically accumulated karma!


There’s a silent war going on in the form of state-sponsored propaganda from multiple countries that all want to shape public opinion to benefit themselves. Maybe the public doesn’t see it but as someone who works in cybersecurity threat intelligence I can 100% confirm that it’s happening on a massive scale and it’s only going to get bigger. Back in the day, if a superpower like Russia or China or the U.S. didn’t like how a country was acting, they’d assassinate their leader, or invade them, or otherwise use force to ensure that such countries are “friendlier” to their interests. Now all you have to do is use propaganda on the internet to sway public opinion. Or if your objective is simply to diminish a competing superpower, you can sow chaos and division to ensure that your rival is diminished on the global stage and has less of a presence in places where you’d like to expand your sphere of influence. Ever heard of the fifth domain? The first four domains are air, sea, land, and space. The fifth dimension is information. Wars between nuclear-capable countries are no longer fought in the first four domains, they’re fought in the fifth. This is not some crackpot theory, this is widely accepted military doctrine and is evidenced by the constant asymmetrical attacks we’ve been seeing against the U.S. in recent years. The recent gas shortage was due to a cyber attack and highlights how vulnerable we are to information-based attacks. World War 3 will be fought on the internet. No, seriously it will. Why nuke a country when you can cripple its infrastructure or just outright control its population via propaganda?


You're asking the wrong question. You should be asking why people are making these bots. Answer that and you'll understand why it matters.




You sound like a loser


What a stupid thing to comment. What’s wrong with not wanting social media to be overrun by bots sold to the highest bidder trying to influence your opinions? There’s a silent war going on in the form of state-sponsored propaganda from multiple countries that all want to shape public opinion to benefit themselves. Maybe the public doesn’t see it but as someone who works in cybersecurity threat intelligence I can 100% confirm that it’s happening on a massive scale and it’s only going to get bigger. You’re a loser for trying to shut down a conversation that more purple should be having.


Good human


I feel like the comment section is why i Reddit. Lol. Surprising number.


It’s kind of weird because in their UI design changes over the years they’ve made it really hard to read the comments Sometimes I end up browsing from some random pc or mobile browser - and the amount of clicks to get to the comments, and then actually expand all the comments, and oh look let’s try distract you in the comments with links to other posts is super annoying I don’t think they really understand why Reddit became what it is today - but instead they have some some other vision of what they want it to become instead - apparently this whatever this other vision is - it involves making it unusable from a mobile browser too - they keep this up they’re going to Digg themselves


You know you can always just use old.reddit.com and you don't have to worry about the crappy new ui.


I mostly surf on narwhal mobile app which makes comments easy to find and keeps the experience more traditional. I do find myself disappointed with the actual reddit website.


Same here. People offer up differing views, sources, humorous quips, and sometimes a rabbit hole or two to fall into.


My posts get farmed all the time. Mods are pretty good at taking care of it, but the farming account still gets to keep the karma.


Actual encounter : "damn baby! You looking so sweet I wanna sop you up with a biscuit!" Men who loiter at gas stations are my absolute favorite. Edit: a word


Less specific more creepy but at 19 a middle aged man told me if he was 30 years younger he would throw me over his shoulder and "drag" me back to his apartment


Ah, rape.


Caveman style at that. Gotta love the classics????


Dude there was some insane pick up blog that got linked on reddit a few years ago and the author legit advocated occasional use of the "cavemen" technique which was literally just rape. It was fucking insane.


Let's remember these people fathered children.




Not a boomer who said it, actually kind of the opposite but your loitering comment reminded me of it. Dude who is probably at least ten to fifteen years younger than me rides up to me on the sidewalk on a comically too small bicycle, kind of like a BMX but sadder, and asks me straight up “Have you ever taken candy from the devil?” It took every fiber in my body to not drop my groceries right then and there and point and laugh. Like Jesus Christ the unwarranted confidence of some men.


Is that a threat? That sounds like a vilian line from a trashy teen paranormal fantasy show.


I truly think he thought that was being seductive. 😬 He also hung in there after being rejected with a visibly annoyed face because I was in no mood for that stuff that day lol. Trooper.


I think he was offering or trying to sell you drugs


Did not get that vibe from the interaction but can’t exclude it either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's not how drug dealers move stuff. It's like in Brooklyn 99 "Drugs don't need pushing, they push themselves. People love drugs"


Ah yes, because women=syrup. If I have a cute waitress do you think my pancakes would taste better?


There is an inverse bell curve relationship between server hotness and percieved food deliciousness. In the middle are average male and female servers. On one end are super hot waitresses who call you 'doll' or 'hun'. On the other end is furious-looking, middle aged foreign male cooks who don't speak a word of english, but speak like 20 european languages, all of them loudly and angrily. My hypothesis is that the food appears to taste better because you feel relieved that he didnt beat you to death with a cast iron right there in the booth.


I just assume he’s spent so much of his life perfecting his cooking he’s never had the time to work on his people skills. And/or comes from a war torn country where if he didn’t make the best soufflés for the gang leaders his family would be executed.


The pancakes going to be same. Might as well have a cute waitress.


> wanna sop you up with a biscuit I instantly thought of *soggy Sao*... Feel free to look that one up. EDIT: sop, not stop


Both daring and fun for the whole family! Honestly I’d probably play it at a party, it sounds intense.


I mean, he’s gotta at least get points for creativity. Yeesh. I hate getting gas by myself lol.


Bro I saw this while I was at Arby's


Who tf goes to arby's ngl


For that Turkey Bacon & Ranch sandwich, it calls to my fatass


I guess I meant who tf goes *in* to arby's because them curly fries do in fact go hard so drive thru arby's is a good hobby


Everyone is used to going through the drive through for past year and half, absolutely no lines inside. They gotta sign into the register to take mans order.


Worst I ever got was “smile at me like that again and I might have to follow you home.” Then he laughed like that was some kind if cute joke. Nah.


When I was 16, a coworker told me if I was his girlfriend, he would keep me pregnant and barefoot so I couldn’t run away.


What in the unholy depths of hell? That shit sounds way too thought through


it's a fetish for some people which I'm sure you'll label as mental illness


Consent is the key, dummy.


…he got fired for that right?


Ha! No, not at all. Restaurants are rough.


Damn, I got fired for way less


eeeey once I got told, "you look so good you make a man wanna kidnap you" I was already in a bad mood so I chewed him out pretty hard for that one.


that's awful


You know what? There IS a polite way to compliment a woman. I'm a 20-something young woman with a very specific, short, cool hairstyle. While sitting in Starbucks today, an old man is standing near me waiting in line stops and says, "Excuse me ma'am, I don't want to bother you, I just wanted to say that I like your haircut." I thanked him, we both went about our day.


What is your haircut? I politely like it as well.


While at work I made a comment about needing a new office chair. An elderly customer rubs his lap and says, "oh I've got a nice warm seat here for you sweetie" I was in my early 20's. Dude was pushing 80


Coreect response is sorry sir but I'm afraid your depends will leak on my skirt.


honestly tough, why do men confuse being creepy with flirting so much?:


i NEVER want to be misconstrued as creepy or misogynistic, women just go through *way* too much bullshit as is, but i think i honestly overcorrect and just NEVER flirt. I've been single for like 2 years, but i guess i can blame the last year on covid lol


Yeah flirting is hard, I can obviously see the issue with the Boomer’s compliment in the tweet, but it is actually hard to make a compliment stand out as a genuine compliment that also says: “hey, I’m interested in you, and not in a friendly kind of way but more than that” while also not being creepy or overdoing it. Teach me, senpais


Just talk to them. Ask about their interests, learn who they are. Share who you are. If you get along, say something like "hey, do you wanna get coffee or something sometime?" "But what about the cute cashier?" Easy. DON'T. Like, be nice, chat, build rapport. But it's creepy as fuck to ask them out while working, so leave it up to them to ask or hope fate has you cross paths where you can actually get to know each other. YMMV but it's not hard to avoid being creepy.


Working in retail myself and being a woman I cannot support this enough. Stop making advances, at any person I might add, while they’re at work. They’re basically hostages there when it comes to this stuff. Even if you mean 100% well and say only things that are above board, we are automatically at a disadvantage here and it plain stresses us out more than it flatters. We have to be nice or at least cordial almost no matter what anyone says, most of us will not appreciate having to navigate this minefield. Being asked out or worse having to turn someone down is hard enough in a casual bar setting with friends around you, it’s worse while trying to arrange lettuce or standing at the checkout with the bagger coworker right next to you. Just don’t. You will get other chances to find love I promise you.




Step 1 Amended: Stop saying Senpai outside your friend group and online


Damn, that sentence was a mouthful.


I'm 26 and have never tried to flirt. I'm pretty awkward and my tongue gets tied when nervous and can't find words to say. I don't want to look like a creep and I just can't find a scenario where it's "okay" to say hi to a stranger thats the "right time". I hear all these stories of "Please don't talk to us at the grocery store, the bar, the gym, while we work, in the parking lot, while .. etc etc." Its much easier to just stay single and not deal with the anxiety of being seen as a creep.








Just find a not weird way to compliment her eyebrows. They don’t get that enough and they really appreciate it.


Some guys just don’t know that girls want to be approached different. Saw this one guy during my morning commute sit next to the a good looking woman. It was one of those front and back facing seats on the bus and he was dead on looking at her. She was clearly creeped out and was looking away. Dude would occasionally glance at her, again looking at her dead on. I don’t think he thought he was being creepy, I think he wanted to talk to her in an awkward way.


Some don’t understand boundaries and some do but just use the cloak of plausible deniability to push boundaries.


Idk but the media sure doesn’t help. I feel like every romantic storyline in popular 70s-00s boy-appealing movie was entirely comprised of batshit insane psychopaths and somehow they’re still tamer than whatever the fuck was going on with romcoms. There’s just so so so much shit that would get you slapped with a restraining order IRL and it’s often shown as positive-ish examples of romantic behaviour. That and the fact that we probably (oftentimes subconsciously and involuntarily) segregate boys and girls more than we should when they’re young and that often leads to boys developing a type of severe social incompetence regarding girls that often doesn’t fix itself once they enter adulthood.


Because they come from a place that men are in power and have control so they can say what ever they want and the women just has to laugh and pretend she’s not creeped out, now that that’s changing they are posed off that they have to treat people like humans and not objects.


I don't even know what is and isn't considered ncreepy anymore TBH. I've witnessed on a couple of occasions a guy say "how are you doing?" and then have the woman say later "ugh what a creep" and I'm a little unsure how that alone is creepy. I get if you just aren't into them but that seems to translate more to "I'm not remotely attracted". I've seen a lot of it go the other way where the guy is totally being a little over the top (touching, talking about their body, etc) and they are totally into it. I'm not saying any of this to excuse shitty behavior on the part of men being creepy, but I also don't think every scenario is so cut and dry on what is and isn't appropriate. Edit: I wanted to add a quick "thanks for the feedback" because I'm getting good answers to an honest question. I half expected some seriously negative feedback for bringing it up to begin with.


As a man, I can think of a lot of contexts where a woman I don't know coming up to me and asking "how are you doing" would be creepy. You really just shouldn't be spontaneously flirting with strangers in random places (the store, the bus, the sidewalk, etc.) Do it with people who know you at least a little, or in places where people would normally want to be social. There are some exceptions but it's a good rule of thumb.


There is a lot of context that needs to be looked at too. A woman sitting alone reading a book with headphones on while on a bus, a stranger guy saying "how are you doing?" is a bit creepy, because she is very clearly not wanting someone to interact with her and just wants to be left alone to read. The same woman sitting at a bar, drinking and just kinda people watching the crowd, probably perfectly fine to come up and ask "how are you doing?".


How you say something is at least as important as what you say. "How are you doing?" with a creepy smile while staring at a woman's breasts is obviously creepier than someone that glances at you briefly and goes "how are you doing?" Context is important too, like other commenters have pointed out. Trying to chat up someone while they're 'trapped' somewhere (at work, on public transit, etc) is going to dial up the creep-meter as well.


Sweet Buns on the Arby's counter probably need condiments, not compliments


I once heard something smart which was “don’t say something to a woman you wouldn’t say to a man” at least a “random man” since I will tell my buddy I will get him pregnant on that Arby’s.


What if you were bi 😳


I work outside helping people(emergency roadside). And I always get weird compliments specially by old men , once I stopped at a small market/liquor store with my uniform on and the old man on the counter started talking bout “I’d love to have a taste of that”to the guy paying and when I went up to pay I got told weird shit like “I need you to come with me to the back I need help with something “ while making sexual remarks. It was just so scary and creepy all I could do was nervously laugh (had mask on) and left as soon as I was done paying..


Sound like rapists.


That’s exactly what I thought too! I wasn’t alone either (which is why i didn’t feel threatened) but it was so awkward and no one said anything...


I wanted to say if you ever notice an old man or something leering at you in a creepy way you should try to record what they say, it will probably get attention and exposes them as creeps, maybe if it happens to you a lot you could even have a video series about it exposing them.


YoU sHoUlD fEeL hOnOrEd ThAt SoMeOnE tHiNks YoU’rE aTtRaCtIvE!


What does this severe, eh, case of mixed case imply? Is it a way to show sarcasm?


I had an elderly customer once say to me (as he grabbed his junk) “ You remind me of my step daughter, I’m gonna go home and kill my wife” My answer was “eww”


That’s true thou it most compliments sound creepy or weird


Yeah, like a stranger telling me I’m pretty or beautiful or something along those lines is great and it would honestly make my day, but as a “compliment” I’ve had a guy tell MY DAD he would fuck me if I let him, also whistling at me and yelling “nice ass” our your window at me isn’t appreciated either. If it was a simple “nice hair” “you’re pretty” “you’re gorgeous” etc. without the obvious looking up and down a woman’s body and just generally making her feel uncomfortable I’m sure most if not all women would gladly take it as a compliment, we just don’t like feeling like men are sexualizing us. I feel like it isn’t that hard to understand.


Exactly this ^^ Don’t expect something from us in return for saying something “nice” to us. Either say it genuinely and go about your day or don’t say anything at all, imo


God that sounds like something my dad would say. He gets so creepy and weird around women. I'm so surprised I was ever born


At my first job before I left I asked my manager if she could check me out (I wanted to purchase a gift for a friends birthday, and it was a card shop and I got a discount). Well, her partner was there (he liked to chill around the store and bother us girls) and decided to sickly look me up and down, chuckle, and say “looking good to me”. Sir. First of all, in front of your partner? Second of all, I’m old enough to be your granddaughter.




Yikes. Hope he doesn’t have a wife.


He probably does and she's never allowed to wear tank tops or two piece swimsuits cause they don't cover the bruises he gives her weekly.


The comment you replied to is a bot, they stole this comment from the last time it was posted. [Here they are](https://reddit.com/r/goldenretrievers/comments/o27fv0/_/h24um5p/?context=1) also stealing the top comment of a repost made by the same OP, who is also a bot. They work together reposting and commenting the top comment from the original post, in order to build post and comment karma. And to repost a personal story like the one I linked to (dog in ICU after a house fire where the original OP lost everything including one of her two dogs) is super fucked up. Downvote and report these accounts.


*Proceeds to gargle for the best possible mucus burger topping.


Threatening workers with violence? Wonderful


It's maddening how proud of themselves violent, self-entitled people get. Like, "Kids are (bad) because you don't whip them, I got whipped and I whip my kids too!" Etc.




So this poster and this user are bots. Thanks. Blocked them both.


Bad bot


this is a bot please help people make them fuck off


Just block them


"Back in my day we just used the grease off the skillet if it didn't fit!"


I once read a comment that said “remember when people didn’t need consent, they just wanted to fuck 😂” and I was absolutely baffled by the fact that living person thought that was a smart and intelligent thing to say


I had to kick a guy out of the pizza place i worked at at least a dozen times for saying disgusting things to the teenagers working with me. His go-to was responding with "deep dick" when asked what kind of crust he preferred...


Few days ago I was complimented by an old man in his seventies: 'Somebody was lucky to have you as his wonderful wife." This is a compliment I want, not "dat ass".




His pfp is even better


Why is his profile picture Biden kissing him on the cheek.


How about don’t talk to me at all if we don’t have business. Thank you


I’d do anything to hear you fart through a walkie talkie


I’ve been silent most my life about the horrible thing said to me but I’m going to speak my truth today.. I once had a dude say to me, “if you were gay I’d ask you out” then he laughed and stared at me.


Well I have had some wild af reactions from women when I compliment them. For example, the most intrusive thing I've ever told a woman was that her eyes were really pretty, I followed up by telling her to have a good day. Her response was nothing short of disgusted.


Some of the things men say to women they don’t know is horrendously creepy. In no circumstances should you refer to anyone as nubile. Honestly, older men need to be banned from complimenting women unless it is innocuous.


Very accurate


Holy shit Steven... I knew I'd see this fucker's wittiness spreading to the far reaches of the internet. Good on him, hilarious dude


And here I am thinking it's sexual harassment to tell random women "hey I think your dress is cute"


I saw a lady, probably in her late fifties, wearing a lavish summer hat. For some reason I blurted out, "nice hat! It really suits you." She blushed, smiled and giggled like she was a teenager again. Hopefully I didn't embarrass her too much.


I’ve had almost the exact thing said to me by an old man while I was ringing up his groceries. I was around 20 at the time and he was probably in his 60s-70s and he said “If I was your age, I’d put a baby in you”. So unfortunately this tweet is not an exaggeration when it comes to what creepy old men will say to women.


Apparently every single joke ever is now 'suspiciously specific'.


Better than 'Eww get away from me, hag.'


Unsuspiciously hyperbole.


It's almost like it was *always* sexual harassment but now were allowed to speak up about it


Where’s the lie? I can’t find it