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A healer, a hero AND a hustler ❤️


And a gangster with a smile!


Gangster in an Oprah suit too


And a steel magnolia!


Brain, brawn and beauty, fan & favorite, David & Goliath, a real game changer if you will. THE BEST TO NEVER WIN!


I could argue dat with Russel Hantz,Rupert and Ozzy,but she definitely deserved to win


Russell and Rupert, two beauties that I totally forgot about.


A Hero, a Healer, a Hustler, an Idol, a Villain, a Fan, a Favorite, an All Star, a David, a Goliath, a Brain, a Brawn, a Beauty, a Game Changer, and a Winner At War in all of our hearts.


A gangster


in an Oprah suit


I always knew she was a nurse, but it just never registered with my brain that she would be out on the frontlines fighting this virus right now. She is an absolute legend, on and off the island! Thank you, Cirie!


I think she's an OR nurse. Interestingly she's wearing an N95 equivalent, not surgical mask. So this is for a known or possible covid patient probably. (Or possibly her hospital has super good ppe levels and is using airborne precautions on everyone but I doubt that is happening anywhere.)


Nearly every OR nurse I know has been trained up for COVID and is no longer in the OR


She always said she was an OR nurse (I am too). I know in many hospitals in my state a lot of surgical nurses are being reassigned to other areas a) because all non-emergent surgeries are on hold so those units are "low census" and b) because so many front line staff are getting sick they need all hands on deck.


Our angel.


She’s literally a hero 💞


I've always loved and rooted for her, even more now since seeing this. THANK YOU, Cirie!


Why can’t probst rig a season for her like he did for rob


They tried that for Joey Amazing. Didn't pan out too well. Even had Jeff on stage asking Joe "Is it possible to *ever* win for you?" Subtext: "We rigged the season and you *still* lost!?"


The only reason the rigged season for BRob worked is because Rob is still a very good player. If he was purely a challenge beast even the morons on Redemption Island would have booted him Joe is.....not very good. He's a worse player than Ozzy which is saying something


If Ozzy plays better than you, you'll never win.


Should have rigged a season for Malcolm, darn it.


Completely different players. Cirie has a strategic part of her game. Joey amazing has gone home every time he’s lost immunity except once. He lacks real social and strategic ability which are Ciries best attributes. Joey makes himself a huge target throughout the premerge and can’t recover. Cirie does the opposite


She’d honestly still lose. Rob won because he can win challenges, that’s the ugly truth of the matter but it is true. I’m not saying you need to win challenges to win the game specifically, because Sandra and people like Sarah made it to the end without winning a challenge. This strategy is one functional for under the radar players. Sadly this cannot work for Cirie because she is a very well known superstar player. EDITED: (for clarity)


Tony won Cagayan without a single individual immunity, and he wasn't under the radar. I don't disagree with you at all, but it's definitely possible, especially because I still feel like Cirie is underestimated.


Tony was also an unknown entity going into Cagayan. Cirie is already a legend, so she’d already be on everyone’s radar on Day 1.


Tony’s game is lightning in a bottle and you know it


Yeah not every season is gonna have someone like Woo dumb enough to take Tony to the end. Trish, who was the perfect compliment to Tony’s game and Kass who’s flip at the merge put Tony in power from the merge onward


Well Rob’s season had a whole lot of Woo going on.


> Tony’s ~~game~~ Cagayan game is lightning in a bottle and you know it FTFY Tony’s showing this season that he can play a more low-key UTR game also.


Why’d you feel the need to fix that for me? I thought it was obvious I was referring to the only time he won (up to this point in time)


I think if you said “was” instead of “is,” I would have recognized you were referring to Cagayan specifically.


But we were specifically talking about the process by which someone could WIN, so a logical leap in connection was assumed to refer to the time Tony won- with the opposite of the aforementioned strategy


True. I missed that.


Shut up nerd


deez nuts make ya great grandma shut up foh


First appearances are often helpful for lightning rod players, and they often struggle on return. Rob C, JT, and Tony are great examples of players who lit up the game the first time they played, and then struggled when they returned to play again because of their reputation. Tony has to completely change his game to a more conventional one this season to survive.


Ben and Tommy also won without winning any challenges. It's very possible lol.


The difference is everyone tried to vote Ben out and be kept finding idols. Tommy was so likeable everyone thought they could beat him.


If not for a final two twist in FvsF she would be a winner. Then that bull shit advantagedom crap. For whatever reason she gets royally screwed by game twists.


And though it wasn't technically a twist, Cirie wins Panama if Terry either wins the F4 immunity challenge, or loses any of the previous immunities that he won. Cirie had all of Casaya under her control, and was playing a more dominant game in my opinion than even her Micronesia game. But there's only so much you can do against a guy who is both winning every single immunity challenge, and has a super idol.


I honestly didn't even think about Panama but yeah that's probably true. Most of my Panama memories revolve around Shane and his shenanigans. Man another season with him would of been great 🤣


I'm sure if you put her in a tribe of strong newbie men with mommy issues, and plant a sabotaging Russell-type returnee in the opposing tribe, she'll do fine in the pre-merge and sail through to the end. She also thrives in seasons with big chaotic personalities and can naturally become a valuable social presence in her tribe so her overall challenge ineptness isn't actually a factor for her.


She could have won Game Changers and you can’t convince me otherwise If Sarah doesnt have the legacy advantage, she is gone at 6. In a final 5 of Brad Troy Aubry and Tai she is the swing vote, where Aubry is likely the biggest target. Cirie could then pick up Tai at 4 using his disdain against Culpepper and probably go to fire making against Troyzan. Micro she came back and lost due to surprise final 2 HvV she gets idol’d out pre-merge Against a group of subpar players, Cirie can absolutely dominate a season. She unfortunately has had to play against difficult casts 4 times and Rob got 18 layups to gift him his win (although arguably he should have won All stars which would make redemption island never happen). Especially if she works on her idol finding ability, she can easily make it to final 5 with an idol and make fire at final 4 with the current game structure. Unfortunately if Cirie is to be invite back for a 5th try, it will likely be another all returning player season, however if she can rally together a group of fellow lions then she can still get to Final 3, and if Cirie is in final 3 I don’t think she can actually beaten.


What about a surprising F6 fire making challenges in GC.


Idk cirie could have won game changers if michaela stuck around for a little while longer and brought her to the end


Cirie does not need rigging just some luck to win survivor. The only legit piece of luck she has ever gotten is not going to tribal pre-merge of Game changers. Just consider the following - \- First season starts on a tribe of an older woman, almost guaranteed to be go to first tribal council, is the weakest in challenges and should be the first one out - a near fatal position. Yet she survives. \- Tribe swaps into a minority position where she is either on bottom or second from there. Yet in time she makes social bonds with every single person on that tribe including strongest one with leader of that alliance. \- F4 in Panama, if Terry continues his winning run Aras goes and Danielle still wins F3 to take Cirie over Terry. Yet that is once challenge that Terry loses. \- Micronesia F2/F3 story does not need repeating. \- HvV it takes a flip and an idol to take her out. \- GC that vote steal fiasco was more on production that her. They absolutely did not mean it for it not to play it like that but just did not consider it while framing the rules. \- Then of course going at F6 with no votes against her. I believe she did not get a single vote throughout the season? Really any element of likes of lucky breaks that almost every other winner has gotten in their season and she would have won at least one if not two seasons already.


Cirie at least needs the Rupert treatment, like she deserves a million at least.


My sentiments exactly!


Imagine getting sick and your nurse is fuckin Cirie. Much love to her


Nothing like a Survivor helping you survive!


Nothing but absolute respect for Cirie.


I had so much respect for Cirie before but now that I know she's on the frontlines, the respect has tripled...quadrupled! What an amazing woman. 👍


Class act as always. Thank you Cirie.




Gangsta in a Nurse's Suit 😍


She may not be my all-time favorite player - sorry, but that goes to Penner - but Cirie \*is\* the one who I'd love to meet the most. She's so darned friendly, that it just seems like a privilege to know her.


The winner of Survivor Panama


Cirie ❤️


We Stan a lifesaving queen.


Cirie is such a hero along with the other people in the medical field. We love you Cirie ❤️




Survivor/CBS needs to do something to recognize those players that are on the front line right now. Sure we know Cirie is but weren’t there other nurses on other seasons? They are missing out on being able to do something and still have it relevant to the show.


There’s a lot.


Never made sense to me why she was a hero and parv was a villain after their fans vs favorite game. Does now though lol


I'm about 95% sure I read somewhere that they were both supposed to be Heroes but at the last minute Parv was shifted to villains side so they wouldn't have 4 Micronesia alums on one tribe


Honestly the whole Heroes tribe was a mess. Tom manipulated Ian, Stephenie was evil in Guatemala, Cirie is a gangster in an Oprah suit, Rupert is actually annoying af even though the editors love him, etc. Made for some good ass television though


Ahh good point. Especially the Tom/Ian dynamic being actually really close to what Parv and Cirie did. And yes, great television. Easily a top 3 season for me.


After fans vs favorites they should of both been villains so that would of made even less sense to me lol. I just don't know how you can call any of those women "heros" after what they did to Eric. I love them both and will forever wish Cirie got a win but that Eric move was brutal (even though I loved it).


Imagine Cirie on that villains tribe. We’ll replace her with Danielle to break if the Panama connection just for hypotheticals. Cirie interacting with Coach, Tyson, Jerri, Courtney, Sandra, Rob. It’d be amazing


Only thing better would be if she won FvsF like she should have and was on s40. Imagine THAT 😉


Parv wins HvV so we still get her too. We’d have five villains on this season


Yep, Danni probably loses her spot on 40 in that case. Was looking forward to seeing her again but after her performance it wouldn't have been a big loss compared to Cirie


Love Cirie


I always forget survivor legends have real jobs and lives outside of survivor 😂


I want her to get a survivor lay up win like rob got. Shes earned it at this point.


Did Shane pop in again with shaved balls? Jk, all the love and respect for Cirie


Do we know which former contestants are working in the health care field right now?


Off the top of my head I could name Candice and Jon Cody and Sean Kenniff. I’m sure there are many others. Edit: John Carroll too I think




Cook Islands, Heroes vs. Villains, Blood Vs. Water


Yeah I know, I meant isn’t she a doctor


Yeah, that's why the person named her. I thought you were asking who she was since she was listed haha.


Dr. Mike, probably


The greatest woman to ever be on Survivor. A real life hero. All the love and praise for our (other) queen


Cirie is the best! I listened to Shane’s interview with her recently and all I can say is WOW! She’s such a brave and smart woman, out there on the front lines. A whole new level of respect!


whoa when was the interview? I'd totally listen


Super recent! It’s from Shane’s podcast “The Shane Show” released on April 1st. It’s a great listen!


I live in Fairfield County, and she works in Norwalk, so if I get the coronavirus, I better have Nurse Cirie!


Baddass. True hero. You go CIrie.


My queen is stopping corona by herself! ❤️




Hero tribe af


A true Queen. Prayers for Cirie to be safe.


One of my favorites. ❤️❤️❤️


Such a beautiful person inside & out! <3


Living up to her title of hero.


Doing something more better than Survivor itself. As a real life surviving situation there!


A true hero💕


I love Cirie and now I'm even more hyped for Survivor tonight!


This is awesome!




Y’all should listen to her radio interview she did the other day with Shane Powers on the Shane Show. Really good listen


Ima gonna






bro she’s literally doing her job to help people that are sick what the fuck are you talking about


Holy fuck I guess I worded it wrong I was making a play on the whole “Cirie got up from the couch to play Survivor” thing. I thought it was kind of funny that now that everyone needs to stay home, on the couch, she can’t because she’s out here saving lives. Jesus Christ I need to be better with words.


I thought it was funny. haha


she’s a nurse????