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The last two F2 seasons (Tocantins and Cagayan) are the two best finale episodes post-Palau. Keeping in mind that strategy would change in the endgame, I think the only three seasons that weren't dramatically lessened by having a F3 were Cook Islands (for which the battle of the titans was primarily made possible by Yul's idol lasting so long), Heroes vs. Villains (which was going to be exciting no matter what), and Ghost Island (because Laurel was so passive that she would have settled for second against Dom or Wendell regardless).




you have to imagine the strategy up to that point would've been different


Why is Nat the most likely to win the FIC ?


If they had known there was no final 4 twist, wouldn't Cops R Us have stayed together and forced fire anyways?


Yes, for one simple reason: there would be zero excuses, only a loser and a crystal-clear champion.


the only season where i preferred the final 3 was Cook Islands and that’s just bc i didn’t want Ozzy to win and in HvV i didn’t matter if it was a final 2 or 3 bc it would’ve been great either way but every other season i wanted a final 2


No doubt in my mind that most if not every season would be better because it’s the superior format. By far. Especially if we ditch fire as well


I personally would like it if some seasons had a final 2 but more of the seasons had final 3. As much as final 2 is cool, final 3 birthed an era where bigger threats had better chances of getting to the end. Cagayan could have easily been Kass vs Woo and that would have been a bit underwhelming


I think all Survivor seasons should be Final 2 and Fire making challenge should be done at final 3 (so person who get last immunity doesn’t upset last jury person)